
public final class RawResourceDataSource extends BaseDataSource

A DataSource for reading a raw resource.

URIs supported by this source are:

  • android.resource://[package]/id, where package is the name of the package in which the resource is located and id is the integer identifier of the resource. package is optional, its default value is the package of this application.
  • android.resource://[package]/[type/]name, where package is the name of the package in which the resource is located, type is the resource type and name is the resource name. The package and the type are optional. Their default value is the package of this application and "raw", respectively. Using the other form is more efficient.

If package is specified in either of the above URI forms, it must be visible to the current application.

Supported Uri instances can be built as follows:



Nested types

Thrown when an IOException is encountered reading from a raw resource.


static final String
RAW_RESOURCE_SCHEME = "rawresource"

This field is deprecated.


Public constructors

Public methods

static Uri
buildRawResourceUri(int rawResourceId)

This method is deprecated.

Use new Uri.Builder().scheme(ContentResolver.SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE).path(Integer.toString(rawResourceId)).build() instead.


Closes the source.

@Nullable Uri

When the source is open, returns the Uri from which data is being read.

open(DataSpec dataSpec)

Opens the source to read the specified data.

read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)

Reads up to length bytes of data from the input.

Inherited methods

From androidx.media3.datasource.BaseDataSource
final void

Adds a TransferListener to listen to data transfers.

final void
bytesTransferred(int bytesTransferred)

Notifies listeners that bytes were transferred.

final void

Notifies listeners that a transfer ended.

final void

Notifies listeners that data transfer for the specified DataSpec is being initialized.

final void

Notifies listeners that data transfer for the specified DataSpec started.

From androidx.media3.datasource.DataSource

When the source is open, returns the response headers associated with the last open call.



public static final String RAW_RESOURCE_SCHEME = "rawresource"

Public constructors


public RawResourceDataSource(Context context)
Context context

A context.

Public methods


public static Uri buildRawResourceUri(int rawResourceId)


public void close()

Closes the source. This method must be called even if the corresponding call to open threw an IOException.


public @Nullable Uri getUri()

When the source is open, returns the Uri from which data is being read. The returned Uri will be identical to the one passed open in the DataSpec unless redirection has occurred. If redirection has occurred, the Uri after redirection is returned.

@Nullable Uri

The Uri from which data is being read, or null if the source is not open.


public long open(DataSpec dataSpec)

Opens the source to read the specified data. If an IOException is thrown, callers must still call close to ensure that any partial effects of the invocation are cleaned up.

The following edge case behaviors apply:

DataSpec dataSpec

Defines the data to be read.


The number of bytes that can be read from the opened source. For unbounded requests (i.e., requests where length equals LENGTH_UNSET) this value is the resolved length of the request, or LENGTH_UNSET if the length is still unresolved. For all other requests, the value returned will be equal to the request's length.


If an error occurs opening the source. DataSourceException can be thrown or used as a cause of the thrown exception to specify the reason of the error.



public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)

Reads up to length bytes of data from the input.

If readLength is zero then 0 is returned. Otherwise, if no data is available because the end of the opened range has been reached, then RESULT_END_OF_INPUT is returned. Otherwise, the call will block until at least one byte of data has been read and the number of bytes read is returned.

byte[] buffer

A target array into which data should be written.

int offset

The offset into the target array at which to write.

int length

The maximum number of bytes to read from the input.


The number of bytes read, or RESULT_END_OF_INPUT if the input has ended. This may be less than length because the end of the input (or available data) was reached, the method was interrupted, or the operation was aborted early for another reason.