Native Activity
Stay organized with collections
Save and categorize content based on your preferences.
Typedefs |
typedefstruct AInputReceiver
The InputReceiver that holds the reference to the registered input channel. |
typedefstruct AInputReceiverCallbacks
AInputReceiver_onKeyEvent)(void *_Null_unspecified context, AInputEvent *_Nonnull keyEvent)
The AInputReceiver_onKeyEvent callback is invoked when the registered input channel receives a key event. |
AInputReceiver_onMotionEvent)(void *_Null_unspecified context, AInputEvent *_Nonnull motionEvent)
The AInputReceiver_onMotionEvent callback is invoked when the registered input channel receives a motion event. |
typedefstruct AInputTransferToken
AInputTransferToken can be used to request focus on or to transfer touch gesture to and from an embedded SurfaceControl. |
typedefstruct ANativeActivity
This structure defines the native side of an |
typedefstruct ANativeActivityCallbacks
These are the callbacks the framework makes into a native application. |
ANativeActivity_createFunc(ANativeActivity *activity, void *savedState, size_t savedStateSize)
This is the function that must be in the native code to instantiate the application's native activity. |
typedefstruct ARect
Rectangular window area. |
typedefstruct ASurfaceControl
The SurfaceControl API can be used to provide a hierarchy of surfaces for composition to the system compositor. |
typedefstruct ASurfaceTransaction
ASurfaceTransaction is a collection of updates to the surface tree that must be applied atomically. |
typedefstruct ASurfaceTransactionStats
An opaque handle returned during a callback that can be used to query general stats and stats for surfaces which were either removed or for which buffers were updated after this transaction was applied. |
ASurfaceTransaction_OnBufferRelease)(void *_Null_unspecified context, int release_fence_fd)
The ASurfaceTransaction_OnBufferRelease callback is invoked when a buffer that was passed in ASurfaceTransaction_setBuffer is ready to be reused. |
ASurfaceTransaction_OnCommit)(void *_Null_unspecified context, ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull stats)
The ASurfaceTransaction_OnCommit callback is invoked when transaction is applied and the updates are ready to be presented. |
ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete)(void *_Null_unspecified context, ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull stats)
Since the transactions are applied asynchronously, the ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete callback can be used to be notified when a frame including the updates in a transaction was presented. |
Variables |
The name of the function that NativeInstance looks for when launching its native code.
Functions |
AInputReceiverCallbacks_create(void *_Nullable context)
AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nonnull
Creates a AInputReceiverCallbacks object that is used when registering for an AInputReceiver.
AInputReceiverCallbacks_release(AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nullable callbacks)
Releases the AInputReceiverCallbacks.
AInputReceiverCallbacks_setKeyEventCallback(AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nonnull callbacks, AInputReceiver_onKeyEvent _Nonnull onKeyEvent)
Sets a AInputReceiver_onKeyEvent callback for an AInputReceiverCallbacks.
AInputReceiverCallbacks_setMotionEventCallback(AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nonnull callbacks, AInputReceiver_onMotionEvent _Nonnull onMotionEvent)
Sets a AInputReceiver_onMotionEvent callback for an AInputReceiverCallbacks.
AInputReceiver_createBatchedInputReceiver(AChoreographer *_Nonnull aChoreographer, const AInputTransferToken *_Nonnull hostInputTransferToken, const ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull aSurfaceControl, AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nonnull aInputReceiverCallbacks)
AInputReceiver *_Nonnull
Registers an input receiver for an ASurfaceControl that will receive batched input event.
AInputReceiver_createUnbatchedInputReceiver(ALooper *_Nonnull aLooper, const AInputTransferToken *_Nonnull hostInputTransferToken, const ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull aSurfaceControl, AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nonnull aInputReceiverCallbacks)
AInputReceiver *_Nonnull
Registers an input receiver for an ASurfaceControl that will receive every input event.
AInputReceiver_getInputTransferToken(AInputReceiver *_Nonnull aInputReceiver)
const AInputTransferToken *_Nonnull
Returns the AInputTransferToken that can be used to transfer touch gesture to or from other windows.
AInputReceiver_release(AInputReceiver *_Nullable aInputReceiver)
Unregisters the input channel and deletes the AInputReceiver.
AInputTransferToken_fromJava(JNIEnv *_Nonnull env, jobject _Nonnull inputTransferTokenObj)
AInputTransferToken *_Nonnull
Return the AInputTransferToken wrapped by a Java InputTransferToken object.
AInputTransferToken_release(AInputTransferToken *_Nullable aInputTransferToken)
Removes a reference that was previously acquired in native.
AInputTransferToken_toJava(JNIEnv *_Nonnull env, const AInputTransferToken *_Nonnull aInputTransferToken)
jobject _Nonnull
Return the Java InputTransferToken object that wraps AInputTransferToken.
ANativeActivity_finish(ANativeActivity *activity)
Finish the given activity.
ANativeActivity_hideSoftInput(ANativeActivity *activity, uint32_t flags)
Hide the IME while in the given activity.
ANativeActivity_setWindowFlags(ANativeActivity *activity, uint32_t addFlags, uint32_t removeFlags)
Change the window flags of the given activity.
ANativeActivity_setWindowFormat(ANativeActivity *activity, int32_t format)
Change the window format of the given activity.
ANativeActivity_showSoftInput(ANativeActivity *activity, uint32_t flags)
Show the IME while in the given activity.
ANativeWindow_fromSurface(JNIEnv *env, jobject surface)
Return the ANativeWindow associated with a Java Surface object, for interacting with it through native code.
ANativeWindow_toSurface(JNIEnv *env, ANativeWindow *window)
Return a Java Surface object derived from the ANativeWindow, for interacting with it through Java code.
ASurfaceControl_acquire(ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control)
Acquires a reference on the given ASurfaceControl object.
