Support classes providing low level Leanback user interface building blocks: widgets and helpers.
The core interface to the developer’s model is the
. It is similar to Adapter and the
RecyclerView Adapter, but separates iterating items from presenting them as Views.
Concrete implementations include
, but a developer is free to use a
subclass of an ObjectAdapter to iterate over any existing Object hierarchy.
A Presenter
creates Views and binds data from an Object
to those Views. This is the
complementary piece to ObjectAdapter that corresponds to existing Android adapter classes.
The benefit to separating out a Presenter is that we can use it to generate Views outside of the
context of an adapter. For example, a UI may represent data from a single Object in several places
at once. Each View that needs to be generated can be produced by a different Presenter, while the
Object is retrieved from the ObjectAdapter once.
determines which Presenter to use
for a given Object from an
ObjectAdapter. Two common cases are when an ObjectAdapter uses the same View type for every element
), and when the Presenter is
determined by the Java class of
the element (ClassPresenterSelector
). A developer is
able to implement any selection logic
as a PresenterSelector. For example, if all the elements of an ObjectAdapter have the same type,
but certain elements are to be rendered using a 'promotional content' view in the developer’s
application, the PresenterSelector may inspect the fields of each element before choosing the
appropriate Presenter.
The basic navigation model for Leanback is that of a vertical list of rows, each of which may be a horizontal list of items. Therefore, Leanback uses ObjectAdapters both for defining the horizontal data items as well as the list of rows themselves.
Leanback defines a few basic data model classes for rows: the
, which defines the
abstract concept of a row with a header; and ListRow
a concrete Row implementation that uses an ObjectAdapter to present a horizontal list of items.
The corresponding presenter for the ListRow is the
Other types of Rows and corresponding RowPresenters are provided; however the application may
define a custom subclass of Row
BaseGridView.OnKeyInterceptListener | Listener for intercepting key dispatch events. |
BaseGridView.OnMotionInterceptListener | Listener for intercepting generic motion dispatch events. |
BaseGridView.OnTouchInterceptListener | Listener for intercepting touch dispatch events. |
BaseGridView.OnUnhandledKeyListener | |
BaseOnItemViewClickedListener<T> | Interface for receiving notification when an item view holder is clicked. |
BaseOnItemViewSelectedListener<T> | Interface for receiving notification when a row or item becomes selected. |
BrowseFrameLayout.OnChildFocusListener | Interface for managing child focus in a BrowseFrameLayout. |
BrowseFrameLayout.OnFocusSearchListener | Interface for selecting a focused view in a BrowseFrameLayout when the system focus finder couldn't find a view to focus. |
FacetProvider | This is the query interface to supply optional features(aka facets) on an object without the need of letting the object to subclass or implement java interfaces. |
FacetProviderAdapter |
Optional interface that implemented by RecyclerView.Adapter to
query FacetProvider for a given type within Adapter.
FocusHighlight | Interface for highlighting the item that has focus. |
FragmentAnimationProvider | FragmentAnimationProvider supplies animations for use during a fragment's onCreateAnimator callback. |
ImeKeyMonitor | Interface for an EditText subclass that can delegate calls to onKeyPreIme up to a registered listener. |
ImeKeyMonitor.ImeKeyListener | Listener interface for key events intercepted pre-IME by edit text objects. |
MultiActionsProvider |
An interface implemented by the user if they wish to provide actions for a media item row to
be displayed by an AbstractMediaItemPresenter .
OnActionClickedListener |
Interface for receiving notification when an Action is clicked.
OnChildLaidOutListener | Interface for receiving notification when a child of this ViewGroup has been laid out. |
OnChildSelectedListener |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 24.1.0.
Use OnChildViewHolderSelectedListener
OnItemViewClickedListener | Interface for receiving notification when a item view holder is clicked. |
OnItemViewSelectedListener | Interface for receiving notification when a row or item becomes selected. |
PlaybackSeekUi | Interface to be implemented by UI component to support seeking. |
SearchBar.SearchBarListener | Interface for receiving notification of search query changes. |
SearchBar.SearchBarPermissionListener | Interface that handles runtime permissions requests. |
SearchEditText.OnKeyboardDismissListener | Interface for receiving notification when the keyboard is dismissed. |
SpeechRecognitionCallback |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Launching voice recognition activity is no longer supported. App should declare
android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO in AndroidManifest file. See details in
SearchSupportFragment .
TitleViewAdapter.Provider |
Interface to be implemented by a customized widget class to implement
TitleViewAdapter .
