
Note: As of July 10, 2024, watch faces must use the Watch Face Format in order to be installed on new watches that launch with Wear OS 5 pre-installed. Learn more about the user-facing changes in this Help Center article.

Additionally, starting in early 2025 (specific date to be announced during Q4 2024), all new watch faces published on Google Play must use the Watch Face Format.

public final class ComplicationDataSourceInfoRetriever implements AutoCloseable

Retrieves Result for a watch face's complications.

To use construct an instance and call retrieveComplicationDataSourceInfo which returns an array of Result objects.

Further calls to retrieveComplicationDataSourceInfo may be made using the same instance of this class, but close must be called when it is no longer needed. Once release has been called, further retrieval attempts will fail.


Nested types

Results for retrieveComplicationDataSourceInfo.

Exception thrown if the service disconnects.

Public constructors

Public methods


Releases the connection to the complication system used by this class.

final ComplicationDataSourceInfoRetriever.Result[]
    @NonNull ComponentName watchFaceComponent,
    @NonNull int[] watchFaceComplicationIds

Requests Result for the specified complication ids on the specified watch face.

final ComplicationData
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    @NonNull ComponentName complicationDataSourceComponent,
    @NonNull ComplicationType complicationType

Requests preview ComplicationData for a complication data source ComponentName and ComplicationType.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
public ComplicationDataSourceInfoRetriever(@NonNull Context context)
@NonNull Context context

the current context

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0
public void close()

Releases the connection to the complication system used by this class. This must be called when the retriever is no longer needed.

Any outstanding or subsequent futures returned by retrieveComplicationDataSourceInfo will resolve with null.

This class implements the Java AutoClosable interface and may be used with try-with-resources.


public final ComplicationDataSourceInfoRetriever.Result[] retrieveComplicationDataSourceInfo(
    @NonNull ComponentName watchFaceComponent,
    @NonNull int[] watchFaceComplicationIds

Requests Result for the specified complication ids on the specified watch face. When the info is received, the listener will receive a callback for each id. These callbacks will occur on the main thread.

This will only work if the package of the current app is the same as the package of the specified watch face.

@NonNull ComponentName watchFaceComponent

the ComponentName of the WatchFaceService for which info is being requested

@NonNull int[] watchFaceComplicationIds

ids of the complications that info is being requested for


An array of Result. If the look up fails null will be returned.


@RequiresApi(value = 30)
public final ComplicationData retrievePreviewComplicationData(
    @NonNull ComponentName complicationDataSourceComponent,
    @NonNull ComplicationType complicationType

Requests preview ComplicationData for a complication data source ComponentName and ComplicationType. Note if null is returned ComplicationDataSourceInfo.fallbackPreviewData can be used to generate fallback preview data based on the name and icon of the provider.

@NonNull ComponentName complicationDataSourceComponent

The ComponentName of the complication data source from which preview data is requested.

@NonNull ComplicationType complicationType

The requested ComplicationType for the preview data.


The preview ComplicationData or null if the complication data source component doesn't exist, or if it doesn't support complicationType, or if the remote service doesn't support this API.