Android Games

The android games library mirrors the Android Game SDK which is available as a binary download. You can use the androidx library instead of manually downloading and integrating the Android Game SDK into your build.

For more information about the Android Game SDK, see the SDK documentation and the SDK release notes.

This table lists all the artifacts in the group.

Artifact Stable Release Release Candidate Beta Release Alpha Release
games-activity 3.0.5 - - 4.0.0-alpha01
games-controller 2.0.2 - - -
games-frame-pacing 2.1.2 - - -
games-memory-advice 2.0.1 - 2.1.0-beta01 -
games-text-input 3.0.4 - - 4.0.0-alpha01
games-performance-tuner 2.0.0 - - -
This library was last updated on: October 16, 2024



The MemoryAdvice API requires your application to be built with one of the following NDK versions:

  • r20.*
  • r21.*
  • r23.*

Declaring dependencies

To add a dependency on game, you must add the Google Maven repository to your project. Read Google's Maven repository for more information.

Add the dependencies for the artifacts you need in the build.gradle file for your app or module; games-activity library has integrated the same version of the game-text-input library, hence GameActivity apps can not include the game-text-input dependency again:


android {
    // To use the Android Frame Pacing or Android Performance Tuner libraries, enable
    // native dependencies to be imported. Libraries will be made available to your CMake build
    // as packages named "games-frame-pacing" and "games-performance-tuner".
    buildFeatures {
        prefab true

dependencies {
    // To use the Android Frame Pacing library
    implementation ""

    // To use the Android Performance Tuner
    implementation ""

    // To use the Games Activity library
    implementation ""

    // To use the Games Controller Library
    implementation ""

    // To use the Games Text Input Library
    // Do not include this if games-activity has been included
    implementation ""


android {
    // To use the Android Frame Pacing or Android Performance Tuner libraries, enable
    // native dependencies to be imported. Libraries will be made available to your CMake build
    // as packages named "games-frame-pacing" and "games-performance-tuner".
    buildFeatures {
        prefab = true

dependencies {
    // To use the Android Frame Pacing library

    // To use the Android Performance Tuner

    // To use the Games Activity library

    // To use the Games Controller Library

    // To use the Games Text Input Library
    // Do not include this if games-activity has been included

For more information about dependencies, see Add build dependencies.

Add Gradle properties

You may need to add properties to the file located in the same directory as your app's (or module's) build.gradle file. If the file does not exist, then create this file.

If you are using Android Studio 4.0, make sure contains the following lines:

# Enables experimental Prefab
# Tell Android Studio we are using AndroidX

If you are using Android Studio 4.1 or later, make sure contains the following lines:

# Tell Android Studio we are using AndroidX

Add packages with CMake

To make the imported Game SDK packages available, add the following to your main app's CMakeLists.txt file:

# Add the packages from the Android Game SDK
find_package(games-frame-pacing REQUIRED CONFIG)
find_package(games-performance-tuner REQUIRED CONFIG)

This will allow you to include header files from the Android Game SDK in your game code:

#include "swappy/swappyGL.h"
#include "tuningfork/tuningfork.h"

In your main app's CMakeLists.txt file, find target_link_libraries for the main shared library. Add the references to the Android Game SDK static libraries to include them in your shared library:



Your feedback helps make Jetpack better. Let us know if you discover new issues or have ideas for improving this library. Please take a look at the existing issues in this library before you create a new one. You can add your vote to an existing issue by clicking the star button.

Create a new issue

See the Issue Tracker documentation for more information.

Games-Memory-Advice version 2.1

Version 2.1.0-beta01

November 29, 2023 is released. Version 2.1.0-beta01 contains these commits.

Version 2.1.0-alpha01

November 15, 2023 is released. Version 2.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Updated the memory model of the library for better predictions.

API Changes

  • Added a new API getAvailableMemory() that returns an estimate for the amount of memory that can safely be allocated, in bytes.

Version 2.1.0-alpha01

July 26, 2023 is released. Version 2.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • AddGetAvailableMemory function

Bug Fixes

  • Update Memory Advice model
  • Fix shared memory_advice build target

Games-Memory-Advice version 2.0

Version 2.0.1

September 20, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.1 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the crash happening in the state watcher thread due to the thread not being attached to the JVM.

