Achievements in Unity games

This topic describes how to use Play Games Services achievements in Unity games. It assumes that you've set up your project and the Google Play Games plugin for Unity, as discussed in the Get started guide.

Create an achievement

When you set up your project and plugin, create the achievements in Google Play Console and then update the plugin with the Android resources for your achievements. For details about creating achievements in Play Console, see the achievements guide.

Reveal and unlock an achievement

To unlock an achievement, use the Social.ReportProgress method with a progress value of 100.0f:

    using GooglePlayGames;
    using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
    // unlock achievement (achievement ID "Cfjewijawiu_QA")
    Social.ReportProgress("Cfjewijawiu_QA", 100.0f, (bool success) => {
      // handle success or failure

According to the expected behavior of Social.ReportProgress, a value of 0.0f means the achievement is revealed and a progress of 100.0f means the achievement is unlocked.

To reveal an achievement that was previously hidden without unlocking it, call Social.ReportProgress with a value of 0.0f.

Increment an achievement

If the achievement is incremental, the Play Games implementation of Social.ReportProgress will try to adhere to the expected behavior according to Unity's social API. The behavior might not be identical, though, so we recommend that you do not use Social.ReportProgress for incremental achievements. Instead, use the PlayGamesPlatform.IncrementAchievement method, which is a Play Games extension.

    using GooglePlayGames;
    using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
    // increment achievement (achievement ID "Cfjewijawiu_QA") by 5 steps
        "Cfjewijawiu_QA", 5, (bool success) => {
            // handle success or failure

Show the achievements UI

To show the built-in UI for all achievements, call Social.ShowAchievementsUI.

    using GooglePlayGames;
    using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
    // show achievements UI