ViewHolderTask | Interface for schedule task on a ViewHolder. |
AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter |
An abstract Presenter for rendering a detailed description of an
AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter.ViewHolder |
The ViewHolder for the AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter .
AbstractMediaItemPresenter |
Abstract Presenter class for rendering media items in a playlist format.
AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder |
The ViewHolder for the AbstractMediaItemPresenter .
AbstractMediaListHeaderPresenter | Abstract presenter class for rendering the header for a list of media items in a playlist. |
AbstractMediaListHeaderPresenter.ViewHolder |
The ViewHolder for the AbstractMediaListHeaderPresenter .
Action | An action contains one or two lines of text, an optional image and an optional id. |
ArrayObjectAdapter |
An ObjectAdapter implemented with an ArrayList .
BaseCardView | A card style layout that responds to certain state changes. |
BaseCardView.LayoutParams | Per-child layout information associated with BaseCardView. |
BaseGridView | An abstract base class for vertically and horizontally scrolling lists. |
BrowseFrameLayout | A ViewGroup for managing focus behavior between overlapping views. |
ClassPresenterSelector |
A ClassPresenterSelector selects a Presenter based on the item's
Java class.
ControlButtonPresenterSelector |
Displays primary and secondary controls for a PlaybackControlsRow .
CursorObjectAdapter |
An ObjectAdapter implemented with a Cursor .
DetailsOverviewLogoPresenter | Presenter that responsible to create a ImageView and bind to DetailsOverviewRow. |
DetailsOverviewLogoPresenter.ViewHolder | ViewHolder for Logo view of DetailsOverviewRow. |
DetailsOverviewRow |
An overview Row for a details fragment.
DetailsOverviewRow.Listener | Listener for changes of DetailsOverviewRow. |
DetailsOverviewRowPresenter |
This class was deprecated
in API level 24.1.0.
Use FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter
DetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder | A ViewHolder for the DetailsOverviewRow. |
DetailsParallax | Subclass of Parallax object that tracks overview row's top and bottom edge in DetailsFragment or DetailsSupportFragment. |
DiffCallback<Value> |
Callback that informs ArrayObjectAdapter how to compute list updates when using
DiffUtil in setItems(List, DiffCallback) method.
DividerPresenter |
DividerPresenter provides a default presentation for DividerRow in HeadersFragment.
DividerRow | Used to represent divider in HeadersFragment. |
FocusHighlightHelper | Sets up the highlighting behavior when an item gains focus. |
FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter |
Renders a DetailsOverviewRow to display an overview of an item.
FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.Listener | Listeners for events on ViewHolder. |
FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder | A ViewHolder for the DetailsOverviewRow. |
FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder.DetailsOverviewRowListener | |
FullWidthDetailsOverviewSharedElementHelper |
Helper class to assist delayed shared element activity transition for view created by
FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter .
GuidanceStylist |
GuidanceStylist is used within a GuidedStepFragment
to display contextual information for the decision(s) required at that step.
GuidanceStylist.Guidance |
A data class representing contextual information for a GuidedStepFragment .
GuidedAction |
A data class which represents an action within a GuidedStepFragment .
GuidedAction.Builder |
Builds a GuidedAction object.
GuidedAction.BuilderBase<B extends BuilderBase> |
Base builder class to build a GuidedAction object.
GuidedActionDiffCallback |
DiffCallback used for GuidedActions, see setActionsDiffCallback(DiffCallback) .
GuidedActionEditText | A custom EditText that satisfies the IME key monitoring requirements of GuidedStepFragment. |
GuidedActionsStylist |
GuidedActionsStylist is used within a GuidedStepFragment
to supply the right-side panel where users can take actions.
GuidedActionsStylist.ViewHolder | ViewHolder caches information about the action item layouts' subviews. |
GuidedDatePickerAction | Subclass of GuidedAction that can choose a date. |
GuidedDatePickerAction.Builder | Builder class to build a GuidedDatePickerAction. |
GuidedDatePickerAction.BuilderBase<B extends BuilderBase> | Base Builder class to build GuidedDatePickerAction. |
HeaderItem |
A header item describes the metadata of a Row , such as a category
of media items.
HorizontalGridView |
A ViewGroup that shows items in a horizontal scrolling list.
HorizontalHoverCardSwitcher |
A helper class for showing a hover card view below a HorizontalGridView .
ImageCardView |
A subclass of BaseCardView with an ImageView as its main region.
