Distribute to cars

You've got a great app, and Google Play can help you bring it to users in their vehicles. To get started, review this page to learn how build apps for Android Auto and Android Automotive OS and distribute them through Google Play.

Understand guidelines and requirements

To prepare for a successful launch, start by reviewing the following table of guidelines and requirements for creating great experiences on Android for Cars.

All apps

General Android Auto Android Automotive OS
Meet the car app quality guidelines for your app's category.
  • Declare com.google.android.gms.car.application metadata entry with your app's capabilities in your app manifest.
  • Deliver your Android Auto experience as part of a new or existing app for phones, tablets, and other devices.
  • Use the same package name as your mobile app or create a new one.
  • Add Automotive OS-specific screenshots to your Google Play Store listings.

Media apps

General Android Auto Android Automotive OS
See Build media apps for cars.

Messaging apps

General Android Auto Android Automotive OS
  • Native apps on Android Automotive OS are not supported. Messages on phones are shown on the car head unit via the car’s companion app if the car manufacturer has integrated the appropriate libraries. For more information, see Supported app categories.

Templated apps

General Android Auto Android Automotive OS

Parked apps

General Android Auto Android Automotive OS
N/A Not yet supported. See Car ready mobile apps for details on how to express interest in making your app available on Android Auto.

Opt-in to form factors

Before your app can be made available to users in their cars, you must complete the following steps in the Google Play Console:

Android Auto

  1. Navigate to the Form factors section of the Advanced Settings page.
  2. Click Add form factor and select Android Auto.
  3. Complete the requirements for Android Auto:
    • Release an Android Auto app bundle or APK to a testing track.

Android Automotive OS

  1. Navigate to the Form factors section of the Advanced Settings page.
  2. Click Add form factor and select Android Automotive OS.
  3. Complete the requirements for Android Automotive OS:
    • Upload Android Automotive OS screenshots for all store listings.
      • This includes both the main store listing and any custom store listings.
      • To take screenshots of the required resolutions, you can use the Automotive (1024p landscape) and Automotive Portrait hardware profiles. Your screenshots should not reference any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) in particular.
    • Release an Android Automotive OS app bundle or APK to a testing track.
    • Agree to the review policy to ensure your app follows Android Automotive OS quality guidelines.
      • Select the type of track you'll use to distribute your app to Android Automotive OS devices. Important: The default set by the Google Play Console is to use the same tracks as for mobile devices. However, the mobile track is not permitted for some categories of apps on Android Automotive OS. See Choose a track for Android Automotive OS for more information.

Choose a track type for Android Automotive OS

You can always distribute your app to Android Automotive OS vehicles by using the dedicated Android Automotive OS track type. Depending on your app's category, you may also have the alternative to distribute your app to Android Automotive OS devices using the mobile release track.

App category Supported track types
Parked apps
  • Mobile
  • Android Automotive OS only
Media and templated apps
  • Android Automotive OS only

All else being equal, we recommend that you use the dedicated track. Doing so makes it possible to:

  • Roll out releases independent of the mobile track
  • Configure different testers and country targeting for testing tracks

Declare the automotive hardware feature in your app's manifest

Depending on which track type you choose and your app's category, there are different restrictions for the required automotive hardware <uses-feature> element:

<manifest ...>
  <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.type.automotive" ...>
App category Track type Restrictions
Parked apps Mobile android:required must be "false"
Android Automotive OS only android:required must be "true", "false", or unset.
Media and templated apps Android Automotive OS only android:required must be "true" or unset.


If you decide to no longer support one or both form factors, you can opt-out from the Form factors tab of the Advanced Settings page as follows:

  • Android Auto: Remove Android Auto support from all of the active artifacts across tracks. You can then click the Remove button to remove Android Auto from the list of form factors on the page.
  • Android Automotive OS: Opt out of Android Automotive OS by clicking the Manage button. You can then click the Remove button to remove Android Automotive OS from the list of form factors on the page. Users will no longer be able to find your app on Google Play or receive updates.

App review depends on release track type

While opted-in for distribution to Android Auto or Android Automotive OS, when you make a submission to Google Play that includes an Android Auto or Android Automotive OS compatible artifact, your app is reviewed for compliance with the car app quality guidelines. This detailed review process might take more time than you are accustomed to when distributing only to phones and tablets.

Depending on the type of track(s) containing Android Auto or Android Automotive OS compatible artifacts in your submission, the impact of the review result may vary. For example, if a submission contains a non-compliant build in a closed testing track, you will be notified that the build is non-compliant but the submission will still be approved. If the same build was in a production track, the submission would be rejected.

Track type Form factor review
Internal sharing
(Android Auto only)
Internal testing None
Closed testing Non-blocking
Open testing Blocking
Production Blocking

When the review is complete, you receive an email sent to your developer account address that lets you know whether your app was approved or rejected. If your app was not approved, the email has a summary of the areas that you need to address. When you finish the necessary adjustments, including removal of any rejected artifacts, you can upload a new version of your app for review.

Ensure your app can be reviewed

To make the app review process as straightforward as possible, take the following into account as you prepare to submit your app for review:

  • If your app requires the user to sign-in to access all of its features, you must submit test account details in the Google Play Console. See App Access for instructions on how to do this.
    • If your point of interest app lets users make a booking, this test account must be able to make a booking without being charged funds.
  • If your navigation or point of interest app is not available in the United States, you must permit a user to use a mock GPS location app so that a reviewer can test the app.