Version 2.0.0

September 6, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0 contains these commits.

Major features of 2.0.0

  • A new ML model has been trained and released in this version.
  • An API to predict the amount of free memory is implemented.

Version 2.0.0-rc01

July 26, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Included a new model to better predict remaining memory.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Memory Advice not working with a shared STL.

Version 2.0.0-beta04

May 24, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-beta04 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Updated the machine learning model powering the library which’ll allow improved results for newer phones

Version 2.0.0-beta03

April 5, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the library couldn’t load the required tensorflow lite assets properly

Version 2.0.0-beta02

March 22, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-beta02 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the static version of the library to be linked properly

Version 2.0.0-beta01

February 22, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • No new changes

Version 2.0.0-alpha01

February 8, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • Major version increase due to build files refactoring.

Bug Fixes

  • Incorrect configuration of library assets now gives an error instead of crashing.

Games-Memory-Advice version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0-beta03

November 9, 2022 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.

New Features

  • No new changes

Version 1.0.0-beta01

March 9, 2022 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

  • No changes since 1.0.0-alpha01.

Version 1.0.0-alpha01

February 23, 2022 is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • This C library gives the facility to query and receive callbacks for changes in the memory state of a device which is running a game.

API Changes

  • This is the initial release of the memory advice library. See the header at include/memory_advice/memory_advice.h for the full API.

External Contribution

Games-Text-Input Version 3.0

Version 3.0.4

August 7, 2024 is released. Version 3.0.4 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed functionality of deletion with and without text selection.

Games-Activity Version 4.0

Version 4.0.0-alpha01

October 16, 2024 and are released. Version 4.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • GameTextInput now supports Left/Right keys.

API Changes

  • Obsolete Java interfaces of GameTextInput have been removed.
  • Prefabs for both GameActivity and GameTextInput now include all source files. #include <GameActivity.cpp> is not recommended anymore. Please link to a proper static or dynamic library instead, like game-activity::game-activity_static in CMake. These libraries are shipped in the AAR file.

Bug Fixes

  • Numerous fixes in GameTextInput have been made. Typing and removing functionality has been fixed.
  • Compatibility with most popular software keyboards have been improved.
  • Fixed handling of special characters on hardware keyboards.
  • Fixed a rare null pointer access in GameActivity.

Games-Activity Version 3.0

Version 3.0.5

August 7, 2024 is released. Version 3.0.5 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • New release of GameActivity to match the 3.0.4 release of GameTextInput (fixed functionality of text deletion in inputs).

Version 3.0.4

July 10, 2024 is released. Version 3.0.4 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed handling of null pointers.
  • Fixed missing state updates for some states in onConfiguration() callback.

Version 3.0.3

April 17, 2024 and are released. Version 3.0.3 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed compatibility issues with some software keyboards.

Version 3.0.2

April 3, 2024 and are released. Version 3.0.2 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • We made several fixes to GamesTextInput which are aimed to improve software and hardware keyboards support. Also a bug has been fixed that was preventing GameTextInput from being used without GameActivity.

Version 3.0.1

March 20, 2024 and are released. Version 3.0.1 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem with special characters being typed and displayed.

Version 3.0.0

March 6, 2024 and are released. Version 3.0.0 contains these commits.

Major features of 3.0.0

  • GameTextInput has been reworked to be ready to use in games.
  • Some interfaces in both libraries have been changed with respect to version 2.0.0.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed compatibility issues with old NDKs
  • Fixed Windows build problems

Version 3.0.0-rc01

February 21, 2024 and are released. Version 3.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the freeze where keyboard events were not properly handled by the looper.

Version 3.0.0-beta01

November 29, 2023 and are released. Version 3.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

Version 3.0.0-alpha01

November 15, 2023 and are released. Version 3.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • GameActivityMotionEvent and GameActivityCallbacks structures changed their sizes.
  • onEditorAction changes its return type from boolean to void.
  • setImeEditorInfo now expects enum parameters, not integers.
  • internal functions of GameActivityEvents are moved into GameActivityEvents_internal.h.
  • GameTextInput’s input types are also enumerations, not integers.

