<h1 id="2-2-0" class="showalways">Android Studio 2.2 (September 2016)</h1>

2.2.3(2016년 12월)

  This is a minor update to Android Studio 2.2. It includes a bug fixes
  focused around gradle, the core IDE, and lint.

  Highlighted build changes:

  <li>ProGuard version rollback. Due to a <a href=
  "https://sourceforge.net/p/proguard/bugs/625/">correctness issue</a>
  discovered in ProGuard 5.3.1, we have rolled back to ProGuard 5.2.1. We
  have worked with the ProGuard team on getting a fix quickly, and we expect
  to roll forward to ProGuard 5.3.2 in Android Studio 2.3 Canary 3.
  <li>Bug fix for <code>aaptOptions</code> <code>IgnoreAssetsPattern</code>
  not working properly (<a href="http://b.android.com/224167">issue
  <li>Bug fix for Gradle autodownload for Constraint Layout library
    (<a href="https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=212128">issue
  <li>Bug fix for a JDK8/Kotlin compiler + dx issue (<a href=
  "http://b.android.com/227729">issue 227729</a>)

  <a href=
  See all bug fixes in 2.2.3</a>.

2.2.2(2016년 10월)

  This is a minor update to Android Studio 2.2. It includes a number of small
  changes and bug fixes, including:

  <li>When reporting Instant Run issues through the IDE, the report now also
  includes logcat output for <code>InstantRun</code> events. To help us
  improve Instant Run, please <a href=
  "/studio/run/index.html#submit-feedback">enable extra logging and report
  any issues</a>.
  <li>A number of small bug fixes for Gradle.
  <li>A fix for problems with generating multiple APKs.

2.2.1(2016년 10월)

  This is a minor update to Android Studio 2.2. It includes several bug fixes
  and a new feature to enable extra logging to help us troubleshoot Instant
  Run issues—to help us improve Instant Run, please <a href=
  "/studio/run/index.html#submit-feedback">enable extra logging and report
  any issues</a>.


  • Layout Editor가 완전히 새로워졌으며 ConstraintLayout을 지원하는 맞춤 빌드 도구가 제공됩니다.
  • <li>New <strong><a href=
    Inspector</a></strong> lets you examine snapshots of your layout hierarchy
    while your app is running on the emulator or a device.
    <li>New <strong><a href="/studio/write/firebase.html">Assistant</a></strong>
    window to help you integrate Firebase services into your app.
    <li>New <strong><a href="/studio/debug/apk-analyzer.html">APK
    Analyzer</a></strong> tool so you can inspect the contents of your packaged
    <li>New <strong><a href=
    "http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/test-recorder">Espresso Test
    Recorder</a></strong> tool (currently in beta) to help you create UI tests by
    recording your own interactions.
    <li>New <strong><a href=
    "http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/build-cache">build cache</a></strong>
    (currently experimental) to speed up build performance.
    <li>New <strong>C/C++ build integration with CMake and ndk-build</strong>.
    Compile and build new or existing native code into libraries packaged into
    your APK, and debug using lldb. For new projects, Android Studio uses CMake
    by default, but also supports ndk-build for existing projects. To learn how
    to include native code in your Android application, read <a href=
    "/studio/projects/add-native-code.html">Add C and C++ Code to Your
    Project</a>. To learn how to debug native code with lldb, see <a href=
    "/studio/debug/index.html#debug-native">Debug Native Code</a>.
    <li>New <strong><a href="/studio/intro/index.html#sample-code">Samples
    Browser</a></strong> so you can easily look up Google Android sample code
    from within Android Studio to jump start app development.
    <li>New <strong>Merged Manifest Viewer</strong> to help you diagnose how your
    manifest file merges with your app dependencies across project build
    <li>The <strong>Run</strong> window now contains log messages for the current
    running app. Note that you can configure the <a href=
    "/studio/debug/am-logcat.html">logcat Monitor</a> display, but not the
    <strong>Run</strong> window.
    <li>New <strong><a href="/studio/run/emulator.html">Android
    Emulator</a></strong> features:
        <li>Added new <strong>Virtual</strong> <strong>Sensors</strong> and
        <strong>Cellular</strong> &gt; <strong>Signal Strength</strong> controls.
        <li>Added an <strong>LTE</strong> option to the <strong>Cellular</strong>
        &gt; <strong>Network type</strong> control.
        <li>Added simulated vertical swipes for scrolling through vertical menus
        with a mouse wheel.
    <li>New <strong><a href="/studio/run/rundebugconfig.html">Run/Debug
    Configuration</a></strong> features:
        <li>The <strong>Debugger</strong> tab of the Android App and Android
        Tests templates now contain several new options for debugging with LLDB.
        <li>The <strong>Profiling</strong> tab of the Android App and Android
        Tests templates now contain a <strong>Capture GPU Commands</strong>
        option for enabling GPU tracing. You can display GPU traces in the GPU
        Debugger (a beta feature).
        <li>The Android Tests template now has a <strong>Firebase Test Lab Device
        Matrix</strong> option for the <strong>Deployment Target</strong>.
        <li>The Native Application template has been deprecated. If you use this
        template in a project, Android Studio automatically converts it to the
        Android App template.
        <li>The Android Application template has been renamed to Android App.
    <li>Improved installation, configuration, performance, and UI features in the
    <strong><a href="/studio/debug/am-gpu-debugger.html">GPU
    Debugger</a></strong> (currently in beta).
    <li>Android Studio now comes bundled with <strong>OpenJDK 8</strong>.
    Existing projects still use the JDK specified in <strong>File &gt; Project
    Structure &gt; SDK Location</strong>. You can switch to use the new bundled
    JDK by clicking <strong>File &gt; Project Structure &gt; SDK
    Location</strong> and checking the <strong>Use embedded JDK</strong>
    <li>Added new <strong>help menus and buttons</strong> in the UI so you can
    more easily find the online documentation.


