
abstract class ExerciseCompletionGoal
   ↳ android.health.connect.datatypes.ExerciseCompletionGoal

A goal which should be met to complete a PlannedExerciseStep.


Nested classes

An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires a specified number of active calories to be burned.

An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires covering a specified distance.

An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires covering a specified distance.

An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires a specified duration to elapse.

An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires a specified number of repetitions to be completed.

An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires completing a specified number of steps.

An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires a specified number of total calories to be burned.

An ExerciseCompletionGoal that is unknown.

An ExerciseCompletionGoal that has no specific target metric.