public final class CronetEngineWrapper

A wrapper class for a CronetEngine.


Public constructors

Creates a wrapper for a CronetEngine built using the most suitable .

Creates a wrapper for an existing CronetEngine.

    Context context,
    @Nullable String userAgent,
    boolean preferGooglePlayServices

Creates a wrapper for a CronetEngine built using the most suitable .

Public constructors


public CronetEngineWrapper(Context context)

Creates a wrapper for a CronetEngine built using the most suitable . When natively bundled Cronet and GMSCore Cronet are both available, the natively bundled provider is preferred.

Context context

A context.


public CronetEngineWrapper(CronetEngine cronetEngine)

Creates a wrapper for an existing CronetEngine.

CronetEngine cronetEngine

The CronetEngine to wrap.


public CronetEngineWrapper(
    Context context,
    @Nullable String userAgent,
    boolean preferGooglePlayServices

Creates a wrapper for a CronetEngine built using the most suitable . When natively bundled Cronet and GMSCore Cronet are both available, preferGMSCoreCronet determines which is preferred.

Context context

A context.

@Nullable String userAgent

A default user agent, or null to use a default user agent of the CronetEngine.

boolean preferGooglePlayServices

Whether Cronet from Google Play Services should be preferred over Cronet Embedded, if both are available.