Added in API level 1


open class MockContext : Context
   ↳ android.content.Context
   ↳ android.test.mock.MockContext

A mock android.content.Context class. All methods are non-functional and throw java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException. You can use this to inject other dependencies, mocks, or monitors into the classes you are testing.


Inherited constants
Public constructors

Public methods
open Boolean
bindIsolatedService(service: Intent, flags: Int, instanceName: String, executor: Executor, conn: ServiceConnection)

open Boolean
bindService(service: Intent, conn: ServiceConnection, flags: Int)

open Boolean
bindService(service: Intent, flags: Int, executor: Executor, conn: ServiceConnection)

open Int

open Int

open Int

open Int
checkCallingUriPermission(uri: Uri!, modeFlags: Int)

open Int
checkPermission(permission: String, pid: Int, uid: Int)

open Int

open Int
checkUriPermission(uri: Uri!, pid: Int, uid: Int, modeFlags: Int)

open Int
checkUriPermission(uri: Uri?, readPermission: String?, writePermission: String?, pid: Int, uid: Int, modeFlags: Int)

open Unit

open Context!
createConfigurationContext(overrideConfiguration: Configuration)

open Context

Returns a new Context object from the current context but with device association given by the deviceId.

open Context!

open Context!

open Context!
createPackageContext(packageName: String!, flags: Int)

open Context
createWindowContext(display: Display, type: Int, options: Bundle?)

Creates a Context for a non-activity window on the given Display.

open Context
createWindowContext(type: Int, options: Bundle?)

Creates a Context for a non-activity window.

open Array<String!>!

open Boolean

open Boolean

open Boolean

open Unit
enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(permission: String, message: String?)

open Unit
enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission(uri: Uri!, modeFlags: Int, message: String!)

open Unit
enforceCallingPermission(permission: String, message: String?)

open Unit
enforceCallingUriPermission(uri: Uri!, modeFlags: Int, message: String!)

open Unit
enforcePermission(permission: String, pid: Int, uid: Int, message: String?)

open Unit
enforceUriPermission(uri: Uri!, pid: Int, uid: Int, modeFlags: Int, message: String!)

open Unit
enforceUriPermission(uri: Uri?, readPermission: String?, writePermission: String?, pid: Int, uid: Int, modeFlags: Int, message: String?)

open Array<String!>!

open Context!

open ApplicationInfo!

open AssetManager!

open File!

open ClassLoader!

open File!

open ContentResolver!

open File!

open File!

open Int

open File!
getDir(name: String!, mode: Int)

open Display

open File?

open Array<File!>!

open File?

open Array<File!>!

open Array<File!>!

open File!

open File!

open Executor!

open Looper!

open File!

open File!

open Array<File!>!

open String!

open PackageManager!

open String!

open String!

open Resources!

open SharedPreferences!

open Any!

open String?
getSystemServiceName(serviceClass: Class<*>)

open Resources.Theme!

open Drawable!

open Int

open Int

open Unit
grantUriPermission(toPackage: String!, uri: Uri!, modeFlags: Int)

open Boolean

open Boolean

open Boolean


open Boolean
moveDatabaseFrom(sourceContext: Context!, name: String!)

open Boolean
moveSharedPreferencesFrom(sourceContext: Context!, name: String!)

open FileInputStream!

open FileOutputStream!
openFileOutput(name: String!, mode: Int)

open SQLiteDatabase!

open SQLiteDatabase!

open Drawable!

open Intent?

open Intent?
registerReceiver(receiver: BroadcastReceiver?, filter: IntentFilter!, flags: Int)

open Intent?
registerReceiver(receiver: BroadcastReceiver!, filter: IntentFilter!, broadcastPermission: String?, scheduler: Handler?)

open Intent?
registerReceiver(receiver: BroadcastReceiver!, filter: IntentFilter!, broadcastPermission: String?, scheduler: Handler?, flags: Int)

open Unit

open Unit

open Unit
revokeUriPermission(uri: Uri!, modeFlags: Int)

open Unit
revokeUriPermission(targetPackage: String!, uri: Uri!, modeFlags: Int)

open Unit

open Unit
sendBroadcast(intent: Intent!, receiverPermission: String?)

open Unit

open Unit
sendBroadcastAsUser(intent: Intent!, user: UserHandle!, receiverPermission: String?)

open Unit
sendOrderedBroadcast(intent: Intent!, receiverPermission: String?)

open Unit
sendOrderedBroadcast(intent: Intent, receiverPermission: String?, resultReceiver: BroadcastReceiver?, scheduler: Handler?, initialCode: Int, initialData: String?, initialExtras: Bundle?)

open Unit
sendOrderedBroadcast(intent: Intent, receiverPermission: String?, receiverAppOp: String?, resultReceiver: BroadcastReceiver?, scheduler: Handler?, initialCode: Int, initialData: String?, initialExtras: Bundle?)

open Unit
sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser(intent: Intent!, user: UserHandle!, receiverPermission: String?, resultReceiver: BroadcastReceiver!, scheduler: Handler?, initialCode: Int, initialData: String?, initialExtras: Bundle?)

open Unit

open Unit
sendStickyBroadcast(intent: Intent, options: Bundle?)

open Unit

open Unit
sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(intent: Intent!, resultReceiver: BroadcastReceiver!, scheduler: Handler?, initialCode: Int, initialData: String?, initialExtras: Bundle?)

open Unit
sendStickyOrderedBroadcastAsUser(intent: Intent!, user: UserHandle!, resultReceiver: BroadcastReceiver!, scheduler: Handler?, initialCode: Int, initialData: String?, initialExtras: Bundle?)

open Unit
setTheme(resid: Int)

open Unit
setWallpaper(bitmap: Bitmap!)

open Unit

open Unit

open Unit
startActivities(intents: Array<Intent!>!, options: Bundle!)

open Unit

open Unit
startActivity(intent: Intent!, options: Bundle?)

open ComponentName?

open Boolean
startInstrumentation(className: ComponentName, profileFile: String?, arguments: Bundle?)

open Unit
startIntentSender(intent: IntentSender!, fillInIntent: Intent?, flagsMask: Int, flagsValues: Int, extraFlags: Int)

open Unit
startIntentSender(intent: IntentSender!, fillInIntent: Intent?, flagsMask: Int, flagsValues: Int, extraFlags: Int, options: Bundle?)

open ComponentName?
startService(service: Intent!)

open Boolean
stopService(service: Intent!)

open Unit

open Unit

open Unit
updateServiceGroup(conn: ServiceConnection, group: Int, importance: Int)

Inherited functions

Public constructors



Public methods


Added in API level 29
open fun bindIsolatedService(
    service: Intent,
    flags: Int,
    instanceName: String,
    executor: Executor,
    conn: ServiceConnection
): Boolean
service Intent: Identifies the service to connect to. The Intent must specify an explicit component name. This value cannot be null.
flags Int: Operation options for the binding as per #bindService.
instanceName String: Unique identifier for the service instance. Each unique name here will result in a different service instance being created. Identifiers must only contain ASCII letters, digits, underscores, and periods. This value cannot be null.
executor Executor: Callbacks on ServiceConnection will be called on executor. Must use same instance for the same instance of ServiceConnection. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread.
conn ServiceConnection: Receives information as the service is started and stopped. This must be a valid ServiceConnection object; it must not be null.
Boolean Returns success of binding as per #bindService.
java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have permission to access the service
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If the instanceName is invalid.