ASurfaceControl_create(ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull parent, const char *_Nonnull debug_name)
ASurfaceControl *_Nullable
See ASurfaceControl_createFromWindow.
ASurfaceControl_createFromWindow(ANativeWindow *_Nonnull parent, const char *_Nonnull debug_name)
ASurfaceControl *_Nullable
Creates an ASurfaceControl with either ANativeWindow or an ASurfaceControl as its parent.
ASurfaceControl_fromJava(JNIEnv *_Nonnull env, jobject _Nonnull surfaceControlObj)
ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull
Return the ASurfaceControl wrapped by a Java SurfaceControl object.
ASurfaceControl_release(ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control)
Removes a reference that was previously acquired with one of the following functions: ASurfaceControl_createFromWindow ASurfaceControl_create ANativeWindow_acquire The surface and its children may remain on display as long as their parent remains on display.
ASurfaceTransactionStats_getASurfaceControls(ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull surface_transaction_stats, ASurfaceControl *_Nullable *_Nullable *_Nonnull outASurfaceControls, size_t *_Nonnull outASurfaceControlsSize)
outASurfaceControls returns an array of ASurfaceControl pointers that were updated during the transaction.
ASurfaceTransactionStats_getAcquireTime(ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull surface_transaction_stats, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control)
Returns the timestamp of when the CURRENT buffer was acquired. |
ASurfaceTransactionStats_getLatchTime(ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull surface_transaction_stats)
Returns the timestamp of when the frame was latched by the framework.
ASurfaceTransactionStats_getPresentFenceFd(ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull surface_transaction_stats)
Returns a sync fence that signals when the transaction has been presented.
ASurfaceTransactionStats_getPreviousReleaseFenceFd(ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull surface_transaction_stats, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control)
The returns the fence used to signal the release of the PREVIOUS buffer set on this surface.
ASurfaceTransactionStats_releaseASurfaceControls(ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull *_Nonnull surface_controls)
Releases the array of ASurfaceControls that were returned by ASurfaceTransactionStats_getASurfaceControls().
ASurfaceTransaction_apply(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction)
Applies the updates accumulated in transaction.
ASurfaceTransaction_clearFrameRate(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control)
Clears the frame rate which is set for surface_control.
ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull
The caller takes ownership of the transaction and must release it using ASurfaceTransaction_delete() below.
ASurfaceTransaction_delete(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nullable transaction)
Destroys the transaction object.
ASurfaceTransaction_fromJava(JNIEnv *_Nonnull env, jobject _Nonnull transactionObj)
ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull
Return the ASurfaceTransaction wrapped by a Java Transaction object.
ASurfaceTransaction_reparent(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, ASurfaceControl *_Nullable new_parent)
Reparents the surface_control from its old parent to the new_parent surface control.
ASurfaceTransaction_setBuffer(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, AHardwareBuffer *_Nonnull buffer, int acquire_fence_fd)
Updates the AHardwareBuffer displayed for surface_control.
ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferAlpha(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float alpha)
Sets the alpha for the buffer.
ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferDataSpace(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, enum ADataSpace data_space)
Sets the data space of the surface_control's buffers.
ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferTransform(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, int32_t transform)
ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferTransparency(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, enum ASurfaceTransactionTransparency transparency)
Updates whether the content for the buffer associated with this surface is completely opaque.
ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferWithRelease(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, AHardwareBuffer *_Nonnull buffer, int acquire_fence_fd, void *_Null_unspecified context, ASurfaceTransaction_OnBufferRelease _Nonnull func)
Updates the AHardwareBuffer displayed for surface_control.
ASurfaceTransaction_setColor(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float r, float g, float b, float alpha, enum ADataSpace dataspace)
Updates the color for surface_control.
ASurfaceTransaction_setCrop(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, const ARect *_Nonnull crop)
Bounds the surface and its children to the bounds specified.
ASurfaceTransaction_setDamageRegion(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, const ARect *_Nullable rects, uint32_t count)
Updates the region for the content on this surface updated in this transaction.
ASurfaceTransaction_setDesiredHdrHeadroom(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float desiredHeadroom)
Sets the desired HDR headroom for the layer.
ASurfaceTransaction_setDesiredPresentTime(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, int64_t desiredPresentTime)
Specifies a desiredPresentTime for the transaction.
ASurfaceTransaction_setEnableBackPressure(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, bool enableBackPressure)
Indicate whether to enable backpressure for buffer submission to a given SurfaceControl.
ASurfaceTransaction_setExtendedRangeBrightness(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float currentBufferRatio, float desiredRatio)
Sets the desired extended range brightness for the layer.
ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameRate(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float frameRate, int8_t compatibility)
Same as ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameRateWithChangeStrategy(transaction, surface_control, frameRate, compatibility, ANATIVEWINDOW_CHANGE_FRAME_RATE_ONLY_IF_SEAMLESS).
ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameRateWithChangeStrategy(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float frameRate, int8_t compatibility, int8_t changeFrameRateStrategy)
Sets the intended frame rate for surface_control.
ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameTimeline(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, AVsyncId vsyncId)
Sets the frame timeline to use in SurfaceFlinger.
ASurfaceTransaction_setGeometry(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, const ARect *_Nonnull source, const ARect *_Nonnull destination, int32_t transform)
ASurfaceTransaction_setHdrMetadata_cta861_3(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, struct AHdrMetadata_cta861_3 *_Nullable metadata)
Sets the CTA 861.3 "HDR Static Metadata Extension" static metadata on a surface.
ASurfaceTransaction_setHdrMetadata_smpte2086(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, struct AHdrMetadata_smpte2086 *_Nullable metadata)
SMPTE ST 2086 "Mastering Display Color Volume" static metadata.
