
@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
@Target(value = [ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE])
public annotation MediumTest

Annotation to assign a medium test size qualifier to a test. This annotation can be used at the method or class level.

Test size qualifiers are a great way to structure test code and are used to assign a test to a suite of tests that have similar run times.

Execution time: <1000ms

Medium tests should be focused on a very limited subset of components or a single component. Resource access to the file system through well-defined interfaces like databases, , or android.content.Context is permitted. Network access should be restricted. Long-running or blocking operations should be avoided. Use fake objects instead.

Note: This class replaces the deprecated Android platform size qualifier android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest and is the recommended way to annotate tests written with the AndroidX Test libraries.