
Поддержка библиотек для сценариев использования мультимедиа.
Последнее обновление Стабильный выпуск Кандидат на выпуск Бета-версия Альфа-релиз
10 сентября 2024 г. 1.4.1 - - 1.5.0-альфа01

Объявление зависимостей

Чтобы добавить зависимость от Media3, вам необходимо добавить в свой проект репозиторий Google Maven. Для получения дополнительной информации прочтите репозиторий Google Maven .

Добавьте зависимости для нужных вам артефактов в файл build.gradle для вашего приложения или модуля:


dependencies {
    def media3_version = "1.4.1"

    // For media playback using ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:$media3_version"

    // For DASH playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-dash:$media3_version"
    // For HLS playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-hls:$media3_version"
    // For SmoothStreaming playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-smoothstreaming:$media3_version"
    // For RTSP playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-rtsp:$media3_version"
    // For MIDI playback support with ExoPlayer (see additional dependency requirements in
    // https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/release/libraries/decoder_midi/README.md)
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-midi:$media3_version"
    // For ad insertion using the Interactive Media Ads SDK with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-ima:$media3_version"

    // For loading data using the Cronet network stack
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource-cronet:$media3_version"
    // For loading data using the OkHttp network stack
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource-okhttp:$media3_version"
    // For loading data using librtmp
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource-rtmp:$media3_version"

    // For building media playback UIs
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-ui:$media3_version"
    // For building media playback UIs for Android TV using the Jetpack Leanback library
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-ui-leanback:$media3_version"

    // For exposing and controlling media sessions
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-session:$media3_version"

    // For extracting data from media containers
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-extractor:$media3_version"

    // For integrating with Cast
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-cast:$media3_version"

    // For scheduling background operations using Jetpack Work's WorkManager with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-workmanager:$media3_version"

    // For transforming media files
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-transformer:$media3_version"

    // For applying effects on video frames
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-effect:$media3_version"

    // For muxing media files
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-muxer:$media3_version"

    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components)
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-test-utils:$media3_version"
    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components) via Robolectric
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-test-utils-robolectric:$media3_version"

    // Common functionality for reading and writing media containers
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-container:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality for media database components
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-database:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality for media decoders
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-decoder:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality for loading data
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality used across multiple media libraries
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-common:$media3_version"
    // Common Kotlin-specific functionality
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-common-ktx:$media3_version"


dependencies {
    val media3_version = "1.4.1"

    // For media playback using ExoPlayer

    // For DASH playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For HLS playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For SmoothStreaming playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For RTSP playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For MIDI playback support with ExoPlayer (see additional dependency requirements in
    // https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/release/libraries/decoder_midi/README.md)
    // For ad insertion using the Interactive Media Ads SDK with ExoPlayer

    // For loading data using the Cronet network stack
    // For loading data using the OkHttp network stack
    // For loading data using librtmp

    // For building media playback UIs
    // For building media playback UIs for Android TV using the Jetpack Leanback library

    // For exposing and controlling media sessions

    // For extracting data from media containers

    // For integrating with Cast

    // For scheduling background operations using Jetpack Work's WorkManager with ExoPlayer

    // For transforming media files

    // For applying effects on video frames

    // For muxing media files

    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components)
    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components) via Robolectric

    // Common functionality for reading and writing media containers
    // Common functionality for media database components
    // Common functionality for media decoders
    // Common functionality for loading data
    // Common functionality used across multiple media libraries
    // Common Kotlin-specific functionality

Дополнительные сведения о зависимостях см. в разделе Добавление зависимостей сборки .

Обратная связь

Ваши отзывы помогают сделать Jetpack лучше. Вы можете использовать систему отслеживания проблем Media3, чтобы находить ответы на вопросы, известные проблемы и запросы функций, а также сообщать о новых проблемах.

Версия 1.5

Версия 1.5.0-альфа01

10 сентября 2024 г.

Этот выпуск включает в себя следующие изменения по сравнению с выпуском 1.4.1 :

  • Общая библиотека:
    • Добавьте ForwardingSimpleBasePlayer , который позволяет пересылать другому проигрывателю с небольшими корректировками, обеспечивая при этом полную согласованность и обработку прослушивателя ( #1183 ).
    • Замените SimpleBasePlayer.State.playlist методом getPlaylist() .
    • Добавьте переопределение для SimpleBasePlayer.State.Builder.setPlaylist() чтобы напрямую указывать Timeline , текущие Tracks и Metadata вместо построения структуры списка воспроизведения.
    • Увеличьте minSdk до 21 (Android Lollipop). Это соответствует всем другим библиотекам AndroidX.
    • Добавьте артефакт androidx.media3:media3-common-ktx , который обеспечивает специфичные для Kotlin функции, построенные на основе библиотеки Common.
    • Добавьте функцию расширения приостановки Player.listen для запуска сопрограммы для прослушивания Player.Events в библиотеку media3-common-ktx .
  • Экзоплеер:
    • MediaCodecRenderer.onProcessedStreamChange() теперь можно вызывать для каждого элемента мультимедиа. Раньше его не вызывали в первый раз. Используйте MediaCodecRenderer.experimentalEnableProcessedStreamChangedAtStart() чтобы включить это.
    • Добавьте PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onPreloadError , чтобы позволить реализациям PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl предпринимать действия при возникновении ошибки.
    • Добавьте BasePreloadManager.Listener для распространения событий предварительной загрузки в приложения.
    • Разрешить изменение тайм-аута клиента SNTP и повторить попытку альтернативных адресов по тайм-ауту ( #1540 ).
    • Удалите MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration.flags , поскольку поле всегда было нулевым.
    • Разрешить пользователю выбирать встроенный динамик для воспроизведения в Wear OS API 35+ (где устройство рекламирует такую ​​поддержку).
    • Отложите блокирующий вызов Context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) до тех пор, пока не будет включена обработка фокуса звука. Это гарантирует, что блокирующий вызов не будет выполнен, если обработка аудиофокуса не включена ( #1616 ).
    • Разрешить воспроизведение независимо от продолжительности буферизации при сбое загрузки ( #1571 ).
    • Добавьте AnalyticsListener.onRendererReadyChanged() чтобы сигнализировать, когда отдельные средства визуализации разрешают воспроизведение быть готовым.
  • Трансформатор:
    • Добавьте SurfaceAssetLoader , который поддерживает постановку видеоданных в очередь в Transformer через Surface .
    • ImageAssetLoader сообщает о неподдерживаемых входных данных через AssetLoader.onError вместо того, чтобы выдавать IllegalStateException .
  • Экстракторы:
    • Разрешить Mp4Extractor и FragmentedMp4Extractor идентифицировать образцы H264, которые не используются в качестве эталона в последующих образцах.
    • Добавьте опцию, позволяющую включить поиск по индексу в AmrExtractor .
    • Считайте файлы MP3 размером более 128 КБ между допустимыми кадрами усеченными (а не недействительными). Это означает, что файлы с данными, отличными от MP3 в конце, без других метаданных, указывающих длину байтов MP3, теперь останавливают воспроизведение в конце данных MP3, а не с ошибкой ParserException: Searched too many bytes.{contentIsMalformed=true, dataType=1} ( #1563 ).
  • Источник данных:
    • Обновите HttpEngineDataSource , чтобы разрешить использование начиная с расширения версии S 7 вместо уровня API 34 ( #1262 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Автоматически настраивайте метаданные громкости CTA-2075 в кодеке, если они присутствуют на носителе.
    • Обеспечьте плавное снижение громкости при поиске.
  • Видео:
    • MediaCodecVideoRenderer избегает декодирования образцов, которые не обрабатываются и не используются в качестве ссылки другими образцами.
    • В API 35 и более поздних версиях MediaCodecAdapter теперь может получать null Surface в configure и вызывать новый метод detachOutputSurface для удаления ранее установленной Surface , если кодек поддерживает это ( MediaCodecInfo.detachedSurfaceSupported ).
    • Используйте значения соотношения сторон пикселей, предоставленные MediaCodecAdapter , если они предоставлены при обработке onOutputFormatChanged ( #1371 ).
  • Текст:
  • Изображение:
    • Добавьте ExternallyLoadedImageDecoder для упрощенной интеграции с внешними библиотеками загрузки изображений, такими как Glide или Coil.
  • Источник данных:
    • Добавьте FileDescriptorDataSource — новый DataSource , который можно использовать для чтения из FileDescriptor ( #3757 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Добавьте обходной путь DefaultVideoFrameProcessor для незначительного масштабирования SurfaceTexture . SurfaceTexture может включать в себя небольшое масштабирование, которое обрезает границу размером в 1 тексель по краю обрезанного буфера. Теперь это обрабатывается таким образом, чтобы результат был ближе к ожидаемому.
    • Ускорьте DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.queueInputBitmap() . В результате экспорт изображений в видео с помощью Transformer выполняется быстрее.
  • Расширение IMA:
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой очистка списка воспроизведения могла вызвать исключение ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException в ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource .
  • Сессия:
    • Добавьте MediaButtonReceiver.shouldStartForegroundService(Intent) чтобы приложения могли подавлять команду воспроизведения, поступающую для возобновления воспроизведения, путем переопределения этого метода. По умолчанию служба запускается всегда, и воспроизведение невозможно остановить, если система не приведет к сбою службы с помощью исключения ForegroundServiceDidNotStartInTimeException ( #1528 ).
  • Расширение DASH:
    • Добавьте поддержку периодов, начинающихся с середины сегмента ( #1440 ).
  • Расширения декодера (FFmpeg, VP9, ​​AV1 и т. д.):
    • Добавьте модуль декодера IAMF, который обеспечивает поддержку воспроизведения файлов MP4, содержащих треки IAMF, с использованием собственной библиотеки libiamf для синтеза звука.
      • Воспроизведение включено в стереофонической раскладке, а также в формате 5.1 с пространственным разделением и включенным дополнительным отслеживанием головы, но поддержка бинаурального воспроизведения в настоящее время недоступна.
  • Расширение актерского состава:
    • Прекратите очистку временной шкалы после отключения CastSession, что позволит приложению-отправителю возобновить воспроизведение локально после отключения.
    • Заполните DeviceInfo CastPlayer, когда предоставлен Context . Это позволяет связать MediaSession с RoutingSession , что необходимо для интеграции переключателя вывода ( #1056 ).
  • Тестовые утилиты:
    • DataSourceContractTest теперь включает тесты для проверки:
      • read position входного потока обновляется.
      • offset выходного буфера применяется правильно.
  • Удалите устаревшие символы:
    • Удалите устаревшие Player.hasPrevious , Player.hasPreviousWindow() . Вместо этого используйте Player.hasPreviousMediaItem() .
    • Удалите устаревший метод Player.previous() . Вместо этого используйте Player.seekToPreviousMediaItem() .
    • Удалите устаревший метод DrmSessionEventListener.onDrmSessionAcquired .