Games-Activity Version 2.1

Version 2.1.0-alpha02

September 6, 2023 and are released. Version 2.1.0-alpha02 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • 32 bit devices compatibility has been improved.

Version 2.1.0-alpha01

July 26, 2023 is released. Version 2.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Provide an ability to override the creation of the SurfaceView instance
  • Add SDK version reporting

API Changes

  • Use int64_t instead of long for historicalEventTimes to avoid overruning on 32bit systems
  • Add GameActivity_restartInput method
  • Add a native callback to handle software keyboard visibility change

Bug Fixes

  • Optimize touch event handling
  • Correct destruction of a GameActivityMotionEven
  • Fix GameActivityMotionEvent_getHistoricalAxisValue index calculation
  • Fix bitmasks for the motion filter

Games-Activity Version 2.0

Version 2.0.2

May 24, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.2 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

Version 2.0.1

April 5, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.1 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed early freeing of memory with historicalEventTimes.
  • Fixed issue with historicalEventTimesNanos overflowing on 32bit systems

Version 2.0.0

March 8, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0 contains these commits.

Major features of 2.0.0

  • Changed interface for historical event times to overcome the 32 bit limit.
  • Provided user access to configuration changes, like orientation.
  • Provided up-to-date information in the contentRect structure.
  • Provided an easier way to customize default SurfaceView.
  • Fixed default OS handling of touch events, like handling system buttons.
  • Optimized out most JNI calls in touch event handling; this used to affect performance.

Version 2.0.0-rc01

February 22, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Version 2.0.0-beta01

February 8, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed system buttons handling. (2a103e)

Version 2.0.0-alpha01

January 11, 2023 is released with no changes. Version 2.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

Games-Activity Version 1.2

Version 1.2.2

December 7, 2022 is released. Version 1.2.2 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • The maximum number of motion events can now be set at runtime.

Version 1.2.2-alpha01

November 9, 2022 is released. Version 1.2.2-alpha01 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • API now also contains version information in the form of GAMEACTIVITY_PACKED_VERSION. (I287e6)
  • Added onContentRectChanged callback which is called when the rectangle in the window where the content should be placed has changed. (I81396)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed events buffer overflow. Both inputBuffer->keyEvents and motionEvents are now dynamically-allocated buffers. (Ic00f6)
  • Fails gracefully if out of memory. Added handling of realloc() errors during buffers resizing.

Version 1.2.1

July 13, 2022 is released. Version 1.2.1 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with missing .aar file in previous release.

Version 1.2.0

June 15, 2022 is released. Version 1.2.0 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.1.0

  • Allow derived classes of GameActivity to handle native library loading.
  • Always load the native library in GameActivity.onCreate.
  • Fallback to loading library with name "main" if no other library found.

Games-Activity Version 1.1

Version 1.1.0

February 23, 2022 and are released. Version 1.1.0 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.0.0

Games Activity:

  • WindowInsets listening and querying for notch and IME response
  • Add key and motion event filters
  • Bug fixes:
    • Add missing messages for compatibility with NativeActivity
    • Fix signature of onNativeWindowResized
    • Fix input event losses

Version 1.1.0-rc01

February 9, 2022 and are released. Version 1.1.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Version 1.1.0-beta03

January 26, 2022 is released. Version 1.1.0-beta03 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix signature of onNativeWindowResized
  • Maintain handle to native window in onSurfaceChanged

Version 1.1.0-beta02

December 15, 2021 is released. Version 1.1.0-beta02 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix race condition in event filter setting.

Version 1.1.0-beta01

November 17, 2021 is released. Version 1.1.0-beta01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Added support for querying window insets and listening for inset changes. This allows games to react to the IME popping-up and to deal with waterfall and camera cutout insets.

API Changes

  • void GameActivity_getWindowInsets(GameActivity* activity, enum GameCommonInsetsType type, GameCommonInsets* insets);

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid consuming all key events: volume, camera, etc. are now passed through to the system.

