
public final class RxRoom

Helper class to add RxJava3 support to Room.



static final @NonNull Object

Data dispatched by the publisher created by createFlowable.

Public methods

static @NonNull Flowable<Object>
    @NonNull RoomDatabase database,
    @NonNull String[] tableNames

Creates a Flowable that emits at least once and also re-emits whenever one of the observed tables is updated.

static @NonNull Observable<Object>
    @NonNull RoomDatabase database,
    @NonNull String[] tableNames

Creates a Observable that emits at least once and also re-emits whenever one of the observed tables is updated.



Added in 2.3.0
public static final @NonNull Object NOTHING

Data dispatched by the publisher created by createFlowable.

Public methods


public static @NonNull Flowable<ObjectcreateFlowable(
    @NonNull RoomDatabase database,
    @NonNull String[] tableNames

Creates a Flowable that emits at least once and also re-emits whenever one of the observed tables is updated.

You can easily chain a database operation to downstream of this Flowable to ensure that it re-runs when database is modified.

Since database invalidation is batched, multiple changes in the database may results in just 1 emission.

@NonNull RoomDatabase database

The database instance

@NonNull String[] tableNames

The list of table names that should be observed

@NonNull Flowable<Object>

A Flowable which emits NOTHING when one of the observed tables is modified (also once when the invalidation tracker connection is established).


public static @NonNull Observable<ObjectcreateObservable(
    @NonNull RoomDatabase database,
    @NonNull String[] tableNames

Creates a Observable that emits at least once and also re-emits whenever one of the observed tables is updated.

You can easily chain a database operation to downstream of this Observable to ensure that it re-runs when database is modified.

Since database invalidation is batched, multiple changes in the database may results in just 1 emission.

@NonNull RoomDatabase database

The database instance

@NonNull String[] tableNames

The list of table names that should be observed

@NonNull Observable<Object>

A Observable which emits NOTHING when one of the observed tables is modified (also once when the invalidation tracker connection is established).