Upgrade Input SDK for Unity to version 1.1

This guide explains how to upgrade your game from the 1.0 to the 1.1 Input SDK for Unity. Click here for Java and Kotlin instructions.

Release Notes

Google Play Games on PC supports remapping of keyboard controls based on the key bindings your game provides using the Input SDK.

Users access this feature by opening the overlay, selecting controls, and then clicking on the action they wish to remap.

Google Play Games on PC maps every user-remapped input onto your game's default input. This way your game doesn't have to be aware of the player's remapping. If you need to know the new input for an in-game action, such as displaying the keyboard controls in your game, you may optionally register a callback to be notified for remapping events.

Google Play Games on PC stores user's remapped controls locally to persist across gaming sessions. Since these settings is stored locally, they does not influence the mobile experience and are deleted upon uninstallation of Google Play Games on PC. Settings do not persist across multiple PC devices.

You don’t need to upgrade the Input SDK to enable key remapping in your game, but remapping will be disabled for your game if an unsupported configuration is detected.

If you want to control the input remapping experience or the remapping feature is disabled for your game, follow these steps:

If you want to opt-out of the remapping feature for your game while still displaying the read-only version of your key bindings, follow these steps:

  • Upgrade to Input SDK 1.1.0-beta.
  • Update your InputMap to set the remapping feature disabled.

You can upgrade your version of the Input SDK to 1.1.0-beta to take advantage of advanced remapping features in Google Play Games on PC by using InputContexts to define controls for different scenes of your game, add callbacks to listen for remapping events, define a set of reserved keys that the user cannot remap to and disable the remapping feature per InputAction, InputGroup or InputMap.

When upgrading consider the following exceptions:

Unsupported configurations

Input remapping is disabled if the following conditions aren't met:

  • An InputAction that utilizes multiples keys must be composed of a modifier and non-modifier key. For example, Shift + A is valid but A + B, Ctrl + Alt, and Shift + A + Tab is invalid.

  • Two or more InputAction or InputGroup objects cannot share the same unique ID.

Introducing InputContext

An InputContext allows a game to use the same key for different actions in your game without conflicts. This way, if a game uses space for jumping during gameplay and for confirming a menu selection, players are able to individually remap space to enter in menus and space to up arrow during gameplay.

The following sequence diagram shows how the setInputContext() API works at runtime:

Diagram showing the flow of the Input SDK when remapping keys.


Games using previous implementations of the Input SDK still support basic remapping, unless they use an unsupported configuration. If your game is using an older version of the Input SDK, consider reading the upgrade guide from 0.0.4 to 1.0.0-beta.

Upgrade to 1.1.0-beta enables new features, including:

  • Triggering context changes.
  • Receiving notifications of key mapping events
  • Disabling remapping per Action, Group, Context, or Map.


The Unity plugin v1.1.0-beta is available for your use. You need to delete any previous versions of the Input SDK installed in your game and upgrade to the current version.

To add the Input SDK v1.1.0-beta to your game, see Adding the SDK.

Define static fields

For version 1.1.0-beta it is a good practice to define your InputActions, InputGroups, InputContexts and InputMap as static fields of your InputMappingProvider class, as these fields will be accessible from other parts of your application:

using Java.Lang;
using Java.Util;
using Google.Android.Libraries.Play.Games.Inputmapping;
using Google.Android.Libraries.Play.Games.Inputmapping.Datamodel;

public class InputSDKMappingProvider : InputMappingProviderCallbackHelper
    public static readonly string INPUT_MAP_VERSION = "1.0.0";

    private static readonly InputAction driveInputAction =
    private static readonly InputGroup roadInputGroup = InputGroup.Create(...);
    public static readonly InputContext roadControlsContext =
    public static readonly InputMap inputMap = InputMap.Create(...);

    public override InputMap OnProvideInputMap()
        return inputMap;

Update your InputActions

The InputAction.create() method of Input SDK 1.0.0-beta is deprecated. An InputAction has a version identifier and can be marked as remappable or not. An InputAction defined using the Input SDK 1.0.0-beta create() method is remappable by default and lacks versioning information:

InputAction in Input SDK 1.0.0-beta

var driveAction = PlayInputAction.Create(
        new[] { AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_SPACE },
        new List<PlayMouseAction>()

