Added in API level 1


open class Interpolator


Nested classes

Public constructors
Interpolator(valueCount: Int)

Interpolator(valueCount: Int, frameCount: Int)

Public methods


open Unit
reset(valueCount: Int)

Reset the Interpolator to have the specified number of values and an implicit keyFrame count of 2 (just a start and end).

open Unit
reset(valueCount: Int, frameCount: Int)

Reset the Interpolator to have the specified number of values and keyFrames.

open Unit
setKeyFrame(index: Int, msec: Int, values: FloatArray!)

Assign the keyFrame (specified by index) a time value and an array of key values (with an implicitly blend array of [0, 0, 1, 1] giving linear transition to the next set of key values).

open Unit
setKeyFrame(index: Int, msec: Int, values: FloatArray!, blend: FloatArray!)

Assign the keyFrame (specified by index) a time value and an array of key values and blend array.

open Unit
setRepeatMirror(repeatCount: Float, mirror: Boolean)

Set a repeat count (which may be fractional) for the interpolator, and whether the interpolator should mirror its repeats.

open Interpolator.Result!

Calls timeToValues(msec, values) with the msec set to now (by calling (int)SystemClock.

open Interpolator.Result!
timeToValues(msec: Int, values: FloatArray!)

Given a millisecond time value (msec), return the interpolated values and return whether the specified time was within the range of key times (NORMAL), was before the first key time (FREEZE_START) or after the last key time (FREEZE_END).

Protected methods
open Unit

Public constructors


Added in API level 1
Interpolator(valueCount: Int)


Added in API level 1
    valueCount: Int,
    frameCount: Int)

Public methods


Added in API level 1
fun getKeyFrameCount(): Int


Added in API level 1
fun getValueCount(): Int


Added in API level 1
open fun reset(valueCount: Int): Unit

Reset the Interpolator to have the specified number of values and an implicit keyFrame count of 2 (just a start and end). After this call the values for each keyFrame must be assigned using setKeyFrame().


Added in API level 1
open fun reset(
    valueCount: Int,
    frameCount: Int
): Unit

Reset the Interpolator to have the specified number of values and keyFrames. After this call the values for each keyFrame must be assigned using setKeyFrame().


Added in API level 1
open fun setKeyFrame(
    index: Int,
    msec: Int,
    values: FloatArray!
): Unit

Assign the keyFrame (specified by index) a time value and an array of key values (with an implicitly blend array of [0, 0, 1, 1] giving linear transition to the next set of key values).

index Int: The index of the key frame to assign
msec Int: The time (in mililiseconds) for this key frame. Based on the SystemClock.uptimeMillis() clock
values FloatArray!: Array of values associated with theis key frame


Added in API level 1
open fun setKeyFrame(
    index: Int,
    msec: Int,
    values: FloatArray!,
    blend: FloatArray!
): Unit

Assign the keyFrame (specified by index) a time value and an array of key values and blend array.

index Int: The index of the key frame to assign
msec Int: The time (in mililiseconds) for this key frame. Based on the SystemClock.uptimeMillis() clock
values FloatArray!: Array of values associated with theis key frame
blend FloatArray!: (may be null) Optional array of 4 blend values


Added in API level 1
open fun setRepeatMirror(
    repeatCount: Float,
    mirror: Boolean
): Unit

Set a repeat count (which may be fractional) for the interpolator, and whether the interpolator should mirror its repeats. The default settings are repeatCount = 1, and mirror = false.


Added in API level 1
open fun timeToValues(values: FloatArray!): Interpolator.Result!

Calls timeToValues(msec, values) with the msec set to now (by calling (int)SystemClock.uptimeMillis().)


Added in API level 1
open fun timeToValues(
    msec: Int,
    values: FloatArray!
): Interpolator.Result!

Given a millisecond time value (msec), return the interpolated values and return whether the specified time was within the range of key times (NORMAL), was before the first key time (FREEZE_START) or after the last key time (FREEZE_END). In any event, computed values are always returned.

msec Int: The time (in milliseconds) used to sample into the Interpolator. Based on the SystemClock.uptimeMillis() clock
values FloatArray!: Where to write the computed values (may be NULL).
Interpolator.Result! how the values were computed (even if values == null)

Protected methods


Added in API level 1
protected open fun finalize(): Unit
java.lang.Throwable the Exception raised by this method