
public class PlaybackControlsRow.MoreActions extends Action

An action displaying an icon for "more actions".


Public constructors


Inherited Constants

From androidx.leanback.widget.Action
static final long
NO_ID = -1

Indicates that an id has not been set.

Inherited methods

From androidx.leanback.widget.Action
final void
addKeyCode(int keyCode)

Adds a keycode used to invoke this Action.

final @Nullable Drawable

Returns the icon drawable for this Action.

final long

Returns the id for this Action.

final @Nullable CharSequence

Returns the first line label for this Action.

final @Nullable CharSequence

Returns the second line label for this Action.

final void
removeKeyCode(int keyCode)

Removes a keycode used to invoke this Action.

final boolean
respondsToKeyCode(int keyCode)

Returns true if the Action should respond to the given keycode.

final void

Sets the icon drawable for this Action.

final void
setId(long id)

Sets the id for this Action.

final void

Sets the first line label for this Action.

final void

Sets the second line label for this Action.

@NonNull String

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0
public MoreActions(Context context)


Context context

Context used for loading resources.