Version 1.1.0-alpha01

September 29, 2021 is released. Version 1.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • onContentRectChanged callback added to GameActivityCallbacks

Bug Fixes

  • Missing messages added to android_native_app_glue.h:

Games Performance Tuner 2.0

Version 2.0.0

August 7, 2024 is released. Version 2.0.0 contains these commits.

Major features of 2.0.0

  • No major changes since 2.0.0beta01, we’re just marking this release as stable.

Version 2.0.0-beta01

January 10, 2024 is released with no changes from the last alpha release. Version 2.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

Version 2.0.0-alpha07

November 29, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-alpha07 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed memory telemetry reporting sometimes reporting wrong values

Version 2.0.0-alpha06

November 1, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-alpha06 contains these commits.

Version 2.0.0-alpha05

August 23, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-alpha05 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Migrated Protobuf library to Protobuf lite.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with dangling pointer.

Version 2.0.0-alpha04

April 19, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-alpha04 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Updated the telemetry collection features in the library, allowing for more granular reporting of frame rendering times.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the library crashes if max instrumentation keys are more than histogram count.

Version 2.0.0-alpha03

February 22, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-alpha03 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Games-Performance-Tuner has been moved to a new release process. There should be no behavior changes.

Version 2.0.0-alpha02

February 8, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-alpha02 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • TuningFork_predictQualityLevels API added; which will help predict the correct quality level/fidelity parameters to use.

Games Performance Tuner 1.6

Version 1.6.1-alpha01

November 9, 2022 is released. Version 1.6.1-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • No new changes

Version 1.6.0

June 15, 2022 is released. Version 1.6.0 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.5.0

  • Fixed getpid returning 0 while trying to get memory telemetry.
  • Stopped StopLoadingGroup from executing without an active loading group.

Games Performance Tuner 1.5.0

Version 1.5.0

February 9, 2022 is released. Version 1.5.0 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.4.0

  • Programmatically change the interval between uploads, rather than it being hard-coded in the initial settings.
    • Added function: TuningFork_setAggregationStrategyInterval
  • Fix for memory corruption in API key on API<=23

Version 1.5.0-rc01

January 26, 2022 is released. Version 1.5.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for memory corruption in API key on API<=23

Version 1.5.0-beta02

December 15, 2021 is released. Version 1.5.0-beta02 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • Remove ABI-breaking change from TuningFork_Settings.

Version 1.5.0-beta01

September 29, 2021 is released. Version 1.5.0-beta01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • No changes from alpha release. That release had:
    • Programmatically change the interval between uploads, rather than it being hard-coded in the initial settings.

API Changes

  • No changes from alpha release. That release had:
    • New function: TuningFork_setAggregationStrategyInterval
    • New field in TuningFork_Settings: aggregation_strategy_intervalms_or_count

Version 1.5.0-alpha01

August 18, 2021 is released. Version 1.5.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • It is now possible to set the interval between APT uploads programmatically, rather than using the settings file.

API Changes

  • Added function: TuningFork_setAggregationStrategyInterval
  • Added field to TuningFork_Settings struct: aggregation_strategy_intervalms_or_count

Games-Activity Version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0

August 4, 2021,, and are released. Version 1.0.0 contains these commits.

Major features of 1.0.0

This is the initial release to stable of Games-Activity, Games-Controller and Games-Text-Input. See the AGDK Home Page for more information.

Version 1.0.0-rc01

July 12, 2021 is released. Version 1.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix return type of GameActivityCallbacks::onSaveInstanceState

Version 1.0.0-beta01

June 30, 2021 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • Rename GameActivityInputInfo to GameActivityPointerAxes.
  • onNativeWindowResized callback now gives width and height of window.
  • onContentRectChanged callback has been removed.
  • onLowMemory was renamed to onTrimMemory.
  • GameActivity_setWindowFormat removed.
  • Improved ownership model for GameActivityMotionEvents and GameActivityMotionEvent pointers.
  • Improved ownership model of user state in onSaveInstanceState callback.

Version 1.0.0-alpha01

June 16, 2021 is released.

New Features

  • Games-Activity is a new library that replaces NativeActivity as the recommended way to integrate a C/C++ game with Android.