ItemAlignmentFacet |
Optional facet provided by RecyclerView.Adapter or RecyclerView.ViewHolder for
use in HorizontalGridView and VerticalGridView .
ItemAlignmentFacet.ItemAlignmentDef | Definition of an alignment position under a view. |
ItemBridgeAdapter |
Bridge from Presenter to RecyclerView.Adapter .
ItemBridgeAdapter.AdapterListener | Interface for listening to ViewHolder operations. |
ItemBridgeAdapter.ViewHolder | ViewHolder for the ItemBridgeAdapter. |
ItemBridgeAdapter.Wrapper | Interface for wrapping a view created by a Presenter into another view. |
ItemBridgeAdapterShadowOverlayWrapper |
A wrapper class working with ItemBridgeAdapter to wrap item view in a
ShadowOverlayContainer .
ListRow |
A Row composed of a optional HeaderItem , and an ObjectAdapter
describing the items in the list.
ListRowHoverCardView | ListRowHoverCardView contains a title and description. |
ListRowPresenter |
ListRowPresenter renders ListRow using a
HorizontalGridView hosted in a ListRowView .
ListRowPresenter.SelectItemViewHolderTask | A task on the ListRowPresenter.ViewHolder that can select an item by position in the HorizontalGridView and perform an optional item task on it. |
ListRowPresenter.ViewHolder | ViewHolder for the ListRowPresenter. |
ListRowView |
ListRowView is a ViewGroup which always contains a
HorizontalGridView , and may optionally include a hover card.
MultiActionsProvider.MultiAction | MultiAction represents an action that can have multiple states. |
ObjectAdapter | Base class adapter to be used in leanback activities. |
ObjectAdapter.DataObserver | A DataObserver can be notified when an ObjectAdapter's underlying data changes. |
OnChildViewHolderSelectedListener | Interface for receiving notification when a child of this ViewGroup has been selected. |
PageRow | Used to represent content spanning full page. |
Parallax<PropertyT extends Property> |
Parallax tracks a list of dynamic Property s typically representing foreground UI
element positions on screen.
Parallax.FloatProperty |
FloatProperty provide access to an index based integer type property inside
Parallax .
Parallax.IntProperty |
IntProperty provide access to an index based integer type property inside
Parallax .
Parallax.PropertyMarkerValue<PropertyT> |
Class holding a fixed value for a Property in Parallax .
ParallaxEffect |
ParallaxEffect class drives changes in ParallaxTarget in response to changes in
variables defined in Parallax .
ParallaxTarget |
ParallaxTarget is responsible for updating the target through the update(float) method
or the directUpdate(Number) method when isDirectMapping() is true.
ParallaxTarget.DirectPropertyTarget<T, V extends Number> | DirectPropertyTarget is to support direct mapping into either Integer Property or Float Property. |
ParallaxTarget.PropertyValuesHolderTarget |
PropertyValuesHolderTarget is an implementation of ParallaxTarget that uses
PropertyValuesHolder to update the target object.
PlaybackControlsRow |
A Row of playback controls to be displayed by a PlaybackControlsRowPresenter .
PlaybackControlsRow.ClosedCaptioningAction | An action for displaying a CC (Closed Captioning) icon. |
PlaybackControlsRow.FastForwardAction | An action displaying an icon for fast forward. |
PlaybackControlsRow.HighQualityAction | An action for displaying a HQ (High Quality) icon. |
PlaybackControlsRow.MoreActions | An action displaying an icon for "more actions". |
PlaybackControlsRow.MultiAction | Base class for an action comprised of a series of icons. |
PlaybackControlsRow.OnPlaybackProgressCallback | Listener for progress or duration change. |
PlaybackControlsRow.PictureInPictureAction | An action displaying an icon for picture-in-picture. |
PlaybackControlsRow.PlayPauseAction | An action displaying icons for play and pause. |
PlaybackControlsRow.RepeatAction | An action for displaying three repeat states: none, one, or all. |
PlaybackControlsRow.RewindAction | An action displaying an icon for rewind. |
PlaybackControlsRow.ShuffleAction | An action for displaying a shuffle icon. |
PlaybackControlsRow.SkipNextAction | An action displaying an icon for skip next. |
PlaybackControlsRow.SkipPreviousAction | An action displaying an icon for skip previous. |
PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsAction | A base class for displaying a thumbs action. |
PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsDownAction | An action displaying an icon for thumbs down. |
PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsUpAction | An action displaying an icon for thumbs up. |
PlaybackControlsRowPresenter |
A PlaybackControlsRowPresenter renders a PlaybackControlsRow to display a
series of playback control buttons.
