Added in API level 3


open class JetPlayer

JetPlayer provides access to JET content playback and control.

Please refer to the JET Creator User Manual for a presentation of the JET interactive music concept and how to use the JetCreator tool to create content to be player by JetPlayer.

Use of the JetPlayer class is based around the playback of a number of JET segments sequentially added to a playback FIFO queue. The rendering of the MIDI content stored in each segment can be dynamically affected by two mechanisms:

  • Tracks in a segment can be muted or unmuted at any moment, individually or through a mask (to change the mute state of multiple tracks at once).
  • Parts of tracks in a segment can be played at predefined points in the segment, in order to maintain synchronization with the other tracks in the segment. This is achieved through the notion of "clips", which can be triggered at any time, but that will play only at the right time, as authored in the corresponding JET file.

As a result of the rendering and playback of the JET segments, the user of the JetPlayer instance can receive notifications from the JET engine relative to:

  • Playback state
  • Number of segments left to play in the queue
  • Application controller events (CC80-83) to mark points in the MIDI segments

Use getJetPlayer() to construct a JetPlayer instance. JetPlayer is a singleton class.


Nested classes

Handles the notification when the JET engine generates an event.

Public methods
open Boolean

Empties the segment queue, and clears all clips that are scheduled for playback.

open Any!

Cloning a JetPlayer instance is not supported.

open Boolean

Closes the resource containing the JET content.

open static JetPlayer!

Factory method for the JetPlayer class.

open static Int

Gets the maximum number of simultaneous MIDI tracks supported by JetPlayer.

open Boolean

Loads a .

open Boolean

Loads a .

open Boolean

Pauses the playback of the JET segment queue.

open Boolean

Starts playing the JET segment queue.

open Boolean
queueJetSegment(segmentNum: Int, libNum: Int, repeatCount: Int, transpose: Int, muteFlags: Int, userID: Byte)

Queues the specified segment in the JET queue.

open Boolean
queueJetSegmentMuteArray(segmentNum: Int, libNum: Int, repeatCount: Int, transpose: Int, muteArray: BooleanArray!, userID: Byte)

Queues the specified segment in the JET queue.

open Unit

Stops the current JET playback, and releases all associated native resources.

open Unit

Sets the listener JetPlayer notifies when a JET event is generated by the rendering and playback engine.

open Unit

Sets the listener JetPlayer notifies when a JET event is generated by the rendering and playback engine.

open Boolean
setMuteArray(muteArray: BooleanArray!, sync: Boolean)

Modifies the mute flags for the current active segment.

open Boolean
setMuteFlag(trackId: Int, muteFlag: Boolean, sync: Boolean)

Mutes or unmutes a single track.

open Boolean
setMuteFlags(muteFlags: Int, sync: Boolean)

Modifies the mute flags.

open Boolean
triggerClip(clipId: Int)

Schedules the playback of a clip.

Protected methods
open Unit

Public methods


Added in API level 3
open fun clearQueue(): Boolean

Empties the segment queue, and clears all clips that are scheduled for playback.

Boolean true if the queue was successfully cleared, false otherwise.


Added in API level 3
open fun clone(): Any!

Cloning a JetPlayer instance is not supported. Calling clone() will generate an exception.

Any! a clone of this instance.
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException if the object's class does not support the Cloneable interface. Subclasses that override the clone method can also throw this exception to indicate that an instance cannot be cloned.


Added in API level 3
open fun closeJetFile(): Boolean

Closes the resource containing the JET content.

Boolean true if successfully closed, false otherwise.


Added in API level 3
open static fun getJetPlayer(): JetPlayer!

Factory method for the JetPlayer class.

JetPlayer! the singleton JetPlayer instance.


Added in API level 3
open static fun getMaxTracks(): Int

Gets the maximum number of simultaneous MIDI tracks supported by JetPlayer.

Int the maximum number of simultaneous MIDI tracks supported by JetPlayer.


Added in API level 3
open fun loadJetFile(afd: AssetFileDescriptor!): Boolean

Loads a .jet file from an asset file descriptor.

afd AssetFileDescriptor!: the asset file descriptor.
Boolean true if loading the .jet file was successful, false if loading failed.


Added in API level 3
open fun loadJetFile(path: String!): Boolean

Loads a .jet file from a given path.

path String!: the path to the .jet file, for instance "/sdcard/mygame/music.jet".
Boolean true if loading the .jet file was successful, false if loading failed.


Added in API level 3
open fun pause(): Boolean

Pauses the playback of the JET segment queue.

Boolean true if rendering and playback is successfully paused, false otherwise.


Added in API level 3
open fun play(): Boolean

Starts playing the JET segment queue.

Boolean true if rendering and playback is successfully started, false otherwise.


Added in API level 3
open fun queueJetSegment(
    segmentNum: Int,
    libNum: Int,
    repeatCount: Int,
    transpose: Int,
    muteFlags: Int,
    userID: Byte
): Boolean

Queues the specified segment in the JET queue.

segmentNum Int: the identifier of the segment.
libNum Int: the index of the sound bank associated with the segment. Use -1 to indicate that no sound bank (DLS file) is associated with this segment, in which case JET will use the General MIDI library.
repeatCount Int: the number of times the segment will be repeated. 0 means the segment will only play once. -1 means the segment will repeat indefinitely.
transpose Int: the amount of pitch transposition. Set to 0 for normal playback. Range is -12 to +12.
muteFlags Int: a bitmask to specify which MIDI tracks will be muted during playback. Bit 0 affects track 0, bit 1 affects track 1 etc.
userID Byte: a value specified by the application that uniquely identifies the segment. this value is received in the OnJetEventListener.onJetUserIdUpdate(JetPlayer, int, int) event listener method. Normally, the application will keep a byte value that is incremented each time a new segment is queued up. This can be used to look up any special characteristics of that track including trigger clips and mute flags.
Boolean true if the segment was successfully queued, false if the queue is full or if the parameters are invalid.