  • IDE 코드베이스가 IntelliJ 15에서 IntelliJ 2016.1로 업데이트되었습니다.
  • 이제 Instant Run을 사용하려면 대상 기기 API 수준에 상응하는 플랫폼 SDK가 설치되어 있어야 합니다.
  • 사용자가 직장 프로필에서 또는 보조 사용자로 앱을 실행하면 Instant Run이 자동으로 사용 중지됩니다.
  • 변경사항이 배포되지 않거나 앱이 비정상 종료되는 Instant Run의 여러 안정성 문제가 해결되었습니다.
    • 일부 앱 애셋이 실행 중인 앱에 배포되지 않았습니다. (버그: #213454)
    • Serializable 클래스에 serialVersionUID가 정의되어 있지 않으면 사용자가 Instant Run과 비 Instant Run 세션 간에 전환할 때 앱이 비정상 종료되었습니다. (버그: #209006)
    • 스타일 변경사항이 Instant Run에 반영되지 않았습니다. (버그: #210851)
    • Instant Run 세션이 불안정하고 FileNotFoundException을 유발했습니다. (버그: #213083)
    • KitKat에 전체 재구성이 실행될 때까지 드로어블 변경사항이 반영되지 않았습니다. (버그: #21530)
    • 맞춤 sourceSets에 중첩 경로가 포함되었을 때 리소스 변경사항이 Instant Run에 반영되지 않았습니다. (버그: #219145)
    • 변경된 클래스에 enum 값이 있는 주석이 포함되어 있을 때 핫 스왑과 웜 스왑이 작동하지 않았습니다. (버그: #209047)
    • 주석 데이터 변경사항이 Instant Run에 반영되지 않았습니다. (버그: #210089)
    • IDE 외부에서 변경 시 Instant Run이 코드 변경사항을 인식하지 못합니다. (버그: #213205)
    • 보안 토큰 불일치로 인해 Instant Run 세션이 불안정했습니다. (버그: #211989
    • run-as를 올바르게 지원하지 않는 기기에서 콜드 스왑이 작동하지 않았습니다. (버그: #210875)
    • Instant Run을 다시 시작한 후 앱이 비정상 종료되었습니다. (버그: #219744)
    • Instant Run에서 Instant Debug로 전환하면 ClassNotFoundException이 발생했습니다. (버그: #215805)
  • <li>Improved performance for <strong>Gradle sync</strong> within the IDE,
    especially for large projects.
    <li>Improved build times for both full and incremental builds with new app
    packaging code.
    <li>Improved <strong>Jack compiler performance and features</strong>,
    including support for annotation processors and dexing in process. To learn
    more, read the <a href=
    "/studio/releases/gradle-plugin.html#revisions">Android plugin for Gradle
    2.2.0 release notes</a>.
    <li>Removed the <strong>Scale</strong> AVD property from the AVD Manager.
    <li>The Android Emulator <strong>-port</strong> and <strong>-ports</strong>
    command-line options now report which ports and serial number the emulator
    instance is using, and warn if there are any issues with the values you
    <li>Improved the <strong><a href=
    "/studio/write/create-java-class.html">Create New Class dialog</a></strong>
    and the corresponding file templates. <strong>Note:</strong> If you've
    previously customized the <strong>AnnotationType</strong>,
    <strong>Class</strong>, <strong>Enum</strong>, <strong>Interface</strong>, or
    <strong>Singleton</strong> file templates, you need to modify your templates
    to comply with the new templates or you won’t be able to use the new fields
    in the <strong>Create New Class</strong> dialog.
    <li>Improved the <strong><a href=
    "/studio/write/vector-asset-studio.html">Vector Asset Studio</a></strong>
    user interface and added support for Adobe Photoshop Document (PSD) files.
    <li>Improved the <strong><a href=
    "/studio/write/image-asset-studio.html">Image Asset Studio</a></strong> user
    <li>Improved the <strong>Theme Editor</strong>'s Resource Picker.
    <li>Fixed memory leaks and reduced overall memory usage in Android Studio.
    <li>Added a <strong>Background</strong> button in the <strong><a href=
    "/studio/intro/update.html#sdk-manager">SDK Manager</a></strong> so you can
    get back to work and install your packages in the background.
    <li>Improved <strong><a href="/studio/intro/accessibility.html">Accessibility
    features</a></strong>, including support for screen readers and keyboard
    <li>Enhanced <strong>Code Analysis</strong> includes code quality checks for
    Java 8 language usage and more cross-file analysis.
    <li>Several toolbar icons have changed.