
@Retention(value = AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME)
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
public annotation PrivacySandboxCallback

Annotated callbacks that can be passed to an SDK running in the Privacy Sandbox.

These can be used to provide the SDK with a channel to invoke app code, e.g. listeners. They should be public interfaces that only declare functions without implementation, and they may not extend any other interface. Callbacks run in the main thread by default.

The allowed types and return types are the same as for PrivacySandboxInterface.

Usage example:

MyCallback {
fun onComplete(response: Response)
fun onClick(x: Int, y: Int)
fun onCompleteInterface(myInterface: MyInterface)
suspend fun getCallbackId(): String


Public constructors

Public constructors


public PrivacySandboxCallback()