Added in API level 3
open fun queueJetSegmentMuteArray(
    segmentNum: Int,
    libNum: Int,
    repeatCount: Int,
    transpose: Int,
    muteArray: BooleanArray!,
    userID: Byte
): Boolean

Queues the specified segment in the JET queue.

segmentNum Int: the identifier of the segment.
libNum Int: the index of the soundbank associated with the segment. Use -1 to indicate that no sound bank (DLS file) is associated with this segment, in which case JET will use the General MIDI library.
repeatCount Int: the number of times the segment will be repeated. 0 means the segment will only play once. -1 means the segment will repeat indefinitely.
transpose Int: the amount of pitch transposition. Set to 0 for normal playback. Range is -12 to +12.
muteArray BooleanArray!: an array of booleans to specify which MIDI tracks will be muted during playback. The value at index 0 affects track 0, value at index 1 affects track 1 etc. The length of the array must be getMaxTracks() for the call to succeed.
userID Byte: a value specified by the application that uniquely identifies the segment. this value is received in the OnJetEventListener.onJetUserIdUpdate(JetPlayer, int, int) event listener method. Normally, the application will keep a byte value that is incremented each time a new segment is queued up. This can be used to look up any special characteristics of that track including trigger clips and mute flags.
Boolean true if the segment was successfully queued, false if the queue is full or if the parameters are invalid.


Added in API level 3
open fun release(): Unit

Stops the current JET playback, and releases all associated native resources. The object can no longer be used and the reference should be set to null after a call to release().


Added in API level 3
open fun setEventListener(listener: JetPlayer.OnJetEventListener!): Unit

Sets the listener JetPlayer notifies when a JET event is generated by the rendering and playback engine. Notifications are received in the same thread as the one in which the JetPlayer instance was created.

listener JetPlayer.OnJetEventListener!: the listener that will be notified when a JET event is generated.


Added in API level 3
open fun setEventListener(
    listener: JetPlayer.OnJetEventListener!,
    handler: Handler!
): Unit

Sets the listener JetPlayer notifies when a JET event is generated by the rendering and playback engine. Use this method to receive JET events in the Handler associated with another thread than the one in which you created the JetPlayer instance.

listener JetPlayer.OnJetEventListener!: the listener that will be notified when a JET event is generated.
handler Handler!: the Handler that will receive the event notification messages.


Added in API level 3
open fun setMuteArray(
    muteArray: BooleanArray!,
    sync: Boolean
): Boolean

Modifies the mute flags for the current active segment.

muteArray BooleanArray!: an array of booleans to specify which MIDI tracks are muted. The value at index 0 affects track 0, value at index 1 affects track 1 etc. The length of the array must be getMaxTracks() for the call to succeed.
sync Boolean: if false, the new mute flags will be applied as soon as possible by the JET render and playback engine. If true, the mute flags will be updated at the start of the next segment. If the segment is repeated, the flags will take effect the next time segment is repeated.
Boolean true if the mute flags were successfully updated, false otherwise.


Added in API level 3
open fun setMuteFlag(
    trackId: Int,
    muteFlag: Boolean,
    sync: Boolean
): Boolean

Mutes or unmutes a single track.

trackId Int: the index of the track to mute.
muteFlag Boolean: set to true to mute, false to unmute.
sync Boolean: if false, the new mute flags will be applied as soon as possible by the JET render and playback engine. If true, the mute flag will be updated at the start of the next segment. If the segment is repeated, the flag will take effect the next time segment is repeated.
Boolean true if the mute flag was successfully updated, false otherwise.


Added in API level 3
open fun setMuteFlags(
    muteFlags: Int,
    sync: Boolean
): Boolean

Modifies the mute flags.

muteFlags Int: a bitmask to specify which MIDI tracks are muted. Bit 0 affects track 0, bit 1 affects track 1 etc.
sync Boolean: if false, the new mute flags will be applied as soon as possible by the JET render and playback engine. If true, the mute flags will be updated at the start of the next segment. If the segment is repeated, the flags will take effect the next time segment is repeated.
Boolean true if the mute flags were successfully updated, false otherwise.


Added in API level 3
open fun triggerClip(clipId: Int): Boolean

Schedules the playback of a clip. This will automatically update the mute flags in sync with the JET Clip Marker (controller 103). The parameter clipID must be in the range of 0-63. After the call to triggerClip, when JET next encounters a controller event 103 with bits 0-5 of the value equal to clipID and bit 6 set to 1, it will automatically unmute the track containing the controller event. When JET encounters the complementary controller event 103 with bits 0-5 of the value equal to clipID and bit 6 set to 0, it will mute the track again.

clipId Int: the identifier of the clip to trigger.
Boolean true if the clip was successfully triggered, false otherwise.

Protected methods


Added in API level 3
protected open fun finalize(): Unit
java.lang.Throwable the Exception raised by this method