
public abstract class ActivityResultRegistry

A registry that stores activity result callbacks for registered calls.

You can create your own instance for testing by overriding onLaunch and calling dispatchResult immediately within it, thus skipping the actual Activity.startActivityForResult call.

When testing, make sure to explicitly provide a registry instance whenever calling ActivityResultCaller.registerForActivityResult, to be able to inject a test instance.


Public constructors

Public methods

final boolean
<O extends Object> dispatchResult(int requestCode, @NonNull O result)

Dispatch a result object to the callback on record.

final boolean
dispatchResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)

Dispatch a result received via Activity.onActivityResult to the callback on record, or store the result if callback was not yet registered.

abstract void
<I extends Object, O extends Object> onLaunch(
    int requestCode,
    @NonNull ActivityResultContract<@NonNull I, @NonNull O> contract,
    @NonNull I input,
    ActivityOptionsCompat options

Start the process of executing an ActivityResultContract in a type-safe way, using the provided contract.

final void
onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState)

Restore the state of this registry from the given Bundle

final void

Save the state of this registry in the given Bundle

final @NonNull ActivityResultLauncher<@NonNull I>
<I extends Object, O extends Object> register(
    @NonNull String key,
    @NonNull ActivityResultContract<@NonNull I, @NonNull O> contract,
    @NonNull ActivityResultCallback<@NonNull O> callback

Register a new callback with this registry.

final @NonNull ActivityResultLauncher<@NonNull I>
<I extends Object, O extends Object> register(
    @NonNull String key,
    @NonNull LifecycleOwner lifecycleOwner,
    @NonNull ActivityResultContract<@NonNull I, @NonNull O> contract,
    @NonNull ActivityResultCallback<@NonNull O> callback

Register a new callback with this registry.

Public constructors


Added in 1.2.0
public ActivityResultRegistry()

Public methods


Added in 1.2.0
public final boolean <O extends Object> dispatchResult(int requestCode, @NonNull O result)

Dispatch a result object to the callback on record.

int requestCode

request code to identify the callback

@NonNull O result

the result to propagate


true if there is a callback registered for the given request code, false otherwise.


Added in 1.2.0
public final boolean dispatchResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)

Dispatch a result received via Activity.onActivityResult to the callback on record, or store the result if callback was not yet registered.

int requestCode

request code to identify the callback

int resultCode

status to indicate the success of the operation

Intent data

an intent that carries the result data


whether there was a callback was registered for the given request code which was or will be called.


Added in 1.2.0
public abstract void <I extends Object, O extends Object> onLaunch(
    int requestCode,
    @NonNull ActivityResultContract<@NonNull I, @NonNull O> contract,
    @NonNull I input,
    ActivityOptionsCompat options

Start the process of executing an ActivityResultContract in a type-safe way, using the provided contract.

int requestCode

request code to use

@NonNull ActivityResultContract<@NonNull I, @NonNull O> contract

contract to use for type conversions

@NonNull I input

input required to execute an ActivityResultContract.

ActivityOptionsCompat options

Additional options for how the Activity should be started.


Added in 1.2.0
public final void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState)

Restore the state of this registry from the given Bundle

Bundle savedInstanceState

the place to restore from


Added in 1.2.0
public final void onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle outState)

Save the state of this registry in the given Bundle

@NonNull Bundle outState

the place to put state into


Added in 1.2.0
public final @NonNull ActivityResultLauncher<@NonNull I> <I extends Object, O extends Object> register(
    @NonNull String key,
    @NonNull ActivityResultContract<@NonNull I, @NonNull O> contract,
    @NonNull ActivityResultCallback<@NonNull O> callback

Register a new callback with this registry.

This is normally called by a higher level convenience methods like ActivityResultCaller.registerForActivityResult.

When calling this, you must call ActivityResultLauncher.unregister on the returned ActivityResultLauncher when the launcher is no longer needed to release any values that might be captured in the registered callback.

@NonNull String key

a unique string key identifying this call

@NonNull ActivityResultContract<@NonNull I, @NonNull O> contract

the contract specifying input/output types of the call

@NonNull ActivityResultCallback<@NonNull O> callback

the activity result callback

@NonNull ActivityResultLauncher<@NonNull I>

a launcher that can be used to execute an ActivityResultContract.


Added in 1.2.0
public final @NonNull ActivityResultLauncher<@NonNull I> <I extends Object, O extends Object> register(
    @NonNull String key,
    @NonNull LifecycleOwner lifecycleOwner,
    @NonNull ActivityResultContract<@NonNull I, @NonNull O> contract,
    @NonNull ActivityResultCallback<@NonNull O> callback

Register a new callback with this registry.

This is normally called by a higher level convenience methods like ActivityResultCaller.registerForActivityResult.

@NonNull String key

a unique string key identifying this call

@NonNull LifecycleOwner lifecycleOwner

a LifecycleOwner that makes this call.

@NonNull ActivityResultContract<@NonNull I, @NonNull O> contract

the contract specifying input/output types of the call

@NonNull ActivityResultCallback<@NonNull O> callback

the activity result callback

@NonNull ActivityResultLauncher<@NonNull I>

a launcher that can be used to execute an ActivityResultContract.