
public interface HlsInterstitialsAdsLoader.Listener

A listener to be notified of events emitted by the ads loader.


Public methods

default void
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    int adGroupIndex,
    int adIndexInAdGroup

Called when an ad period has completed playback and transitioned to the following ad or content period, or the playlist ended.

default void
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    Timeline hlsContentTimeline

Called when the timeline of the content media source has changed.

default void
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    int adGroupIndex,
    int adIndexInAdGroup,
    Metadata metadata

Called when Metadata is emitted by the player during an ad period of an active HLS media item.

default void
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    int adGroupIndex,
    int adIndexInAdGroup

Called when preparation of an ad period has completed successfully.

default void
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    int adGroupIndex,
    int adIndexInAdGroup,
    IOException exception

Called when preparation of an ad period failed.

default void
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    AdViewProvider adViewProvider

Called when the ads loader was started for the given HLS media item and ads ID.

default void
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState

Called when the ads loader was stopped for the given HLS media item.

Public methods


default void onAdCompleted(
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    int adGroupIndex,
    int adIndexInAdGroup

Called when an ad period has completed playback and transitioned to the following ad or content period, or the playlist ended.

MediaItem mediaItem

The MediaItem of the content media source.

Object adsId

The ads ID of the ads media source.

int adGroupIndex

The index of the ad group in the ad media source.

int adIndexInAdGroup

The index of the ad in the ad group.


default void onContentTimelineChanged(
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    Timeline hlsContentTimeline

Called when the timeline of the content media source has changed. The HlsManifest of the content source can be accessed through manifest.

MediaItem mediaItem

The MediaItem of the content media source.

Object adsId

The ads ID of the ads media source.

Timeline hlsContentTimeline

The latest Timeline.


default void onMetadata(
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    int adGroupIndex,
    int adIndexInAdGroup,
    Metadata metadata

Called when Metadata is emitted by the player during an ad period of an active HLS media item.

MediaItem mediaItem

The MediaItem of the content media source.

Object adsId

The ads ID of the ads media source.

int adGroupIndex

The index of the ad group in the ad media source.

int adIndexInAdGroup

The index of the ad in the ad group.

Metadata metadata

The emitted Metadata.


default void onPrepareCompleted(
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    int adGroupIndex,
    int adIndexInAdGroup

Called when preparation of an ad period has completed successfully.

MediaItem mediaItem

The MediaItem of the content media source.

Object adsId

The ads ID of the ads media source.

int adGroupIndex

The index of the ad group in the ad media source.

int adIndexInAdGroup

The index of the ad in the ad group.


default void onPrepareError(
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    int adGroupIndex,
    int adIndexInAdGroup,
    IOException exception

Called when preparation of an ad period failed.

MediaItem mediaItem

The MediaItem of the content media source.

Object adsId

The ads ID of the ads media source.

int adGroupIndex

The index of the ad group in the ad media source.

int adIndexInAdGroup

The index of the ad in the ad group.

IOException exception

The IOException thrown when preparing.


default void onStart(
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    AdViewProvider adViewProvider

Called when the ads loader was started for the given HLS media item and ads ID.

MediaItem mediaItem

The MediaItem of the content media source.

Object adsId

The ads ID of the ads media source.

AdViewProvider adViewProvider

Provider of views for the ad UI.


default void onStop(
    MediaItem mediaItem,
    Object adsId,
    AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState

Called when the ads loader was stopped for the given HLS media item.

MediaItem mediaItem

The MediaItem of the content media source.

Object adsId

The ads ID of the ads media source.

AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState

The AdPlaybackState after the ad media source was released.