ASurfaceTransaction_setOnCommit(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, void *_Null_unspecified context, ASurfaceTransaction_OnCommit _Nonnull func)
Sets the callback that will be invoked when the updates from this transaction are applied and are ready to be presented.
ASurfaceTransaction_setOnComplete(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, void *_Null_unspecified context, ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete _Nonnull func)
Sets the callback that will be invoked when the updates from this transaction are presented.
ASurfaceTransaction_setPosition(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, int32_t x, int32_t y)
Specifies the position in the parent's space where the surface will be drawn.
ASurfaceTransaction_setScale(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float xScale, float yScale)
Sets an x and y scale of a surface with (0, 0) as the centerpoint of the scale.
ASurfaceTransaction_setVisibility(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, enum ASurfaceTransactionVisibility visibility)
Updates the visibility of surface_control.
ASurfaceTransaction_setZOrder(ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, int32_t z_order)
Updates the z order index for surface_control.
Structs |
ANativeActivity |
This structure defines the native side of an |
ANativeActivityCallbacks |
These are the callbacks the framework makes into a native application. |
ARect |
Rectangular window area. |
Anonymous Enum 107
Declared inandroid/window.h
Anonymous Enum 107
Window flags, as per the Java API at android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.
Properties | |
As long as this window is visible to the user, allow the lock screen to activate while the screen is on. This can be used independently, or in combination with AWINDOW_FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON and/or AWINDOW_FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED |
Invert the state of AWINDOW_FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE with respect to how this window interacts with the current method. That is, if FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE is set and this flag is set, then the window will behave as if it needs to interact with the input method and thus be placed behind/away from it; if AWINDOW_FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE is not set and this flag is set, then the window will behave as if it doesn't need to interact with the input method and can be placed to use more space and cover the input method. |
Blur everything behind this window. Deprecated. Blurring is no longer supported. |
Everything behind this window will be dimmed. |
When set the window will cause the keyguard to be dismissed, only if it is not a secure lock keyguard. Because such a keyguard is not needed for security, it will never re-appear if the user navigates to another window (in contrast to AWINDOW_FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED, which will only temporarily hide both secure and non-secure keyguards but ensure they reappear when the user moves to another UI that doesn't hide them). If the keyguard is currently active and is secure (requires an unlock pattern) than the user will still need to confirm it before seeing this window, unless AWINDOW_FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED has also been set. |
Turn on dithering when compositing this window to the screen. Deprecated. This flag is no longer used. |
Override AWINDOW_FLAG_FULLSCREEN and force the screen decorations (such as the status bar) to be shown. |
Hide all screen decorations (such as the status bar) while this window is displayed. This allows the window to use the entire display space for itself the status bar will be hidden when an app window with this flag set is on the top layer. A fullscreen window will ignore a value of SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE; the window will stay fullscreen and will not resize. |
Intended for windows that will often be used when the user is holding the screen against their face, it will aggressively filter the event stream to prevent unintended presses in this situation that may not be desired for a particular window, when such an event stream is detected, the application will receive a AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL to indicate this so applications can handle this accordingly by taking no action on the event until the finger is released. |
As long as this window is visible to the user, keep the device's screen turned on and bright. |
A special option only for use in combination with AWINDOW_FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN. When requesting layout in the screen your window may appear on top of or behind screen decorations such as the status bar. By also including this flag, the window manager will report the inset rectangle needed to ensure your content is not covered by screen decorations. |
Place the window within the entire screen, ignoring decorations around the border (such as the status bar). The window must correctly position its contents to take the screen decoration into account. |
allow window to extend outside of the screen. |
This window won't ever get key input focus, so the user can not send key or other button events to it. Those will instead go to whatever focusable window is behind it. This flag will also enable AWINDOW_FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL whether or not that is explicitly set. Setting this flag also implies that the window will not need to interact with a soft input method, so it will be Z-ordered and positioned independently of any active input method (typically this means it gets Z-ordered on top of the input method, so it can use the full screen for its content and cover the input method if needed. You can use AWINDOW_FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM to modify this behavior. |
this window can never receive touch events. |
Even when this window is focusable (its AWINDOW_FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE is not set), allow any pointer events outside of the window to be sent to the windows behind it. Otherwise it will consume all pointer events itself, regardless of whether they are inside of the window. |
A special mode where the layout parameters are used to perform scaling of the surface when it is composited to the screen. |
Treat the content of the window as secure, preventing it from appearing in screenshots or from being viewed on non-secure displays. |
Ask that the system wallpaper be shown behind your window. The window surface must be translucent to be able to actually see the wallpaper behind it; this flag just ensures that the wallpaper surface will be there if this window actually has translucent regions. |
Special flag to let windows be shown when the screen is locked. This will let application windows take precedence over key guard or any other lock screens. Can be used with AWINDOW_FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON to turn screen on and display windows directly before showing the key guard window. Can be used with AWINDOW_FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD to automatically fully dismisss non-secure keyguards. This flag only applies to the top-most full-screen window. |
When set, if the device is asleep when the touch screen is pressed, you will receive this first touch event. Usually the first touch event is consumed by the system since the user can not see what they are pressing on. Deprecated. This flag has no effect. |
When set as a window is being added or made visible, once the window has been shown then the system will poke the power manager's user activity (as if the user had woken up the device) to turn the screen on. |
If you have set AWINDOW_FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL, you can set this flag to receive a single special MotionEvent with the action AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_OUTSIDE for touches that occur outside of your window. Note that you will not receive the full down/move/up gesture, only the location of the first down as an AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_OUTSIDE. |
Anonymous Enum 51
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
Anonymous Enum 51
Flags for ANativeActivity_showSoftInput; see the Java InputMethodManager API for documentation.
