
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
public final class ModifiersBuilders.Padding

A modifier to apply padding around an element.


Nested types

Builder for Padding

Public methods

@Nullable DimensionBuilders.DpProp

Gets the padding at the bottom, in DP.

@Nullable DimensionBuilders.DpProp

Gets the padding on the end of the content, depending on the layout direction, in DP and the value of "rtl_aware".

@Nullable TypeBuilders.BoolProp

Gets whether the start/end padding is aware of RTL support.

@Nullable DimensionBuilders.DpProp

Gets the padding on the start of the content, depending on the layout direction, in DP and the value of "rtl_aware".

@Nullable DimensionBuilders.DpProp

Gets the padding at the top, in DP.

@NonNull String

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0
public @Nullable DimensionBuilders.DpProp getBottom()

Gets the padding at the bottom, in DP.


Added in 1.0.0
public @Nullable DimensionBuilders.DpProp getEnd()

Gets the padding on the end of the content, depending on the layout direction, in DP and the value of "rtl_aware".


Added in 1.0.0
public @Nullable TypeBuilders.BoolProp getRtlAware()

Gets whether the start/end padding is aware of RTL support. If true, the values for start/end will follow the layout direction (i.e. start will refer to the right hand side of the container if the device is using an RTL locale). If false, start/end will always map to left/right, accordingly.


Added in 1.0.0
public @Nullable DimensionBuilders.DpProp getStart()

Gets the padding on the start of the content, depending on the layout direction, in DP and the value of "rtl_aware".


Added in 1.0.0
public @Nullable DimensionBuilders.DpProp getTop()

Gets the padding at the top, in DP.


public @NonNull String toString()