Версия 1.4.0

Версия 1.4.1

27 августа 2024 г.

Выпущен androidx.media3:media3-*:1.4.1 . Версия 1.4.1 содержит эти коммиты .

  • Экзоплеер:
    • Асинхронно обрабатывайте обратные вызовы предварительной загрузки в PreloadMediaSource ( #1568 ).
    • Разрешить воспроизведение независимо от длительности буферизации при сбое загрузки ( #1571 ).
  • Экстракторы:
    • MP3: исправлена ​​ошибка Searched too many bytes путем правильного игнорирования конечных данных, не относящихся к MP3, на основе поля длины в Info кадре ( #1480 ).
  • Текст:
    • TTML: исправлена ​​обработка процентных значений tts:fontSize чтобы гарантировать, что они правильно наследуются от родительских узлов с процентными значениями tts:fontSize .
    • Исправьте IndexOutOfBoundsException в LegacySubtitleUtil из-за неправильной обработки случая, когда запрошенное время начала вывода больше или равно времени конечного события в Subtitle ( #1516 ).
    • Исправьте android.media.MediaCodec$CryptoException: Operation not supported in this configuration: ERROR_DRM_CANNOT_HANDLE на устройствах API 31+, воспроизводящих контент L1 Widevine. Эта ошибка вызвана неполной реализацией метода MediaDrm.requiresSecureDecoder платформы ( #1603 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Добавьте метод release() в GlObjectsProvider .
  • Сессия:
    • Преобразуйте двойное нажатие KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK в действие «перейти к следующему», как описано ( #1493 ).
    • Обрабатывайте KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK как команду воспроизведения в MediaButtonReceiver , решая, игнорировать ли ее, чтобы избежать исключения ForegroundServiceDidNotStartInTimeException ( #1581 ).
  • Расширение RTSP:
    • Пропустить недопустимые описания носителей при анализе SDP ( #1087 ).

Версия 1.4.0

25 июля 2024 г.

Выпущен androidx.media3:media3-*:1.4.0 . Версия 1.4.0 содержит эти коммиты .