Properties | |
The user has forced the input method open (such as by long-pressing menu) so it should not be closed until they explicitly do so. |
Implicit request to show the input window, not as the result of a direct request by the user. |
Anonymous Enum 52
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
Anonymous Enum 52
Flags for ANativeActivity_hideSoftInput; see the Java InputMethodManager API for documentation.
Properties | |
The soft input window should only be hidden if it was not explicitly shown by the user. |
The soft input window should normally be hidden, unless it was originally shown with ANATIVEACTIVITY_SHOW_SOFT_INPUT_FORCED. |
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
Parameter for ASurfaceTransaction_setVisibility().
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
struct AInputReceiver AInputReceiver
The InputReceiver that holds the reference to the registered input channel.
This must be released using AInputReceiver_release
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
struct AInputReceiverCallbacks AInputReceiverCallbacks
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
bool(* AInputReceiver_onKeyEvent)(void *_Null_unspecified context, AInputEvent *_Nonnull keyEvent)
The AInputReceiver_onKeyEvent callback is invoked when the registered input channel receives a key event.
Available since API level 35.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
bool(* AInputReceiver_onMotionEvent)(void *_Null_unspecified context, AInputEvent *_Nonnull motionEvent)
The AInputReceiver_onMotionEvent callback is invoked when the registered input channel receives a motion event.
Available since API level 35.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Declared inandroid/input_transfer_token_jni.h
struct AInputTransferToken AInputTransferToken
AInputTransferToken can be used to request focus on or to transfer touch gesture to and from an embedded SurfaceControl.
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
struct ANativeActivity ANativeActivity
This structure defines the native side of an
It is created by the framework, and handed to the application's native code as it is being launched.
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
struct ANativeActivityCallbacks ANativeActivityCallbacks
These are the callbacks the framework makes into a native application.
All of these callbacks happen on the main thread of the application. By default, all callbacks are NULL; set to a pointer to your own function to have it called.
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
void ANativeActivity_createFunc(ANativeActivity *activity, void *savedState, size_t savedStateSize)
This is the function that must be in the native code to instantiate the application's native activity.
It is called with the activity instance (see above); if the code is being instantiated from a previously saved instance, the savedState will be non-NULL and point to the saved data. You must make any copy of this data you need it will be released after you return from this function.
Declared inandroid/rect.h
struct ARect ARect
Rectangular window area.
This is the NDK equivalent of the class in Java. It is used with ANativeActivityCallbacks::onContentRectChanged event callback and the ANativeWindow_lock() function.
In a valid ARect, left <= right and top <= bottom. ARect with left=0, top=10, right=1, bottom=11 contains only one pixel at x=0, y=10.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
struct ASurfaceControl ASurfaceControl
The SurfaceControl API can be used to provide a hierarchy of surfaces for composition to the system compositor.
ASurfaceControl represents a content node in this hierarchy.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
struct ASurfaceTransaction ASurfaceTransaction
ASurfaceTransaction is a collection of updates to the surface tree that must be applied atomically.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
struct ASurfaceTransactionStats ASurfaceTransactionStats
An opaque handle returned during a callback that can be used to query general stats and stats for surfaces which were either removed or for which buffers were updated after this transaction was applied.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void(* ASurfaceTransaction_OnBufferRelease)(void *_Null_unspecified context, int release_fence_fd)
The ASurfaceTransaction_OnBufferRelease callback is invoked when a buffer that was passed in ASurfaceTransaction_setBuffer is ready to be reused.
This callback is guaranteed to be invoked if ASurfaceTransaction_setBuffer is called with a non null buffer. If the buffer in the transaction is replaced via another call to ASurfaceTransaction_setBuffer, the callback will be invoked immediately. Otherwise the callback will be invoked before the ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete callback after the buffer was presented.
If this callback is set, caller should not release the buffer using the ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete.
THREADING The callback can be invoked on any thread.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Available since API level 36.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void(* ASurfaceTransaction_OnCommit)(void *_Null_unspecified context, ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull stats)
The ASurfaceTransaction_OnCommit callback is invoked when transaction is applied and the updates are ready to be presented.
This callback will be invoked before the ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete callback.
This callback does not mean buffers have been released! It simply means that any new transactions applied will not overwrite the transaction for which we are receiving a callback and instead will be included in the next frame. If you are trying to avoid dropping frames (overwriting transactions), and unable to use timestamps (Which provide a more efficient solution), then this method provides a method to pace your transaction application.
THREADING The transaction committed callback can be invoked on any thread.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Available since API level 31.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void(* ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete)(void *_Null_unspecified context, ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull stats)
Since the transactions are applied asynchronously, the ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete callback can be used to be notified when a frame including the updates in a transaction was presented.
Buffers which are replaced or removed from the scene in the transaction invoking this callback may be reused after this point.
Starting with API level 36, prefer using ASurfaceTransaction_OnBufferRelease to listen to when a buffer is ready to be reused.
THREADING The transaction completed callback can be invoked on any thread.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
ANativeActivity_createFunc ANativeActivity_onCreate
The name of the function that NativeInstance looks for when launching its native code.
This is the default function that is used, you can specify "" string meta-data in your manifest to use a different function.
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nonnull AInputReceiverCallbacks_create( void *_Nullable context )
Creates a AInputReceiverCallbacks object that is used when registering for an AInputReceiver.
This must be released using AInputReceiverCallbacks_release
Available since API level 35.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
void AInputReceiverCallbacks_release( AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nullable callbacks )
Releases the AInputReceiverCallbacks.
This must be called on the same looper thread the AInputReceiver was created with. The receiver will not invoke any callbacks once it's been released.
Available since API level 35
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
void AInputReceiverCallbacks_setKeyEventCallback( AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nonnull callbacks, AInputReceiver_onKeyEvent _Nonnull onKeyEvent )
Sets a AInputReceiver_onKeyEvent callback for an AInputReceiverCallbacks.