Added in API level 1
open fun bindService(
    service: Intent,
    conn: ServiceConnection,
    flags: Int
): Boolean
service Intent: Identifies the service to connect to. The Intent must specify an explicit component name. This value cannot be null.
conn ServiceConnection: Receives information as the service is started and stopped. This must be a valid ServiceConnection object; it must not be null.
flags Int: Operation options for the binding. Can be:
Boolean true if the system is in the process of bringing up a service that your client has permission to bind to; false if the system couldn't find the service or if your client doesn't have permission to bind to it. Regardless of the return value, you should later call unbindService to release the connection.
java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have permission to access the service or the service cannot be found. Call unbindService to release the connection when this exception is thrown.


Added in API level 29
open fun bindService(
    service: Intent,
    flags: Int,
    executor: Executor,
    conn: ServiceConnection
): Boolean
executor Executor: Callbacks on ServiceConnection will be called on executor. Must use same instance for the same instance of ServiceConnection. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread.
service Intent: This value cannot be null.
flags Int: Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Context#BIND_AUTO_CREATE, android.content.Context#BIND_DEBUG_UNBIND, android.content.Context#BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND, android.content.Context#BIND_ABOVE_CLIENT, android.content.Context#BIND_ALLOW_OOM_MANAGEMENT, android.content.Context#BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY, android.content.Context#BIND_IMPORTANT, android.content.Context#BIND_ADJUST_WITH_ACTIVITY, android.content.Context#BIND_NOT_PERCEPTIBLE, android.content.Context#BIND_ALLOW_ACTIVITY_STARTS, android.content.Context#BIND_INCLUDE_CAPABILITIES, android.content.Context#BIND_SHARED_ISOLATED_PROCESS, android.content.Context#BIND_PACKAGE_ISOLATED_PROCESS, and android.content.Context#BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE
conn ServiceConnection: This value cannot be null.
Boolean The result of the binding as described in bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection, int).


Added in API level 1
open fun checkCallingOrSelfPermission(permission: String): Int
permission String: The name of the permission being checked. This value cannot be null.
Int PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED if the calling pid/uid is allowed that permission, or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED if it is not. Value is, or


Added in API level 1
open fun checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission(
    uri: Uri!,
    modeFlags: Int
): Int
uri Uri!: The uri that is being checked.
modeFlags Int: The access modes to check. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
Int PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED if the caller is allowed to access that uri, or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED if it is not. Value is, or


Added in API level 1
open fun checkCallingPermission(permission: String): Int
permission String: The name of the permission being checked. This value cannot be null.
Int PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED if the calling pid/uid is allowed that permission, or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED if it is not. Value is, or


Added in API level 1
open fun checkCallingUriPermission(
    uri: Uri!,
    modeFlags: Int
): Int
uri Uri!: The uri that is being checked.
modeFlags Int: The access modes to check. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
Int PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED if the caller is allowed to access that uri, or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED if it is not. Value is, or


Added in API level 1
open fun checkPermission(
    permission: String,
    pid: Int,
    uid: Int
): Int
permission String: The name of the permission being checked. This value cannot be null.
pid Int: The process ID being checked against. Must be > 0.
uid Int: The UID being checked against. A uid of 0 is the root user, which will pass every permission check.
Int PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED if the given pid/uid is allowed that permission, or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED if it is not. Value is, or


Added in API level 23
open fun checkSelfPermission(permission: String): Int
permission String: The name of the permission being checked. This value cannot be null.
Int PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED if you have the permission, or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED if not. Value is, or


Added in API level 1
open fun checkUriPermission(
    uri: Uri!,
    pid: Int,
    uid: Int,
    modeFlags: Int
): Int
uri Uri!: The uri that is being checked.
pid Int: The process ID being checked against. Must be > 0.
uid Int: The UID being checked against. A uid of 0 is the root user, which will pass every permission check.
modeFlags Int: The access modes to check. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
Int PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED if the given pid/uid is allowed to access that uri, or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED if it is not. Value is, or


Added in API level 1
open fun checkUriPermission(
    uri: Uri?,
    readPermission: String?,
    writePermission: String?,
    pid: Int,
    uid: Int,
    modeFlags: Int
): Int
uri Uri?: The Uri whose permission is to be checked, or null to not do this check.
readPermission String?: The permission that provides overall read access, or null to not do this check.
writePermission String?: The permission that provides overall write access, or null to not do this check.
pid Int: The process ID being checked against. Must be > 0.
uid Int: The UID being checked against. A uid of 0 is the root user, which will pass every permission check.
modeFlags Int: The access modes to check. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
Int PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED if the caller is allowed to access that uri or holds one of the given permissions, or PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED if it is not. Value is, or


Added in API level 1
open fun clearWallpaper(): Unit


Added in API level 17
open fun createConfigurationContext(overrideConfiguration: Configuration): Context!
overrideConfiguration Configuration: A Configuration specifying what values to modify in the base Configuration of the original Context's resources. If the base configuration changes (such as due to an orientation change), the resources of this context will also change except for those that have been explicitly overridden with a value here. This value cannot be null.
Context! A Context with the given configuration override.


Added in API level 34
open fun createDeviceContext(deviceId: Int): Context

Returns a new Context object from the current context but with device association given by the deviceId. Each call to this method returns a new instance of a context object. Context objects are not shared; however, common state (such as the ClassLoader and other resources for the same configuration) can be shared, so the Context itself is lightweight.

Applications that run on virtual devices may use this method to access the default device capabilities and functionality (by passing Context.DEVICE_ID_DEFAULT. Similarly, applications running on the default device may access the functionality of virtual devices.

Note that the newly created instance will be associated with the same display as the parent Context, regardless of the device ID passed here.

deviceId Int: The ID of the device to associate with this context.
Context This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given device ID is not a valid ID of the default device or a virtual device.


Added in API level 24
open fun createDeviceProtectedStorageContext(): Context!


Added in API level 17
open fun createDisplayContext(display: Display): Context!
display Display: The display to which the current context's resources are adjusted. This value cannot be null.
Context! A context for the display.