  • Общая библиотека:
    • Пересылать предполагаемые неактивные вызовы поиска к защищенным методам BasePlayer.seekTo() и SimpleBasePlayer.handleSeek() вместо их игнорирования. Если вы реализуете эти методы в пользовательском проигрывателе, вам может потребоваться обработать эти дополнительные вызовы с помощью mediaItemIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET .
    • Удалите зависимость компиляции при улучшенной очистке Java 8 ( #1312 ).
    • Убедитесь, что продолжительность, переданная в MediaItem.Builder.setImageDurationMs() игнорируется для MediaItem , не являющегося изображением (как описано в документации).
    • Добавьте Format.customData для хранения предоставленной приложением пользовательской информации об экземплярах Format .
  • Экзоплеер:
    • Добавьте BasePreloadManager , который координирует предварительную загрузку для нескольких источников на основе приоритетов, определенных их rankingData . Настройка возможна путем расширения этого класса. Добавьте DefaultPreloadManager , который использует PreloadMediaSource для предварительной загрузки образцов мультимедиа источников в память и использует целочисленное значение rankingData , которое указывает индекс элемента в пользовательском интерфейсе.
    • Добавьте PlayerId к большинству методов LoadControl , чтобы реализации LoadControl могли поддерживать несколько игроков.
    • Удалите Buffer.isDecodeOnly() и C.BUFFER_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY . Нет необходимости устанавливать этот флаг, поскольку средства рендеринга и декодеры решат пропустить буферы на основе временной метки. Реализации пользовательских Renderer должны проверять, равно ли время буфера хотя бы BaseRenderer.getLastResetPositionUs() , чтобы решить, следует ли отображать образец. Пользовательские реализации SimpleDecoder могут при необходимости проверять isAtLeastOutputStartTimeUs() или помечать другие буферы с помощью DecoderOutputBuffer.shouldBeSkipped , чтобы пропустить их.
    • Разрешить возврат нулевого значения с помощью TargetPreloadStatusControl.getTargetPreloadStatus(T) чтобы указать, что не следует предварительно загружать MediaSource с заданным rankingData .
    • Добавьте remove(MediaSource) в BasePreloadManager .
    • Добавьте reset() в BasePreloadManager , чтобы освободить все источники удержания, сохранив при этом экземпляр менеджера предварительной загрузки.
    • Добавьте ExoPlayer.setPriority()Builder.setPriority() ), чтобы определить значение приоритета, используемое в PriorityTaskManager , и для важности MediaCodec из API 35.
    • Исправлена ​​проблема с обновлением времени последней повторной буферизации, которая приводила к неправильному ключу bs (нехватка буфера) в CMCD ( #1124 ).
    • Добавьте PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onLoadedToTheEndOfSource(PreloadMediaSource) чтобы указать, что источник загрузился до конца. Это позволяет DefaultPreloadManager и пользовательским реализациям PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl предварительно загружать следующий источник или выполнять другие действия.
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой пропуск тишины в конце элементов мог вызвать исключение воспроизведения.
    • Добавьте clear в PreloadMediaSource , чтобы отменить период предварительной загрузки.
    • Добавьте новый код ошибки PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_DECODING_RESOURCES_RECLAIMED , который используется, когда ресурсы кодека освобождаются для задач с более высоким приоритетом.
    • Разрешите AdsMediaSource загружать рекламу в начале ролика до завершения первоначальной подготовки носителя контента ( #1358 ).
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой воспроизведение переходило на STATE_ENDED при повторной подготовке многопериодного прямого эфира DASH после того, как исходный период уже был удален из манифеста.
    • Переименуйте onTimelineRefreshed() в onSourcePrepared() и onPrepared() в onTracksSelected() в PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl . Также переименуйте IntDefs в DefaultPreloadManager.Stage соответствующим образом.
    • Добавьте экспериментальную поддержку динамического планирования, чтобы лучше согласовать работу с циклами пробуждения ЦП и задержать пробуждение до того момента, когда средства рендеринга смогут продолжить работу. Вы можете включить это с помощью experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() при настройке экземпляра ExoPlayer.
    • Добавьте Renderer.getDurationToProgressUs() . Renderer может реализовать этот метод, чтобы возвращать ExoPlayer продолжительность, на которую воспроизведение должно продвинуться, чтобы средство рендеринга могло продолжить работу. Если ExoPlayer установлен с помощью experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() то ExoPlayer вызовет этот метод при расчете времени для планирования своей рабочей задачи.
    • Добавьте MediaCodecAdapter#OnBufferAvailableListener для оповещения, когда буферы ввода и вывода доступны для использования MediaCodecRenderer . MediaCodecRenderer будет сигнализировать ExoPlayer при получении этих обратных вызовов, и если ExoPlayer установлен с experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() , тогда ExoPlayer запланирует свой рабочий цикл по мере того, как средства рендеринга могут продвигаться вперед.
    • Используйте класс данных для методов LoadControl вместо отдельных параметров.
    • Добавьте ExoPlayer.isReleased() , чтобы проверить, был ли вызван Exoplayer.release() .
    • Добавьте ExoPlayer.Builder.setMaxSeekToPreviousPositionMs() , чтобы настроить максимальную позицию, для которой seekToPrevious() ищет предыдущий элемент ( #1425 ).
    • Исправлены некоторые несоответствия фокуса звука, например отсутствие сообщения о полной или временной потере фокуса, когда проигрыватель находится на паузе ( #1436 ).
    • Исправлено потенциальное IndexOutOfBoundsException , вызванное тем, что экстракторы сообщали о дополнительных треках после начального этапа подготовки ( #1476 ).
    • Effects в ExoPlayer.setVideoEffect() получат метки времени с удаленным смещением рендеринга ( #1098 ).
    • Исправлено потенциальное IllegalArgumentException при обработке ошибки проигрывателя, возникшей при чтении вперед в другой элемент списка воспроизведения ( #1483 ).
  • Трансформатор:
    • Добавьте audioConversionProcess и videoConversionProcess в ExportResult указывая, как была создана соответствующая дорожка в выходном файле.
    • Расслабляющая оптимизация, проверка уровня H.264.
    • Добавьте поддержку последовательного переключения между входными носителями SDR и HDR.
    • Добавьте поддержку звуковых эффектов на уровне композиции.
    • Добавьте поддержку перекодирования изображений Ultra HDR в видео HDR.
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, из-за которой DefaultAudioMixer не выводит правильное количество байтов после сброса и повторного использования.
    • Устраните ошибку декодера, из-за которой количество аудиоканалов было ограничено стерео при обработке входного сигнала PCM.
    • При выборе дорожек в ExoPlayerAssetLoader игнорируйте ограничения количества аудиоканалов, поскольку они применяются только для воспроизведения.
    • Замените интерфейс androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer на androidx.media3.muxer.Muxer и удалите androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer .
    • Исправлена ​​загрузка изображений HEIC из схем URI контента. ( #1373 ).
    • Отрегулируйте длительность звуковой дорожки в AudioGraphInput , чтобы улучшить AV-синхронизацию.
    • Удалите поле ExportResult.processedInputs . Если вы используете это поле для сведений о кодеке, вместо этого используйте DefaultDecoderFactory.listener . В случае исключения кодека сведения о кодеке будут доступны в ExportException.codecInfo .
  • Экстракторы:
    • MPEG-TS: выполните повтор изменения, гарантируя, что последний кадр будет визуализирован, путем передачи последней единицы доступа потока в очередь выборки ( #7909 ). Внесены исправления для устранения проблем, возникших в потоках HLS только для I-кадров ( #1150 ) и потоках HLS H.262 ( #1126 ).
    • MP3: предпочтительнее размер данных из Info кадра, чем размер, сообщаемый базовым потоком (например, размер файла или заголовок HTTP Content-Length ). Это помогает исключить невоспроизводимые данные трейлера (например, обложку альбома) из вычислений поиска с постоянным битрейтом, что делает поиск более точным ( #1376 ).
    • MP3: используйте количество кадров и другие данные в Info кадре (если он присутствует) для вычисления средней скорости передачи данных для поиска постоянной скорости передачи данных, вместо экстраполяции битовой скорости кадра после Info кадра, которая может быть искусственно маленькой, например, кадр PCUT ( #1376 ).
    • Исправлено извлечение аудиоформата PCM в контейнерах AVI.
  • Аудио:
    • Исправлены атрибуты кодирования DTS:X Profile 2 для сквозного воспроизведения ( #1299 ).
    • Для воспроизведения с выгрузкой сбросьте поле отслеживания для завершения потока в DefaultAudioSink перед вызовом AudioTrack.stop() , чтобы AudioTrack.StreamEventCallback#onPresentationEnded правильно определял, когда все ожидающие данные были воспроизведены.
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка в SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor , из-за которой переходы между различными аудиоформатами (например, стерео в моно) могут привести к тому, что процессор выдаст исключение ( #1352 ).
    • Реализуйте MediaCodecAudioRenderer.getDurationToProgressUs() , чтобы ExoPlayer динамически планировал свой основной рабочий цикл на то время, когда MediaCodecAudioRenderer сможет выполнить работу.
  • Видео:
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, из-за которой Listener.onRenderedFirstFrame() появлялся слишком рано при переключении поверхностей во время воспроизведения.
    • Исправьте резервную логику декодера для Dolby Vision, чтобы при необходимости использовать совместимый декодер AV1 ( #1389 ).
    • Исправлено исключение кодека, которое могло быть вызвано включением рендеринга видео во время воспроизведения.
  • Текст:
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, из-за которой субтитры, начинающиеся до позиции поиска, пропускаются. Эта проблема появилась только в Media3 1.4.0-alpha01.
    • Измените поведение анализа субтитров по умолчанию, чтобы оно происходило во время извлечения, а не во время рендеринга (разницу между извлечением и рендерингом см. на диаграмме архитектуры ExoPlayer ).
      • Это изменение можно переопределить, вызвав MediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction(false) и TextRenderer.experimentalSetLegacyDecodingEnabled(true) . См. документацию по настройке , чтобы узнать, как подключить эти компоненты к экземпляру ExoPlayer . Эти методы (и вся поддержка устаревшего декодирования субтитров) будут удалены в будущем выпуске.
      • Приложениям с пользовательскими реализациями SubtitleDecoder необходимо обновить их, чтобы вместо этого реализовать SubtitleParserSubtitleParser.Factory вместо SubtitleDecoderFactory ).
    • PGS: исправлено декодирование по длине серии для разрешения 0 как индекса цвета вместо буквального значения цвета ( #1367 ).
    • CEA-708: игнорировать значение rowLock . В спецификации CEA-708-E S-2023 указано, что rowLock и columnLock должны считаться истинными, независимо от значений, присутствующих в потоке (поддержка columnLock не реализована, поэтому фактически считается, что она всегда равна false).
      • Первоначально это было включено в примечания к выпуску 1.3.0-alpha01 , но это изменение было случайно отменено перед выпуском 1.3.0-rc01 . Теперь это исправлено, поэтому изменение снова присутствует.
    • CEA-708: Избегайте добавления дубликатов новых строк из-за наивной обработки ExoPlayer команды «установить местоположение пера» ( #1315 ).
    • Исправьте IllegalArgumentException из LegacySubtitleUtil , когда образец субтитров WebVTT не содержит сигналов, например как часть потока DASH ( #1516 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • Исправлено сопоставление тегов сортировки MP4 с тегами ID3. Ранее теги MP4 «сортировка альбома» ( soal ), «сортировка исполнителя» ( soar ) и «сортировка исполнителя альбома» ( soaa ) ошибочно сопоставлялись с тегами TSO2 , TSOA и TSOP ID3 ( #1302 ).
