Fragments and the Kotlin DSL

The Navigation component provides a Kotlin-based domain-specific language, or DSL, that relies on Kotlin's type-safe builders . This API lets you declaratively compose your graph in your Kotlin code, rather than inside an XML resource. This can be useful if you want to build your app's navigation dynamically. For example, your app could download and cache a navigation configuration from an external web service and then use that configuration to dynamically build a navigation graph in your activity's onCreate() function.


To use the Kotlin DSL with Fragments, add the following dependency to your app's build.gradle file:


dependencies {
    def nav_version = "2.8.3"

    api "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:$nav_version"


dependencies {
    val nav_version = "2.8.3"


Building a graph

Here is a basic example based on the Sunflower app. For this example, we have two destinations: home and plant_detail. The home destination is present when the user first launches the app. This destination displays a list of plants from the user's garden. When the user selects one of the plants, the app navigates to the plant_detail destination.

Figure 1 shows these destinations along with the arguments required by the plant_detail destination and an action, to_plant_detail, that the app uses to navigate from home to plant_detail.

The Sunflower app has two destinations along with an action that
            connects them.
Figure 1. The Sunflower app has two destinations, home and plant_detail, along with an action that connects them.

Hosting a Kotlin DSL Nav Graph

Before you can build your app's navigation graph, you need a place to host the graph. This example uses fragments, so it hosts the graph in a NavHostFragment inside of a FragmentContainerView:

<!-- activity_garden.xml -->

        app:defaultNavHost="true" />


Notice that the app:navGraph attribute is not set in this example. The graph isn't defined as a resource in the res/navigation folder so it needs to be set as part of the onCreate() process in the activity.

In XML, an action ties together a destination ID with one or more arguments. However, when using the Navigation DSL a route can contain arguments as part of the route. This means that there is no concept of actions when using the DSL.

The next step is to define the routes that you will use when defining your graph.

Create routes for your graph

XML-based navigation graphs are parsed as part of the Android build process. A numeric constant is created for each id attribute defined in the graph. These build time generated static IDs are not available when building your navigation graph at runtime so the Navigation DSL uses serializable types instead of IDs. Each route is represented by a unique type.

When dealing with arguments, these are built into the route type. This lets you have type safety for your navigation arguments.

@Serializable data object Home
@Serializable data class Plant(val id: String)

Once you've defined your routes, you can build the navigation graph.

val navController = findNavController(
navController.graph = navController.createGraph(
    startDestination = Home
) {
    fragment<HomeFragment, Home> {
        label = resources.getString(R.string.home_title)
    fragment<PlantDetailFragment, PlantDetail> {
        label = resources.getString(R.string.plant_detail_title)

In this example, two fragment destinations are defined using the fragment() DSL builder function. This function requires two type arguments .

First, a Fragment class that provides the UI for this destination. Setting this has the same effect as setting the android:name attribute on fragment destinations that are defined using XML.

Second, the route. This must be a serializable type which extends from Any. It should contain any navigation arguments that will be used by this destination, and their types.

The function also accepts an optional lambda for additional configuration, such as the destination label, as well as embedded builder functions for custom arguments and deep links.

Finally, you can navigate from home to plant_detail using NavController.navigate() calls:

private fun navigateToPlant(plantId: String) {
   findNavController().navigate(route = PlantDetail(id = plantId))

In PlantDetailFragment, you can obtain the navigation arguments by obtaining the current NavBackStackEntry and calling toRoute on it to obtain the route instance.

val plantDetailRoute = findNavController().getBackStackEntry<PlantDetail>().toRoute<PlantDetail>()
val plantId =

If PlantDetailFragment is using a ViewModel, obtain the route instance using SavedStateHandle.toRoute.

val plantDetailRoute = savedStateHandle.toRoute<PlantDetail>()
val plantId =

The rest of this guide describes common navigation graph elements, destinations, and how to use them when building your graph.


The Kotlin DSL provides built-in support for three destination types: Fragment, Activity, and NavGraph destinations, each of which has its own inline extension function available for building and configuring the destination.

Fragment destinations

The fragment() DSL function can be parameterized with the fragment class for the UI and the route type used to uniquely identify this destination, followed by a lambda where you can provide additional configuration as described in the Navigating with your Kotlin DSL graph section.

fragment<MyFragment, MyRoute> {
   label = getString(R.string.fragment_title)
   // custom argument types, deepLinks

Activity destination

The activity() DSL function takes a type parameter for the route but is not parameterized to any implementing activity class. Instead, you set an optional activityClass in a trailing lambda. This flexibility lets you define an activity destination for an activity that should be launched using an implicit intent, where an explicit activity class wouldn't make sense. As with fragment destinations, you can also configure a label, custom arguments, and deep links.

activity<MyRoute> {
   label = getString(R.string.activity_title)
   // custom argument types, deepLinks...

   activityClass = MyActivity::class

The navigation() DSL function can be used to build a nested navigation graph. This function takes a type parameter for the route to assign to this graph. It also takes two arguments: the route of the starting destination of the graph, and a lambda to further configure the graph. Valid elements include other destinations, custom argument types, deep links, and a descriptive label for the destination. This label can be useful for binding the navigation graph to UI components using NavigationUI.

