Animate a single value with animate*AsState
The animate*AsState
functions are the simplest animation APIs in Compose for
animating a single value. You only provide the target value (or end value), and
the API starts animation from the current value to the specified value.
Below is an example of animating alpha using this API. By simply wrapping the
target value in animateFloatAsState
, the alpha value is now an animation value
between the provided values (1f
or 0.5f
in this case).
var enabled by remember { mutableStateOf(true) } val animatedAlpha: Float by animateFloatAsState(if (enabled) 1f else 0.5f, label = "alpha") Box( Modifier .fillMaxSize() .graphicsLayer { alpha = animatedAlpha } .background(Color.Red) )
Note that you don't need to create an instance of any animation class, or handle
interruption. Under the hood, an animation object (namely, an Animatable
instance) will be created and remembered at the call site, with the first target
value as its initial value. From there on, any time you supply this composable a
different target value, an animation is automatically started towards that
value. If there's already an animation in flight, the animation starts from its
current value (and velocity) and animates toward the target value. During the
animation, this composable gets recomposed and returns an updated animation
value every frame.
Out of the box, Compose provides animate*AsState
functions for Float
, Dp
, Size
, Offset
, Rect
, Int
, IntOffset
, and
. You can easily add support for other data types by providing a
to animateValueAsState
that takes a generic type.
You can customize the animation specifications by providing an AnimationSpec
See AnimationSpec for more information.
Animate multiple properties simultaneously with a transition
manages one or more animations as its children and runs them
simultaneously between multiple states.
The states can be of any data type. In many cases, you can use a custom enum
type to ensure type safety, as in this example:
enum class BoxState { Collapsed, Expanded }
creates and remembers an instance of Transition
and updates
its state.
var currentState by remember { mutableStateOf(BoxState.Collapsed) } val transition = updateTransition(currentState, label = "box state")
You can then use one of animate*
extension functions to define a child
animation in this transition. Specify the target values for each of the states.
These animate*
functions return an animation value that is updated every frame
during the animation when the transition state is updated with
val rect by transition.animateRect(label = "rectangle") { state -> when (state) { BoxState.Collapsed -> Rect(0f, 0f, 100f, 100f) BoxState.Expanded -> Rect(100f, 100f, 300f, 300f) } } val borderWidth by transition.animateDp(label = "border width") { state -> when (state) { BoxState.Collapsed -> 1.dp BoxState.Expanded -> 0.dp } }
Optionally, you can pass a transitionSpec
parameter to specify a different
for each of the combinations of transition state changes. See
AnimationSpec for more information.
val color by transition.animateColor( transitionSpec = { when { BoxState.Expanded isTransitioningTo BoxState.Collapsed -> spring(stiffness = 50f) else -> tween(durationMillis = 500) } }, label = "color" ) { state -> when (state) { BoxState.Collapsed -> MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary BoxState.Expanded -> MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background } }
Once a transition has arrived at the target state, Transition.currentState
will be the same as Transition.targetState
. This can be used as a signal for
whether the transition has finished.
We sometimes want to have an initial state different from the first target
state. We can use updateTransition
with MutableTransitionState
to achieve
this. For example, it allows us to start animation as soon as the code enters
// Start in collapsed state and immediately animate to expanded var currentState = remember { MutableTransitionState(BoxState.Collapsed) } currentState.targetState = BoxState.Expanded val transition = rememberTransition(currentState, label = "box state") // ……
For a more complex transition involving multiple composable functions, you can
use createChildTransition
to create a child transition. This technique is useful for separating concerns
among multiple subcomponents in a complex composable. The parent transition will
be aware of all the animation values in the child transitions.
