This guide describes how to test your game for distribution on Google Play Games on PC. This lets you to test your games before users are able to play on desktop.
Add the Google Play Games on PC form factor
Enabling the form factor is required if it is not activated for your game. To enable the form factor:
- In the Google Play Console, go to Release > Advanced settings.
- In the Form factors tab, add Google Play Games on PC from the + Add form factor list.
- In the Google Play Games on PC page, for Releases select one of the
following options:
- Use the same release track and artifacts as your mobile app. Indicates that all PC users (including testers and end users) download the same binary that mobile users receive.
- Use a dedicated track for Google Play Games on PC. Indicates that you can distribute a separate binary to only PC users.
- Click Save.
For example, say you have a game that is already launched on mobile, and you want to restrict PC users from being able to download the game (from the standard mobile track) until you have had a chance to test the game. Create a dedicated testing track. This lets you designate testers who will have access to your game on PC. You can then release the game to the public after testing is complete.
During testing, use the dedicated release track for Google Play Games on PC; this lets only your testers download the game on desktop during testing. Upload the same build to the closed test track.
Opt in to Google Play Games on PC distribution
- In the Google Play Console, go to Release > Advanced settings.
- In the Form factors tab, click Manage to open the settings for Google Play Games on PC.
- Select Opt-in to Google Play Games on PC and save the settings.
Create and configure your closed test track
To distribute a build to your testers, create a track:
- In the Google Play Console, go to Release > Test > Closed testing.
- Select Google Play Games on PC only from the form factors list.
- Create a new closed testing track:
- Click Create track in the top right corner.
- On successful creation, the site directs you to the track page for your new track. This is also located on the closed testing page for the release type.
- Click Manage track for the track.
- On the Testers tab:
- Create and configure the groups you want to test.
- Make a note of the opt-in URL provided for the test track. Your testers need to opt in using this link.
Release on the dedicated track
Create a new Google Play Games on PC release on the closed track and upload your game.
- Go back to the track page for your new track. See Create and configure your Play multiplatform users track to manage the track.
- Click Create release, which opens the Prepare release page for the new release.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to prepare your release:
- Add your app bundles or APKs.
- Name your release.
- Enter release notes for the version of your release.
- Click Save.
- Click Review release.
- On the Review page, ensure that all the information you have entered is
- Validation errors and warnings appear at the top of the screen. Errors need to be resolved before you can proceed.
- Review the information on the page to ensure that you have uploaded correct artifacts and entered your release details.
- Click Start roll-out at the bottom of the page to complete rolling out your release.
For more information, see Prepare and roll out a release.
Test your game
Once the published changes are live, your testers should be able to test your game.
- Download and install Google Play Games for PC (Using the developer emulator is not required).
- Sign in using one of the test accounts listed on your closed test track.
- Click the search icon, and search for your game by package name.
- Install and test the game.
Release your game to Google Play Games on PC
Once your game has been satisfactorily tested, you can release your game to the public. This can be done in one of two ways:
You can release your mobile version of the game to all desktop users.
- In the Google Play Console, go to Release > Advanced settings.
- Switch from Use dedicated release track for Google Play Games on PC to Use the same release track and artifacts as your mobile app.
- Submit changes for review.
- After approval, users can install the same game version on their PCs.
To create a separate build for Google Play Games on PC users, keep the dedicated release track. Upload a binary to its dedicated production track.
Use Vitals with Google Play Games on PC
You can use Android vitals to monitor the crash and
ANR rates for your game after you have rolled it out to production on
Google Play Games on PC, just as you would with the mobile version.
Filter with the Form factor and select Google Play Games on PC
to see the
crash and ANR rates on Google Play Games on PC.