public final class EditedMediaItem

A MediaItem with the transformations to apply to it.


Nested types

public final class EditedMediaItem.Builder

A builder for EditedMediaItem instances.

Public fields

final long

The duration of the image in the output video for image MediaItem, or the media duration for other types of MediaItem, in microseconds.

final Effects

The Effects to apply to the mediaItem.

final boolean

Whether to flatten the mediaItem if it contains slow motion markers.

final @IntRange(from = 1) int

The frame rate of the image in the output video, in frames per second.

final MediaItem

The MediaItem on which transformations are applied.

final boolean

Whether to remove the audio from the mediaItem.

final boolean

Whether to remove the video from the mediaItem.

Public methods


Returns a Builder initialized with the values of this instance.

Public fields


public final long durationUs

The duration of the image in the output video for image MediaItem, or the media duration for other types of MediaItem, in microseconds.


public final Effects effects

The Effects to apply to the mediaItem.


public final boolean flattenForSlowMotion

Whether to flatten the mediaItem if it contains slow motion markers.

The flattened output is obtained by removing the slow motion metadata and by actually slowing down the parts of the video and audio streams defined in this metadata.

Only Samsung Extension Format (SEF) slow motion metadata type is supported. Flattening has no effect if the input does not contain this metadata type.

For SEF slow motion media, the following assumptions are made on the input:

  • The input container format is (unfragmented) MP4.
  • The input contains an AVC video elementary stream with temporal SVC.
  • The recording frame rate of the video is 120 or 240 fps.


public final @IntRange(from = 1) int frameRate

The frame rate of the image in the output video, in frames per second.


public final MediaItem mediaItem

The MediaItem on which transformations are applied.


public final boolean removeAudio

Whether to remove the audio from the mediaItem.


public final boolean removeVideo

Whether to remove the video from the mediaItem.

Public methods


public EditedMediaItem.Builder buildUpon()

Returns a Builder initialized with the values of this instance.