Available since API level 35.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
void AInputReceiverCallbacks_setMotionEventCallback( AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nonnull callbacks, AInputReceiver_onMotionEvent _Nonnull onMotionEvent )
Sets a AInputReceiver_onMotionEvent callback for an AInputReceiverCallbacks.
Available since API level 35.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
AInputReceiver *_Nonnull AInputReceiver_createBatchedInputReceiver( AChoreographer *_Nonnull aChoreographer, const AInputTransferToken *_Nonnull hostInputTransferToken, const ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull aSurfaceControl, AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nonnull aInputReceiverCallbacks )
Registers an input receiver for an ASurfaceControl that will receive batched input event.
For those events that are batched, the invocation will happen once per AChoreographer frame, and other input events will be delivered immediately.
This is different from AInputReceiver_createUnbatchedInputReceiver in that the input events are received batched. The caller must invoke AInputReceiver_release to clean up the resources when no longer needing to use the input receiver.
Returns the reference to AInputReceiver to clean up resources when done.
Details | |||||||||
Parameters |
Available since API level 35.
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
AInputReceiver *_Nonnull AInputReceiver_createUnbatchedInputReceiver( ALooper *_Nonnull aLooper, const AInputTransferToken *_Nonnull hostInputTransferToken, const ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull aSurfaceControl, AInputReceiverCallbacks *_Nonnull aInputReceiverCallbacks )
Registers an input receiver for an ASurfaceControl that will receive every input event.
This is different from AInputReceiver_createBatchedInputReceiver in that the input events are received unbatched. The caller must invoke AInputReceiver_release to clean up the resources when no longer needing to use the input receiver.
Returns the reference to AInputReceiver to clean up resources when done.
Details | |||||||||
Parameters |
Available since API level 35.
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
const AInputTransferToken *_Nonnull AInputReceiver_getInputTransferToken( AInputReceiver *_Nonnull aInputReceiver )
Returns the AInputTransferToken that can be used to transfer touch gesture to or from other windows.
This InputTransferToken is associated with the SurfaceControl that registered an input receiver and can be used with the host token for things like transfer touch gesture via WindowManager::transferTouchGesture().
This must be released with AInputTransferToken_release.
Available since API level 35.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Declared inandroid/surface_control_input_receiver.h
void AInputReceiver_release( AInputReceiver *_Nullable aInputReceiver )
Unregisters the input channel and deletes the AInputReceiver.
This must be called on the same looper thread it was created with.
Available since API level 35.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Declared inandroid/input_transfer_token_jni.h
AInputTransferToken *_Nonnull AInputTransferToken_fromJava( JNIEnv *_Nonnull env, jobject _Nonnull inputTransferTokenObj )
Return the AInputTransferToken wrapped by a Java InputTransferToken object.
This must be released using AInputTransferToken_release
inputTransferTokenObj must be a non-null instance of android.window.InputTransferToken.
Available since API level 35.
Declared inandroid/input_transfer_token_jni.h
void AInputTransferToken_release( AInputTransferToken *_Nullable aInputTransferToken )
Removes a reference that was previously acquired in native.
Available since API level 35.
Declared inandroid/input_transfer_token_jni.h
jobject _Nonnull AInputTransferToken_toJava( JNIEnv *_Nonnull env, const AInputTransferToken *_Nonnull aInputTransferToken )
Return the Java InputTransferToken object that wraps AInputTransferToken.
aInputTransferToken must be non null and the returned value is an object of instance android.window.InputTransferToken.
Available since API level 35.
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
void ANativeActivity_finish( ANativeActivity *activity )
Finish the given activity.
Its finish() method will be called, causing it to be stopped and destroyed. Note that this method can be called from any thread; it will send a message to the main thread of the process where the Java finish call will take place.
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
void ANativeActivity_hideSoftInput( ANativeActivity *activity, uint32_t flags )
Hide the IME while in the given activity.
Calls InputMethodManager.hideSoftInput() for the given activity. Note that this method can be called from any thread; it will send a message to the main thread of the process where the Java finish call will take place.
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
void ANativeActivity_setWindowFlags( ANativeActivity *activity, uint32_t addFlags, uint32_t removeFlags )
Change the window flags of the given activity.
Calls getWindow().setFlags() of the given activity. Note that this method can be called from any thread; it will send a message to the main thread of the process where the Java finish call will take place. See window.h for flag constants.
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
void ANativeActivity_setWindowFormat( ANativeActivity *activity, int32_t format )
Change the window format of the given activity.
Calls getWindow().setFormat() of the given activity. Note that this method can be called from any thread; it will send a message to the main thread of the process where the Java finish call will take place.
Declared inandroid/native_activity.h
void ANativeActivity_showSoftInput( ANativeActivity *activity, uint32_t flags )
Show the IME while in the given activity.
Calls InputMethodManager.showSoftInput() for the given activity. Note that this method can be called from any thread; it will send a message to the main thread of the process where the Java finish call will take place.
Declared inandroid/native_window_jni.h
ANativeWindow * ANativeWindow_fromSurface( JNIEnv *env, jobject surface )
Return the ANativeWindow associated with a Java Surface object, for interacting with it through native code.
This acquires a reference on the ANativeWindow that is returned; be sure to use ANativeWindow_release() when done with it so that it doesn't leak.
Declared inandroid/native_window_jni.h
jobject ANativeWindow_toSurface( JNIEnv *env, ANativeWindow *window )
Return a Java Surface object derived from the ANativeWindow, for interacting with it through Java code.
The returned Java object acquires a reference on the ANativeWindow; maintains it through general Java object's life cycle; and will automatically release the reference when the Java object gets garbage collected.
Available since API level 26.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceControl_acquire( ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control )
Acquires a reference on the given ASurfaceControl object.
