Using newer APIs

This page explains how your app can use new OS functionality when running on new OS versions while preserving compatibility with older devices.

By default, references to NDK APIs in your application are strong references. Android's dynamic loader will eagerly try to resolve them when your library is loaded. If the symbols are not found, the app will abort. This is contrary to how Java behaves, where an exception won't be thrown until the missing API is called.

For this reason, the NDK will prevent you from creating strong references to APIs that are newer than your app's minSdkVersion. This protects you from accidentally shipping code that worked during your testing but will fail to load (UnsatisfiedLinkError will be thrown from System.loadLibrary()) on older devices. On the other hand, it is more difficult to write code that uses APIs newer than your app's minSdkVersion, because you must call the APIs using dlopen() and dlsym() rather than a normal function call.

The alternative to using strong references is using weak references. If a weak reference is not found when a library is loaded, the address of that symbol will be set to nullptr instead of causing the library to fail to load. They still cannot be safely called, but as long as callsites are guarded to prevent calling the API when it is not available, the rest of your code can be run, and you can call the API normally without needing to use dlopen() and dlsym().

Weak API references don't require additional support from the dynamic linker, so they can be used with any version of Android.

Enabling weak API references in your build


Pass -DANDROID_WEAK_API_DEFS=ON when running CMake. If you're using CMake via externalNativeBuild, add the following to your build.gradle.kts (or the Groovy equivalent if you're still using build.gradle):

android {
    // Other config...

    defaultConfig {
        // Other config...

        externalNativeBuild {
            cmake {
                // Other config...


Add the following to your file:


If you do not already have an file, create it in the same directory as your file. Additional changes to your build.gradle.kts (or build.gradle) file are not necessary for ndk-build.

Other build systems

If you're not using CMake or ndk-build, consult the documentation for your build system to see if there's a recommended way to enable this feature. If your build system doesn't support this option natively, you can enable the feature by passing the following flags when compiling:

-D__ANDROID_UNAVAILABLE_SYMBOLS_ARE_WEAK__ -Werror=unguarded-availability

The first configures the NDK headers to allow weak references. The second turns the warning for unsafe API calls into an error.

See the Build System Maintainers Guide for more information.

Guarded API calls

This feature does not magically make calls to new APIs safe. The only thing it does is defer a load-time error to a call-time error. The benefit is that you can guard that call at runtime and fall back gracefully, whether by using an alternative implementation or notifying the user that that feature of the app is not available on their device, or avoiding that code path entirely.

Clang can emit a warning (unguarded-availability) when you make an unguarded call to an API that isn't available for your app's minSdkVersion. If you're using ndk-build or our CMake toolchain file, that warning will be automatically enabled and promoted to an error when enabling this feature.

Here is an example of some code that makes conditional use of an API without this feature enabled, using dlopen() and dlsym():

void LogImageDecoderResult(int result) {
    void* lib = dlopen("", RTLD_LOCAL);
    CHECK_NE(lib, nullptr) << "Failed to open " << dlerror();
    auto func = reinterpret_cast<decltype(&AImageDecoder_resultToString)>(
        dlsym(lib, "AImageDecoder_resultToString")
    if (func == nullptr) {
        LOG(INFO) << "cannot stringify result: " << result;
    } else {
        LOG(INFO) << func(result);

It's a bit messy to read, there's some duplication of function names (and if you're writing C, the signatures as well), it'll build successfully but always take the fallback at runtime if you accidentally typo the function name passed to dlsym, and you have to use this pattern for every API.

With weak API references, the function above can be rewritten as:

void LogImageDecoderResult(int result) {
    if (__builtin_available(android 31, *)) {
        LOG(INFO) << AImageDecoder_resultToString(result);
    } else {
        LOG(INFO) << "cannot stringify result: " << result;

Under the hood, __builtin_available(android 31, *) calls android_get_device_api_level(), caches the result, and compares it with 31 (which is the API level that introduced AImageDecoder_resultToString()).

The simplest way to determine which value to use for __builtin_available is to attempt to build without the guard (or a guard of __builtin_available(android 1, *)) and do what the error message tells you. For example, an unguarded call to AImageDecoder_createFromAAsset() with minSdkVersion 24 will produce:

error: 'AImageDecoder_createFromAAsset' is only available on Android 30 or newer [-Werror,-Wunguarded-availability]

In this case the call should be guarded by __builtin_available(android 30, *). If there is no build error, either the API is always available for your minSdkVersion and no guard is needed, or your build is misconfigured and the unguarded-availability warning is disabled.