    • Исправлено чтение числовых тегов gnre (жанр) и tmpo (темп) MP4 (/iTunes), когда длина значения превышает один байт.
    • Распространите кадр ID3 TCON в MediaMetadata.genre ( #1305 ).
  • Изображение:
    • Добавлена ​​поддержка неквадратных сеток миниатюр DASH ( #1300 ).
    • Добавьте поддержку AVIF для API 34+.
    • Разрешите null в качестве параметра для ExoPlayer.setImageOutput() чтобы очистить ранее установленный ImageOutput .
  • Источник данных:
    • Реализовать поддержку URI необработанных ресурсов android.resource://package/id где package отличается от пакета текущего приложения. Ранее не было документально подтверждено, что это работает, но это более эффективный способ доступа к ресурсам в другом пакете, чем по имени.
    • url нетерпеливой проверки не равен нулю в конструкторах DataSpec . Этот параметр уже был отмечен как ненулевой.
    • Разрешить ByteArrayDataSource разрешать URI в массив байтов во время open() вместо жесткого кодирования при создании ( #1405 ).
    • Разрешить установку LoadErrorHandlingPolicy для DefaultDrmSessionManagerProvider ( #1271 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Поддержка нескольких изменений скорости в одном и том же EditedMediaItem или Composition в SpeedChangeEffect .
    • Поддержка вывода HLG и PQ из входного растрового изображения Ultra HDR.
    • Добавьте поддержку EGL_GL_COLORSPACE_BT2020_HLG_EXT, которая улучшает вывод поверхности HLG в ExoPlayer.setVideoEffect и Transformer Debug SurfaceView.
    • Обновите реализацию матрицы наложения, чтобы она соответствовала документации, перевернув значения x и y, примененные в setOverlayFrameAnchor() . Если вы используете OverlaySettings.Builder.setOverlayFrameAnchor() , переверните их значения x и y, умножив их на -1 .
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой TimestampWrapper аварийно завершал работу при использовании с ExoPlayer#setVideoEffects ( #821 ).
    • Измените цветовое рабочее пространство SDR по умолчанию с линейных цветов на электрическое видео BT 709 SDR. Также предоставьте третий вариант сохранения исходного цветового пространства.
    • Разрешить определение неопределенного z-порядка EditedMediaItemSequences ( #1055 ).
    • Поддерживайте одинаковый диапазон яркости для разных частей HDR-контента (используется диапазон HLG).
    • Добавьте поддержку наложений Ultra HDR (растровых изображений) на HDR-контент.
    • Разрешить использование эффектов SeparableConvolution до API 26.
    • Удалите неиспользуемый OverlaySettings.useHdr поскольку динамический диапазон наложения и кадра должен совпадать.
    • Добавьте поддержку HDR для TextOverlay . Яркость наложения текста можно настроить с помощью OverlaySettings.Builder.setHdrLuminanceMultiplier() .
  • Расширение IMA:
    • Продвигайте API, который необходим приложениям для воспроизведения рекламных потоков DAI, в стабильную версию.
    • Добавьте replaceAdTagParameters(Map <String, String>) в ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdLoader , который позволяет заменять параметры рекламного тега во время выполнения.
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой VideoAdPlayer.VideoAdPlayerCallback.onError() не вызывался при возникновении ошибки проигрывателя во время воспроизведения рекламы ( #1334 ).
    • Увеличьте версию IMA SDK до 3.33.0, чтобы исправить NullPointerException при использовании URI рекламных тегов data:// ( #700 ).
  • Сессия:
    • Измените значение по умолчанию для CommandButton.enabled на true и убедитесь, что значение может оставаться ложным для контроллеров, даже если соответствующая команда доступна.
    • Добавьте константы значков для CommandButton , которые следует использовать вместо пользовательских ресурсов значков.
    • Добавьте MediaSessionService.isPlaybackOngoing() , чтобы приложения могли запрашивать необходимость остановки службы в onTaskRemoved() ( #1219 ).
    • Добавьте MediaSessionService.pauseAllPlayersAndStopSelf() , который позволяет удобно приостанавливать воспроизведение всех сеансов и вызывать stopSelf() для завершения жизненного цикла MediaSessionService .
    • Переопределите MediaSessionService.onTaskRemoved(Intent) чтобы обеспечить безопасную реализацию по умолчанию, которая поддерживает работу службы на переднем плане, если воспроизведение продолжается, или останавливает службу в противном случае.
    • Скройте панель поиска в медиа-уведомлении для прямых трансляций, не устанавливая продолжительность в метаданных сеанса платформы ( #1256 ).
    • Выровняйте преобразование MediaMetadata в MediaDescriptionCompat , чтобы использовать тот же предпочтительный порядок и логику при выборе свойств метаданных, что и в media1.
    • Добавьте MediaSession.sendError() , который позволяет отправлять нефатальные ошибки контроллеру Media3. При использовании контроллера уведомлений (см. MediaSession.getMediaNotificationControllerInfo() ) пользовательская ошибка используется для обновления PlaybackState сеанса платформы до состояния ошибки с заданной информацией об ошибке ( #543 ).
    • Добавьте MediaSession.Callback.onPlayerInteractionFinished() чтобы информировать сеансы о завершении серии взаимодействий игрока с определенным контроллером.
    • Добавьте SessionError и используйте его в SessionResult и LibraryResult вместо кода ошибки, чтобы предоставить дополнительную информацию об ошибке и о том, как ее устранить, если это возможно.
    • Опубликуйте код тестового приложения контроллера media3, которое можно использовать для тестирования взаимодействия с приложениями, публикующими сеанс мультимедиа.
    • Распространите дополнительные сведения, переданные в MediaSession[Builder].setSessionExtras() медиа3, в PlaybackStateCompat.getExtras() контроллера медиа1.
    • Сопоставьте фатальные и нефатальные ошибки с сеансом платформы и обратно. PlaybackException сопоставляется с состоянием фатальной ошибки PlaybackStateCompat . Ошибка SessionError , отправленная контроллеру мультимедийных уведомлений с помощью MediaSession.sendError(ControllerInfo, SessionError) сопоставляется с нефатальной ошибкой в PlaybackStateCompat , что означает, что код ошибки и сообщение установлены, но состояние сеанса платформы остается отличным от STATE_ERROR .
    • Разрешить настройку активности сеанса для каждого контроллера, чтобы переопределить глобальную активность сеанса. Активность сеанса можно определить для контроллера во время подключения, создав ConnectionResult с помощью AcceptedResultBuilder.setSessionActivivty(PendingIntent) . После подключения активность сеанса можно обновить с помощью MediaSession.setSessionActivity(ControllerInfo, PendingIntent) .
    • Улучшена репликация ошибок вызовов MediaLibrarySession.Callback . Репликацию ошибок теперь можно настроить с помощью MediaLibrarySession.Builder.setLibraryErrorReplicationMode() для выбора типа ошибки или отказа от репликации ошибок, которая включена по умолчанию.
  • Пользовательский интерфейс:
    • Добавьте поддержку отображения изображений в PlayerView при подключении к ExoPlayer ( #1144 ).
    • Добавьте настройку различных значков в PlayerControlView с помощью атрибутов xml, чтобы разрешить разные возможности рисования для каждого экземпляра PlayerView , а не глобальные переопределения ( #1200 ).
    • Устраните ошибку платформы, приводящую к растягиванию/обрезанию видео при использовании SurfaceView внутри Compose AndroidView на API 34 ( #1237 ).
  • Загрузки:
    • Убедитесь, что DownloadHelper не пропускает невыпущенные экземпляры Renderer , что в конечном итоге может привести к сбою приложения с IllegalStateException: Too many receivers, total of 1000, registered for pid ( #1224 ).
  • Расширение Кронета:
    • Исправьте SocketTimeoutException в CronetDataSource . В некоторых версиях Cronet запрос, предоставляемый обратным вызовом, не всегда один и тот же. Это приводит к тому, что обратный вызов не завершается, а время запроса истекает (https://issuetracker.google.com/328442628).
  • Расширение HLS:
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой ожидающие выборки EMSG, ожидающие разрыва, были делегированы в HlsSampleStreamWrapper с неправильным смещением, вызывающим исключение IndexOutOfBoundsException или IllegalArgumentException ( #1002 ).
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой неосновные плейлисты продолжали перезагружаться для потоков LL-HLS ( #1240 ).
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой включение CMCD для HLS с сегментами инициализации приводило к Source Error и IllegalArgumentException .
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой неосновные плейлисты не обновлялись во время живого воспроизведения ( #1240 ).
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой включение CMCD для прямых трансляций HLS вызывало ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ( #1395 ).
  • Расширение DASH:
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой повторная подготовка многопериодного прямого потока могла вызвать IndexOutOfBoundsException ( #1329 ).
    • Добавлена ​​поддержка URL-адресов лицензий dashif:Laurl ( #1345 ).
  • Расширение актерского состава:
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, приводившая к преобразованию названия альбома MediaQueueItem в имя исполнителя в медиа-элементе Media3 ( #1255 ).
  • Тестовые утилиты:
    • Реализуйте onInit() и onRelease() в FakeRenderer .
    • Измените методы TestPlayerRunHelper.runUntil()/playUntil() чтобы они завершались сбоем при нефатальных ошибках (например, о тех, о которых сообщается в AnalyticsListener.onVideoCodecError() ). Используйте новую цепочку методов TestPlayerRunHelper.run(player).ignoringNonFatalErrors().untilXXX() чтобы отключить это поведение.
  • Демо-приложение:
    • Используйте DefaultPreloadManager в кратком демонстрационном приложении.
    • Разрешить настройку режима повтора с помощью аргументов Intent из командной строки ( #1266 ).
    • Используйте HttpEngineDataSource в качестве HttpDataSource , если это поддерживается устройством.
  • Удалите устаревшие символы:
    • Удалите CronetDataSourceFactory . Вместо этого используйте CronetDataSource.Factory .
    • Удалите некоторые конструкторы DataSpec . Вместо этого используйте DataSpec.Builder .
    • Удалите метод setContentTypePredicate(Predicate) из DefaultHttpDataSource , OkHttpDataSource и CronetDataSource . Вместо этого используйте эквивалентный метод для каждого XXXDataSource.Factory .
    • Удалите конструкторы OkHttpDataSource и OkHttpDataSourceFactory . Вместо этого используйте OkHttpDataSource.Factory .
    • Удалите PlayerMessage.setHandler(Handler) . Вместо этого используйте setLooper(Looper) .
    • Удалите поле Timeline.Window.isLive . Вместо этого используйте метод isLive() .
    • Удалите конструкторы DefaultHttpDataSource . Вместо этого используйте DefaultHttpDataSource.Factory .
    • Удалите DashMediaSource.DEFAULT_LIVE_PRESENTATION_DELAY_MS . Вместо этого используйте DashMediaSource.DEFAULT_FALLBACK_TARGET_LIVE_OFFSET_MS .
    • Удалите MediaCodecInfo.isSeamlessAdaptationSupported(Format, Format, boolean) . Вместо этого используйте MediaCodecInfo.canReuseCodec(Format, Format) .
    • Удалите DrmSessionManager.DUMMY и метод getDummyDrmSessionManager() . Вместо этого используйте DrmSessionManager.DRM_UNSUPPORTED .
    • Удалить AnalyticsListener.onAudioInputFormatChanged(EventTime, Format) , AnalyticsListener.onVideoInputFormatChanged(EventTime, Format) , AudioRendererEventListener.onAudioInputFormatChanged(Format) , VideoRendererEventListener.onVideoInputFormatChanged(Format) . Вместо этого используйте перегрузки, которые принимают DecoderReuseEvaluation .
    • Удалите константы RendererSupport.FormatSupport IntDef и FORMAT_HANDLED , FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES , FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_DRM , FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTYPE , FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE . Вместо этого используйте эквивалентный IntDef и константы в androidx.media3.common.C (например, C.FORMAT_HANDLED ).
    • Удалить интерфейс Bundleable . Это включает в себя удаление всех константных полей Bundleable.Creator<Foo> CREATOR . Вместо этого вызывающие стороны должны использовать методы Bundle toBundle() и static Foo fromBundle(Bundle) для каждого типа.