This prevents the object from being deleted until the reference is removed.
To release the reference, use the ASurfaceControl_release function.
Available since API level 31.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
ASurfaceControl *_Nullable ASurfaceControl_create( ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull parent, const char *_Nonnull debug_name )
See ASurfaceControl_createFromWindow.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
ASurfaceControl *_Nullable ASurfaceControl_createFromWindow( ANativeWindow *_Nonnull parent, const char *_Nonnull debug_name )
Creates an ASurfaceControl with either ANativeWindow or an ASurfaceControl as its parent.
debug_name is a debug name associated with this surface. It can be used to identify this surface in the SurfaceFlinger's layer tree. It must not be null.
The caller takes ownership of the ASurfaceControl returned and must release it using ASurfaceControl_release below.
By default the ASurfaceControl will be visible and display any buffer submitted. In addition, the default buffer submission control may release and not display all buffers that are submitted before receiving a callback for the previous buffer. See ASurfaceTransaction_setVisibility and ASurfaceTransaction_setEnableBackPressure to change the default behaviors after creation.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control_jni.h
ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull ASurfaceControl_fromJava( JNIEnv *_Nonnull env, jobject _Nonnull surfaceControlObj )
Return the ASurfaceControl wrapped by a Java SurfaceControl object.
The caller takes ownership of the returned ASurfaceControl returned and must release it * using ASurfaceControl_release.
surfaceControlObj must be a non-null instance of android.view.SurfaceControl and isValid() must be true.
Available since API level 34.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceControl_release( ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control )
Removes a reference that was previously acquired with one of the following functions: ASurfaceControl_createFromWindow ASurfaceControl_create ANativeWindow_acquire The surface and its children may remain on display as long as their parent remains on display.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransactionStats_getASurfaceControls( ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull surface_transaction_stats, ASurfaceControl *_Nullable *_Nullable *_Nonnull outASurfaceControls, size_t *_Nonnull outASurfaceControlsSize )
outASurfaceControls returns an array of ASurfaceControl pointers that were updated during the transaction.
Stats for the surfaces can be queried through ASurfaceTransactionStats functions. When the client is done using the array, it must release it by calling ASurfaceTransactionStats_releaseASurfaceControls.
Available since API level 29.
outASurfaceControlsSize returns the size of the ASurfaceControls array.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
int64_t ASurfaceTransactionStats_getAcquireTime( ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull surface_transaction_stats, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control )
Returns the timestamp of when the CURRENT buffer was acquired.
A buffer is considered acquired when its acquire_fence_fd has signaled. A buffer cannot be latched or presented until it is acquired. If no acquire_fence_fd was provided, this timestamp will be set to -1.
Available since API level 29.
Deprecated. This may return SIGNAL_PENDING because the stats can arrive before the acquire fence has signaled, depending on internal timing differences. Therefore the caller should use the acquire fence passed in to setBuffer and query the signal time.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
int64_t ASurfaceTransactionStats_getLatchTime( ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull surface_transaction_stats )
Returns the timestamp of when the frame was latched by the framework.
Once a frame is latched by the framework, it is presented at the following hardware vsync.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
int ASurfaceTransactionStats_getPresentFenceFd( ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull surface_transaction_stats )
Returns a sync fence that signals when the transaction has been presented.
The recipient of the callback takes ownership of the fence and is responsible for closing it. If a device does not support present fences, a -1 will be returned.
This query is not valid for ASurfaceTransaction_OnCommit callback.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
int ASurfaceTransactionStats_getPreviousReleaseFenceFd( ASurfaceTransactionStats *_Nonnull surface_transaction_stats, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control )
The returns the fence used to signal the release of the PREVIOUS buffer set on this surface.
If this fence is valid (>=0), the PREVIOUS buffer has not yet been released and the fence will signal when the PREVIOUS buffer has been released. If the fence is -1, the PREVIOUS buffer is already released. The recipient of the callback takes ownership of the previousReleaseFenceFd and is responsible for closing it.
Each time a buffer is set through ASurfaceTransaction_setBuffer() on a transaction which is applied, the framework takes a ref on this buffer. The framework treats the addition of a buffer to a particular surface as a unique ref. When a transaction updates or removes a buffer from a surface, or removes the surface itself from the tree, this ref is guaranteed to be released in the OnComplete callback for this transaction. The ASurfaceControlStats provided in the callback for this surface may contain an optional fence which must be signaled before the ref is assumed to be released.
The client must ensure that all pending refs on a buffer are released before attempting to reuse this buffer, otherwise synchronization errors may occur.
This query is not valid for ASurfaceTransaction_OnCommit callback.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransactionStats_releaseASurfaceControls( ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull *_Nonnull surface_controls )
Releases the array of ASurfaceControls that were returned by ASurfaceTransactionStats_getASurfaceControls().
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_apply( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction )
Applies the updates accumulated in transaction.
Note that the transaction is guaranteed to be applied atomically. The transactions which are applied on the same thread are also guaranteed to be applied in order.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_clearFrameRate( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control )
Clears the frame rate which is set for surface_control.
This is equivalent to calling ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameRateWithChangeStrategy( transaction, 0, compatibility, changeFrameRateStrategy).
Usage of this API won't directly affect the application's frame production pipeline. However, because the system may change the display refresh rate, calls to this function may result in changes to Choreographer callback timings, and changes to the time interval at which the system releases buffers back to the application.
See ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameRateWithChangeStrategy()
You can register for changes in the refresh rate using AChoreographer_registerRefreshRateCallback.
See ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameRateWithChangeStrategy().
Available since API level 34.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull ASurfaceTransaction_create()
The caller takes ownership of the transaction and must release it using ASurfaceTransaction_delete() below.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_delete( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nullable transaction )
Destroys the transaction object.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control_jni.h
ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull ASurfaceTransaction_fromJava( JNIEnv *_Nonnull env, jobject _Nonnull transactionObj )
Return the ASurfaceTransaction wrapped by a Java Transaction object.
