Build UI with Glance

This page describes how to handle sizes and provide flexible and responsive layouts with Glance, using existing Glance components.

Use Box, Column, and Row

Glance has three main composable layouts:

  • Box: Places elements on top of another. It translates to a RelativeLayout.

  • Column: Places elements after each other in the vertical axis. It translates to a LinearLayout with vertical orientation.

  • Row: Places elements after each other in the horizontal axis. It translates to a LinearLayout with horizontal orientation.

Glance supports Scaffold objects. Place your Column, Row, and Box composables within a given Scaffold object.

Image of a column, row, and box layout.
Figure 1. Examples of layouts with Column, Row, and Box.

Each of these composables lets you define the vertical and horizontal alignments of its content and the width, height, weight, or padding constraints using modifiers. In addition, each child can define its modifier to change the space and placement inside the parent.

The following example shows you how to create a Row that evenly distributes its children horizontally, as seen in Figure 1:

Row(modifier = GlanceModifier.fillMaxWidth().padding(16.dp)) {
    val modifier = GlanceModifier.defaultWeight()
    Text("first", modifier)
    Text("second", modifier)
    Text("third", modifier)

The Row fills the max available width, and because each child has the same weight, they evenly share the available space. You can define different weights, sizes, paddings, or alignments to adapt layouts to your needs.

Use scrollable layouts

Another way to provide responsive content is to make it scrollable. This is possible with the LazyColumn composable. This composable lets you define a set of items to be displayed inside a scrollable container in the app widget.

The following snippets show different ways to define items inside the LazyColumn.

You can provide the number of items:

// Remember to import Glance Composables
// import androidx.glance.appwidget.layout.LazyColumn

LazyColumn {
    items(10) { index: Int ->
            text = "Item $index",
            modifier = GlanceModifier.fillMaxWidth()

Provide individual items:

LazyColumn {
    item {
        Text("First Item")
    item {
        Text("Second Item")

Provide a list or array of items:

LazyColumn {
    items(peopleNameList) { name ->

You can also use a combination of the preceding examples:

LazyColumn {
    item {
    items(peopleNameList) { name ->

    // or in case you need the index:
    itemsIndexed(peopleNameList) { index, person ->
        Text("$person at index $index")

Note that the previous snippet does not specify the itemId. Specifying the itemId helps with improving the performance and maintaining the scroll position through list and appWidget updates from Android 12 onwards (for example, when adding or removing items from the list). The following example shows how to specify an itemId:

items(items = peopleList, key = { person -> }) { person ->

Define the SizeMode

AppWidget sizes may differ depending on the device, user choice, or launcher, so it is important to provide flexible layouts as described in the Provide flexible widget layouts page. Glance simplifies this with the SizeMode definition and the LocalSize value. The following sections describe the three modes.


SizeMode.Single is the default mode. It indicates that only one type of content is provided; that is, even if the AppWidget available size changes, the content size is not changed.

class MyAppWidget : GlanceAppWidget() {

    override val sizeMode = SizeMode.Single

    override suspend fun provideGlance(context: Context, id: GlanceId) {
        // ...

        provideContent {

    private fun MyContent() {
        // Size will be the minimum size or resizable
        // size defined in the App Widget metadata
        val size = LocalSize.current
        // ...

When using this mode, ensure that:

  • The minimum and maximum size metadata values are properly defined based on the content size.
  • The content is flexible enough within the expected size range.

In general, you should use this mode when either:

a) the AppWidget has a fixed size, or b) it does not change its content when resized.


This mode is the equivalent of providing responsive layouts, which allows the GlanceAppWidget to define a set of responsive layouts bounded by specific sizes. For each defined size, the content is created and mapped to the specific size when the AppWidget is created or updated. The system then selects the best fitting one based on the available size.

For example, in our destination AppWidget, you can define three sizes and its content:

class MyAppWidget : GlanceAppWidget() {

    companion object {
        private val SMALL_SQUARE = DpSize(100.dp, 100.dp)
        private val HORIZONTAL_RECTANGLE = DpSize(250.dp, 100.dp)
        private val BIG_SQUARE = DpSize(250.dp, 250.dp)

    override val sizeMode = SizeMode.Responsive(

    override suspend fun provideGlance(context: Context, id: GlanceId) {
        // ...

        provideContent {

    private fun MyContent() {
        // Size will be one of the sizes defined above.
        val size = LocalSize.current
        Column {
            if (size.height >= BIG_SQUARE.height) {
                Text(text = "Where to?", modifier = GlanceModifier.padding(12.dp))
            Row(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
                if (size.width >= HORIZONTAL_RECTANGLE.width) {
            if (size.height >= BIG_SQUARE.height) {
                Text(text = "provided by X")

In the previous example, the provideContent method is called three times and mapped to the defined size.

  • In the first call, the size evaluates to 100x100. The content doesn't include the extra button, nor the top and bottom texts.
  • In the second call, the size evaluates to 250x100. The content includes the extra button, but not the top and bottom texts.
  • In the third call, the size evaluates to 250x250. The content includes the extra button and both texts.

SizeMode.Responsive is a combination of the other two modes, and lets you define responsive content within predefined bounds. In general, this mode performs better and allows smoother transitions when the AppWidget is resized.