Версия 1.4.0-rc01

10 июля 2024 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.4.0.

Версия 1.4.0-бета01

26 июня 2024 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.4.0.

Версия 1.4.0-альфа02

07 июня 2024 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.4.0.

Версия 1.4.0-альфа01

17 апреля 2024 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.4.0.

Версия 1.3.0

Версия 1.3.1

11 апреля 2024 г.

Выпущен androidx.media3:media3-*:1.3.1 . Версия 1.3.1 содержит эти коммиты .

  • Общая библиотека:
    • Добавьте Format.labels чтобы разрешить локализованные или другие альтернативные метки.
  • Экзоплеер:
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, из-за которой PreloadMediaPeriod не мог сохранить потоки при повторной предварительной загрузке.
    • Примените правильный соответствующий TrackSelectionResult к периоду воспроизведения при повторном выборе дорожки.
    • Запускайте средства рендеринга с ранним включением только после увеличения периода воспроизведения при переходе между медиа-элементами ( #1017 ).
    • Добавьте отсутствующий тип возвращаемого значения в правило proguard -keepclasseswithmembers для DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.Factory.Builder.build() ( #1187 ).
  • Трансформатор:
    • Добавьте обходной путь для исключения, возникающего из-за того, что MediaMuxer не поддерживает отрицательные метки времени представления до API 30.
  • Выбор трека:
    • DefaultTrackSelector : отдавайте предпочтение видеодорожкам с «разумной» частотой кадров (>=10 кадров в секунду) по сравнению с дорожками с более низкой или неустановленной частотой кадров. Это гарантирует, что проигрыватель выберет «настоящую» видеодорожку в формате MP4, извлеченную из движущихся фотографий, которые могут содержать две дорожки HEVC, одна из которых имеет более высокое разрешение, но очень небольшое количество кадров ( #1051 ).
  • Экстракторы:
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, из-за которой заполнение не пропадало при чтении фрагментов нечетного размера из WAV-файлов ( #1117 ).
    • MP3: заполните Format.averageBitrate из фреймов метаданных, таких как XING и VBRI .
    • MPEG-TS: отмените изменение, направленное на обеспечение визуализации последнего кадра путем передачи последней единицы доступа потока в очередь выборки ( #7909 ). Это связано с тем, что изменение вызывает новые проблемы с потоками HLS только I-кадра ( #1150 ) и потоками H.262 HLS ( #1126 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Разрешите восстановление рендерера, отключив разгрузку, если звуковую дорожку не удается инициализировать в режиме разгрузки.
  • Видео:
    • Добавьте обходной путь для проблемы с устройством на Galaxy Tab S7 FE, Chromecast с Google TV и Lenovo M10 FHD Plus, из-за которой потоки H265 с частотой 60 кадров в секунду помечаются как неподдерживаемые.
    • Добавьте обходной путь, который гарантирует, что первый кадр всегда будет отображаться во время туннелирования, даже если устройство не делает это автоматически, как того требует API ( #1169 ). ( #966 ).
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, из-за которой обработка информации о цвете HDR приводила к неправильному поведению кодека и предотвращала адаптивное переключение формата для видеодорожек SDR ( #1158 ).
  • Текст:
    • WebVTT: предотвращение создания ложных дополнительных экземпляров CuesWithTiming непосредственно последовательными вызовами из WebvttParser.parse ( #1177 ).
    • Обходите NoSuchMethodError , которая может быть выброшена платформой MediaDrm вместо ResourceBusyException или NotProvisionedException на некоторых устройствах Android 14 ( #1145 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Улучшено преобразование тонов PQ в SDR за счет преобразования цветовых пространств.
  • Сессия:
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, из-за которой текущая позиция возвращается назад, когда контроллер заменяет текущий элемент ( #951 ).
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, из-за которой MediaMetadata только с ненулевыми extras не передавались между медиа-контроллерами и сеансами ( #1176 ).
  • Пользовательский интерфейс:
    • Задолженность, чтобы включить имя языка аудио трека, если Locale не может идентифицировать отображаемое имя ( #988 ).
  • Расширение DASH:
    • Заполните все элементы Label из манифеста в Format.labels ( #1054 ).
  • Расширение RTSP:
    • Пропустите информационные значения с пустыми сеансами (I-TAGS) в SDP-анализе ( #1087 ).
  • Расширения декодера (FFMPEG, VP9, ​​AV1, MIDI и т. Д.):
    • Отключите расширение MIDI в качестве локальной зависимости по умолчанию, потому что для него требуется дополнительный репозиторий Maven. Пользователи, которым нужен этот модуль от локальной зависимости , могут его повторно использовать .

Версия 1.3.0

6 марта 2024 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.3.0 выпускается. Версия 1.3.0 содержит эти коммиты .

  • Общая библиотека:
    • Реализуйте поддержку для android.resource://package/[type/]name round uris uris, где package отличается от пакета текущего приложения. Это всегда было задокументировано для работы, но не было правильно реализовано до сих пор.
    • Нормализуйте типы MIME, установленные кодом приложения или чтение из носителя, чтобы быть полностью более низким.
    • Определите рекламу с полной MediaItem вместо одного Uri в AdPlaybackState .
    • Увеличьте minSdk до 19 (Android kitkat). Это согласовано со всеми остальными библиотеками Androidx , и нам необходимо перейти на последние версии наших зависимостей Androidx.
    • Заполняют как artworkUri , так и artworkData в MediaMetadata.Builder.populate(MediaMetadata) когда хотя бы один из них не нулевой ( #964 ).
  • Exoplayer:
    • Добавьте PreloadMediaSource и PreloadMediaPeriod , которые позволяют приложениям предварительно загружать источник контента в конкретной начальной позиции перед воспроизведением. PreloadMediaSource позаботится о подготовке источника контента для получения Timeline , подготовки и кэширования периода в данной начальной позиции, выборе треков и загрузки данных носителя в течение периода. Приложения управляют прогрессом предварительной нагрузки, внедряя PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl и установите предварительно загруженный источник игроку для воспроизведения.
    • Добавить ExoPlayer.setImageOutput , который позволяет приложениям устанавливать ImageRenderer.ImageOutput .
    • DefaultRenderersFactory теперь предоставляет игроку ImageRenderer для игрока с Null ImageOutput и ImageDecoder.Factory.DEFAULT .
    • EMIT Player.Listener.onPositionDiscontinuity событие, когда молчание пропускается ( #765 ).
    • Добавьте экспериментальную поддержку для диапазона субтитров во время извлечения. Вы можете включить это, используя MediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction() .
    • Поддержка адаптивных источников СМИ с PreloadMediaSource .
    • Реализовать HttpEngineDataSource , HttpDataSource с использованием HTTPengine API.
    • Предотвратить подклассник CompositeSequenceableLoader . Этот компонент ранее был сделан расширяемым , но никогда не был подкласс в библиотеке. Настройки могут быть выполнены, обернув экземпляр, используя рисунок декоратора и реализуя пользовательский CompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory .
    • Исправьте проблему, в которой повторение в одно и то же время вызывает очистку метаданных из этого элемента ( #1007 ).
    • RENAME experimentalSetSubtitleParserFactory Методы на BundledChunkExtractor.Factory и DefaultHlsExtractorFactory в setSubtitleParserFactory и запретить прохождение null . Используйте новые методы experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction(boolean) чтобы контролировать поведение анализа.
    • Добавьте поддержку для настройки SubtitleParser.Factory , используемого во время извлечения. Это может быть достигнуто с помощью MediaSource.Factory.setSubtitleParserFactory() .
    • Добавьте префикс источника ко всем полям Format.id MergingMediaSource Это помогает определить, какой источник создал Format ( #883 ).
    • Исправьте резервуарную экспозицию, используемую для проверки пользовательских имен ключей данных Common Media Data Client (CMCD), изменяя его только для проверки на hyphen ( #1028 ).
    • Остановить параметры запроса CMCD с двойным кодированием ( #1075 ).
  • Трансформатор:
    • Добавьте поддержку для сглаживания H.265/HEVC SEF Mlow Motion Videos.
    • Увеличьте скорость передачи, особенно для «удалить видео».
    • Добавьте API, чтобы убедиться, что выходной файл запускается на видео кадре. Это может сделать вывод операций обрезки более совместимыми с реализациями игроков, которые не показывают первую видео кадр до его временной метки презентации ( #829 ).
    • Добавьте поддержку для оптимизации операций отделки MP4 MP4.
    • Добавьте поддержку, чтобы убедиться, что видео кадр имеет первую метку времени в выходном файле. Исправляет выходные файлы, начиная с черной кадры на игроках на основе iOS ( #829 ).
  • Выбор трека:
    • Добавить DefaultTrackSelector.selectImageTrack чтобы включить выбор трека.
    • Добавить TrackSelectionParameters.isPrioritizeImageOverVideoEnabled , чтобы определить, выбрать ли трек изображения, если доступны как трек изображения, так и видео трек. Значение по умолчанию является false что означает, что выбор видеолегии приоритет приоритетным.
  • Экстракторы:
    • Добавьте дополнительный анализ AV1C в экстрактор MP4, чтобы получить ColorInfo.colorSpace , ColorInfo.colorTransfer и ColorInfo.colorRange ( #692 ).
    • MP3: используйте постоянный битрейт (CBR), чтобы найти файлы с Info заголовком (эквивалент CBR заголовка Xing ). Ранее мы использовали таблицу поиска из заголовка Info , но это приводит к менее точной поиске, чем если бы мы игнорировали ее, и предполагаем, что файл является CBR.
    • MPEG2-TS: добавить DTS, DTS-LBR и DTS: x Profile2 Поддержка ( #275 ).
    • Извлеките типы аудио из дескрипторов TS и сопоставьте их на флаги роли, что позволяет пользователям делать более информированный выбор аудиоуправления ( #973 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Улучшить алгоритм пропуска тишины с плавным объемом рампы; сохранили минимальное молчание и более естественную продолжительность молчания ( #7423 ).
    • Сообщите о пропущенном молчании более детерминированно ( #1035 ).
  • Видео:
    • Измените конструктор MediaCodecVideoRenderer , который принимает аргумент VideoFrameProcessor.Factory и замените его конструктором, который принимает аргумент VideoSinkProvider . Приложения, которые хотят внедрить пользовательский VideoFrameProcessor.Factory , могут создать экземпляр CompositingVideoSinkProvider , который использует пользовательский VideoFrameProcessor.Factory и передавать поставщика видео поставщика MediaCodecVideoRenderer .
  • Текст:
    • Исправлена ​​сериализация растровых сигналов, чтобы разрешить Tried to marshall a Parcel that contained Binder objects при использовании DefaultExtractorsFactory.setTextTrackTranscodingEnabled ( #836 ).
    • CEA-708: игнорировать значение rowLock . Спецификация CEA-708-E S-2023 гласит, что rowLock и columnLock должны быть считаются истинными, независимо от значений, присутствующих в потоке (поддержка columnLock не реализована, поэтому предполагается, что она всегда должна быть ложной).
  • Изображение:
    • Добавьте поддержку для Dash MhNHCNALS. Изображения сетки обрезаны, а отдельные миниатюры предоставляются для ImageOutput вблизи их времени презентации.
  • DRM:
    • По умолчанию сразу по умолчанию воспроизводите «чистый свинцовый» образцы в содержании DRM, даже если ключи для более поздних зашифрованных образцов еще не готовы. Это может привести к киоскам в середине воспроизведения, если ключи все еще не готовы, когда позиция воспроизведения достигнет зашифрованных образцов (но ранее воспроизведение вообще не началось к этому моменту). Такое поведение может быть отключено с помощью MediaItem.DrmConfiguration.Builder.setPlayClearContentWithoutKey или DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder.setPlayClearSamplesWithoutKeys .
  • Расширение IMA:
    • Исправить проблему, где Dash и HLS объявления без соответствующего расширения файлов не могут быть воспроизведены.
  • Сессия:
    • Отключите обнаружение двойного щелчка для телевизионных приложений ( #962 ).
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, где MediaItem.RequestMetadata с просто не нулевыми дополнениями не передается между контроллерами медиа и сеансов.
    • Добавьте конструктор в MediaLibrarySession.Builder , который принимает только Context вместо MediaLibraryService .
  • Расширение HLS:
    • Снизить HlsMediaPeriod до видимости в пакете. Этот тип не должен напрямую зависеть из -за пакета HLS.
    • Resolve стремится к началу сегмента более эффективно ( #1031 ).
  • Расширения декодера (FFMPEG, VP9, ​​AV1, MIDI и т. Д.):
    • MIDI Decoder: игнорируйте сообщения о событиях SYSEX ( #710 ).
  • Проверьте утилиты:
    • Не останавливайтесь на воспроизведении в TestPlayerRunHelper.playUntilPosition . Тест сохраняет воспроизведение в игровом состоянии, но приостанавливает прогресс, пока тест не сможет добавить утверждения и дальнейшие действия.
  • Демо -приложение:
    • Добавьте краткосрочный демонстрационный модуль для демонстрации использования PreloadMediaSource с помощью краткосрочного варианта использования содержания.

