Added in API level 11


protected interface ContactNameColumns

Contact name and contact name metadata columns in the RawContacts table.


static String

An alternative representation of the display name, such as "family name first" instead of "given name first" for Western names.

static String

The standard text shown as the contact's display name, based on the best available information for the contact (for example, it might be the email address if the name is not available).

static String

The kind of data that is used as the display name for the contact, such as structured name or email address.

static String

Pronunciation of the full name in the phonetic alphabet specified by PHONETIC_NAME_STYLE.

static String

The phonetic alphabet used to represent the PHONETIC_NAME.

static String

Sort key based on the alternative representation of the full name, DISPLAY_NAME_ALTERNATIVE.

static String

Sort key that takes into account locale-based traditions for sorting names in address books.



Added in API level 11

An alternative representation of the display name, such as "family name first" instead of "given name first" for Western names. If an alternative is not available, the values should be the same as DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY.

A contacts provider is free to provide alternatives as necessary for its target market. For example the default Android Open Source Project contacts provider currently provides an alternative in a single case: if the display name is based on the structured name and the structured name follows the Western full name style, then the field contains the "family name first" version of the full name. Other cases may be added later.

Value: "display_name_alt"


Added in API level 11
static val DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY: String

The standard text shown as the contact's display name, based on the best available information for the contact (for example, it might be the email address if the name is not available). The information actually used to compute the name is stored in DISPLAY_NAME_SOURCE.

A contacts provider is free to choose whatever representation makes most sense for its target market. For example in the default Android Open Source Project implementation, if the display name is based on the structured name and the structured name follows the Western full-name style, then this field contains the "given name first" version of the full name.

Value: "display_name"


Added in API level 11
static val DISPLAY_NAME_SOURCE: String

The kind of data that is used as the display name for the contact, such as structured name or email address. See DisplayNameSources.

Value: "display_name_source"


Added in API level 11
static val PHONETIC_NAME: String

Pronunciation of the full name in the phonetic alphabet specified by PHONETIC_NAME_STYLE.

The value may be set manually by the user. This capability is of interest only in countries with commonly used phonetic alphabets, such as Japan and Korea. See PhoneticNameStyle.

Value: "phonetic_name"


Added in API level 11
static val PHONETIC_NAME_STYLE: String

The phonetic alphabet used to represent the PHONETIC_NAME. See PhoneticNameStyle.

Value: "phonetic_name_style"


Added in API level 11
static val SORT_KEY_ALTERNATIVE: String

Sort key based on the alternative representation of the full name, DISPLAY_NAME_ALTERNATIVE. Thus for Western names, it is the one using the "family name first" format.

Value: "sort_key_alt"


Added in API level 11
static val SORT_KEY_PRIMARY: String

Sort key that takes into account locale-based traditions for sorting names in address books. The default sort key is DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY. For Chinese names the sort key is the name's Pinyin spelling, and for Japanese names it is the Hiragana version of the phonetic name.

Value: "sort_key"