Alternatively, the NDK API reference will say something along the lines of "Introduced in API 30" for each API. If that text is not present, it means that the API is available for all supported API levels.

Avoiding repetition of API guards

If you're using this, you will probably have sections of code in your app that are only usable on new enough devices. Rather than repeating the __builtin_available() check in each of your functions, you can annotate your own code as requiring a certain API level. For example, the ImageDecoder APIs themselves were added in API 30, so for functions that make heavy use of those APIs you can do something like:

#define REQUIRES_API(x) __attribute__((__availability__(android,introduced=x)))
#define API_AT_LEAST(x) __builtin_available(android x, *)

void DecodeImageWithImageDecoder() REQUIRES_API(30) {
    // Call any APIs that were introduced in API 30 or newer without guards.

void DecodeImageFallback() {
    // Pay the overhead to call the Java APIs via JNI, or use third-party image
    // decoding libraries.

void DecodeImage() {
    if (API_AT_LEAST(30)) {
    } else {

Quirks of API guards

Clang is very particular about how __builtin_available is used. Only a literal (though possibly macro-replaced) if (__builtin_available(...)) works. Even trivial operations like if (!__builtin_available(...)) will not work (Clang will emit the unsupported-availability-guard warning, as well as unguarded-availability). This may improve in a future version of Clang. See LLVM Issue 33161 for more information.

Checks for unguarded-availability only apply to the function scope where they are used. Clang will emit the warning even if the function with the API call is only ever called from within a guarded scope. To avoid repetition of guards in your own code, see Avoiding repetition of API guards.

Why isn't this the default?

Unless used correctly, the difference between strong API references and weak API references is that the former will fail quickly and obviously, whereas the latter will not fail until the user takes an action that causes the missing API to be called. When this happens, the error message will not be a clear compile- time "AFoo_bar() is not available" error, it will be a segfault. With strong references, the error message is much clearer, and failing-fast is a safer default.

Because this is a new feature, very little existing code is written to handle this behavior safely. Third-party code that was not written with Android in mind will likely always have this problem, so there are currently no plans for the default behavior to ever change.

We do recommend that you use this, but as it will make problems more difficult to detect and debug, you should accept those risks knowingly rather than the behavior changing without your knowledge.


This feature works for most APIs, but there are a few cases where it does not work.

The least likely to be problematic is newer libc APIs. Unlike the rest of the Android APIs, those are guarded with #if __ANDROID_API__ >= X in the headers and not just __INTRODUCED_IN(X), which prevents even the weak declaration from being seen. Since the oldest API level modern NDKs support is r21, the most commonly needed libc APIs are already available. New libc APIs are added each release (see, but the newer they are, the more likely they are to be an edge case that few developers will need. That said, if you are one of those developers, for now you'll need to continue using dlsym() to call those APIs if your minSdkVersion is older than the API. This is a solvable problem, but doing so carries the risk of breaking source compatibility for all apps (any code that contains polyfills of libc APIs will fail to compile due to the mismatched availability attributes on the libc and local declarations), so we're not sure if or when we'll fix it.

The case that more developers are likely to encounter is when the library that contains the new API is newer than your minSdkVersion. This feature only enables weak symbol references; there is no such thing as a weak library reference. For example, if your minSdkVersion is 24, you can link and make a guarded call to vkBindBufferMemory2, because is available on devices starting with API 24. On the other hand, if your minSdkVersion were 23, you must fall back to dlopen and dlsym because the library will not exist on the device on devices that only support API 23. We don't know of a good solution for fixing this case, but in the long term it will resolve itself because we (whenever possible) no longer allow new APIs to create new libraries.

For library authors

If you are developing a library to be used in Android applications, you should avoid using this feature in your public headers. It can be safely used in out-of-line code, but if you rely on __builtin_available in any code in your headers, such as inline functions or template definitions, you force all your consumers to enable this feature. For the same reasons we do not enable this feature by default in the NDK, you should avoid making that choice on the behalf of your consumers.

If you do require this behavior in your public headers, make sure to document that so your users both know that they will need to enable the feature and are aware of the risks of doing so.