ActionProvider.VisibilityListener |
Listens to changes in visibility as reported by |
DifferentialMotionFlingTarget |
Represents an entity that may be flung by a differential motion or an entity that initiates fling on a target View. |
DragStartHelper.OnDragStartListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a drag start gesture is detected. |
LayoutInflaterFactory |
This interface is deprecated. Use |
MenuHost |
A class that allows you to host and keep track of |
MenuItemCompat.OnActionExpandListener |
This interface is deprecated. Use |
MenuProvider |
Interface for indicating that a component will be supplying |
NestedScrollingChild |
This interface should be implemented by |
NestedScrollingChild2 |
This interface should be implemented by |
NestedScrollingChild3 |
This interface should be implemented by |
NestedScrollingParent |
This interface should be implemented by |
NestedScrollingParent2 |
This interface should be implemented by |
NestedScrollingParent3 |
This interface should be implemented by |
OnApplyWindowInsetsListener |
Listener for applying window insets on a view in a custom way. |
OnReceiveContentListener |
Listener for apps to implement handling for insertion of content. |
OnReceiveContentViewBehavior |
Interface for widgets to implement default behavior for receiving content. |
ScrollingView |
An interface that can be implemented by Views to provide scroll related APIs. |
TintableBackgroundView |
Interface which allows a |
ViewCompat.OnUnhandledKeyEventListenerCompat |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a hardware key event hasn't been handled by the view hierarchy. |
ViewPropertyAnimatorListener |
An animation listener receives notifications from an animation. |
ViewPropertyAnimatorUpdateListener |
Implementors of this interface can add themselves as update listeners to an |
WindowInsetsAnimationControlListenerCompat |
Listener that encapsulates a request to |
WindowInsetsControllerCompat.OnControllableInsetsChangedListener |
Listener to be notified when the set of controllable |
AccessibilityDelegateCompat |
Helper for accessing |
ActionProvider |
This class is a mediator for accomplishing a given task, for example sharing a file. |
ContentInfoCompat |
Holds all the relevant data for a request to |
ContentInfoCompat.Builder |
Builder for |
DifferentialMotionFlingController |
Controller differential motion flings. |
DisplayCompat |
A class for retrieving accurate display modes for a display. |
DisplayCompat.ModeCompat |
Compat class which provides access to the underlying display mode, if there is one, and a more reliable display mode size. |
DisplayCutoutCompat |
Represents the area of the display that is not functional for displaying content. |
DragAndDropPermissionsCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
DragStartHelper |
DragStartHelper is a utility class for implementing drag and drop support. |
GestureDetectorCompat |
This class is deprecated. Use |
GravityCompat |
Compatibility shim for accessing newer functionality from |
HapticFeedbackConstantsCompat |
Helper class for accessing values in |
InputDeviceCompat |
Helper class for accessing values in |
LayoutInflaterCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
MarginLayoutParamsCompat |
This class is deprecated. Use |
MenuCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
MenuHostHelper |
Helper class for implementing |
MenuItemCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
MenuKt |
MotionEventCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
NestedScrollingChildHelper |
Helper class for implementing nested scrolling child views compatible with Android platform versions earlier than Android 5.0 Lollipop (API 21). |
NestedScrollingParentHelper |
Helper class for implementing nested scrolling parent views compatible with Android platform versions earlier than Android 5.0 Lollipop (API 21). |
OneShotPreDrawListener |
An OnPreDrawListener that will remove itself after one OnPreDraw call. |
PointerIconCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
ScaleGestureDetectorCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
ScrollFeedbackProviderCompat |
Compat to access |
SoftwareKeyboardControllerCompat |
Provide controls for showing and hiding the IME. |
VelocityTrackerCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
ViewCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
ViewConfigurationCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
ViewGroupCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
ViewGroupKt |
ViewKt |
ViewParentCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat |
ViewPropertyAnimatorListenerAdapter |
This adapter class provides empty implementations of the methods from |
ViewStructureCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
WindowCompat |
Helper for accessing features in |
WindowInsetsAnimationCompat |
Class representing an animation of a set of windows that cause insets. |
WindowInsetsAnimationCompat.BoundsCompat |
Class representing the range of an |
WindowInsetsAnimationCompat.Callback |
Interface that allows the application to listen to animation events for windows that cause insets. |
WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat |
Controller for app-driven animation of system windows. |
WindowInsetsCompat |
Describes a set of insets for window content. |
WindowInsetsCompat.Builder |
Builder for |
WindowInsetsCompat.Side |
Class that defines different sides for insets. |
WindowInsetsCompat.Type |
Class that defines different types of sources causing window insets. |
WindowInsetsControllerCompat |
Provide simple controls of windows that generate insets. |