Версия 1.3.0-RC01

22 февраля 2024 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.3.0 .

Версия 1.3.0-бета01

7 февраля 2024 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.3.0 .

Версия 1.3.0-Alpha01

15 января 2024 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.3.0 .

Версия 1.2.0

Версия 1.2.1

9 января 2024 г.

  • Exoplayer:
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, где ручное руководство ищет за пределами диапазона LiveConfiguration.min/maxOffset продолжает регулировать смещение обратно в min/maxOffset .
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, что макеты каналов Opus и Vorbis неверны для 3, 5, 6, 7 и 8 каналов ( #8396 ).
    • Исправьте проблему, где выборы треков после поиска ноль в прямой трансляции неправильно позвольте потоку запуститься в его позиции по умолчанию ( #9347 ).
    • Исправьте проблему, в которой новые экземпляры CmcdData.Factory получали отрицательные значения для bufferedDurationUs из источников Chunk, что приводит к IllegalArgumentException ( #888 ).
  • Трансформатор:
    • Работайте над проблемой, в которой энкодер будет бросать во время конфигурации из -за установки высокой рабочей скорости.
  • Экстракторы:
    • Марк второстепенный (не играемый) треки HEVC в JPEG Tiofle Photos как ROLE_FLAG_ALTERNATE чтобы предотвратить их автоматически выбирать для воспроизведения из -за их более высокого разрешения.
    • Исправьте неправильное обнаружение ключей для потоков TS H264 ( #864 ).
    • Оценка продолжительности исправления потоков TS, которые более 47721 секунды ( #855 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Исправьте обработку EOS для SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor , когда вы называете несколько раз ( #712 ).
  • Видео:
    • Добавьте обходной путь для выпуска устройства на Tab Galaxy S7 Fe, Chromecast с Google TV и Lenovo M10 FHD Plus, который приводит к отмечению 60 кадров в секунду AVC как не поддерживаемые ( #693 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • Исправьте ошибку, где MediaMetadata был заполнен только из комментариев Vorbis с ключами верхнего часа ( #876 ).
    • Поймать OutOfMemoryError При анализе очень больших кадров ID3, то есть воспроизведение может продолжаться без информации о теге, а не полностью сбои.
  • DRM:
    • Расширить обходной путь для ложного URL лицензии ClearKey https://default.url на API 33+ (ранее обходной путь применялся только на API 33 точно) ( #837 ).
    • Исправьте ERROR_DRM_SESSION_NOT_OPENED при переключении из зашифрованного на очистку содержимого без поверхности, прикрепленной к игроку. Ошибка была вызвана неправильным использованием безопасного декодера для воспроизведения четкого контента.
  • Сессия:
    • Поместите пользовательские ключи и значения в MediaMetadataCompat в MediaMetadata.extras и MediaMetadata.extras в MediaMetadataCompat ( #756 , #802 ).
    • Исправьте вещание notifyChildrenChanged для устаревших контроллеров ( #644 ).
    • Исправьте ошибку, в которой установление отрицательного времени для отключенного setWhen уведомления вызвал сбой на некоторых устройствах ( #903 ).
    • Исправьте IllegalStateException , когда контроллер уведомления в СМИ не завершил подключение при запросе первого обновления уведомлений ( #917 ).
  • UI:
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, где кнопки вперед и перемотки не видны при использовании с дизайном материала в нижней части heetdialogfragment ( #511 ).
    • Исправлена ​​проблема, где цифры в кнопке Fast Forward of PlayerControlView были смещены ( #547 ).
  • Расширение DASH:
    • Parse "F800" как количество каналов 5 для Dolby в Dash Manifest ( #688 ).
  • Расширения декодера (FFMPEG, VP9, ​​AV1, MIDI и т. Д.):
    • MIDI: Исправлена ​​проблема, где поиск вперед пропускает события изменения программы ( #704 ).
    • Мигрируйте в FFMPEG 6.0 и обновляется поддержание NDK до r26b ( #707 , #867 ).
  • Расширение листа:
    • Дезинфицировать создание Timeline , чтобы не сбой приложения, когда загрузка носителя не сбои на устройстве CAST ( #708 ).

Версия 1.2.0

15 ноября 2023 г.