Added in API level 1
open fun createPackageContext(
    packageName: String!,
    flags: Int
): Context!
packageName String!: Name of the application's package.
flags Int: Option flags. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Context#CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE, android.content.Context#CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY, android.content.Context#CONTEXT_RESTRICTED, android.content.Context.CONTEXT_DEVICE_PROTECTED_STORAGE, android.content.Context.CONTEXT_CREDENTIAL_PROTECTED_STORAGE, and android.content.Context.CONTEXT_REGISTER_PACKAGE
Context! A Context for the application.
java.lang.SecurityException if there is no application with the given package name.


Added in API level 31
open fun createWindowContext(
    display: Display,
    type: Int,
    options: Bundle?
): Context

Creates a Context for a non-activity window on the given Display.

Similar to createWindowContext(int,android.os.Bundle), but the display is passed in, instead of implicitly using the original Context's Display.

display Display: The Display to associate with This value cannot be null.
type Int: Window type in WindowManager.LayoutParams Value is android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_BASE_APPLICATION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_DRAWN_APPLICATION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_MEDIA, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_SUB_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_ATTACHED_DIALOG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_MEDIA_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_ABOVE_SUB_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_STATUS_BAR, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_SEARCH_BAR, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_PHONE, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_TOAST, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_PRIORITY_PHONE, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_SYSTEM_DIALOG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_KEYGUARD_DIALOG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_INPUT_METHOD, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_WALLPAPER, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SECURE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_DRAG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_STATUS_BAR_SUB_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_POINTER, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_VOLUME_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_BOOT_PROGRESS, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_CONSUMER, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_DISPLAY_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_PRIVATE_PRESENTATION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION_STARTING, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_DOCK_DIVIDER, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_QS_DIALOG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SCREENSHOT, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_PRESENTATION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NOTIFICATION_SHADE, or android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_STATUS_BAR_ADDITIONAL
options Bundle?: A bundle used to pass window-related options. This value may be null.
Context This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the Display is null.


Added in API level 30
open fun createWindowContext(
    type: Int,
    options: Bundle?
): Context

Creates a Context for a non-activity window.

A window context is a context that can be used to add non-activity windows, such as android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY. A window context must be created from a context that has an associated Display, such as Activity or a context created with createDisplayContext(android.view.Display).

The window context is created with the appropriate Configuration for the area of the display that the windows created with it can occupy; it must be used when inflating views, such that they can be inflated with proper Resources. Below is a sample code to add an application overlay window on the primary display:

  final DisplayManager dm = anyContext.getSystemService(DisplayManager.class);
  final Display primaryDisplay = dm.getDisplay(DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
  final Context windowContext = anyContext.createDisplayContext(primaryDisplay)
          .createWindowContext(TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY, null);
  final View overlayView = Inflater.from(windowContext).inflate(someLayoutXml, null);
  // WindowManager.LayoutParams initialization
  // The types used in addView and createWindowContext must match.
  windowContext.getSystemService(WindowManager.class).addView(overlayView, mParams);

This context's configuration and resources are adjusted to an area of the display where the windows with provided type will be added. Note that all windows associated with the same context will have an affinity and can only be moved together between different displays or areas on a display. If there is a need to add different window types, or non-associated windows, separate Contexts should be used.

Creating a window context is an expensive operation. Misuse of this API may lead to a huge performance drop. The best practice is to use the same window context when possible. An approach is to create one window context with specific window type and display and use it everywhere it's needed.

After Build.VERSION_CODES.S, window context provides the capability to receive configuration changes for existing token by overriding the token of the android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams passed in WindowManager.addView(View, LayoutParams). This is useful when an application needs to attach its window to an existing activity for window token sharing use-case.

Note that the window context in Build.VERSION_CODES.R didn't have this capability. This is a no-op for the window context in Build.VERSION_CODES.R.

Below is sample code to attach an existing token to a window context:
final DisplayManager dm = anyContext.getSystemService(DisplayManager.class);
  final Display primaryDisplay = dm.getDisplay(DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
  final Context windowContext = anyContext.createWindowContext(primaryDisplay,
          TYPE_APPLICATION, null);
  // Get an existing token.
  final IBinder existingToken = activity.getWindow().getAttributes().token;
  // The types used in addView() and createWindowContext() must match.
  final WindowManager.LayoutParams params = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(TYPE_APPLICATION);
  params.token = existingToken;
  // After WindowManager#addView(), the server side will extract the provided token from
  // LayoutParams#token (existingToken in the sample code), and switch to propagate
  // configuration changes from the node associated with the provided token.
  windowContext.getSystemService(WindowManager.class).addView(overlayView, mParams);

After Build.VERSION_CODES.S, window context provides the capability to listen to its Configuration changes by calling registerComponentCallbacks(android.content.ComponentCallbacks), while other kinds of Context will register the ComponentCallbacks to its. Note that window context only propagate ComponentCallbacks.onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) callback. ComponentCallbacks.onLowMemory() or other callbacks in ComponentCallbacks2 won't be invoked.

Note that using or context for UI-related queries may result in layout or continuity issues on devices with variable screen sizes (e.g. foldables) or in multi-window modes, since these non-UI contexts may not reflect the Configuration changes for the visual container.

type Int: Window type in WindowManager.LayoutParams Value is android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_BASE_APPLICATION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_DRAWN_APPLICATION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_MEDIA, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_SUB_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_ATTACHED_DIALOG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_MEDIA_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_ABOVE_SUB_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_STATUS_BAR, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_SEARCH_BAR, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_PHONE, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_TOAST, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_PRIORITY_PHONE, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_SYSTEM_DIALOG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_KEYGUARD_DIALOG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_INPUT_METHOD, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_WALLPAPER, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SECURE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_DRAG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_STATUS_BAR_SUB_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_POINTER, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_VOLUME_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_BOOT_PROGRESS, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_CONSUMER, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_DISPLAY_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_PRIVATE_PRESENTATION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION_STARTING, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_DOCK_DIVIDER, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_QS_DIALOG, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SCREENSHOT, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_PRESENTATION, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY, android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NOTIFICATION_SHADE, or android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_STATUS_BAR_ADDITIONAL
options Bundle?: A bundle used to pass window-related options This value may be null.
Context This value cannot be null.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if this Context does not attach to a display, such as Application or Service.


Added in API level 1
open fun databaseList(): Array<String!>!
Array<String!>! Array of strings naming the private databases.


Added in API level 1
open fun deleteDatabase(name: String!): Boolean
name String!: The name (unique in the application package) of the database.
Boolean true if the database was successfully deleted; else false.


Added in API level 1
open fun deleteFile(name: String!): Boolean
name String!: The name of the file to delete; can not contain path separators.
Boolean true if the file was successfully deleted; else false.


