Aapt2 |
Provides structured access to AAPT2 tool. |
AarMetadata |
Build-time properties for AAR Metadata inside a |
Aidl |
Provides structured access to various AIDL tools such as the aidl compiler executable and aidl framework. |
AndroidComponents |
AndroidComponentsExtension |
Generic extension for Android Gradle Plugin related components. |
AndroidResources |
Build-time properties for Android Resources inside a |
AndroidResourcesBuilder |
Build-time properties for Android Resources inside a |
AndroidTest |
Model for Android Test components that contains build-time properties |
AndroidTestBuilder |
AndroidVersion |
A version of the Android platform. |
AnnotationProcessor |
Build-time properties for Java annotation processors inside a |
ApkInstallGroup |
An interface representing a set of APKs files and that are installed as a unit on a device. |
ApkOutput |
Provides an ordered collection of APK batches, each intended for local installation, facilitating staged installations. |
ApkOutputProviders |
Provides APIs to obtain ordered collection of APK batches, each intended for local installation, facilitating staged installations. |
ApkPackaging |
Build-time properties for APK packaging inside a |
ApplicationAndroidComponentsExtension |
Extension for the Android Application Gradle Plugin components. |
ApplicationAndroidResources |
Build-time properties for Android Resources inside a |
ApplicationAndroidResourcesBuilder |
Build-time properties for Android Resources inside a |
ApplicationVariant |
Model for application components that only contains build-time properties. |
ApplicationVariantBuilder |
Model for application components that only contains configuration-time properties that impacts the build flow. |
BuiltArtifact |
Represents a built artifact that is present in the file system. |
BuiltArtifacts |
Represents a |
BuiltArtifacts.TransformParams |
Specialized version of Gradle's |
BuiltArtifactsLoader |
Facility to load |
BundleConfig |
Information related to the actions creating a bundle (.aab) file for the variant. |
CanMinifyAndroidResources |
Build-time properties for |
CanMinifyAndroidResourcesBuilder |
Interface for component builder that can shrink resources |
CanMinifyCode |
Build-time properties for |
CanMinifyCodeBuilder |
Interface for component builder that can minify code |
CodeTransparency |
Component |
Model for components that only contains build-time properties |
ComponentBuilder |
Model for components that only contains configuration-time properties that impacts the build flow. |
ComponentIdentity |
Variant Configuration represents the identify of a variant |
DependenciesInfo |
Read-only object to access dependencies information properties during |
DependenciesInfoBuilder |
Interface for component builder that specifies whether to include SDK dependency information in APKs and Bundles for the variant |
DeviceTest |
Model for Device Test components that contains build-time properties |
DeviceTestBuilder |
Interface to turn tests on devices, |
DexPackagingOptions |
Build-time properties for packaging dex files inside an APK |
Dexing |
Settings related to how dex files are produced. |
DslLifecycle |
DynamicFeatureAndroidComponentsExtension |
Extension for the Android Dynamic Feature Gradle Plugin components. |
DynamicFeatureVariant |
Model for dynamic feature components that only contains build-time properties. |
DynamicFeatureVariantBuilder |
Model for dynamic feature components that only contains configuration-time properties that impacts the build flow. |
ExternalNativeBuild |
Parameters to use when building native components. |
ExternalNdkBuild |
Interface for ndk-build per-variant info. |
FilterConfiguration |
Immutable filter configuration. |
GeneratesAar |
Build-time properties for |
GeneratesApk |
Build-time properties for |
GeneratesApkBuilder |
Configuration-time properties |
GeneratesTestApk |
Build-time properties for |
GeneratesTestApkBuilder |
Configuration-time properties |
HasAndroidResources |
Build-time properties for |
HasAndroidTest |
HasAndroidTestBuilder |
Interface that marks the potential existence of |
HasDeviceTests |
HasDeviceTestsBuilder |
Interface that marks the potential existence of |
HasHostTests |
HasHostTestsBuilder |
Interface that marks the potential existence of |
HasTestFixtures |
HasTestFixturesBuilder |
Interface that marks the potential existence of |
HasUnitTest |
HasUnitTestBuilder |
Interface that marks the potential existence of |
HostTest |
Model for Host Test components that contains build-time properties. |