InputAction in Input SDK 1.1.0-beta

private static readonly InputAction driveInputAction = InputAction.Create(
        new[] { new Integer(AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_SPACE) }.ToJavaList(),
        new ArrayList<Integer>()),

InputAction in Input SDK 1.1.0-beta (with version string)

private static readonly InputAction driveInputAction = InputAction.Create(
        new[] { new Integer(AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_SPACE) }.ToJavaList(),
        new ArrayList<Integer>()),
        INPUT_MAP_VERSION, (long)InputEventIds.DRIVE),

For more information about versioning your key bindings, see Tracking key IDs.

Update your InputGroups

In Input SDK 1.1.0-beta you need to uniquely identify each InputGroup. Each InputAction belongs to an InputGroup -- a collection of related actions. This improves navigation and discoverability of the controls during gameplay. Just as an InputAction must have a unique identifier among all the actions in a single InputContext, an InputGroup must have a unique ID across the existing groups.

For the examples in this section, a game has two InputContext objects representing the main menu and gameplay. Appropriate IDs are tracked for each InputGroup in these contexts using the following enumeration:

public enum InputGroupsIds
    // Main menu scene
    BASIC_NAVIGATION, // WASD, Enter, Backspace
    MENU_ACTIONS, // C: chat, Space: quick game, S: store
    // Gameplay scene
    BASIC_MOVEMENT, // WASD, space: jump, Shift: run
    MOUSE_ACTIONS, // Left click: shoot, Right click: aim
    EMOJIS, // Emojis with keys 1,2,3,4 and 5
    GAME_ACTIONS, // M: map, P: pause, R: reload

Like InputAction, the InputGroup.create() method of the Input SDK 1.0.0-beta has been deprecated. You must update your InputGroup in your game with a version identifier and boolean indicating whether the InputAction objects in your groups are remappable. Groups created with the deprecated Input SDK 1.0.0-beta create() method are remappable, have the ID 0, and the version ID is an empty string (""):

InputGroup in Input SDK 1.0.0-beta

var gameInputGroup = PlayInputGroup.Create(
    "Road controls",
    new List<PlayInputAction>

InputGroup in Input SDK 1.1.0-beta

private static readonly InputGroup roadInputGroup = InputGroup.Create(
    "Road controls",
    // All input actions of this group will be remappable unless specified
    // the contrary by the individual input actions.

InputGroup in Input SDK 1.1.0-beta (with version string)

private static readonly InputGroup roadInputGroup = InputGroup.Create(
    "Road controls",
        INPUT_MAP_VERSION, (long)InputGroupsIds.ROAD_CONTROLS),
    // All input actions of this group will be remappable unless specified
    // the contrary by the individual input actions.

For more information about versioning your key bindings, see Tracking key IDs.

Update your InputMap

InputMap.create() method of Input SDK 1.0.0-beta has been deprecated. Update your InputMap to assign a version identifier, opt out completely from the remapping feature or assign a list of reserved keys for your game that you don’t want to be used for remapping by the user. Every InputMap defined using the Input SDK 1.0.0-beta create() method is remappable by default, is identified with the ID 0, and doesn't have any reserved keys.

InputMap in Input SDK 1.0.0-beta

var gameInputMap = PlayInputMap.Create(
    new List<PlayInputGroup>
    PlayMouseSettings.Create(false, false)

InputMap in Input SDK 1.1.0-beta

public static readonly string INPUT_MAP_VERSION = "1.0.0";
public static readonly long INPUT_MAP_ID = 0;

public static readonly InputMap inputMap = InputMap.Create(
    new[] { roadInputGroup, menuInputGroup }.ToJavaList(),
    MouseSettings.Create(false, false),
    InputIdentifier.Create(INPUT_MAP_VERSION, INPUT_MAP_ID),
    // Use ESC as reserved key
            new Integer(AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_ESCAPE)
        new ArrayList<Integer>())

What's next

Continue your upgrade to 1.1.0-beta by Assigning different controls for different scenes using InputContexts or updating the UI of your game by Getting notified on remapping events using InputRemappingListeners.

When updating your key-bindings take a look at the Best practices for designing your key bindings and consider the restrictions and limitations of the remapping feature.