The following table shows the value of the size, depending on the SizeMode and the AppWidget available size:

Available size 105 x 110 203 x 112 72 x 72 203 x 150
SizeMode.Single 110 x 110 110 x 110 110 x 110 110 x 110
SizeMode.Exact 105 x 110 203 x 112 72 x 72 203 x 150
SizeMode.Responsive 80 x 100 80 x 100 80 x 100 150 x 120
* The exact values are just for demo purposes.


SizeMode.Exact is the equivalent of providing exact layouts, which requests the GlanceAppWidget content each time the available AppWidget size changes (for example, when the user resizes the AppWidget in the homescreen).

For example, in the destination widget, an extra button can be added if the available width is larger than a certain value.

class MyAppWidget : GlanceAppWidget() {

    override val sizeMode = SizeMode.Exact

    override suspend fun provideGlance(context: Context, id: GlanceId) {
        // ...

        provideContent {

    private fun MyContent() {
        // Size will be the size of the AppWidget
        val size = LocalSize.current
        Column {
            Text(text = "Where to?", modifier = GlanceModifier.padding(12.dp))
            Row(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
                if (size.width > 250.dp) {

This mode provides more flexibility than the others, but it comes with a few caveats:

  • The AppWidget must be completely recreated each time the size changes. This can lead to performance issues and UI jumps when the content is complex.
  • The available size might differ depending on the launcher's implementation. For example, if the launcher does not provide the list of sizes, the minimum possible size is used.
  • In pre-Android 12 devices, the size calculation logic might not work in all situations.

In general, you should use this mode if SizeMode.Responsive cannot be used (that is, a small set of responsive layouts isn't feasible).

Access resources

Use LocalContext.current to access any Android resource, as shown in the following example:


We recommend providing resource IDs directly to reduce the size of the final RemoteViews object and to enable dynamic resources, such as dynamic colors.

Composables and methods accept resources using a "provider", such as ImageProvider, or using an overload method like GlanceModifier.background( For example:

    modifier = GlanceModifier.background(R.color.default_widget_background)
) { /**...*/ }

    provider = ImageProvider(R.drawable.ic_logo),
    contentDescription = "My image",

Handle text

Glance 1.1.0 includes an API to set your text styles. Set text styles using fontSize, fontWeight, or fontFamily attributes of the TextStyle class.

fontFamily supports all system fonts, as shown in the following example, but custom fonts in apps aren't supported:

    style = TextStyle(
        fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
        fontSize = 18.sp,
        fontFamily = FontFamily.Monospace
    text = "Example Text"

Add compound buttons

Compound buttons were introduced in Android 12. Glance supports backwards compatibility for the following types of compound buttons:

These compound buttons each display a clickable view that represents the "checked" state.

var isApplesChecked by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var isEnabledSwitched by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var isRadioChecked by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

    checked = isApplesChecked,
    onCheckedChange = { isApplesChecked = !isApplesChecked },
    text = "Apples"

    checked = isEnabledSwitched,
    onCheckedChange = { isEnabledSwitched = !isEnabledSwitched },
    text = "Enabled"

    checked = isRadioChecked == 1,
    onClick = { isRadioChecked = 1 },
    text = "Checked"

When the state changes, the provided lambda is triggered. You can store the check state, as shown in the following example:

class MyAppWidget : GlanceAppWidget() {

    override suspend fun provideGlance(context: Context, id: GlanceId) {
        val myRepository = MyRepository.getInstance()

        provideContent {
            val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

            val saveApple: (Boolean) -> Unit =
                { scope.launch { myRepository.saveApple(it) } }

    private fun MyContent(saveApple: (Boolean) -> Unit) {

        var isAppleChecked by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

            text = "Save",
            onClick = { saveApple(isAppleChecked) }

You can also provide the colors attribute to CheckBox, Switch, and RadioButton to customize their colors:

    // ...
    colors = CheckboxDefaults.colors(
        checkedColor = ColorProvider(day = colorAccentDay, night = colorAccentNight),
        uncheckedColor = ColorProvider(day = Color.DarkGray, night = Color.LightGray)
    checked = isChecked,
    onCheckedChange = { isChecked = !isChecked }

    // ...
    colors = SwitchDefaults.colors(
        checkedThumbColor = ColorProvider(day = Color.Red, night = Color.Cyan),
        uncheckedThumbColor = ColorProvider(day = Color.Green, night = Color.Magenta),
        checkedTrackColor = ColorProvider(day = Color.Blue, night = Color.Yellow),
        uncheckedTrackColor = ColorProvider(day = Color.Magenta, night = Color.Green)
    checked = isChecked,
    onCheckedChange = { isChecked = !isChecked },
    text = "Enabled"

    // ...
    colors = RadioButtonDefaults.colors(
        checkedColor = ColorProvider(day = Color.Cyan, night = Color.Yellow),
        uncheckedColor = ColorProvider(day = Color.Red, night = Color.Blue)


Additional components

Glance 1.1.0 includes the release of additional components, as described in the following table:

Name Image Reference link Additional notes
Filled Button alt_text Component
Outline Buttons alt_text Component
Icon Buttons alt_text Component Primary / Secondary / Icon-only
Title Bar alt_text Component
Scaffold Scaffold and Title bar are in the same demo.