
public interface OutcomeReceiverCompat<R, E extends Throwable>

Callback interface intended for use when an asynchronous operation may result in a failure. This interface may be used in cases where an asynchronous API may complete either with a value or with a Throwable that indicates an error.


The type of the result that's being sent.

<E extends Throwable>

The type of the Throwable that contains more information about the error. This interface serves the same purpose as android.os.OutcomeReceiver, but can be used on API versions before 31.


Public methods

default void
onError(@NonNull E error)

Called when the asynchronous operation fails.

abstract void
onResult(R result)

Called when the asynchronous operation succeeds and delivers a result value.

Public methods


Added in 1.16.0-rc01
default void onError(@NonNull E error)

Called when the asynchronous operation fails. The mode of failure is indicated by the Throwable passed as an argument to this method.

@NonNull E error

A subclass of Throwable with more details about the error that occurred.


Added in 1.16.0-rc01
abstract void onResult(R result)

Called when the asynchronous operation succeeds and delivers a result value.

R result

The value delivered by the asynchronous operation.