Added in API level 24
open fun deleteSharedPreferences(name: String!): Boolean
name String!: The name (unique in the application package) of the shared preferences file.
Boolean true if the shared preferences file was successfully deleted; else false.


Added in API level 1
open fun enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
    permission: String,
    message: String?
): Unit
permission String: The name of the permission being checked. This value cannot be null.
message String?: A message to include in the exception if it is thrown. This value may be null.


Added in API level 1
open fun enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission(
    uri: Uri!,
    modeFlags: Int,
    message: String!
): Unit
uri Uri!: The uri that is being checked.
modeFlags Int: The access modes to enforce. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
message String!: A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.


Added in API level 1
open fun enforceCallingPermission(
    permission: String,
    message: String?
): Unit
permission String: The name of the permission being checked. This value cannot be null.
message String?: A message to include in the exception if it is thrown. This value may be null.


Added in API level 1
open fun enforceCallingUriPermission(
    uri: Uri!,
    modeFlags: Int,
    message: String!
): Unit
uri Uri!: The uri that is being checked.
modeFlags Int: The access modes to enforce. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
message String!: A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.


Added in API level 1
open fun enforcePermission(
    permission: String,
    pid: Int,
    uid: Int,
    message: String?
): Unit
permission String: The name of the permission being checked. This value cannot be null.
pid Int: The process ID being checked against. Must be > 0.
uid Int: The UID being checked against. A uid of 0 is the root user, which will pass every permission check.
message String?: A message to include in the exception if it is thrown. This value may be null.


Added in API level 1
open fun enforceUriPermission(
    uri: Uri!,
    pid: Int,
    uid: Int,
    modeFlags: Int,
    message: String!
): Unit
uri Uri!: The uri that is being checked.
pid Int: The process ID being checked against. Must be > 0.
uid Int: The UID being checked against. A uid of 0 is the root user, which will pass every permission check.
modeFlags Int: The access modes to enforce. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
message String!: A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.


Added in API level 1
open fun enforceUriPermission(
    uri: Uri?,
    readPermission: String?,
    writePermission: String?,
    pid: Int,
    uid: Int,
    modeFlags: Int,
    message: String?
): Unit
uri Uri?: The Uri whose permission is to be checked, or null to not do this check.
readPermission String?: The permission that provides overall read access, or null to not do this check.
writePermission String?: The permission that provides overall write access, or null to not do this check.
pid Int: The process ID being checked against. Must be > 0.
uid Int: The UID being checked against. A uid of 0 is the root user, which will pass every permission check.
modeFlags Int: The access modes to enforce. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
message String?: A message to include in the exception if it is thrown. This value may be null.


Added in API level 1
open fun fileList(): Array<String!>!
Array<String!>! Array of strings naming the private files.


Added in API level 1
open fun getApplicationContext(): Context!


Added in API level 4
open fun getApplicationInfo(): ApplicationInfo!


Added in API level 1
open fun getAssets(): AssetManager!
AssetManager! an AssetManager instance for the application's package


Added in API level 1
open fun getCacheDir(): File!
File! The path of the directory holding application cache files.


Added in API level 1
open fun getClassLoader(): ClassLoader!


Added in API level 21
open fun getCodeCacheDir(): File!
File! The path of the directory holding application code cache files.


Added in API level 1
open fun getContentResolver(): ContentResolver!


Added in API level 24
open fun getDataDir(): File!


Added in API level 1
open fun getDatabasePath(name: String!): File!
name String!: The name of the database for which you would like to get its path.
File! An absolute path to the given database.


Added in API level 34
open fun getDeviceId(): Int
Int the ID of the device this context is associated with.


Added in API level 1
open fun getDir(
    name: String!,
    mode: Int
): File!
name String!: Name of the directory to retrieve. This is a directory that is created as part of your application data.
mode Int: Operating mode. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Context#MODE_PRIVATE, android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_READABLE, android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, and android.content.Context#MODE_APPEND
File! A File object for the requested directory. The directory will have been created if it does not already exist.


Added in API level 30
open fun getDisplay(): Display
Display Returns the Display object this context is associated with. This value cannot be null.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the method is called on an instance that is not associated with any display.


Added in API level 8
open fun getExternalCacheDir(): File?
File? the absolute path to application-specific directory. May return null if shared storage is not currently available.


Added in API level 19
open fun getExternalCacheDirs(): Array<File!>!
Array<File!>! the absolute paths to application-specific directories. Some individual paths may be null if that shared storage is not currently available. The first path returned is the same as getExternalCacheDir().


Added in API level 8
open fun getExternalFilesDir(type: String?): File?
type String?: The type of files directory to return. May be null for the root of the files directory or one of the following constants for a subdirectory: android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_MUSIC, android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_PODCASTS, android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_RINGTONES, android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_ALARMS, android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS, android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_PICTURES, or android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_MOVIES.
File? the absolute path to application-specific directory. May return null if shared storage is not currently available.


Added in API level 19
open fun getExternalFilesDirs(type: String!): Array<File!>!
type String!: The type of files directory to return. May be null for the root of the files directory or one of the following constants for a subdirectory: android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_MUSIC, android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_PODCASTS, android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_RINGTONES, android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_ALARMS, android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS, android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_PICTURES, or android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_MOVIES.
Array<File!>! the absolute paths to application-specific directories. Some individual paths may be null if that shared storage is not currently available. The first path returned is the same as getExternalFilesDir(java.lang.String).


Added in API level 21
open fun getExternalMediaDirs(): Array<File!>!
Array<File!>! the absolute paths to application-specific directories. Some individual paths may be null if that shared storage is not currently available.


Added in API level 1
open fun getFileStreamPath(name: String!): File!
name String!: The name of the file for which you would like to get its path.
File! An absolute path to the given file.


Added in API level 1
open fun getFilesDir(): File!
File! The path of the directory holding application files.


Added in API level 28
open fun getMainExecutor(): Executor!


Added in API level 1
open fun getMainLooper(): Looper!
Looper! The main looper.


Added in API level 21
open fun getNoBackupFilesDir(): File!
File! The path of the directory holding application files that will not be automatically backed up to remote storage.


Added in API level 11
open fun getObbDir(): File!
File! the absolute path to application-specific directory. May return null if shared storage is not currently available.


Added in API level 19
open fun getObbDirs(): Array<File!>!
Array<File!>! the absolute paths to application-specific directories. Some individual paths may be null if that shared storage is not currently available. The first path returned is the same as getObbDir()


Added in API level 1
open fun getPackageCodePath(): String!
String! String Path to the code and assets.


Added in API level 1
open fun getPackageManager(): PackageManager!


Added in API level 1
open fun getPackageName(): String!


Added in API level 1
open fun getPackageResourcePath(): String!
String! String Path to the resources.


