
Added in 7.0.0

interface ResourcesPackaging

Build-time properties for packaging Java resources inside a Component.

This is accessed via Packaging.resources


Public properties


The set of excluded patterns.


The set of patterns for which matching java resources are merged.


The set of patterns for which the first occurrence is packaged in the APK.

Public properties


Added in 7.0.0
val excludesSetProperty<String>

The set of excluded patterns. Java resources matching any of these patterns do not get packaged in the APK.

Example usage: variant.packaging.resources.excludes.add("**/*.exclude")


Added in 7.0.0
val mergesSetProperty<String>

The set of patterns for which matching java resources are merged. For each java resource APK entry path matching one of these patterns, all java resources with that path are concatenated and packaged as a single entry in the APK.

Example usage: variant.packaging.resources.merges.add("**/*.merge")


Added in 7.0.0
val pickFirstsSetProperty<String>

The set of patterns for which the first occurrence is packaged in the APK. For each java resource APK entry path matching one of these patterns, only the first java resource found with that path gets packaged in the APK.

Example usage: variant.packaging.resources.pickFirsts.add("**/*.pickFirst")