
Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0

@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER])
@Retention(value = AnnotationRetention.SOURCE)
public annotation InspectableProperty

Denotes that the annotated method is the getter for a resources-backed property that should be shown in Android Studio's inspection tools.


Nested types

@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.ANNOTATION_CLASS, AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
@Retention(value = AnnotationRetention.SOURCE)
public annotation InspectableProperty.EnumEntry

This annotation is deprecated. Replaced by the androidx.resourceinpsection package.

@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.ANNOTATION_CLASS, AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
@Retention(value = AnnotationRetention.SOURCE)
public annotation InspectableProperty.FlagEntry

This annotation is deprecated. Replaced by the androidx.resourceinpsection package.

This enum is deprecated. Replaced by the androidx.resourceinpsection package.

Public constructors

    @NonNull String name,
    int attributeId,
    boolean hasAttributeId,
    @NonNull InspectableProperty.ValueType valueType,
    @NonNull InspectableProperty.EnumEntry[] enumMapping,
    @NonNull InspectableProperty.FlagEntry[] flagMapping

This method is deprecated. Replaced by the androidx.resourceinpsection package.

Public methods

final int

This method is deprecated. Replaced by the androidx.resourceinpsection package.

final @NonNull InspectableProperty.EnumEntry[]

This method is deprecated. Replaced by the androidx.resourceinpsection package.

final @NonNull InspectableProperty.FlagEntry[]

This method is deprecated. Replaced by the androidx.resourceinpsection package.

final boolean

This method is deprecated. Replaced by the androidx.resourceinpsection package.

final @NonNull String

This method is deprecated. Replaced by the androidx.resourceinpsection package.

final @NonNull InspectableProperty.ValueType

This method is deprecated. Replaced by the androidx.resourceinpsection package.

Public constructors


public InspectableProperty(
    @NonNull String name,
    int attributeId,
    boolean hasAttributeId,
    @NonNull InspectableProperty.ValueType valueType,
    @NonNull InspectableProperty.EnumEntry[] enumMapping,
    @NonNull InspectableProperty.FlagEntry[] flagMapping

Public methods


public final int getAttributeId()

If the property is inflated from XML, the resource ID of its XML attribute.

If left as the default, and hasAttributeId is true, the attribute ID will be inferred from name.


The attribute ID of the property or the default null resource ID


public final @NonNull InspectableProperty.EnumEntry[] getEnumMapping()

For enumerations packed into primitive {int} properties, map the values to string names.

Note that #enumMapping() cannot be used simultaneously with flagMapping.

@NonNull InspectableProperty.EnumEntry[]

An array of EnumEntry, empty if not applicable


public final @NonNull InspectableProperty.FlagEntry[] getFlagMapping()

For flags packed into primitive {int} properties, model the string names of the flags.

Note that #flagMapping() cannot be used simultaneously with enumMapping.

@NonNull InspectableProperty.FlagEntry[]

An array of FlagEntry, empty if not applicable


public final boolean getHasAttributeId()

If this property has an attribute ID.

Set to false if the annotated property does not have an attribute ID, that is, it is not inflated from an XML attribute. This will prevent the automatic inference of the attribute.


Whether to infer an attribute ID if not supplied


public final @NonNull String getName()

The name of the property.

If left empty (the default), the property name will be inferred from the name of the getter method.

@NonNull String

The name of the property.


public final @NonNull InspectableProperty.ValueType getValueType()

Specify how to interpret a value type packed into a primitive integer.