Games-Controller Version 2.0

Version 2.0.2

June 12, 2024 is released. Version 2.0.2 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where controller connected callbacks were not firing for controllers already connected before Paddleboat_init.
  • Fixed issue where game controller touchpads were not registering touchpad presses in Paddleboat_processGameActivityMotionInputEvent without manually enabling the pressure axis.
  • Fixed issue where game controller touchpad events were not being marked as consumed by Paddleboat_processGameActivityMotionInputEvent.

Version 2.0.1

September 20, 2023

` ' is released. Version 2.0.1 contains these commits.

Games Controller Bug fixes:

  • Fix rare NullReferenceException condition in onInputDeviceChanged handler.
  • Fix to prevent certain USB keyboards from improperly registering as game controllers.

Version 2.0.0

March 8, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0 contains these commits.

Major features of 2.0.0

  • Added ability to detect connection status of hardware keyboards.
  • Added ability to report motion data (accelerometer/gyroscope) from the main device (i.e. handset) as well as controllers.
  • Changed API and format for the controller definition database to reduce memory footprint and support additional features.

Version 2.0.0-alpha01

January 11, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Hardware keyboard detection
  • Integrated sensor motion data reporting support (i.e. receiving gyroscope and accelerometer data from the phone itself)
  • New optimized controller mapping data format

API Changes

  • New API calls for hardware keyboard: Paddleboat_getPhysicalKeyboardStatus and Paddleboat_setPhysicalKeyboardStatusCallback
  • New API calls for integrated sensor motion data reporting: Paddleboat_getIntegratedMotionSensorFlags and Paddleboat_setMotionDataCallbackWithIntegratedFlags
  • New API calls for revised controller mapping data format: Paddleboat_addControllerRemapDataFromFd,Paddleboat_addControllerRemapDataFromFileBuffer
  • Deprecated old mapping API calls: Paddleboat_addControllerRemapData and Paddleboat_getControllerRemapTableData

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed compatibility issue with motion events from GameActivity 1.2.2 and higher

Games-Controller Version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0

February 23, 2022 and are released. Version 1.1.0 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.0.0

Games Activity:

  • WindowInsets listening and querying for notch and IME response
  • Add key and motion event filters
  • Bug fixes:
    • Add missing messages for compatibility with NativeActivity
    • Fix signature of onNativeWindowResized
    • Fix input event losses

Version 1.1.0-rc01

February 9, 2022 is released. Version 1.1.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Version 1.1.0-beta01

January 26, 2022 is released with no changes since 1.1.0-alpha01. Version 1.1.0-beta01 contains these commits.

Version 1.1.0-alpha01

December 15, 2021 is released. Version 1.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

Added support for battery status, dual-motor vibration, light control and motion axis reporting on supported controllers when running on Android S or higher.

API Changes

  • Added Paddleboat_setMotionDataCallback function for registering controller motion data callbacks
  • Added Paddleboat_setControllerLight function for changing controller light settings.
  • Added Paddleboat_Controller_Battery structure to Paddleboat_Controller_Data
  • New structures:
    • Paddleboat_Controller_Battery
    • Paddleboat_Motion_Data
  • New enums:
    • Paddleboat_BatteryStatus
    • Paddleboat_LightType
    • Paddleboat_Motion_Type
  • New controller flags:

Bug Fixes

  • Added alternate deviceId database entry for PS4 controller
  • Added API >=31 database entry for PS5 controller

Games-Controller Version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0

August 4, 2021,, and are released. Version 1.0.0 contains these commits.

Major features of 1.0.0

This is the initial release to stable of Games-Activity, Games-Controller and Games-Text-Input. See the AGDK Home Page for more information.

Version 1.0.0-rc02

July 21, 2021 is released. Version 1.0.0-rc02 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed packaging error that caused Prefab import to fail on empty, unused architecture/version permutations.

