Saved games in Unity games

This topics describes how to use saved games for Play Games Services in Unity games.

Before you start

Display the saved games UI

The standard UI for selecting or creating a saved game entry is displayed by calling:

    void ShowSelectUI() {
        uint maxNumToDisplay = 5;
        bool allowCreateNew = false;
        bool allowDelete = true;

        ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame;
        savedGameClient.ShowSelectSavedGameUI("Select saved game",

    public void OnSavedGameSelected (SelectUIStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) {
        if (status == SelectUIStatus.SavedGameSelected) {
            // handle selected game save
        } else {
            // handle cancel or error

Open a saved game

In order to read or write data to a saved game, the saved game needs to be opened. Since the saved game state is cached locally on the device and saved to the cloud, it is possible to encounter conflicts in the state of the saved data. A conflict happens when a device attempts to save state to the cloud but the data currently on the cloud was written by a different device. These conflicts need to be resolved when opening the saved game data.

There are 2 open methods that handle conflict resolution, the first OpenWithAutomaticConflictResolution accepts a standard resolution strategy type and automatically resolves the conflicts. The other method, OpenWithManualConflictResolution accepts a callback method to allow the manual resolution of the conflict.

See GooglePlayGames/BasicApi/SavedGame/ISavedGameClient.cs for more details on these methods.

    void OpenSavedGame(string filename) {
        ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame;
        savedGameClient.OpenWithAutomaticConflictResolution(filename, DataSource.ReadCacheOrNetwork,
            ConflictResolutionStrategy.UseLongestPlaytime, OnSavedGameOpened);

    public void OnSavedGameOpened(SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) {
        if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success) {
            // handle reading or writing of saved game.
        } else {
            // handle error

Write a saved game

Once the saved game file is opened, it can be written to save the game state. This is done by calling CommitUpdate. There are four parameters to CommitUpdate:

  1. the saved game metadata passed to the callback passed to one of the Open calls.
  2. the updates to make to the metadata.
  3. the actual byte array of data
  4. a callback to call when the commit is complete.
    void SaveGame (ISavedGameMetadata game, byte[] savedData, TimeSpan totalPlaytime) {
        ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame;

        SavedGameMetadataUpdate.Builder builder = new SavedGameMetadataUpdate.Builder();
        builder = builder
            .WithUpdatedDescription("Saved game at " + DateTime.Now());
        if (savedImage != null) {
            // This assumes that savedImage is an instance of Texture2D
            // and that you have already called a function equivalent to
            // getScreenshot() to set savedImage
            // NOTE: see sample definition of getScreenshot() method below
            byte[] pngData = savedImage.EncodeToPNG();
            builder = builder.WithUpdatedPngCoverImage(pngData);
        SavedGameMetadataUpdate updatedMetadata = builder.Build();
        savedGameClient.CommitUpdate(game, updatedMetadata, savedData, OnSavedGameWritten);

    public void OnSavedGameWritten (SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) {
        if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success) {
            // handle reading or writing of saved game.
        } else {
            // handle error

    public Texture2D getScreenshot() {
        // Create a 2D texture that is 1024x700 pixels from which the PNG will be
        // extracted
        Texture2D screenShot = new Texture2D(1024, 700);

        // Takes the screenshot from top left hand corner of screen and maps to top
        // left hand corner of screenShot texture
            new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, (Screen.width/1024)*700), 0, 0);
        return screenShot;

Read a saved game

Once the saved game file is opened, it can be read to load the game state. This is done by calling ReadBinaryData.

    void LoadGameData (ISavedGameMetadata game) {
        ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame;
        savedGameClient.ReadBinaryData(game, OnSavedGameDataRead);

    public void OnSavedGameDataRead (SavedGameRequestStatus status, byte[] data) {
        if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success) {
            // handle processing the byte array data
        } else {
            // handle error

Delete a saved game

Once the saved game file is opened, it can be deleted. This is done by calling Delete.

    void DeleteGameData (string filename) {
        // Open the file to get the metadata.
        ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame;
        savedGameClient.OpenWithAutomaticConflictResolution(filename, DataSource.ReadCacheOrNetwork,
            ConflictResolutionStrategy.UseLongestPlaytime, DeleteSavedGame);

    public void DeleteSavedGame(SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) {
        if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success) {
            ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame;
        } else {
            // handle error