
@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
@Target(value = [ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE])
public annotation SmallTest

Annotation to assign a small test size qualifier to a test. This annotation can be used at the method or class level.

Test size qualifiers are a great way to structure test code and are used to assign a test to a suite of tests that have similar run times.

Execution time: <200ms

Small tests should be run very frequently, focused on units of code to verify specific logical conditions. Tests should run in an isolated environment and use fake objects for external dependencies. Resource access (for example, to the file system, network, or databases) is not permitted. Tests that interact with hardware, make binder calls, or facilitate android instrumentation should not use this annotation.

Note: This class replaces the deprecated Android platform size qualifier android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest and is the recommended way to annotate tests written with the AndroidX Test libraries.