Added in API level 1
open fun getResources(): Resources!
Resources! a Resources instance for the application's package


Added in API level 1
open fun getSharedPreferences(
    name: String!,
    mode: Int
): SharedPreferences!
name String!: Desired preferences file.
mode Int: Operating mode. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Context#MODE_PRIVATE, android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_READABLE, android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, and android.content.Context#MODE_MULTI_PROCESS
SharedPreferences! The single SharedPreferences instance that can be used to retrieve and modify the preference values.


Added in API level 1
open fun getSystemService(name: String): Any!
name String: The name of the desired service. Value is android.content.Context#POWER_SERVICE, android.content.Context#WINDOW_SERVICE, android.content.Context#LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE, android.content.Context#ACCOUNT_SERVICE, android.content.Context#ACTIVITY_SERVICE, android.content.Context#ALARM_SERVICE, android.content.Context#NOTIFICATION_SERVICE, android.content.Context#ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE, android.content.Context#CAPTIONING_SERVICE, android.content.Context#KEYGUARD_SERVICE, android.content.Context#LOCATION_SERVICE, android.content.Context#HEALTHCONNECT_SERVICE, android.content.Context#SEARCH_SERVICE, android.content.Context#SENSOR_SERVICE, android.content.Context.SENSOR_PRIVACY_SERVICE, android.content.Context#STORAGE_SERVICE, android.content.Context#STORAGE_STATS_SERVICE, android.content.Context#WALLPAPER_SERVICE, android.content.Context#VIBRATOR_MANAGER_SERVICE, android.content.Context#VIBRATOR_SERVICE, android.content.Context.THREAD_NETWORK_SERVICE, android.content.Context#CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE, android.content.Context.PAC_PROXY_SERVICE, android.content.Context.VCN_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE, android.content.Context#IPSEC_SERVICE, android.content.Context#VPN_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE, android.content.Context.TEST_NETWORK_SERVICE, android.content.Context#NETWORK_STATS_SERVICE, android.content.Context#WIFI_SERVICE, android.content.Context#WIFI_AWARE_SERVICE, android.content.Context#WIFI_P2P_SERVICE, android.content.Context.WIFI_SCANNING_SERVICE, android.content.Context#WIFI_RTT_RANGING_SERVICE, android.content.Context.WIFI_USD_SERVICE, android.content.Context#NSD_SERVICE, android.content.Context#AUDIO_SERVICE, android.content.Context.AUDIO_DEVICE_VOLUME_SERVICE, android.content.Context.AUTH_SERVICE, android.content.Context#FINGERPRINT_SERVICE, android.content.Context#BIOMETRIC_SERVICE, android.content.Context.AUTHENTICATION_POLICY_SERVICE, android.content.Context#MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE, android.content.Context#TELEPHONY_SERVICE, android.content.Context#TELEPHONY_SUBSCRIPTION_SERVICE, android.content.Context#CARRIER_CONFIG_SERVICE, android.content.Context#EUICC_SERVICE, android.content.Context#TELECOM_SERVICE, android.content.Context#CLIPBOARD_SERVICE, android.content.Context#INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE, android.content.Context#TEXT_SERVICES_MANAGER_SERVICE, android.content.Context#TEXT_CLASSIFICATION_SERVICE, android.content.Context#APPWIDGET_SERVICE, android.content.Context.REBOOT_READINESS_SERVICE, android.content.Context.ROLLBACK_SERVICE, android.content.Context#DROPBOX_SERVICE, android.content.Context#DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE, android.content.Context#UI_MODE_SERVICE, android.content.Context#DOWNLOAD_SERVICE, android.content.Context#NFC_SERVICE, android.content.Context#BLUETOOTH_SERVICE, android.content.Context#USB_SERVICE, android.content.Context#LAUNCHER_APPS_SERVICE, android.content.Context#INPUT_SERVICE, android.content.Context#DISPLAY_SERVICE, android.content.Context#USER_SERVICE, android.content.Context#RESTRICTIONS_SERVICE, android.content.Context#APP_OPS_SERVICE, android.content.Context#ROLE_SERVICE, android.content.Context#CAMERA_SERVICE, android.content.Context#PRINT_SERVICE, android.content.Context#CONSUMER_IR_SERVICE, android.content.Context#TV_INTERACTIVE_APP_SERVICE, android.content.Context#TV_INPUT_SERVICE, android.content.Context#USAGE_STATS_SERVICE, android.content.Context#MEDIA_SESSION_SERVICE, android.content.Context#MEDIA_COMMUNICATION_SERVICE, android.content.Context#BATTERY_SERVICE, android.content.Context#JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE, android.content.Context#PERSISTENT_DATA_BLOCK_SERVICE, android.content.Context#MEDIA_PROJECTION_SERVICE, android.content.Context#MIDI_SERVICE, android.content.Context.RADIO_SERVICE, android.content.Context#HARDWARE_PROPERTIES_SERVICE, android.content.Context#SHORTCUT_SERVICE, android.content.Context#SYSTEM_HEALTH_SERVICE, android.content.Context#COMPANION_DEVICE_SERVICE, android.content.Context#VIRTUAL_DEVICE_SERVICE, android.content.Context#CROSS_PROFILE_APPS_SERVICE, android.content.Context.PERMISSION_SERVICE, android.content.Context.LIGHTS_SERVICE, android.content.Context#LOCALE_SERVICE, android.content.Context.UWB_SERVICE, android.content.Context#MEDIA_METRICS_SERVICE, android.content.Context#DISPLAY_HASH_SERVICE, android.content.Context#CREDENTIAL_SERVICE, android.content.Context#DEVICE_LOCK_SERVICE, android.content.Context.VIRTUALIZATION_SERVICE, android.content.Context#GRAMMATICAL_INFLECTION_SERVICE, android.content.Context#SECURITY_STATE_SERVICE, android.content.Context#CONTACT_KEYS_SERVICE, android.content.Context.RANGING_SERVICE, android.content.Context#MEDIA_QUALITY_SERVICE, or android.content.Context#ADVANCED_PROTECTION_SERVICE This value cannot be null.
Any! The service or null if the name does not exist.


Added in API level 23
open fun getSystemServiceName(serviceClass: Class<*>): String?
serviceClass Class<*>: The class of the desired service. This value cannot be null.
String? The service name or null if the class is not a supported system service.


Added in API level 1
open fun getTheme(): Resources.Theme!


Added in API level 1
open fun getWallpaper(): Drawable!


Added in API level 1
open fun getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight(): Int


Added in API level 1
open fun getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth(): Int


Added in API level 1
open fun grantUriPermission(
    toPackage: String!,
    uri: Uri!,
    modeFlags: Int
): Unit
toPackage String!: The package you would like to allow to access the Uri.
uri Uri!: The Uri you would like to grant access to.
modeFlags Int: The desired access modes. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_PREFIX_URI_PERMISSION


Added in API level 24
open fun isDeviceProtectedStorage(): Boolean


Added in API level 4
open fun isRestricted(): Boolean
Boolean true if this Context is restricted, false otherwise.


open fun isUiContext(): Boolean



Added in API level 24
open fun moveDatabaseFrom(
    sourceContext: Context!,
    name: String!
): Boolean
sourceContext Context!: The source context which contains the existing database to move.
name String!: The name of the database file.
Boolean true if the move was successful or if the database didn't exist in the source context, otherwise false.