enum class DialerState { DialerMinimized, NumberPad } @Composable fun DialerButton(isVisibleTransition: Transition<Boolean>) { // `isVisibleTransition` spares the need for the content to know // about other DialerStates. Instead, the content can focus on // animating the state change between visible and not visible. } @Composable fun NumberPad(isVisibleTransition: Transition<Boolean>) { // `isVisibleTransition` spares the need for the content to know // about other DialerStates. Instead, the content can focus on // animating the state change between visible and not visible. } @Composable fun Dialer(dialerState: DialerState) { val transition = updateTransition(dialerState, label = "dialer state") Box { // Creates separate child transitions of Boolean type for NumberPad // and DialerButton for any content animation between visible and // not visible NumberPad( transition.createChildTransition { it == DialerState.NumberPad } ) DialerButton( transition.createChildTransition { it == DialerState.DialerMinimized } ) } }
Use transition with AnimatedVisibility
and AnimatedContent
and AnimatedContent
are available as extension functions of Transition
. The targetState
and Transition.AnimatedContent
is derived
from the Transition
, and triggering enter/exit transitions as needed when the
's targetState
has changed. These extension functions allow all
the enter/exit/sizeTransform animations that would otherwise be internal to
to be hoisted into the Transition
With these extension functions, AnimatedVisibility
's state
change can be observed from outside. Instead of a boolean visible
this version of AnimatedVisibility
takes a lambda that converts the parent
transition's target state into a boolean.
See AnimatedVisibility and AnimatedContent for the details.
var selected by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } // Animates changes when `selected` is changed. val transition = updateTransition(selected, label = "selected state") val borderColor by transition.animateColor(label = "border color") { isSelected -> if (isSelected) Color.Magenta else Color.White } val elevation by transition.animateDp(label = "elevation") { isSelected -> if (isSelected) 10.dp else 2.dp } Surface( onClick = { selected = !selected }, shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp), border = BorderStroke(2.dp, borderColor), shadowElevation = elevation ) { Column( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(16.dp) ) { Text(text = "Hello, world!") // AnimatedVisibility as a part of the transition. transition.AnimatedVisibility( visible = { targetSelected -> targetSelected }, enter = expandVertically(), exit = shrinkVertically() ) { Text(text = "It is fine today.") } // AnimatedContent as a part of the transition. transition.AnimatedContent { targetState -> if (targetState) { Text(text = "Selected") } else { Icon(imageVector = Icons.Default.Phone, contentDescription = "Phone") } } } }
Encapsulate a transition and make it reusable
For simple use cases, defining transition animations in the same composable as your UI is a perfectly valid option. When you are working on a complex component with a number of animated values, however, you might want to separate the animation implementation from the composable UI.
You can do so by creating a class that holds all the animation values and an ‘update’ function that returns an instance of that class. The transition implementation can be extracted into the new separate function. This pattern is useful when there is a need to centralize the animation logic, or make complex animations reusable.
enum class BoxState { Collapsed, Expanded } @Composable fun AnimatingBox(boxState: BoxState) { val transitionData = updateTransitionData(boxState) // UI tree Box( modifier = Modifier .background(transitionData.color) .size(transitionData.size) ) } // Holds the animation values. private class TransitionData( color: State<Color>, size: State<Dp> ) { val color by color val size by size } // Create a Transition and return its animation values. @Composable private fun updateTransitionData(boxState: BoxState): TransitionData { val transition = updateTransition(boxState, label = "box state") val color = transition.animateColor(label = "color") { state -> when (state) { BoxState.Collapsed -> Color.Gray BoxState.Expanded -> Color.Red } } val size = transition.animateDp(label = "size") { state -> when (state) { BoxState.Collapsed -> 64.dp BoxState.Expanded -> 128.dp } } return remember(transition) { TransitionData(color, size) } }
Create an infinitely repeating animation with rememberInfiniteTransition
holds one or more child animations like Transition
, but
the animations start running as soon as they enter the composition and do not
stop unless they are removed. You can create an instance of InfiniteTransition
with rememberInfiniteTransition
. Child animations can be added with
, animatedFloat
, or animatedValue
. You also need to specify an
infiniteRepeatable to specify the animation
val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition(label = "infinite") val color by infiniteTransition.animateColor( initialValue = Color.Red, targetValue = Color.Green, animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable( animation = tween(1000, easing = LinearEasing), repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse ), label = "color" ) Box( Modifier .fillMaxSize() .background(color) )
Low-level animation APIs
All the high-level animation APIs mentioned in the previous section are built on top of the foundation of the low-level animation APIs.