PlaybackControlsRowPresenter.ViewHolder | A ViewHolder for the PlaybackControlsRow. |
PlaybackRowPresenter |
Subclass of RowPresenter that can define the desired behavior when the view
PlaybackRowPresenter.ViewHolder | This container is used for trapping click events and passing them to the playback controls. |
PlaybackSeekDataProvider | Class to be implemented by app to provide seeking data and thumbnails to UI. |
PlaybackSeekDataProvider.ResultCallback |
Client to receive result for getThumbnail(int, ResultCallback) .
PlaybackSeekUi.Client | Client (e.g. |
PlaybackTransportRowPresenter |
A PlaybackTransportRowPresenter renders a PlaybackControlsRow to display a
series of playback control buttons.
PlaybackTransportRowPresenter.ViewHolder | A ViewHolder for the PlaybackControlsRow supporting seek UI. |
Presenter |
A Presenter is used to generate View s and bind Objects to them on
Presenter.ViewHolder | ViewHolder can be subclassed and used to cache any view accessors needed to improve binding performance (for example, results of findViewById) without needing to subclass a View. |
Presenter.ViewHolderTask | Base class to perform a task on Presenter.ViewHolder. |
PresenterSelector |
A PresenterSelector is used to obtain a Presenter for a given Object.
PresenterSwitcher |
An abstract helper class that switches a view in its parent view using a
PresenterSelector .
RecyclerViewParallax |
Implementation of Parallax class for RecyclerView .
RecyclerViewParallax.ChildPositionProperty |
Subclass of Parallax.IntProperty .
Row | The base class for all rows. |
RowHeaderPresenter |
RowHeaderPresenter provides a default presentation for HeaderItem using a
RowHeaderView and optionally a TextView for description.
RowHeaderPresenter.ViewHolder | A ViewHolder for the RowHeaderPresenter. |
RowHeaderView | RowHeaderView is a header text view. |
RowPresenter |
An abstract Presenter that renders an Object in RowsFragment, the object can be
subclass Row or a generic one.
RowPresenter.ViewHolder |
A ViewHolder for a Row .
SearchBar | A search widget containing a search orb and a text entry view. |
SearchEditText | EditText widget that monitors keyboard changes. |
SearchOrbView |
A widget that draws a search affordance, represented by a round background and an icon. |
SearchOrbView.Colors | A set of colors used to display the search orb. |
SectionRow | Used to represent section item in HeadersFragment. |
ShadowOverlayContainer | Provides an SDK version-independent wrapper to support shadows, color overlays, and rounded corners. |
ShadowOverlayHelper | ShadowOverlayHelper is a helper class for shadow, overlay color and rounded corner. |
ShadowOverlayHelper.Builder | Builder for creating ShadowOverlayHelper. |
ShadowOverlayHelper.Options | Option values for ShadowOverlayContainer. |
SinglePresenterSelector |
A PresenterSelector that always returns the same Presenter .
SparseArrayObjectAdapter |
An ObjectAdapter implemented with a SparseArray .
SpeechOrbView |
A subclass of SearchOrbView that visualizes the state of an ongoing speech recognition.
TitleHelper |
Helper for managing TitleView , including
transitions and focus movement.
TitleView | Title view for a leanback fragment. |
TitleViewAdapter |
This class allows a customized widget class to implement TitleViewAdapter.Provider
and expose TitleViewAdapter methods to containing fragment (e.g.
VerticalGridPresenter |
A presenter that renders objects in a VerticalGridView .
VerticalGridPresenter.ViewHolder | ViewHolder for the VerticalGridPresenter. |
VerticalGridView |
A ViewGroup that shows items in a vertically scrolling list.
