標準版面配置支援小螢幕手機、平板電腦、摺疊式裝置和 ChromeOS 裝置。這些版面配置是根據 Material Design 指南所設計,美觀又實用。
Android 架構包含特殊元件,讓實作版面配置的方式變得簡單可靠。
標準版面配置可建立引人入勝、提升工作效率的 UI,做為優質應用程式的基礎。
展開寬度螢幕 (請參閱「使用視窗大小類別」) 可同時顯示清單和詳細資料。選取清單項目後,系統會更新詳細資料窗格,顯示所選項目的相關內容。
設定變更 (例如裝置螢幕方向變更或應用程式視窗大小變更) 則會改變螢幕的視窗大小類別。清單詳細資料版面配置會據此回應,保留應用程式狀態:
- 展開寬度螢幕同時顯示清單和詳細資料窗格時,若其縮小為中等或較窄小,詳細資料窗格仍會繼續顯示,而清單窗格則會隱藏起來
- 如果寬度為中等或較窄小的螢幕僅顯示詳細資料窗格,且視窗大小類別擴大為展開狀態,清單和詳細資料則會同時顯示,而清單則會指出已選取與詳細資料窗格中內容對應的項目
- 如果寬度中等或精簡寬度螢幕只顯示清單窗格並放大為展開,系統會同時顯示清單和預留位置詳細資料窗格
The declarative paradigm of Compose supports window size class logic that determines whether to show the list and detail panes at the same time (when the width window size class is expanded) or just the list or detail pane (when the width window size class is medium or compact).
To ensure unidirectional data flow, hoist all state, including current window size class and detail of the selected list item (if any), so all composables have access to the data and can render correctly.
When showing just the detail pane on small window sizes, add a BackHandler
to remove the detail pane and display just the list pane. The BackHandler
not part of the overall app navigation since the handler is dependent on the
window size class and selected detail state.
For an example implementation, see the List-detail with Compose sample.
A feed consists of a large number of content elements in a vertical scrolling container laid out in a grid. Lazy lists efficiently render a large number of items in columns or rows. Lazy grids render items in grids, supporting configuration of the item sizes and spans.
Configure the columns of the grid layout based on the available display area to set the minimum allowable width for grid items. When defining grid items, adjust column spans to emphasize some items over others.
For section headers, dividers, or other items designed to occupy the full width
of the feed, use maxLineSpan
to take up the full width of the layout.
On compact-width displays that don't have enough space to show more than one
column, LazyVerticalGrid
behaves just like a LazyColumn
For an example implementation, see the Feed with Compose sample.
主要顯示區域會占用應用程式視窗的大部分空間 (通常約三分之二),用於呈現主要內容。次要顯示區域則是佔用應用程式視窗的其餘部分,呈現主要內容的輔助內容。
輔助窗格版面配置非常適合橫向的展開寬度螢幕 (請參閱「使用視窗大小類別」)。中等或精簡寬度螢幕支援同時顯示主要和次要顯示區域,前提是內容可根據更窄的顯示空間調整,或其他內容最初可隱藏在底部或側邊功能表中 (以選單或按鈕等控制項存取)。
就主要和次要內容的關係而言,輔助窗格版面配置不同於清單/詳細資料版面配置。在輔助窗格版面配置中,次要窗格內容只因與主要內容相關而有意義。舉例來說,輔助窗格工具視窗本身並不重要。不過,即使沒有主要內容 (例如產品資訊中的產品說明),在清單詳細資料版面配置的詳細資料窗格中的補充內容也仍然有意義。
- 效率提升應用程式:在文件或試算表中以輔助窗格呈現評論者留言
- 媒體應用程式:在串流影片中以輔助窗格中呈現相關影片清單,或在音樂專輯說明旁顯示播放清單
- 搜尋與參考應用程式:以輔助窗格呈現查詢輸入表單的結果
Compose supports window size class logic, which enables you to determine whether to show both the main content and the supporting content at the same time or place the supporting content in an alternative location.
Hoist all state, including current window size class and information related to the data in the main content and supporting content.
For compact-width displays, place the supporting content below the main content or inside a bottom sheet. For medium and expanded widths, place the supporting content next to the main content, sized appropriately based on the content and space available. For medium width, split the display space equally between the main and supporting content. For expanded width, give 70% of the space to the main content, 30% to the supporting content.
For an example implementation, see the Supporting pane with Compose sample.
- Material Design:標準化版面配置