  • Общая библиотека:
    • Добавьте @Nullable Throwable параметр в методы в интерфейсе Log.Logger . Параметр message Logger.appendThrowableString(String, Throwable) этих методах больше не содержит никакой информации о Throwable , передаваемом в Log.{d,i,w,e}() Logger.appendThrowableString(String, Throwable) ).
    • Исправьте проблему совместимости Kotlin, где нулевые параметры общего типа и нулевые типы элементов массива не обнаруживаются как нулевые. Примерами являются параметры метода TrackSelectorResult и SimpleDecoder ( #6792 ).
    • Изменить пользовательский интерфейс по умолчанию и поведение уведомлений в Util.shouldShowPlayButton чтобы показать кнопку «Воспроизведение», в то время как воспроизведение временно подавлено (например, из -за переходной потери фокуса аудио). Унаследованное поведение можно поддерживать с помощью PlayerView.setShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed(false) или MediaSession.Builder.setShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed(false) ( #11213 ).
    • Обновление androidx.annotation:annotation-experimental до 1.3.1 чтобы исправить https://issuetracker.google.com/251172715.
    • Переместите ExoPlayer.setAudioAttributes в интерфейс Player .
  • Exoplayer:
    • Исправление проблем с поиском в потоках AC4, вызванных неправильным выявлением образцов только для декодирования ( #11000 ).
    • Добавьте подавление воспроизведения на неподходящие аудиовывочные устройства (например, встроенный динамик на устройствах Wear OS), когда эта функция включена через ExoPlayer.Builder.setSuppressPlaybackOnUnsuitableOutput . Причина подавления воспроизведения будет обновлена ​​как Player.PLAYBACK_SUPPRESSION_REASON_UNSUITABLE_AUDIO_OUTPUT , если воспроизведение будет предпринято, когда нет подходящих аудиовывода, или если все подходящие выходы отключены во время воспроизведения. Причина подавления будет удалена при подключении подходящего выхода.
    • Добавить MediaSource.canUpdateMediaItem и MediaSource.updateMediaItem чтобы принять обновления MediaItem после создания через Player.replaceMediaItem(s) .
    • Разрешить обновления MediaItem для всех классов MediaSource , предоставленных библиотекой через Player.replaceMediaItem(s) ( #33 , #9978 ).
    • Добавьте PngExtractor , который отправляет и считывает целый файл PNG в TrackOutput в качестве одного образца.
    • Увеличить метод SequenceableLoader.continueLoading(long) на границе SequenceableLoader -интерфейса для SequenceableLoader.continueLoading(LoadingInfo loadingInfo) . LoadingInfo содержит дополнительные параметры, в том числе playbackSpeed ​​и lastRebufferRealtimeMs в дополнение к существующему playbackPositionUs .
    • Enhance ChunkSource.getNextChunk(long, long, List, ChunkHolder) в интерфейсе ChunkSource к ChunkSource.getNextChunk(LoadingInfo, long, List, ChunkHolder) .
    • Добавьте дополнительные поля в журналирование данных Common Media Client (CMCD): буферное голодание ( bs ), крайний срок ( dl ), скорость воспроизведения ( pr ) и запуск ( su ) ( #8699 ).
    • Добавьте Luma и Chroma Bitdepth в ColorInfo ( #491 ).
    • Добавьте дополнительные поля в журнал данных Common Media Client (CMCD): следующее запрос объекта ( nor ) и запрос следующего диапазона ( nrr ) ( #8699 ).
    • Добавьте функциональность для передачи данных общего медиа -клиента (CMCD) с использованием параметров запроса ( #553 ).
    • Исправлена ConcurrentModificationException в ExperimentalBandwidthMeter ( #612 ).
    • Добавить параметр MediaPeriodId в CompositeMediaSource.getMediaTimeForChildMediaTime .
    • Поддержка ClippingMediaSource (и другие источники с периодом/временем окна) в ConcatenatingMediaSource2 ( #11226 ).
    • Изменить BaseRenderer.onStreamChanged() чтобы также получить аргумент MediaPeriodId .
  • Трансформатор:
    • Расположение данных об вращении для вводов изображения.
    • Удалить TransformationRequest.HdrMode Тип аннотации и связанные с ним константы. Вместо этого используйте Composition.HdrMode и связанные с ним константы.
    • Упростите OverlaySettings , чтобы исправить проблемы вращения.
    • Измененные параметры frameRate и durationUs SampleConsumer.queueInputBitmap на TimestampIterator .
  • Выбор трека:
    • Добавить DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.allowAudioNonSeamlessAdaptiveness чтобы явно разрешить или запретить беззаботную адаптацию. По умолчанию остается в его нынешнем поведении true .
  • Экстракторы:
    • MPEG-TS: Убедитесь, что последний кадр отображается путем передачи последней единицы доступа потока в очередь образца ( #7909 ).
    • Исправьте опечатку при определении rotationDegrees . Изменен projectionPosePitch на projectionPoseRoll ( #461 ).
    • Удалите предположение, что Extractor могут быть непосредственно проверены с помощью instanceof . Если вам нужен доступ времени выполнения к деталям реализации Extractor , вы должны сначала позвонить Extractor.getUnderlyingInstance .
    • Добавить BmpExtractor .
    • Добавить WebpExtractor .
    • Добавьте HeifExtractor .
    • Добавьте поддержку Quicktime Classic в Mp4Extractor .
  • Аудио:
    • Добавьте поддержку 24/32-разрядного большего эдийского PCM в MP4 и Matroska, а также кодировки PCM PRESE для lpcm в MP4.
    • Добавьте поддержку для извлечения Vorbis Audio в MP4.
    • Добавить AudioSink.getFormatOffloadSupport(Format) , который получает уровень поддержки выгрузки, который может обеспечить формат через DefaultAudioOffloadSupportProvider . Он возвращает новую AudioOffloadSupport , которая содержит isFormatSupported , isGaplessSupported и isSpeedChangeSupported .
    • Добавить AudioSink.setOffloadMode() через который настроена конфигурация разгрузки на аудио -раковине. По умолчанию AudioSink.OFFLOAD_MODE_DISABLED .
    • Выгрузка может быть включена через setAudioOffloadPreference в TrackSelectionParameters . Если предпочтение установлено включено, устройство поддерживает разгрузку для формата, а выбор трека представляет собой единую аудиоте, то будет включена разгрузка аудио.
    • Если audioOffloadModePreference установлен на AUDIO_OFFLOAD_MODE_PREFERENCE_REQUIRED , то DefaultTrackSelector выберет аудио -трек и только в том случае, если формат этой дорожки поддерживается в перегрузке. Если в разгрузке не поддерживается аудио -трек, то трек не будет выбран.
    • Отключение поддержки без разрыва для разгрузки, когда Pre-API Уровень 33 из-за выпуска положения воспроизведения после перехода.
    • Удалить параметр enableOffload из DefaultRenderersFactory.buildAudioSink Подпись метода.
    • Удалить метод DefaultAudioSink.Builder.setOffloadMode .
    • Удалить значение intdef DefaultAudioSink.OffloadMode.OFFLOAD_MODE_ENABLED_GAPLESS_DISABLED .
    • Добавьте поддержку метаданных Opus Gapless во время воспроизведения разгрузки.
    • Разрешить рендеринг восстановление путем отключения разгрузки, если не удастся при первой записи ( #627 ).
    • Включите планирование выгрузки по умолчанию для разгруженного воспроизведения только для аудио.
    • Удалить ExoPlayer.experimentalSetOffloadSchedulingEnabled и AudioOffloadListener.onExperimentalOffloadSchedulingEnabledChanged .
    • Переименованные onExperimentalSleepingForOffloadChanged как onSleepingForOffloadChanged и onExperimentalOffloadedPlayback в качестве onOffloadedPlayback .
    • Переместите режим TrackSelectionParameters AudioOffloadPreferences .
    • Добавьте onAudioTrackInitialized и onAudioTrackReleased вызовы в AnalyticsListener , AudioRendererEventListener и AudioSink.Listener .
    • Исправить DTS Express Audio Buffer .
    • Исправьте ошибку, где можно проверить возможности для E-AC3 JOC, бросает IllegalArgumentException ( #677 ).
  • Видео:
    • Позвольте MediaCodecVideoRenderer использовать пользовательский VideoFrameProcessor.Factory .
    • Исправьте ошибку, где первый кадр не может быть отображен, если аудио -поток начинается с отрицательных временных метров ( #291 ).
  • Текст:
    • Удалить ExoplayerCuesDecoder . Текстовые треки с sampleMimeType = application/x-media3-cues теперь непосредственно обрабатываются TextRenderer без необходимости экземпляра SubtitleDecoder .
  • Метаданные:
    • MetadataDecoder.decode больше не будет вызываться для «только декодированных» образцов, так как реализация должна вернуть NULL в любом случае.
  • Эффект:
    • Добавить VideoFrameProcessor.queueInputBitmap(Bitmap, Iterator<Long>) ввод в очередь растрового цвета по временной метке.
    • Изменить VideoFrameProcessor.registerInputStream() чтобы не блокировать. Приложения должны реализовать VideoFrameProcessor.Listener#onInputStreamRegistered() .
    • Измененные параметры frameRate и durationUs VideoFrameProcessor.queueInputBitmap на TimestampIterator .
  • Расширение IMA:
    • Исправьте ошибку, где многопериодный прямой трансляционный поток, который не является первым элементом в плейлисте, может бросить исключение ( #571 ).
    • Выпустить Streammanager, прежде чем вызовать AdsLoader.destroy()
    • Bump Ima SDK версия до 3.31.0.
  • Сессия:
    • Установите поведение службы переднего плана уведомлений на FOREGROUND_SERVICE_IMMEDIATE в DefaultMediaNotificationProvider ( #167 ).
    • Используйте только android.media.session.MediaSession.setMediaButtonBroadcastReceiver() выше API 31, чтобы избежать проблем с устаревшим API на устройствах Samsung ( #167 ).
    • Используйте контроллер носителя в качестве прокси, чтобы установить доступные команды и пользовательский макет, используемый для заполнения уведомления и сеанса платформы.
    • Преобразовать события медиа -кнопки, которые получены MediaSessionService.onStartCommand() в Media3, вместо того, чтобы маршрутировать их на сессию платформы и обратно в Media3. При этом контроллер вызывающего абонента всегда является контроллером уведомлений о носителе, и приложения могут легко распознавать вызовы, поступающие из уведомления таким же образом на всех поддерживаемых уровнях API.
    • Исправьте ошибку, где MediaController.getCurrentPosition() не продвигается при подключении к устаревшему MediaSessionCompat .
    • Добавить MediaLibrarySession.getSubscribedControllers(mediaId) для удобства.
    • Переопределить MediaLibrarySession.Callback.onSubscribe() , чтобы утверждать доступность родительского идентификатора, на который подписывается контроллер. В случае успеха, подписка принимается, и notifyChildrenChanged() сразу же вызвана для информирования браузера ( #561 ).
    • Добавьте демо -модуль сеанса для автомобильной ОС и включите демонстрацию сеанса для Android Auto.
    • Не устанавливайте очередь сеанса Framework, когда COMMAND_GET_TIMELINE недоступен для контроллера уведомлений о носителе. С Android Auto в качестве клиентского контроллера с сеанса Framework, это имеет эффект, который кнопка queue в пользовательском интерфейсе Android Auto не отображается ( #339 ).
    • По умолчанию используйте DataSourceBitmapLoader вместо SimpleBitmapLoader ( #271 , #327 ).
    • Добавить MediaSession.Callback.onMediaButtonEvent(Intent) , что позволяет приложениям переопределять обработку событий кнопки по умолчанию.
  • UI:
    • Добавьте реализацию Player.Listener для устройств для износов ОС, которые обрабатывают подавление воспроизведения из -за Player.PLAYBACK_SUPPRESSION_REASON_UNSUITABLE_AUDIO_OUTPUT , запустив системный диалог, чтобы позволить пользователю подключить подходящий аудио -вывод (например, наушники Bluetooth). Слушатель будет автоматическим воспроизведением, если подходящее устройство подключено в условиях настраиваемого тайм-аута (по умолчанию 5 минут).
  • Загрузки:
    • Объявите тип службы переднего плана «Синхронизировать данные» для DownloadService для Android 14 совместимости. При использовании этой службы приложение также должно добавить dataSync в качестве foregroundServiceType в манифесте и добавить разрешение FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC ( #11239 ).
  • Расширение HLS:
    • Обновите плейлист HLS Live с интервалом, рассчитанным по последнему времени запуска нагрузки, а не последним заполненным временем нагрузки ( #663 ).
  • Расширение DASH:
    • Разрешить множеству одного идентификатора DASH в URL шаблона сегмента.
    • Добавьте экспериментальную поддержку для диапазона субтитров во время извлечения. Это лучше поддерживает слияние перекрывающихся субтитров, включая разрешение мерцания при переходе между сегментами субтитров. Вы можете включить это, используя DashMediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction() ( #288 ).
  • Расширение RTSP:
    • Исправьте условие гонки, которое может привести к IndexOutOfBoundsException при возвращении к TCP или воспроизведению в некоторых ситуациях.
    • Проверьте состояние в настройке RTSP при возвращении состояния загрузки RtspMediaPeriod ( #577 ).
    • Игнорируйте пользовательские методы запроса RTSP в ответ на опционы с общественным заголовком ( #613 ).
    • Используйте значение отклика на установке RTSP в интервале временного интервала отправки запросов параметров RTSP wort-alive ( #662 ).
  • Расширения декодера (FFMPEG, VP9, ​​AV1, MIDI и т. Д.):
    • Отпустите модуль MIDI Decoder, который обеспечивает поддержку воспроизведения стандартных файлов MIDI, используя библиотеку JSYN для синтеза аудио.
    • Добавить DecoderOutputBuffer.shouldBeSkipped чтобы отметить непосредственные выходные буферы, которые не нужно представлять. Это предпочтительнее, чем C.BUFFER_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY , который будет устарел.
    • Добавьте Decoder.setOutputStartTimeUs и SimpleDecoder.isAtLeastOutputStartTimeUs чтобы позволить декодерам отбрасывать образцы только для декодирования до начала времени. Это должно быть предпочтительным для Buffer.isDecodeOnly .
    • Исправить ошибки издательства Midi Decoder Artifact в Maven Repository. Артефакт переименован в media3-exoplayer-midi ( #734 ).
  • Расширение Leanback:
    • Исправить ошибку, где отключение поверхности может вызвать ArithmeticException в коде Leanback ( #617 ).
  • Проверьте утилиты:
    • Сделайте TestExoPlayerBuilder и FakeClock совместимы с тестами Espresso UI и составьте тесты пользовательского интерфейса. Это исправляет ошибку, в которой воспроизведение достигает неэдинчично во время эспрессо или сочиняю взаимодействия с представлением.
  • Удалить устаревшие символы:
    • Удалить TransformationRequest.Builder.setEnableRequestSdrToneMapping(boolean) и TransformationRequest.Builder.experimental_setEnableHdrEditing(boolean) . Используйте Composition.Builder.setHdrMode(int) и вместо Transformer.start(Composition, String) передайте Composition .
    • Удалите устаревшую DownloadNotificationHelper.buildProgressNotification Метод, используйте не устаревший метод, который вместо этого принимает параметр notMetRequirements .