Added in API level 24
open fun moveSharedPreferencesFrom(
    sourceContext: Context!,
    name: String!
): Boolean
sourceContext Context!: The source context which contains the existing shared preferences to move.
name String!: The name of the shared preferences file.
Boolean true if the move was successful or if the shared preferences didn't exist in the source context, otherwise false.


Added in API level 1
open fun openFileInput(name: String!): FileInputStream!
name String!: The name of the file to open; can not contain path separators.
FileInputStream! The resulting FileInputStream.


Added in API level 1
open fun openFileOutput(
    name: String!,
    mode: Int
): FileOutputStream!
name String!: The name of the file to open; can not contain path separators.
mode Int: Operating mode. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Context#MODE_PRIVATE, android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_READABLE, android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, and android.content.Context#MODE_APPEND
FileOutputStream! The resulting FileOutputStream.


Added in API level 1
open fun openOrCreateDatabase(
    file: String!,
    mode: Int,
    factory: SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory!
): SQLiteDatabase!
name The name (unique in the application package) of the database.
mode Int: Operating mode. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Context#MODE_PRIVATE, android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_READABLE, android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, android.content.Context#MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING, and android.content.Context#MODE_NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS
factory SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory!: An optional factory class that is called to instantiate a cursor when query is called.
SQLiteDatabase! The contents of a newly created database with the given name.
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException if the database file could not be opened.


Added in API level 11
open fun openOrCreateDatabase(
    file: String!,
    mode: Int,
    factory: SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory!,
    errorHandler: DatabaseErrorHandler?
): SQLiteDatabase!
name The name (unique in the application package) of the database.
mode Int: Operating mode. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Context#MODE_PRIVATE, android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_READABLE, android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, android.content.Context#MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING, and android.content.Context#MODE_NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS
factory SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory!: An optional factory class that is called to instantiate a cursor when query is called.
errorHandler DatabaseErrorHandler?: the DatabaseErrorHandler to be used when sqlite reports database corruption. if null, android.database.DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler is assumed.
SQLiteDatabase! The contents of a newly created database with the given name.
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException if the database file could not be opened.


Added in API level 1
open fun peekWallpaper(): Drawable!


Added in API level 1
open fun registerReceiver(
    receiver: BroadcastReceiver?,
    filter: IntentFilter!
): Intent?
receiver BroadcastReceiver?: The BroadcastReceiver to handle the broadcast. This value may be null.
filter IntentFilter!: Selects the Intent broadcasts to be received.
Intent? The first sticky intent found that matches filter, or null if there are none.


Added in API level 26
open fun registerReceiver(
    receiver: BroadcastReceiver?,
    filter: IntentFilter!,
    flags: Int
): Intent?
receiver BroadcastReceiver?: The BroadcastReceiver to handle the broadcast. This value may be null.
filter IntentFilter!: Selects the Intent broadcasts to be received.
flags Int: Additional options for the receiver. For apps targeting android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE either RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED must be specified if the receiver isn't being registered for system broadcasts or a SecurityException will be thrown. If RECEIVER_EXPORTED is specified, a receiver may additionally specify RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS. For a complete list of system broadcast actions, see the BROADCAST_ACTIONS.TXT file in the Android SDK. If both RECEIVER_EXPORTED and RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED are specified, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Context#RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS, android.content.Context#RECEIVER_EXPORTED, android.content.Context#RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED, and android.content.Context.RECEIVER_EXPORTED_UNAUDITED
Intent? The first sticky intent found that matches filter, or null if there are none.


Added in API level 1
open fun registerReceiver(
    receiver: BroadcastReceiver!,
    filter: IntentFilter!,
    broadcastPermission: String?,
    scheduler: Handler?
): Intent?
receiver BroadcastReceiver!: The BroadcastReceiver to handle the broadcast.
filter IntentFilter!: Selects the Intent broadcasts to be received.
broadcastPermission String?: String naming a permissions that a broadcaster must hold in order to send an Intent to you. If null, no permission is required.
scheduler Handler?: Handler identifying the thread that will receive the Intent. If null, the main thread of the process will be used.
Intent? The first sticky intent found that matches filter, or null if there are none.


Added in API level 26
open fun registerReceiver(
    receiver: BroadcastReceiver!,
    filter: IntentFilter!,
    broadcastPermission: String?,
    scheduler: Handler?,
    flags: Int
): Intent?
receiver BroadcastReceiver!: The BroadcastReceiver to handle the broadcast.
filter IntentFilter!: Selects the Intent broadcasts to be received.
broadcastPermission String?: String naming a permissions that a broadcaster must hold in order to send an Intent to you. If null, no permission is required.
scheduler Handler?: Handler identifying the thread that will receive the Intent. If null, the main thread of the process will be used.
flags Int: Additional options for the receiver. For apps targeting android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE either RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED must be specified if the receiver isn't being registered for system broadcasts or a SecurityException will be thrown. If RECEIVER_EXPORTED is specified, a receiver may additionally specify RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS. For a complete list of system broadcast actions, see the BROADCAST_ACTIONS.TXT file in the Android SDK. If both RECEIVER_EXPORTED and RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED are specified, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Context#RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS, android.content.Context#RECEIVER_EXPORTED, android.content.Context#RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED, and android.content.Context.RECEIVER_EXPORTED_UNAUDITED
Intent? The first sticky intent found that matches filter, or null if there are none.


Added in API level 1
open fun removeStickyBroadcast(intent: Intent!): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent that was previously broadcast.


Added in API level 17
open fun removeStickyBroadcastAsUser(
    intent: Intent!,
    user: UserHandle!
): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent that was previously broadcast.
user UserHandle!: UserHandle to remove the sticky broadcast from.


Added in API level 1
open fun revokeUriPermission(
    uri: Uri!,
    modeFlags: Int
): Unit
uri Uri!: The Uri you would like to revoke access to.
modeFlags Int: The access modes to revoke. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION


Added in API level 26
open fun revokeUriPermission(
    targetPackage: String!,
    uri: Uri!,
    modeFlags: Int
): Unit
toPackage The package you had previously granted access to.
uri Uri!: The Uri you would like to revoke access to.
modeFlags Int: The access modes to revoke. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, and android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION


Added in API level 1
open fun sendBroadcast(intent: Intent!): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast.