Version 1.0.0-rc01

July 12, 2021 is released. Version 1.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an incompatibility issue with the latest GameActivity

Version 1.0.0-beta01

June 30, 2021 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • Functions which returned a boolean for success or failure now return a Paddleboat_Error_Code enum.
  • Paddleboat_onPause renamed to Paddleboat_onStop
  • Paddleboat_onResume renamed to Paddleboat_onStart
  • Paddleboat_processGameActivityEvent split into two functions: Paddleboat_processGameActivityKeyInputEvent and Paddleboat_processGameActivityMotionInputEvent
  • Removed extended controller features that required building against a preview Android S SDK
  • Added Paddleboat_getBackButtonConsumed function
  • Controller and mouse status callbacks now have an optional parameter of a pointer to user defined data
  • Moved controller name string out of device info structure, now accessed via Paddleboat_getControllerName function

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a controller that doesn’t initially report itself as a controller, but later on does via an onInputDeviceChanged message, wasn’t being properly detected as a controller connection.

Version 1.0.0-alpha01

June 16, 2021 is released.

New Features

  • Games-Controller is a new library that provides a C API for detecting, reading input from, and interacting with game controller devices.

Games-Text-Input 2.1

Version 2.1.0-alpha01

July 26, 2023 is released. Version 2.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Add a support of multi-line and single-line modes

API Changes

  • Add isSoftwareKeyboardVisible function
  • Add bitfield definitions for GameActivity_setImeEditorInfo
  • Add onEditorAction callback

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for hardware and software keyboards being out of sync
  • Clear focus when soft keyboard is hidden

Games-Text-Input 2.0

Version 2.0.0

March 8, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.1.1

  • Major version update due to the changes to the build system, there are no updates to the library/API itself.

Games-Text-Input Version 1.1

Version 1.1.2-alpha01

November 9, 2022 is released. Version 1.1.2-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • No new changes

Version 1.1.1

July 13, 2022 is released. Version 1.1.1 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with missing .aar file in previous release.

Version 1.1.0

February 9, 2022 is released. Version 1.1.0 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.0.0 - Added WindowInsets listening and querying functionality to GameTextInput - Add missing gamecommon.h header

Version 1.1.0-rc01

January 26, 2022 is released. Version 1.1.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Version 1.1.0-beta01

December 15, 2021 is released. Version 1.1.0-beta01 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix waterfall and IME insets
  • Add missing gamecommon.h header

Version 1.1.0-alpha01

October 13, 2021 is released. Version 1.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • Added IME insets functionality to GameTextInput

Games-Text-Input Version 1.0

Version 1.0.0

August 4, 2021,, and are released. Version 1.0.0 contains these commits.

Major features of 1.0.0

This is the initial release to stable of Games-Activity, Games-Controller and Games-Text-Input. See the AGDK Home Page for more information.

Version 1.0.0-rc01

July 12, 2021 is released with no changes. Version 1.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Version 1.0.0-beta01

June 30, 2021 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

API Changes

  • Improved ownership model of GameTextInputState objects.
  • Tidying of types to be consistent with NDK.

Version 1.0.0-alpha01

June 16, 2021 is released.

New Features

  • Games-Text-Input is a new library to help game developers use Android soft keyboard input from C/C++.

Games Frame Pacing Version 2.1

Version 2.1.2

July 24, 2024 is released. Version 2.1.2 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Swappy now uses AChoreographer_postVsyncCallback from API 33 to calculate the presentation time more accurately. This fixes a bug on 120hz devices where frames are dropped.

Version 2.1.1

July 10, 2024 is released. Version 2.1.1 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Properly unregister display listener from swappy to avoid a hang.
  • Fix a crash in ChoreographerFilter::onSettingsChanged using destroyed mutex.

Version 2.1.0

November 15, 2023 is released. Version 2.1.0 contains these commits.

Version 2.1.0-rc01

September 20, 2023 is released. Version 2.1.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Version 2.1.0-beta01

May 24, 2023 is released. Version 2.1.0-beta01 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Timeout in case NDKChoreographer initialization fails (ef466d)
  • When using SwappyGL_getSupportedRefreshPeriodsNS query refresh rates explicitly from the system (c85235)

Version 2.1.0-alpha01

April 5, 2023 is released. Version 2.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • New API to reset the frame-pacing state.
  • New API to disable swappy’s frame-pacing impact while still observing the CPU & GPU times.

