Resources in Compose

Jetpack Compose can access the resources defined in your Android project. This document explains some of the APIs Compose offers to do so.

Resources are the additional files and static content that your code uses, such as bitmaps, layout definitions, user interface strings, animation instructions, and more. If you're not familiar with resources in Android, check out the App resources overview guide.


The most common type of resource are your Strings. Use the stringResource API to retrieve a string statically defined in your XML resources.

// In the res/values/strings.xml file
// <string name="compose">Jetpack Compose</string>

// In your Compose code
    text = stringResource(R.string.compose)

stringResource also works with positional formatting.

// In the res/values/strings.xml file
// <string name="congratulate">Happy %1$s %2$d</string>

// In your Compose code
    text = stringResource(R.string.congratulate, "New Year", 2021)

String plurals (experimental)

Use the pluralStringResource API to load up a plural with a certain quantity.

// In the res/strings.xml file
// <plurals name="runtime_format">
//    <item quantity="one">%1$d minute</item>
//    <item quantity="other">%1$d minutes</item>
// </plurals>

// In your Compose code
    text = pluralStringResource(

When using the pluralStringResource method, you need to pass the count twice if your string includes string formatting with a number. For example, for the string %1$d minutes, the first count parameter selects the appropriate plural string and the second count parameter is inserted into the %1$d placeholder. If your plural strings don't include string formatting, you don't need to pass the third parameter to pluralStringResource.

For more information on plurals, check out the quantity string documentation.


Similarly, use the dimensionResource API to get dimensions from a resource XML file.

// In the res/values/dimens.xml file
// <dimen name="padding_small">8dp</dimen>

// In your Compose code
val smallPadding = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_small)
    text = "...",
    modifier = Modifier.padding(smallPadding)


If you're adopting Compose incrementally in your app, use the colorResource API to get colors from a resource XML file.

// In the res/colors.xml file
// <color name="purple_200">#FFBB86FC</color>

// In your Compose code
Divider(color = colorResource(R.color.purple_200))

colorResource works as expected with static colors, but it flattens color state list resources.

Vector assets and image resources

Use the painterResource API to load either vector drawables or rasterized asset formats like PNGs. You don't need to know the type of the drawable, simply use painterResource in Image composables or paint modifiers.

// Files in res/drawable folders. For example:
// - res/drawable-nodpi/ic_logo.xml
// - res/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_logo.png

// In your Compose code
    painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_logo),
    contentDescription = null // decorative element

painterResource decodes and parses the content of the resource on the main thread.

Animated Vector Drawables

Use the AnimatedImageVector.animatedVectorResource API to load an animated vector drawable XML. The method returns an AnimatedImageVector instance. In order to display the animated image, use the rememberAnimatedVectorPainter method to create a Painter that can be used in Image and Icon composables. The boolean atEnd parameter of the rememberAnimatedVectorPainter method indicates whether the image should be drawn at the end of all the animations. If used with a mutable state, changes to this value trigger the corresponding animation.

// Files in res/drawable folders. For example:
// - res/drawable/ic_hourglass_animated.xml

// In your Compose code
val image =
val atEnd by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    painter = rememberAnimatedVectorPainter(image, atEnd),
    contentDescription = null // decorative element


Jetpack Compose comes with the Icons object that is the entry point for using Material Icons in Compose. There are five distinct icon themes: Filled, Outlined, Rounded, TwoTone, and Sharp. Each theme contains the same icons, but with a distinct visual style. You should typically choose one theme and use it across your application for consistency.

To draw an icon, you can use the Icon composable which applies tint and provides layout size matching the icon.

Icon(Icons.Rounded.Menu, contentDescription = "Localized description")

Some of the most commonly used icons are available as part of the androidx.compose.material dependency. To use any of the other Material icons, add the material-icons-extended dependency to the build.gradle file.

dependencies {
  def composeBom = platform('androidx.compose:compose-bom:2024.09.03')
  implementation composeBom

  implementation 'androidx.compose.material:material-icons-extended'


To use fonts in Compose, download and bundle the font files directly in your APKs by placing them in the res/font folder.

Load each font using the Font API and create a FontFamily with them that you can use in TextStyle instances to create your own Typography. The following is code taken from the Crane compose sample and its Typography.kt file.

// Define and load the fonts of the app
private val light = Font(R.font.raleway_light, FontWeight.W300)
private val regular = Font(R.font.raleway_regular, FontWeight.W400)
private val medium = Font(R.font.raleway_medium, FontWeight.W500)
private val semibold = Font(R.font.raleway_semibold, FontWeight.W600)

// Create a font family to use in TextStyles
private val craneFontFamily = FontFamily(light, regular, medium, semibold)

// Use the font family to define a custom typography
val craneTypography = Typography(
    titleLarge = TextStyle(
        fontFamily = craneFontFamily
    ) /* ... */

// Pass the typography to a MaterialTheme that will create a theme using
// that typography in the part of the UI hierarchy where this theme is used
fun CraneTheme(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
    MaterialTheme(typography = craneTypography) {

For using downloadable fonts in Compose, see the Downloadable fonts page.

Learn more about typography in the Theming in Compose documentation