Added in API level 1
open fun sendBroadcast(
    intent: Intent!,
    receiverPermission: String?
): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast.
receiverPermission String?: (optional) String naming a permission that a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast. If null, no permission is required.


Added in API level 17
open fun sendBroadcastAsUser(
    intent: Intent!,
    user: UserHandle!
): Unit
intent Intent!: The intent to broadcast
user UserHandle!: UserHandle to send the intent to.


Added in API level 17
open fun sendBroadcastAsUser(
    intent: Intent!,
    user: UserHandle!,
    receiverPermission: String?
): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast.
user UserHandle!: UserHandle to send the intent to.
receiverPermission String?: (optional) String naming a permission that a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast. If null, no permission is required.


Added in API level 1
open fun sendOrderedBroadcast(
    intent: Intent!,
    receiverPermission: String?
): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast.
receiverPermission String?: (optional) String naming a permissions that a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast. If null, no permission is required.


Added in API level 1
open fun sendOrderedBroadcast(
    intent: Intent,
    receiverPermission: String?,
    resultReceiver: BroadcastReceiver?,
    scheduler: Handler?,
    initialCode: Int,
    initialData: String?,
    initialExtras: Bundle?
): Unit
intent Intent: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast. This value cannot be null.
receiverPermission String?: String naming a permissions that a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast. If null, no permission is required.
resultReceiver BroadcastReceiver?: Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final receiver of the broadcast. This value may be null.
scheduler Handler?: A custom Handler with which to schedule the resultReceiver callback; if null it will be scheduled in the Context's main thread.
initialCode Int: An initial value for the result code. Often Activity.RESULT_OK.
initialData String?: An initial value for the result data. Often null.
initialExtras Bundle?: An initial value for the result extras. Often null.


Added in API level 30
open fun sendOrderedBroadcast(
    intent: Intent,
    receiverPermission: String?,
    receiverAppOp: String?,
    resultReceiver: BroadcastReceiver?,
    scheduler: Handler?,
    initialCode: Int,
    initialData: String?,
    initialExtras: Bundle?
): Unit
intent Intent: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast. This value cannot be null.
receiverPermission String?: String naming a permissions that a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast. If null, no permission is required.
receiverAppOp String?: The app op associated with the broadcast. If null, no appOp is required. If both receiverAppOp and receiverPermission are non-null, a receiver must have both of them to receive the broadcast
resultReceiver BroadcastReceiver?: Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final receiver of the broadcast. This value may be null.
scheduler Handler?: A custom Handler with which to schedule the resultReceiver callback; if null it will be scheduled in the Context's main thread.
initialCode Int: An initial value for the result code. Often Activity.RESULT_OK.
initialData String?: An initial value for the result data. Often null.
initialExtras Bundle?: An initial value for the result extras. Often null.


Added in API level 17
open fun sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser(
    intent: Intent!,
    user: UserHandle!,
    receiverPermission: String?,
    resultReceiver: BroadcastReceiver!,
    scheduler: Handler?,
    initialCode: Int,
    initialData: String?,
    initialExtras: Bundle?
): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast.
user UserHandle!: UserHandle to send the intent to.
receiverPermission String?: String naming a permissions that a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast. If null, no permission is required.
resultReceiver BroadcastReceiver!: Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final receiver of the broadcast.
scheduler Handler?: A custom Handler with which to schedule the resultReceiver callback; if null it will be scheduled in the Context's main thread.
initialCode Int: An initial value for the result code. Often Activity.RESULT_OK.
initialData String?: An initial value for the result data. Often null.
initialExtras Bundle?: An initial value for the result extras. Often null.


Added in API level 1
open fun sendStickyBroadcast(intent: Intent!): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast, and the Intent will be held to be re-broadcast to future receivers.


Added in API level 31
open fun sendStickyBroadcast(
    intent: Intent,
    options: Bundle?
): Unit
intent Intent: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast, and the Intent will be held to be re-broadcast to future receivers. This value cannot be null.
options Bundle?: (optional) Additional sending options, generated from a This value may be null.


Added in API level 17
open fun sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(
    intent: Intent!,
    user: UserHandle!
): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast, and the Intent will be held to be re-broadcast to future receivers.
user UserHandle!: UserHandle to send the intent to.


Added in API level 5
open fun sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(
    intent: Intent!,
    resultReceiver: BroadcastReceiver!,
    scheduler: Handler?,
    initialCode: Int,
    initialData: String?,
    initialExtras: Bundle?
): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast.
resultReceiver BroadcastReceiver!: Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final receiver of the broadcast.
scheduler Handler?: A custom Handler with which to schedule the resultReceiver callback; if null it will be scheduled in the Context's main thread.
initialCode Int: An initial value for the result code. Often Activity.RESULT_OK.
initialData String?: An initial value for the result data. Often null.
initialExtras Bundle?: An initial value for the result extras. Often null.


Added in API level 17
open fun sendStickyOrderedBroadcastAsUser(
    intent: Intent!,
    user: UserHandle!,
    resultReceiver: BroadcastReceiver!,
    scheduler: Handler?,
    initialCode: Int,
    initialData: String?,
    initialExtras: Bundle?
): Unit
intent Intent!: The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this Intent will receive the broadcast.
user UserHandle!: UserHandle to send the intent to.
resultReceiver BroadcastReceiver!: Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final receiver of the broadcast.
scheduler Handler?: A custom Handler with which to schedule the resultReceiver callback; if null it will be scheduled in the Context's main thread.
initialCode Int: An initial value for the result code. Often Activity.RESULT_OK.
initialData String?: An initial value for the result data. Often null.
initialExtras Bundle?: An initial value for the result extras. Often null.


Added in API level 1
open fun setTheme(resid: Int): Unit
resid Int: The style resource describing the theme.


Added in API level 1
open fun setWallpaper(bitmap: Bitmap!): Unit


Added in API level 1
open fun setWallpaper(data: InputStream!): Unit


Added in API level 11
open fun startActivities(intents: Array<Intent!>!): Unit
intents Array<Intent!>!: An array of Intents to be started.


Added in API level 16
open fun startActivities(
    intents: Array<Intent!>!,
    options: Bundle!
): Unit
intents Array<Intent!>!: An array of Intents to be started.
options Bundle!: Additional options for how the Activity should be started. See android.content.Context#startActivity(Intent, Bundle) Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} for more details.


Added in API level 1
open fun startActivity(intent: Intent!): Unit
intent Intent!: The description of the activity to start.
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException   `


Added in API level 16
open fun startActivity(
    intent: Intent!,
    options: Bundle?
): Unit
intent Intent!: The description of the activity to start.
options Bundle?: Additional options for how the Activity should be started. May be null if there are no options. See for how to build the Bundle supplied here; there are no supported definitions for building it manually.


