OnLifecycleEvent |
This annotation is deprecated. This annotation required the usage of code generation or reflection, which should be avoided. |
DefaultLifecycleObserver |
Callback interface for listening to |
HasDefaultViewModelProviderFactory |
Interface that marks a |
LifecycleEventObserver |
Class that can receive any lifecycle change and dispatch it to the receiver. |
LifecycleObserver |
Marks a class as a LifecycleObserver. |
LifecycleOwner |
A class that has an Android lifecycle. |
LifecycleRegistryOwner |
This interface is deprecated. Use |
LiveDataScope |
Interface that allows controlling a |
Observer |
A simple callback that can receive from |
ViewModelProvider.Factory |
Implementations of |
ViewModelStoreOwner |
A scope that owns |
AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory |
This class is deprecated. Use `viewModelFactory` or implement `ViewModelProvider.Factory`, combined with `CreationExtras.createSavedStateHandle()`. |
AndroidViewModel |
Application context aware |
AndroidViewModelKt |
CoroutineLiveDataKt |
FlowExtKt |
FlowLiveDataConversions |
Lifecycle |
Defines an object that has an Android Lifecycle. and classes implement |
LifecycleCoroutineScope |
LifecycleKt |
LifecycleOwnerKt |
LifecycleRegistry |
An implementation of |
LifecycleService |
A Service that is also a |
LiveData |
LiveData is a data holder class that can be observed within a given lifecycle. |
LiveDataKt |
LiveDataReactiveStreams |
MediatorLiveData |
MutableLiveData |
PausingDispatcherKt |
ProcessLifecycleInitializer |
Initializes |
ProcessLifecycleOwner |
Class that provides lifecycle for the whole application process. |
RepeatOnLifecycleKt |
SavedStateHandle |
A handle to saved state passed down to |
SavedStateHandleSupport |
SavedStateViewModelFactory |
ServiceLifecycleDispatcher |
Helper class to dispatch lifecycle events for a Service. |
Transformations |
ViewModel |
ViewModel is a class that is responsible for preparing and managing the data for an androidx.activity.ComponentActivity or a |
ViewModelKt |
ViewModelLazy |
An implementation of |
ViewModelProvider |
A utility class that provides |
ViewModelProvider.AndroidViewModelFactory |
ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory |
Simple factory, which calls empty constructor on the give class. |
ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory |
Simple factory, which calls empty constructor on the give class. |
ViewModelProviderGetKt |
ViewModelProviders |
This class is deprecated. Use the constructors for |
ViewModelProviders.DefaultFactory |
This class is deprecated. Use ViewModelProvider.AndroidViewModelFactory |
ViewModelStore |
Class to store |
ViewModelStores |
This class is deprecated. Use |
ViewTreeLifecycleOwner |
ViewTreeViewModelStoreOwner |
WithLifecycleStateKt |
SavedStateHandle.Companion |
ViewModelProvider.Companion |
ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory.Companion |
Lifecycle.Event |
Lifecycle.State |
Lifecycle states. |
LifecycleDestroyedException |
A |