@Serializable data object HomeGraph
@Serializable data object Home

navigation<HomeGraph>(startDestination = Home) {
   // label, other destinations, deep links

Supporting custom destinations

If you're using a new destination type that does not directly support the Kotlin DSL, you can add these destinations to your Kotlin DSL using addDestination():

// The NavigatorProvider is retrieved from the NavController
val customDestination = navigatorProvider[CustomNavigator::class].createDestination().apply {
    route = Graph.CustomDestination.route

As an alternative, you can also use the unary plus operator to add a newly constructed destination directly to the graph:

// The NavigatorProvider is retrieved from the NavController
+navigatorProvider[CustomNavigator::class].createDestination().apply {
    route = Graph.CustomDestination.route

Providing destination arguments

Destination arguments can be defined as part of the route class. These can be defined the same way you would for any Kotlin class. Required arguments are defined as non-nullable types and optional arguments are defined with default values.

The underlying mechanism for representing routes and their arguments is string based. Using strings to model routes allows navigation state to be stored and restored from disk during configuration changes and system-initiated process death. For this reason, each navigation argument needs to be serializable, that is, it should have a method that converts the in-memory representation of the argument value to a String.

The Kotlin serialization plugin automatically generates serialization methods for basic types when the @Serializable annotation is added to an object.

data class MyRoute(
  val id: String,
  val myList: List<Int>,
  val optionalArg: String? = null

fragment<MyFragment, MyRoute>

Providing custom types

For custom argument types, you'll need to provide a custom NavType class. This lets you control exactly how your type is parsed from a route or deep link.

For example, a route used to define a search screen could contain a class that represents the search parameters:

data class SearchRoute(val parameters: SearchParameters)

data class SearchParameters(
  val searchQuery: String,
  val filters: List<String>

A custom NavType could be written as:

val SearchParametersType = object : NavType<SearchParameters>(
  isNullableAllowed = false
) {
  override fun put(bundle: Bundle, key: String, value: SearchParameters) {
    bundle.putParcelable(key, value)
  override fun get(bundle: Bundle, key: String): SearchParameters {
    return bundle.getParcelable(key) as SearchParameters

  override fun serializeAsValue(value: SearchParameters): String {
    // Serialized values must always be Uri encoded
    return Uri.encode(Json.encodeToString(value))

  override fun parseValue(value: String): SearchParameters {
    // Navigation takes care of decoding the string
    // before passing it to parseValue()
    return Json.decodeFromString<SearchParameters>(value)

This can then be used in your Kotlin DSL like any other type:

fragment<SearchFragment, SearchRoute> {
    label = getString(R.string.plant_search_title)
    typeMap = mapOf(typeOf<SearchParameters>() to SearchParametersType)

When navigating to the destination, create an instance of your route:

val params = SearchParameters("rose", listOf("available"))
navController.navigate(route = SearchRoute(params))

The parameter can be obtained from the route in the destination:

val searchRoute = navController().getBackStackEntry<SearchRoute>().toRoute<SearchRoute>()
val params = searchRoute.parameters

Deep links

Deep links can be added to any destination, just as they can with an XML driven navigation graph. All of the same procedures defined in Creating a deep link for a destination apply to the process of creating a deep link using the Kotlin DSL.

When creating an implicit deep link however, you don't have an XML navigation resource that can be analyzed for <deepLink> elements. Therefore, you cannot rely on placing a <nav-graph> element in your AndroidManifest.xml file and must instead add intent filters to your activity manually. The intent filter you supply should match the base path, action, and mimetype of your app's deep links.

Deep links are added to a destination by calling the deepLink function inside the destination's lambda. It accepts the route as a parameterized type, and a parameter basePath for the base path of the URL used for the deep link.

You can also add an action and mimetype using the deepLinkBuilder trailing lambda.

The following example creates a deep link URI for the Home destination.

@Serializable data object Home

fragment<HomeFragment, Home>{
  deepLink<Home>(basePath = ""){
    // Optionally, specify the action and/or mime type that this destination
    // supports
    action = "android.intent.action.MY_ACTION"
    mimeType = "image/*"

URI format

The deep link URI format is automatically generated from the route's fields using the following rules:

  • Required parameters are appended as path parameters (example: /{id})
  • Parameters with a default value (optional parameters) are appended as query parameters (example: ?name={name})
  • Collections are appended as query parameters (example: ?items={value1}&items={value2})
  • The order of parameters matches the order of the fields in the route

For example, the following route type:

@Serializable data class PlantDetail(
  val id: String,
  val name: String,
  val colors: List<String>,
  val latinName: String? = null,

has a generated URI format of:


There is no limit to the number of deep links you can add. Each time you call deepLink() a new deep link is appended to a list that is maintained for that destination.


The Safe Args plugin is incompatible with the Kotlin DSL, as the plugin looks for XML resource files to generate Directions and Arguments classes.