Added in API level 26
open fun startForegroundService(service: Intent!): ComponentName?
service Intent!: Identifies the service to be started. The Intent must be fully explicit (supplying a component name). Additional values may be included in the Intent extras to supply arguments along with this specific start call.
ComponentName? If the service is being started or is already running, the ComponentName of the actual service that was started is returned; else if the service does not exist null is returned.
java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have permission to access the service or the service can not be found. If the caller app's targeting API is android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#S or later, and the foreground service is restricted from start due to background restriction.


Added in API level 1
open fun startInstrumentation(
    className: ComponentName,
    profileFile: String?,
    arguments: Bundle?
): Boolean
className ComponentName: Name of the Instrumentation component to be run. This value cannot be null.
profileFile String?: Optional path to write profiling data as the instrumentation runs, or null for no profiling.
arguments Bundle?: Additional optional arguments to pass to the instrumentation, or null.
Boolean true if the instrumentation was successfully started, else false if it could not be found.


Added in API level 5
open fun startIntentSender(
    intent: IntentSender!,
    fillInIntent: Intent?,
    flagsMask: Int,
    flagsValues: Int,
    extraFlags: Int
): Unit
intent IntentSender!: The IntentSender to launch.
fillInIntent Intent?: If non-null, this will be provided as the intent parameter to android.content.IntentSender#sendIntent.
flagsMask Int: Intent flags in the original IntentSender that you would like to change. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent#FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES, android.content.Intent#FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES, android.content.Intent.FLAG_DEBUG_TRIAGED_MISSING, android.content.Intent.FLAG_IGNORE_EPHEMERAL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_MATCH_EXTERNAL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_RETAIN_IN_RECENTS, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_NO_ABORT, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_BOOT_UPGRADE, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_INCLUDE_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_EXCLUDE_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FROM_SHELL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_OFFLOAD, and android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_OFFLOAD_FOREGROUND
flagsValues Int: Desired values for any bits set in flagsMask Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent#FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES, android.content.Intent#FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES, android.content.Intent.FLAG_DEBUG_TRIAGED_MISSING, android.content.Intent.FLAG_IGNORE_EPHEMERAL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_MATCH_EXTERNAL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_RETAIN_IN_RECENTS, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_NO_ABORT, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_BOOT_UPGRADE, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_INCLUDE_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_EXCLUDE_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FROM_SHELL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_OFFLOAD, and android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_OFFLOAD_FOREGROUND
extraFlags Int: Always set to 0.


Added in API level 16
open fun startIntentSender(
    intent: IntentSender!,
    fillInIntent: Intent?,
    flagsMask: Int,
    flagsValues: Int,
    extraFlags: Int,
    options: Bundle?
): Unit
intent IntentSender!: The IntentSender to launch.
fillInIntent Intent?: If non-null, this will be provided as the intent parameter to android.content.IntentSender#sendIntent.
flagsMask Int: Intent flags in the original IntentSender that you would like to change. Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent#FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES, android.content.Intent#FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES, android.content.Intent.FLAG_DEBUG_TRIAGED_MISSING, android.content.Intent.FLAG_IGNORE_EPHEMERAL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_MATCH_EXTERNAL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_RETAIN_IN_RECENTS, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_NO_ABORT, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_BOOT_UPGRADE, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_INCLUDE_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_EXCLUDE_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FROM_SHELL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_OFFLOAD, and android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_OFFLOAD_FOREGROUND
flagsValues Int: Desired values for any bits set in flagsMask Value is either 0 or a combination of android.content.Intent#FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent#FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES, android.content.Intent#FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES, android.content.Intent.FLAG_DEBUG_TRIAGED_MISSING, android.content.Intent.FLAG_IGNORE_EPHEMERAL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_MATCH_EXTERNAL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_RETAIN_IN_RECENTS, android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_NO_ABORT, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_BOOT_UPGRADE, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_INCLUDE_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_EXCLUDE_BACKGROUND, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FROM_SHELL, android.content.Intent#FLAG_RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS, android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_OFFLOAD, and android.content.Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_OFFLOAD_FOREGROUND
extraFlags Int: Always set to 0.
options Bundle?: Additional options for how the Activity should be started. See android.content.Context#startActivity(Intent, Bundle) Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} for more details. If options have also been supplied by the IntentSender, options given here will override any that conflict with those given by the IntentSender. This value may be null.


Added in API level 1
open fun startService(service: Intent!): ComponentName?
service Intent!: Identifies the service to be started. The Intent must be fully explicit (supplying a component name). Additional values may be included in the Intent extras to supply arguments along with this specific start call.
ComponentName? If the service is being started or is already running, the ComponentName of the actual service that was started is returned; else if the service does not exist null is returned.
java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have permission to access the service or the service can not be found.
java.lang.IllegalStateException Before Android android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#S, if the application is in a state where the service can not be started (such as not in the foreground in a state when services are allowed), IllegalStateException was thrown. On Android android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#S and later, if the application is in a state where the service can not be started (such as not in the foreground in a state when services are allowed), is thrown. This exception extends IllegalStateException, so apps can use catch (IllegalStateException) to catch both.


Added in API level 1
open fun stopService(service: Intent!): Boolean
service Intent!: Description of the service to be stopped. The Intent must be either fully explicit (supplying a component name) or specify a specific package name it is targeted to.
Boolean If there is a service matching the given Intent that is already running, then it is stopped and true is returned; else false is returned.
java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have permission to access the service or the service can not be found.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the application is in a state where the service can not be started (such as not in the foreground in a state when services are allowed).


Added in API level 1
open fun unbindService(conn: ServiceConnection): Unit
conn ServiceConnection: The connection interface previously supplied to bindService(). This parameter must not be null.


Added in API level 1
open fun unregisterReceiver(receiver: BroadcastReceiver!): Unit
receiver BroadcastReceiver!: The BroadcastReceiver to unregister.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the receiver was not previously registered or already unregistered.


Added in API level 29
open fun updateServiceGroup(
    conn: ServiceConnection,
    group: Int,
    importance: Int
): Unit
conn ServiceConnection: The connection interface previously supplied to bindService(). This parameter must not be null.
group Int: A group to put this connection's process in. Upon calling here, this will override any previous group that was set for that process. The group tells the system about processes that are logically grouped together, so should be managed as one unit of importance (such as when being considered a recently used app). All processes in the same app with the same group are considered to be related. Supplying 0 reverts to the default behavior of not grouping.
importance Int: Additional importance of the processes within a group. Upon calling here, this will override any previous importance that was set for that process. The most important process is 0, and higher values are successively less important. You can view this as describing how to order the processes in an array, with the processes at the end of the array being the least important. This value has no meaning besides indicating how processes should be ordered in that array one after the other. This provides a way to fine-tune the system's process killing, guiding it to kill processes at the end of the array first.