HostTestBuilder |
Interface to turn on or off host tests. |
Instrumentation |
Options to register asm class visitors and to configure the instrumentation process. |
JavaCompilation |
Build-time properties for Java compile inside a |
JniLibsApkPackaging |
Build-time properties for packaging native libraries (.so) inside an APK |
JniLibsPackaging |
Build-time properties for packaging native libraries (.so) inside a |
JniLibsTestedApkPackaging |
Build-time properties for packaging native libraries (.so) inside a tested APK |
JniLibsTestedComponentPackaging |
Build-time properties for packaging native libraries (.so) inside a tested |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidComponentsExtension |
Components extension for KMP Android Gradle Plugin related components. |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidVariant |
Properties for the main Variant of a kotlin multiplatform android library |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidVariantBuilder |
Model for kotlin multiplatform library components that only contains configuration-time properties that impacts the build flow. |
LibraryAndroidComponentsExtension |
Extension for the Android Library Gradle Plugin components. |
LibraryVariant |
Model for library components that only contains build-time properties. |
LibraryVariantBuilder |
Model for library components that only contains configuration-time properties that impacts the build flow. |
LifecycleTasks |
Lifecycle tasks created by the AGP plugins. |
LintLifecycleExtension |
ManifestFiles |
Defines a set of manifests for particular variant. |
Packaging |
Build-time properties for common packaging inside a |
Renderscript |
Build-time properties for renderscript inside a |
ResValue.Key |
a generated resource is identified by its type+name as you can create |
ResourcesPackaging |
Build-time properties for packaging Java resources inside a |
ScopedArtifacts |
Scoped artifacts are artifacts that can be made available in the current variant scope, or may be optionally include the project's dependencies in the results. |
ScopedArtifactsOperation |
Defines all possible operations on a |
SigningConfig |
Defines a variant's signing config. |
SourceDirectories |
Defines all common behaviors to sources access in AGP. |
SourceDirectories.Flat |
Represents all the source folders for a source type in the variant. |
SourceDirectories.Layered |
Represent a collection of directories that have overlay properties to each other. |
Sources |
Provides access to all source directories for a |
TestAndroidComponentsExtension |
Extension for the Android Test Gradle Plugin components. |
TestComponent |
Model for test components that contains build-time properties. |
TestFixtures |
Model for Test Fixtures components that contains build-time properties |
TestVariant |
Model for test components that only contains build-time properties. |
TestVariantBuilder |
Model for test components that only contains configuration-time properties that impacts the build flow. |
TestedApkPackaging |
Build-time properties for packaging inside a tested APK |
TestedComponentPackaging |
Build-time properties for packaging inside a tested |
UnitTest |
Variant |
Model for variant components that only contains build-time properties |
VariantBuilder |
Model for variant components that only contains configuration-time properties that impacts the build flow. |
VariantExtension |
Marker type for |
VariantExtensionConfig |
Configuration object passed to the lambda responsible for creating a |
VariantFilter |
This interface is deprecated. Use AndroidComponentsExtension.beforeVariants API to disable specific variants |
VariantInfo |
This interface is deprecated. |
VariantOutput |
Defines a variant output. |
VariantOutputConfiguration |
Configuration for a given build output. |
VariantSelector |
Selector to reduce the number of variants that are of interests when calling any of the variant API like |
BuildConfigField |
Field definition for the generated BuildConfig class. |
DeviceSpec |
A class representing device-specific attributes. |
DeviceSpec.Builder |
DslExtension |
Third party DSL extension configuration. |
DslExtension.Builder |
Creates a |
ResValue |
Resource to be generated by the build system. |
PropertyAccessNotAllowedException |
Exception thrown when users are trying to access |
FilterConfiguration.FilterType |
Split dimension type |
ScopedArtifacts.Scope |
Defines possible scopes. |
VariantOutputConfiguration.OutputType |
The type of an output. |