API Changes

  • SwappyGL_resetFramePacing/SwappyVk_resetFramePacing can now be used to reset the internal frame-pacing state. The frame pacing will now only consider data from the point when the reset API is called.
  • SwappyGL_enableFramePacing/SwappyVk_enableFramePacing can now be used to enable/disable swappy’s frame pacing. When disabled,
  • SwappyGL_enableBlockingWait/SwappyVk_enableBlockingWait can be used to control whether a blocking wait of the last frame’s GPU work happens when frame-pacing is disabled.

Bug Fixes

  • Performance improvements are made for GPU bound cases when using Swappy GL API.

Games Frame Pacing Version 2.0

Version 2.0.0

March 8, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.10.1

  • The build system went through major changes leading to only one library generated instead of multiple per SDK/NDK version.
  • Vulkan Frame Statistics are added.
  • A new API for clearing frame statistics is added.
  • The logs are all silent in release mode, they can be enabled in debug mode.

Version 2.0.0-rc01

February 22, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Logging is now hidden behind a compile flag. By default release build of the library has no logging, and debug release of the library has all the logging turned on.

Version 2.0.0-beta01

February 8, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • New API introduced to clear frame statistics.

API Changes

  • Added SwappyGL_clearStats and SwappyGL_clearStats APIs.

Version 2.0.0-alpha01

January 11, 2023 is released. Version 2.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Added vulkan frame statistics

API Changes

  • Major version increase due to build files refactoring
  • Added 3 new APIs : SwappyVk_enableStats, SwappyVk_recordFrameStart, and SwappyVk_getStats

Bug Fixes

  • Apply threshold only in auto swap mode (Ic0786)

Games Frame Pacing 1.10

Version 1.10.2-alpha01

November 9, 2022 is released. Version 1.10.2-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • No new changes

Version 1.10.1

June 15, 2022 is released. Version 1.10.1 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for swappy not building with ndk <23 and >17.
  • Exposed API to retrieve the refresh rates supported by the display.

Version 1.10.0

February 23, 2022 is released. Version 1.10.0 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.9.0

  • Ignore polluting choreographer filter inputs and smooth more to prevent freezes on emulator
  • Add *_uninjectTracer functions.

Version 1.10.0-rc01

February 9, 2022 is released. Version 1.10.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Version 1.10.0-beta01

January 26, 2022 is released. Version 1.10.0-beta01 contains these commits.

Version 1.10.0-alpha01

December 15, 2021 is released. Version 1.10.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

New Features

  • Addition of SwappyGL_uninjectTracer function.

API Changes

  • Remove callbacks that were previously added using SwappyGL_injectTracer by using SwappyGL_uninjectTracer(const SwappyTracer *t) API.

Games Frame Pacing 1.9

Version 1.9.1

October 13, 2021 is released. Version 1.9.1 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

Version 1.9.0

July 12, 2021 is released. Version 1.9.0 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.7.0

  • Updated to match internal versioning scheme.

Games Frame Pacing 1.7.0

Version 1.7.0

June 30, 2021 is released. Version 1.7.0 contains these commits.

Version 1.7.0-rc01

June 2, 2021 is released. Version 1.7.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Version 1.7.0-beta02

February 24, 2021 is released.

Version 1.7.0-beta01

December 16, 2020 is released.

Games Performance Tuner 1.4.3

Version 2.0.0-rc01

July 24, 2024 is released. Version 2.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Version 1.4.3

July 12, 2021 is released. Version 1.4.3 contains these commits.

Important changes since 1.1.0

  • Updated to match internal versioning scheme.

Games Performance Tuner 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0

June 30, 2021 is released. Version 1.1.0 contains these commits.

Version 1.1.0-rc01

June 2, 2021 is released. Version 1.1.0-rc01 contains these commits.

Version 1.1.0-beta03

April 21, 2021 is released.

Version 1.1.0-beta02

February 24, 2021 is released.

Version 1.1.0-beta01

December 16, 2020 is released.

Version 1.1.0-alpha01 is released.

Version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0-alpha02

August 12, 2020

The Android Gaming library was renamed to the Android Games library.

androidx.gaming ->

Version 1.0.0-alpha01

June 10, 2020 is released.