Preference components and attributes   Part of Android Jetpack.

This topic describes some of the most commonly-used Preference components and attributes used when building a settings screen.

Preference components

This section describes common Preference components. For more information, see the corresponding reference pages for each component.

Preference infrastructure

PreferenceFragmentCompat - a Fragment that handles displaying an interactive hierarchy of Preference objects.

Preference containers

PreferenceScreen - a top-level container that represents a settings screen. This is the root component of your Preference hierarchy.

PreferenceCategory - a container that is used to group similar Preferences. A PreferenceCategory displays a category title and visually separates groups of Preferences.

Individual Preferences

Preference - the basic building block that represents an individual setting. If a Preference is set to persist, it has a corresponding key-value pair that holds the user’s choice for the setting that can be accessed elsewhere in the application.

EditTextPreference - a Preference that persists a String value. Users can tap on the Preference to launch a dialog containing the text field that allows the user to change the persisted value.

ListPreference - a Preference that persists a String value. Users can change this value in a dialog that contains a list of radio buttons with corresponding labels.

MultiSelectListPreference - a Preference that persists a set of Strings. Users can change these values in a dialog that contains a list of checkboxes with corresponding labels.

SeekBarPreference - a Preference that persists an integer value. This value can be changed by dragging a corresponding seekbar that is displayed in the Preference layout.

SwitchPreferenceCompat - a Preference that persists a boolean value. This value can be changed by interacting with the corresponding switch widget or by tapping on the Preference layout.

CheckBoxPreference - a Preference that persists a boolean value. This value can be changed by interacting with the corresponding checkbox or by tapping on the Preference layout.

Preference attributes

Listed below are some of the most commonly-used attributes that configure Preference appearance and behavior.

Generic attributes


A String value that represents the title of the Preference.

Example: app:title="Title"


A String value that represents the Preference summary.

Example: app:summary="Summary"


A Drawable that represents the Preference icon.

Example: app:icon="@drawable/ic_camera"


A String value that represents the key that is used to persist the value for the associated Preference. A key allows you to further customize the Preference during runtime. You should set a key for each Preference in your hierarchy.

Example: app:key="key"


A boolean value that indicates whether users can interact with the Preference. When this value is false, the Preference appears grayed out, and users cannot interact with it. The default value is true.

Example: app:enabled="false"


A boolean value that indicates whether users can interact with the Preference. The default value is true.

Example: app:selectable="false"


A boolean value that indicates whether a Preference or Preference category is visible. This is equivalent to calling setVisible().

Example: app:isPreferenceVisible="false"


Represents the default value for a Preference. This value is set and persisted when no other persisted value for this Preference is found. The value type depends on the associated Preference.

Example: app:defaultValue="true"


Represents the key of a SwitchPreferenceCompat that controls the state of this Preference. When the corresponding switch is turned off, this Preference is disabled and is unable to be modified.

Example: app:dependency="parent"

PreferenceCategory attributes


An integer value that enables expandable Preference behavior. This value represents the maximum number of children to show in the PreferenceGroup. Any extra children are collapsed and can be shown by tapping the expand button. By default, this value is Integer.MAX_VALUE, and all children are shown.

Warning: Ensure that you set a key on the PreferenceCategory if using this attribute so that the state is correctly saved and restored when the configuration changes (such as when rotating the screen).

Example: app:initialExpandedChildrenCount="0"

ListPreference / MultiSelectListPreference attributes


An array of Strings that corresponds to the list entries to be displayed to the user. Each of these values correspond by index to the array of values that are internally persisted. For example, when a user selects the first list entry, the first element in the corresponding array of values is persisted.

Example: app:entries="@array/entries"

Warning: Ensure the length of both arrays are the same, and the indexes of each array match the correct entry / value pair.


The array of entries to be persisted. Each of these values correspond by index to the array of list entries that are displayed to the user.

Example: app:entryValues="@array/values"

Develop your UI on Android.

Updated Feb 22, 2024