On phones and large screen devices that include stylus support, users expect a consistent stylus experience across all their apps.

Support stylus to provide improved navigation, drawing and handwriting capabilities, and advanced brushes with tilt and pressure detection.

Manage stylus input

Use the Ink API to add stylus support and capabilities to your app.
Let users handwrite input in text fields using a stylus.
Enable stylus handwriting in views that are not EditText components or WebView text widgets.
Support stylus pressure, orientation, tilt, hover, and palm detection. Enhance stylus input rendering with low-latency graphics and motion prediction libraries.
Take note—support stylus input in note-taking apps so users can write, sketch, and annotate screen content with fluid efficiency.

Set your experience apart with advanced libraries

Use the advanced stylus libraries to reduce latency, detect pressure and tilt, ignore accidental marks, and recognize handwriting.

Low latency libraries

Improve latency by reducing the processing time between stylus input and screen rendering.
Further reduce latency using prediction of future motion events, made easy with our Motion Prediction Jetpack library.

Advanced libraries

Use information about the pressure and tilt of the stylus to render the stroke from the MotionEvent object.
Avoid stray marks when the user accidentally touches the screen while drawing or writing with a stylus.
Recognize handwritten text and classify gestures on a digital surface with ML Kit Recognize handwritten text and classify gestures on a digital surface with ML Kit Digital Ink Recognition.
Empower users to work in full screen and use gesture navigation without stray marks.

Build for all types of input

Empower your users to navigate your app with their stylus, just as they would with a keyboard or trackpad. Stylus optimizations also improve the experience for other types of input, like Empower your users to navigate your app with their stylus, just as they would with a keyboard or trackpad. Stylus optimizations also improve the experience for other types of input, like keyboard and mouse.
Help users easily identify where the focus is on the screen for precise input. For example, add a focus indicator like a thicker border when a user hovers over it. 
While hovering, update the cursor to show a preview of the brush type or current action.
Drag and drop images, text, and other content so users can quickly share from your app Drag and drop images, text, and other content so users can quickly share from your app to another app.
Make the text in your app selectable so that users can quickly select text and share Make the text in your app selectable so that users can quickly select text and share with other apps with their stylus.