The returned ASurfaceTransaction is still owned by the Java Transaction object is only valid while the Java Transaction object is alive. In particular, the returned transaction must NOT be deleted with ASurfaceTransaction_delete.
transactionObj must be a non-null instance of android.view.SurfaceControl.Transaction and close() must not already be called.
Available since API level 34.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_reparent( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, ASurfaceControl *_Nullable new_parent )
Reparents the surface_control from its old parent to the new_parent surface control.
Any children of the reparented surface_control will remain children of the surface_control.
The new_parent can be null. Surface controls with a null parent do not appear on the display.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setBuffer( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, AHardwareBuffer *_Nonnull buffer, int acquire_fence_fd )
Updates the AHardwareBuffer displayed for surface_control.
If not -1, the acquire_fence_fd should be a file descriptor that is signaled when all pending work for the buffer is complete and the buffer can be safely read.
The frameworks takes ownership of the acquire_fence_fd passed and is responsible for closing it.
Note that the buffer must be allocated with AHARDWAREBUFFER_USAGE_GPU_SAMPLED_IMAGE as the surface control might be composited using the GPU.
Starting with API level 36, prefer using ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferWithRelease to set a buffer and a callback which will be invoked when the buffer is ready to be reused.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferAlpha( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float alpha )
Sets the alpha for the buffer.
It uses a premultiplied blending.
The alpha must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferDataSpace( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, enum ADataSpace data_space )
Sets the data space of the surface_control's buffers.
If no data space is set, the surface control defaults to ADATASPACE_SRGB.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferTransform( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, int32_t transform )
Available since API level 31.
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Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferTransparency( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, enum ASurfaceTransactionTransparency transparency )
Updates whether the content for the buffer associated with this surface is completely opaque.
If true, every pixel of content inside the buffer must be opaque or visual errors can occur.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setBufferWithRelease( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, AHardwareBuffer *_Nonnull buffer, int acquire_fence_fd, void *_Null_unspecified context, ASurfaceTransaction_OnBufferRelease _Nonnull func )
Updates the AHardwareBuffer displayed for surface_control.
If not -1, the acquire_fence_fd should be a file descriptor that is signaled when all pending work for the buffer is complete and the buffer can be safely read.
The frameworks takes ownership of the acquire_fence_fd passed and is responsible for closing it.
Note that the buffer must be allocated with AHARDWAREBUFFER_USAGE_GPU_SAMPLED_IMAGE as the surface control might be composited using the GPU.
When the buffer is ready to be reused, the ASurfaceTransaction_OnBufferRelease callback will be invoked. If the buffer is null, the callback will not be invoked.
Available since API level 36.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setColor( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float r, float g, float b, float alpha, enum ADataSpace dataspace )
Updates the color for surface_control.
This will make the background color for the ASurfaceControl visible in transparent regions of the surface. Colors r, g, and b must be within the range that is valid for dataspace. dataspace and alpha will be the dataspace and alpha set for the background color layer.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setCrop( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, const ARect *_Nonnull crop )
Bounds the surface and its children to the bounds specified.
The crop and buffer size will be used to determine the bounds of the surface. If no crop is specified and the surface has no buffer, the surface bounds is only constrained by the size of its parent bounds.
Available since API level 31.
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Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setDamageRegion( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, const ARect *_Nullable rects, uint32_t count )
Updates the region for the content on this surface updated in this transaction.
If unspecified, the complete surface is assumed to be damaged.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setDesiredHdrHeadroom( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float desiredHeadroom )
Sets the desired HDR headroom for the layer.
See: ASurfaceTransaction_setExtendedRangeBrightness, prefer using this API for formats that conform to HDR standards like HLG or HDR10, that do not communicate a HDR/SDR ratio as part of generating the buffer.
While requesting a large desired ratio will result in the most dynamic range, voluntarily reducing the requested range can help improve battery life as well as can improve quality by ensuring greater bit depth is allocated to the luminance range in use.
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Default value is 0.0f and indicates that the system will choose the best headroom for this surface control's content. Typically, this means that HLG/PQ encoded content will be displayed with some HDR headroom greater than 1.0.
When called after ASurfaceTransaction_setExtendedRangeBrightness, the desiredHeadroom will override the desiredRatio provided by ASurfaceTransaction_setExtendedRangeBrightness. Conversely, when called before ASurfaceTransaction_setExtendedRangeBrightness, the desiredRatio provided by ASurfaceTransaction_setExtendedRangeBrightness will override the desiredHeadroom.
Must be finite && >= 1.0f or 0.0f to indicate there is no desired headroom.
Available since API level 35.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setDesiredPresentTime( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, int64_t desiredPresentTime )
Specifies a desiredPresentTime for the transaction.
The framework will try to present the transaction at or after the time specified.
Transactions will not be presented until all of their acquire fences have signaled even if the app requests an earlier present time.
If an earlier transaction has a desired present time of x, and a later transaction has a desired present time that is before x, the later transaction will not preempt the earlier transaction.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setEnableBackPressure( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, bool enableBackPressure )
Indicate whether to enable backpressure for buffer submission to a given SurfaceControl.
By default backpressure is disabled, which means submitting a buffer prior to receiving a callback for the previous buffer could lead to that buffer being "dropped". In cases where you are selecting for latency, this may be a desirable behavior! We had a new buffer ready, why shouldn't we show it?
When back pressure is enabled, each buffer will be required to be presented before it is released and the callback delivered (absent the whole SurfaceControl being removed).
