When animating shared elements, there are some particular use cases that have specific recommendations.
Asynchronous images
It's common to use a library to load up an image asynchronously, such as when
using Coil's AsyncImage
For it to work seamlessly between two composables, its recommended to set the
and memoryCacheKey()
to the same key as a string
derived from the shared element key, such that the cache key is the same for the
matched shared elements. The new shared element will be using its match's cache
as the placeholder until it loads the new image.
The typical usage for AsyncImage
is as follows:
AsyncImage( model = ImageRequest.Builder(LocalContext.current) .data("your-image-url") .crossfade(true) .placeholderMemoryCacheKey("image-key") // same key as shared element key .memoryCacheKey("image-key") // same key as shared element key .build(), placeholder = null, contentDescription = null, modifier = Modifier .size(120.dp) .sharedBounds( rememberSharedContentState( key = "image-key" ), animatedVisibilityScope = this ) )
To animate fontSize
changes, use Modifier.sharedBounds()
, resizeMode =
. This transition makes the size
change relatively fluid. The contentScale
parameter can be tweaked to animate
a specific font weight or style.
Text( text = "This is an example of how to share text", modifier = Modifier .wrapContentWidth() .sharedBounds( rememberSharedContentState( key = "shared Text" ), animatedVisibilityScope = this, enter = fadeIn(), exit = fadeOut(), resizeMode = SharedTransitionScope.ResizeMode.ScaleToBounds() ) )
changes are not animated by default. Instead, use
or Modifier.wrapContentWidth()
over using different
for shared transitions.