
public class NoVarySearchHeader

The No-Vary-Search header specifies a set of rules that define how a URL's query parameters will affect cache matching. These rules dictate whether the same URL with different URL parameters should be saved as separate browser cache entries.

See Doc here to learn more about No-Vary-Search.


Public fields

final @NonNull List<String>

A List of parameters that if present, will cause otherwise identical URLs to be cached as separate entries.

final boolean

A true to indicate the differences in parameters present between otherwise identical URLs will not cause them to be cached as separate entries.

final @NonNull List<String>

A List of parameters that if present, will not cause otherwise identical URLs to be cached as separate entries.

final boolean

If true this indicates that differences in the order of parameters between otherwise identical URLs will cause them to be cached as separate entries.

Public methods

static @NonNull NoVarySearchHeader

Returns No-Vary-Search header that considers all differences in query parameters (i.e. presence and ordering) between otherwise identical URLs in cache matching.

static @NonNull NoVarySearchHeader
    boolean varyOnOrdering,
    @NonNull List<String> consideredQueryParameters

Returns No-Vary-Search header that doesn't consider differences in in query parameters present between otherwise identical URLs in cache matching with the exception of the ones provided in consideredQueryParameters.

static @NonNull NoVarySearchHeader

Returns No-Vary-Search header that doesn't consider any differences in query parameters (i.e. presence or ordering) between otherwise identical URLs in cache matching.

static @NonNull NoVarySearchHeader
    boolean varyOnOrdering,
    @NonNull List<String> ignoredQueryParameters

Returns No-Vary-Search header that considers differences in in query parameters present between otherwise identical URLs in cache matching with the exception of the ones provided in ignoredQueryParameters.

Public fields


Added in 1.13.0
public final @NonNull List<StringconsideredQueryParameters

A List of parameters that if present, will cause otherwise identical URLs to be cached as separate entries. Any parameters present in the URLs that are not included in this list will not affect cache matching.

This list is irrelevant and not used if ignoreDifferencesInParameters is false.


Added in 1.13.0
public final boolean ignoreDifferencesInParameters

A true to indicate the differences in parameters present between otherwise identical URLs will not cause them to be cached as separate entries. false otherwise.


Added in 1.13.0
public final @NonNull List<StringignoredQueryParameters

A List of parameters that if present, will not cause otherwise identical URLs to be cached as separate entries. Any parameters present in the URLs that are not included in this list will affect cache matching.

This list is irrelevant and not used if ignoreDifferencesInParameters is true.


Added in 1.13.0
public final boolean varyOnKeyOrder

If true this indicates that differences in the order of parameters between otherwise identical URLs will cause them to be cached as separate entries.

However, differences in the parameters present will cause them to be cached separately regardless of this flag's value.

To ignore any differences in parameters present for caching see ignoreDifferencesInParameters and ignoredQueryParameters. false otherwise.

Public methods


Added in 1.13.0
public static @NonNull NoVarySearchHeader alwaysVaryHeader()

Returns No-Vary-Search header that considers all differences in query parameters (i.e. presence and ordering) between otherwise identical URLs in cache matching.


Added in 1.13.0
public static @NonNull NoVarySearchHeader neverVaryExcept(
    boolean varyOnOrdering,
    @NonNull List<String> consideredQueryParameters

Returns No-Vary-Search header that doesn't consider differences in in query parameters present between otherwise identical URLs in cache matching with the exception of the ones provided in consideredQueryParameters.

boolean varyOnOrdering

true if the ordering of query parameters should be considered in cache matching, false otherwise.

@NonNull List<String> consideredQueryParameters

the query parameters to consider in cache matching.


Added in 1.13.0
public static @NonNull NoVarySearchHeader neverVaryHeader()

Returns No-Vary-Search header that doesn't consider any differences in query parameters (i.e. presence or ordering) between otherwise identical URLs in cache matching.


Added in 1.13.0
public static @NonNull NoVarySearchHeader varyExcept(
    boolean varyOnOrdering,
    @NonNull List<String> ignoredQueryParameters

Returns No-Vary-Search header that considers differences in in query parameters present between otherwise identical URLs in cache matching with the exception of the ones provided in ignoredQueryParameters.

boolean varyOnOrdering

true if the ordering of query parameters should be considered in cache matching, false otherwise.

@NonNull List<String> ignoredQueryParameters

the query parameters to ignore in cache matching.