Most apps are likely to have some sort of backpressure internally, e.g. you are waiting on the callback from frame N-2 before starting frame N. In high refresh rate scenarios there may not be much time between SurfaceFlinger completing frame N-1 (and therefore releasing buffer N-2) and beginning frame N. This means your app may not have enough time to respond in the callback. Using this flag and pushing buffers earlier for server side queuing will be advantageous in such cases.
Available since API level 31.
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Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setExtendedRangeBrightness( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float currentBufferRatio, float desiredRatio )
Sets the desired extended range brightness for the layer.
This only applies for layers whose dataspace has RANGE_EXTENDED set on it. See: ASurfaceTransaction_setDesiredHdrHeadroom, prefer using this API for formats that encode an HDR/SDR ratio as part of generating the buffer.
Default value is 1.0f.
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Transfer functions that encode their own brightness ranges, such as HLG or PQ, should also set this to 1.0f and instead communicate extended content brightness information via metadata such as CTA861_3 or SMPTE2086.
Must be finite && >= 1.0f
While requesting a large desired ratio will result in the most dynamic range, voluntarily reducing the requested range can help improve battery life as well as can improve quality by ensuring greater bit depth is allocated to the luminance range in use.
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Default value is 1.0f and indicates that extended range brightness is not being used, so the resulting SDR or HDR behavior will be determined entirely by the dataspace being used (ie, typically SDR however PQ or HLG transfer functions will still result in HDR)
When called after ASurfaceTransaction_setDesiredHdrHeadroom, the desiredRatio will override the desiredHeadroom provided by ASurfaceTransaction_setDesiredHdrHeadroom. Conversely, when called before ASurfaceTransaction_setDesiredHdrHeadroom, the desiredHeadroom provided by . ASurfaceTransaction_setDesiredHdrHeadroom will override the desiredRatio.
Must be finite && >= 1.0f
Available since API level 34.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameRate( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float frameRate, int8_t compatibility )
Same as ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameRateWithChangeStrategy(transaction, surface_control, frameRate, compatibility, ANATIVEWINDOW_CHANGE_FRAME_RATE_ONLY_IF_SEAMLESS).
See ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameRateWithChangeStrategy().
Available since API level 30.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameRateWithChangeStrategy( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float frameRate, int8_t compatibility, int8_t changeFrameRateStrategy )
Sets the intended frame rate for surface_control.
On devices that are capable of running the display at different refresh rates, the system may choose a display refresh rate to better match this surface's frame rate. Usage of this API won't directly affect the application's frame production pipeline. However, because the system may change the display refresh rate, calls to this function may result in changes to Choreographer callback timings, and changes to the time interval at which the system releases buffers back to the application.
You can register for changes in the refresh rate using AChoreographer_registerRefreshRateCallback.
See ASurfaceTransaction_clearFrameRate().
Available since API level 31.
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Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setFrameTimeline( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, AVsyncId vsyncId )
Sets the frame timeline to use in SurfaceFlinger.
A frame timeline should be chosen based on the frame deadline the application can meet when rendering the frame and the application's desired presentation time. By setting a frame timeline, SurfaceFlinger tries to present the frame at the corresponding expected presentation time.
To receive frame timelines, a callback must be posted to Choreographer using AChoreographer_postVsyncCallback(). The vsyncId
can then be extracted from the callback payload using AChoreographerFrameCallbackData_getFrameTimelineVsyncId().
Available since API level 33.
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Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setGeometry( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, const ARect *_Nonnull source, const ARect *_Nonnull destination, int32_t transform )
Available since API level 29.
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Deprecated. Use setCrop, setPosition, setBufferTransform, and setScale instead. Those functions provide well defined behavior and allows for more control by the apps. It also allows the caller to set different properties at different times, instead of having to specify all the desired properties at once.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setHdrMetadata_cta861_3( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, struct AHdrMetadata_cta861_3 *_Nullable metadata )
Sets the CTA 861.3 "HDR Static Metadata Extension" static metadata on a surface.
When metadata is set to null, the framework does not use any cta861.3 metadata when rendering the surface's buffer.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setHdrMetadata_smpte2086( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, struct AHdrMetadata_smpte2086 *_Nullable metadata )
SMPTE ST 2086 "Mastering Display Color Volume" static metadata.
When metadata is set to null, the framework does not use any smpte2086 metadata when rendering the surface's buffer.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setOnCommit( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, void *_Null_unspecified context, ASurfaceTransaction_OnCommit _Nonnull func )
Sets the callback that will be invoked when the updates from this transaction are applied and are ready to be presented.
This callback will be invoked before the ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete callback.
Available since API level 31.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setOnComplete( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, void *_Null_unspecified context, ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete _Nonnull func )
Sets the callback that will be invoked when the updates from this transaction are presented.
For details on the callback semantics and data, see the comments on the ASurfaceTransaction_OnComplete declaration above.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setPosition( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, int32_t x, int32_t y )
Specifies the position in the parent's space where the surface will be drawn.
Available since API level 31.
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Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setScale( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, float xScale, float yScale )
Sets an x and y scale of a surface with (0, 0) as the centerpoint of the scale.
Available since API level 31.
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Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setVisibility( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, enum ASurfaceTransactionVisibility visibility )
Updates the visibility of surface_control.
If show is set to ASURFACE_TRANSACTION_VISIBILITY_HIDE, the surface_control and all surfaces in its subtree will be hidden.
Available since API level 29.
Declared inandroid/surface_control.h
void ASurfaceTransaction_setZOrder( ASurfaceTransaction *_Nonnull transaction, ASurfaceControl *_Nonnull surface_control, int32_t z_order )
Updates the z order index for surface_control.
Note that the z order for a surface is relative to other surfaces which are siblings of this surface. The behavior of sibilings with the same z order is undefined.
Z orders may be from MIN_INT32 to MAX_INT32. A layer's default z order index is 0.
Available since API level 29.