- BaseGridView.OnKeyInterceptListener
- BaseGridView.OnMotionInterceptListener
- BaseGridView.OnTouchInterceptListener
- BaseGridView.OnUnhandledKeyListener
- BaseOnItemViewClickedListener
- BaseOnItemViewSelectedListener
- BrowseFrameLayout.OnChildFocusListener
- BrowseFrameLayout.OnFocusSearchListener
- FacetProvider
- FacetProviderAdapter
- FocusHighlight
- FragmentAnimationProvider
- ImeKeyMonitor
- ImeKeyMonitor.ImeKeyListener
- MultiActionsProvider
- OnActionClickedListener
- OnChildLaidOutListener
- OnChildSelectedListener
- OnItemViewClickedListener
- OnItemViewSelectedListener
- PlaybackSeekUi
- SearchBar.SearchBarListener
- SearchBar.SearchBarPermissionListener
- SearchEditText.OnKeyboardDismissListener
- SpeechRecognitionCallback
- TitleViewAdapter.Provider
- ViewHolderTask
- AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter
- AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter.ViewHolder
- AbstractMediaItemPresenter
- AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder
- AbstractMediaListHeaderPresenter
- AbstractMediaListHeaderPresenter.ViewHolder
- Action
- ArrayObjectAdapter
- BaseCardView
- BaseCardView.LayoutParams
- BaseGridView
- BrowseFrameLayout
- ClassPresenterSelector
- ControlButtonPresenterSelector
- CursorObjectAdapter
- DetailsOverviewLogoPresenter
- DetailsOverviewLogoPresenter.ViewHolder
- DetailsOverviewRow
- DetailsOverviewRow.Listener
- DetailsOverviewRowPresenter
- DetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder
- DetailsParallax
- DiffCallback
- DividerPresenter
- DividerRow
- FocusHighlightHelper
- FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter
- FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.Listener
- FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder
- FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder.DetailsOverviewRowListener
- FullWidthDetailsOverviewSharedElementHelper
- GuidanceStylist
- GuidanceStylist.Guidance
- GuidedAction
- GuidedAction.Builder
- GuidedAction.BuilderBase
- GuidedActionDiffCallback
- GuidedActionEditText
- GuidedActionsStylist
- GuidedActionsStylist.ViewHolder
- GuidedDatePickerAction
- GuidedDatePickerAction.Builder
- GuidedDatePickerAction.BuilderBase
- HeaderItem
- HorizontalGridView
- HorizontalHoverCardSwitcher
- ImageCardView
- ItemAlignmentFacet
- ItemAlignmentFacet.ItemAlignmentDef
- ItemBridgeAdapter
- ItemBridgeAdapter.AdapterListener
- ItemBridgeAdapter.ViewHolder
- ItemBridgeAdapter.Wrapper
- ItemBridgeAdapterShadowOverlayWrapper
- ListRow
- ListRowHoverCardView
- ListRowPresenter
- ListRowPresenter.SelectItemViewHolderTask
- ListRowPresenter.ViewHolder
- ListRowView
- MultiActionsProvider.MultiAction
- ObjectAdapter
- ObjectAdapter.DataObserver
- OnChildViewHolderSelectedListener
- PageRow
- Parallax
- Parallax.FloatProperty
- Parallax.IntProperty
- Parallax.PropertyMarkerValue
- ParallaxEffect
- ParallaxTarget
- ParallaxTarget.DirectPropertyTarget
- ParallaxTarget.PropertyValuesHolderTarget
- PlaybackControlsRow
- PlaybackControlsRow.ClosedCaptioningAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.FastForwardAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.HighQualityAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.MoreActions
- PlaybackControlsRow.MultiAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.OnPlaybackProgressCallback
- PlaybackControlsRow.PictureInPictureAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.PlayPauseAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.RepeatAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.RewindAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.ShuffleAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.SkipNextAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.SkipPreviousAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsDownAction
- PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsUpAction
- PlaybackControlsRowPresenter
- PlaybackControlsRowPresenter.ViewHolder
- PlaybackRowPresenter
- PlaybackRowPresenter.ViewHolder
- PlaybackSeekDataProvider
- PlaybackSeekDataProvider.ResultCallback
- PlaybackSeekUi.Client
- PlaybackTransportRowPresenter
- PlaybackTransportRowPresenter.ViewHolder
- Presenter
- Presenter.ViewHolder
- Presenter.ViewHolderTask
- PresenterSelector
- PresenterSwitcher
- RecyclerViewParallax
- RecyclerViewParallax.ChildPositionProperty
- Row
- RowHeaderPresenter
- RowHeaderPresenter.ViewHolder
- RowHeaderView
- RowPresenter
- RowPresenter.ViewHolder
- SearchBar
- SearchEditText
- SearchOrbView
- SearchOrbView.Colors
- SectionRow
- ShadowOverlayContainer
- ShadowOverlayHelper
- ShadowOverlayHelper.Builder
- ShadowOverlayHelper.Options
- SinglePresenterSelector
- SparseArrayObjectAdapter
- SpeechOrbView
- TitleHelper
- TitleView
- TitleViewAdapter
- VerticalGridPresenter
- VerticalGridPresenter.ViewHolder
- VerticalGridView