
@RequiresApi(value = 19)
public abstract class SliceManager

Class to handle interactions with Slices.

The SliceViewManager manages permissions and pinned state for slices.


Public methods

abstract int
checkSlicePermission(@NonNull Uri uri, int pid, int uid)

Determine whether a particular process and user ID has been granted permission to access a specific slice URI.

static @NonNull SliceManager

Get a SliceManager.

abstract @NonNull List<Uri>

Get the list of currently pinned slices for this app.

abstract void

Grant permission to access a specific slice Uri to another package.

abstract void

Remove permissions to access a particular content provider Uri that were previously added with grantSlicePermission for a specific target package.

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
public abstract int checkSlicePermission(@NonNull Uri uri, int pid, int uid)

Determine whether a particular process and user ID has been granted permission to access a specific slice URI.

@NonNull Uri uri

The uri that is being checked.

int pid

The process ID being checked against. Must be >0.

int uid

The user ID being checked against. A uid of 0 is the root user, which will pass every permission check.


PERMISSION_GRANTED if the given pid/uid is allowed to access that uri, or PERMISSION_DENIED if it is not.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
public static @NonNull SliceManager getInstance(@NonNull Context context)

Get a SliceManager.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
public abstract @NonNull List<UrigetPinnedSlices()

Get the list of currently pinned slices for this app.

See also


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
public abstract void grantSlicePermission(@NonNull String toPackage, @NonNull Uri uri)

Grant permission to access a specific slice Uri to another package.

@NonNull String toPackage

The package you would like to allow to access the Uri.

@NonNull Uri uri

The Uri you would like to grant access to.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha02
public abstract void revokeSlicePermission(@NonNull String toPackage, @NonNull Uri uri)

Remove permissions to access a particular content provider Uri that were previously added with grantSlicePermission for a specific target package. The given Uri will match all previously granted Uris that are the same or a sub-path of the given Uri. That is, revoking "content://foo/target" will revoke both "content://foo/target" and "content://foo/target/sub", but not "content://foo". It will not remove any prefix grants that exist at a higher level.

@NonNull String toPackage

The package you would like to allow to access the Uri.

@NonNull Uri uri

The Uri you would like to revoke access to.