The animate*AsState
functions are the simplest APIs, that render an instant
value change as an animation value. It is backed by Animatable
, which is a
coroutine-based API for animating a single value. updateTransition
creates a
transition object that can manage multiple animating values and run them based
on a state change. rememberInfiniteTransition
is similar, but it creates an
infinite transition that can manage multiple animations that keep on running
indefinitely. All of these APIs are composables except for Animatable
, which
means these animations can be created outside of composition.
All of these APIs are based on the more fundamental Animation
API. Though most
apps will not interact directly with Animation
, some of the customization
capabilities for Animation
are available through higher-level APIs. See
Customize animations for more information on
and AnimationSpec
: Coroutine-based single value animation
is a value holder that can animate the value as it is changed via
. This is the API backing up the implementation of animate*AsState
It ensures consistent continuation and mutual exclusiveness, meaning that the
value change is always continuous and any ongoing animation will be canceled.
Many features of Animatable
, including animateTo
, are provided as suspend
functions. This means that they need to be wrapped in an appropriate coroutine
scope. For example, you can use the LaunchedEffect
composable to create a
scope just for the duration of the specified key value.
// Start out gray and animate to green/red based on `ok` val color = remember { Animatable(Color.Gray) } LaunchedEffect(ok) { color.animateTo(if (ok) Color.Green else Color.Red) } Box( Modifier .fillMaxSize() .background(color.value) )
In the example above, we create and remember an instance of Animatable
the initial value of Color.Gray
. Depending on the value of the boolean flag
, the color animates to either Color.Green
or Color.Red
. Any subsequent
change to the boolean value starts animation to the other color. If there's an
ongoing animation when the value is changed, the animation is canceled, and the
new animation starts from the current snapshot value with the current velocity.
This is the animation implementation that backs up the animate*AsState
mentioned in the previous section. Compared to animate*AsState
, using
directly gives us finer-grained control on several respects. First,
can have an initial value different from its first target value.
For example, the code example above shows a gray box at first, which immediately
starts animating to either green or red. Second, Animatable
provides more
operations on the content value, namely snapTo
and animateDecay
. snapTo
sets the current value to the target value immediately. This is useful when the
animation itself is not the only source of truth and has to be synced with other
states, such as touch events. animateDecay
starts an animation that slows down
from the given velocity. This is useful for implementing fling behavior. See
Gesture and animation for more information.
Out of the box, Animatable
supports Float
and Color
, but any data type can
be used by providing a TwoWayConverter
. See
AnimationVector for more information.
You can customize the animation specifications by providing an AnimationSpec
See AnimationSpec for more information.
: Manually controlled animation
is the lowest-level Animation API available. Many of the animations
we've seen so far build ontop of Animation. There are two Animation
and DecayAnimation
should only be used to manually control the time of the animation.
is stateless, and it does not have any concept of lifecycle. It
serves as an animation calculation engine that the higher-level APIs use.
Other APIs cover most use cases, but using TargetBasedAnimation
allows you to control the animation play time yourself. In the example below,
the play time of the TargetAnimation
is manually controlled based on the frame
time provided by withFrameNanos
val anim = remember { TargetBasedAnimation( animationSpec = tween(200), typeConverter = Float.VectorConverter, initialValue = 200f, targetValue = 1000f ) } var playTime by remember { mutableLongStateOf(0L) } LaunchedEffect(anim) { val startTime = withFrameNanos { it } do { playTime = withFrameNanos { it } - startTime val animationValue = anim.getValueFromNanos(playTime) } while (someCustomCondition()) }
Unlike TargetBasedAnimation
does not require a targetValue
to be provided. Instead, it calculates its
based on the starting conditions, set by initialVelocity
and the supplied DecayAnimationSpec
Decay animations are often used after a fling gesture to slow elements down to a
stop. The animation velocity starts at the value set by initialVelocityVector
and slows down over time.
Recommended for you
- Note: link text is displayed when JavaScript is off
- Customize animations {:#customize-animations}
- Animations in Compose
- Animation modifiers and composables