Версия 1.2.0-RC01

1 ноября 2023 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.2.0.

Версия 1.2.0-бета01

19 октября 2023 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.2.0.

Версия 1.2.0-Alpha02

29 сентября 2023 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.2.0.

Версия 1.2.0-Alpha01

17 августа 2023 г.

Используйте стабильную версию 1.2.0.

Версия 1.1.0

Версия 1.1.1

16 августа 2023 г.

  • Общая библиотека:
    • Удалить случайно добавленную зависимость multidex из всех модулей ( #499 ).
  • Exoplayer:
    • Исправить проблему в PlaybackStatsListener , где ложно PlaybackStats создаются после того, как плейлист очищен.
    • Добавить дополнительные поля в журналирование данных общего медиа -клиента (CMCD): формат потокового вещания (SF), тип потока (ST), версия (V), верхняя бирта (TB), продолжительность объекта (D), измеренная пропускная способность (MTP) и тип объекта (OT) ( #8699 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Исправьте ошибку, в которой Player.getState() никогда не переходил на STATE_ENDED при воспроизведении очень коротких файлов ( #538 ).
  • Разгрузка звука:
    • Приготовьте заголовок идентификатора OGG и страницы заголовка комментариев к Bitstream для разгруженного воспроизведения OPUS в соответствии с RFC 7845.
  • Видео:
    • H.265/HEVC: Исправлена ​​аналитическая информация о SPS SPS.
  • Текст:
    • CEA-608: Измените логику усечения сигнала, чтобы рассмотреть только видимый текст. Ранее отссещение отдачи и вкладки были включены при ограничении длины сигнала до 32 символов (что технически было правильным по спецификации) ( #11019 ).
  • Расширение IMA:
    • Bump Ima SDK версия до 3.30.3.
  • Сессия:
    • Добавьте пользовательский макет в состояние контроллера и предоставьте Getter для доступа к нему. Когда изменяется пользовательский макет, вызывается MediaController.Listener.onCustomLayoutChanged . Приложения, которые хотят отправлять разные пользовательские макеты в разные контроллеры Media3, могут сделать это в MediaSession.Callback.onConnect , используя AcceptedResultBuilder , чтобы убедиться, что пользовательский макет доступен для контроллера при завершении подключения.
    • Исправлены случаи, когда MediaLibraryServiceLegacyStub отправил ошибку в Result , которая не поддерживала это, которое вызвало UnsupportedOperationException ( #78 ).
    • Fix the way PlayerWrapper creates a VolumeProviderCompat by determining volumeControlType through both legacy commands ( COMMAND_ADJUST_DEVICE_VOLUME and COMMAND_SET_DEVICE_VOLUME ) and new commands ( COMMAND_ADJUST_DEVICE_VOLUME_WITH_FLAGS and COMMAND_SET_DEVICE_VOLUME_WITH_FLAGS ) ( #554 ).

Версия 1.1.0

5 июля 2023 г.

  • Общая библиотека:
    • Добавьте причину подавления для неподходящего аудио маршрута и играйте, когда готово изменить причину для подавления слишком долго. ( #15 ).
    • Добавить команды к игроку:
    • Добавьте перегруженные методы к игроку, которые позволяют пользователям указать флаги громкости:
      • void setDeviceVolume(int, int)
      • void increaseDeviceVolume(int)
      • void decreaseDeviceVolume(int)
      • void setDeviceMuted(boolean, int)
    • Добавьте Builder для DeviceInfo и выпустите существующий конструктор.
    • Добавить DeviceInfo.routingControllerId чтобы указать идентификатор контроллера маршрутизации для удаленных воспроизведений.
    • Добавьте Player.replaceMediaItem(s) в качестве ярлыка к добавлению и удалению элементов в той же позиции ( #8046 ).
  • Exoplayer:
    • Позвольте Exoplayer иметь управление методами объема устройства, только если явно выбрал. Используйте ExoPlayer.Builder.setDeviceVolumeControlEnabled , чтобы иметь доступ к:
      • getDeviceVolume()
      • isDeviceMuted()
      • setDeviceVolume(int) и setDeviceVolume(int, int)
      • increaseDeviceVolume(int) и increaseDeviceVolume(int, int)
      • decreaseDeviceVolume(int) и decreaseDeviceVolume(int, int)
    • Добавьте FilteringMediaSource , который позволяет фильтровать доступные типы треков из MediaSource .
    • Добавьте поддержку для включения данных клиента Common Media (CMCD) в исходящие запросы адаптивных потоковых форматов Dash, HLS и SmoothStreaming. Были включены следующие поля, br , bl , cid , rtp и sid ( #8699 ). Структура API и методы API:
      • Регистрация CMCD отключена по умолчанию, используйте MediaSource.Factory.setCmcdConfigurationFactory(CmcdConfiguration.Factory cmcdConfigurationFactory) чтобы включить его.
      • Все ключи включены по умолчанию, переопределить CmcdConfiguration.RequestConfig.isKeyAllowed(String key) чтобы отфильтровать, какие клавиши регистрируются.
      • Переопределить CmcdConfiguration.RequestConfig.getCustomData() , чтобы включить пользовательское ведение журнала ключей.
    • Добавьте дополнительное действие, чтобы проявить основную демонстрацию, чтобы упростить запуск демонстрационного приложения с пользовательским файлом *.exolist.json ( #439 ).
    • Добавить ExoPlayer.setVideoEffects() для использования Effect во время воспроизведения видео.
    • Обновите SampleQueue , чтобы сохранить sourceId как long , а не int . Это изменяет подписи общественных методов SampleQueue.sourceId и SampleQueue.peekSourceId .
    • Добавьте параметры к методам LoadControl shouldStartPlayback и onTracksSelected , которые позволяют связывать эти методы с соответствующим MediaPeriod .
    • Измените подпись ServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.setAdPlaybackStates(Map<Object, AdPlaybackState>) добавив параметр временной шкалы, который содержит периоды с UID, используемыми в качестве ключей на карте. Это необходимо, чтобы избежать проблем с параллелизмом с многопериодными живыми потоками.
    • Opercave EventDispatcher.withParameters(int windowIndex, @Nullable MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId, long mediaTimeOffsetMs) и BaseMediaSource.createEventDispatcher(..., long mediaTimeOffsetMs) . Вместо этого можно назвать вариант методов без mediaTimeOffsetUs . Обратите внимание, что даже для устаревших вариантов смещение больше не добавляется в startTimeUs и endTimeUs объектов MediaLoadData , которые отправляются диспетчером.
    • Rename ExoTrackSelection.blacklist , чтобы excludeTrack и isBlacklisted в isTrackExcluded .
    • Исправьте непоследовательное поведение между ExoPlayer.setMediaItem(s) и addMediaItem(s) когда вызов в пустой плейлист.
  • Трансформатор:
    • Удалить Transformer.Builder.setMediaSourceFactory(MediaSource.Factory) . Используйте ExoPlayerAssetLoader.Factory(MediaSource.Factory) и Transformer.Builder.setAssetLoaderFactory(AssetLoader.Factory) .
    • Удалить Transformer.startTransformation(MediaItem, ParcelFileDescriptor) .
    • Исправьте ошибку, где преобразование может застрять (приводя к тайм -ауту Muxer), если конец видеопотока был сигнализирован в тот момент, когда входной кадр ожидал обработки.
    • Кодеки запроса через MediaCodecList вместо использования утилит findDecoder/EncoderForFormat , для расширения поддержки.
    • Удалите конфигурацию B-Frame в DefaultEncoderFactory , потому что она не работает на некоторых устройствах.
  • Выбор трека:
    • Добавить DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.allowInvalidateSelectionsForRendererCapabilitiesChange , который отключен по умолчанию. При включении, DefaultTrackSelector запустит новый выбор трека при изменении возможностей рендеринга.
  • Экстракторы:
    • OGG: Исправьте ошибку при поиске в файлах с длительностью ( #391 ).
    • FMP4: Исправлена ​​проблема, где TimestampAdjuster инициализирует неверное смещение временной метки с временем образца метаданных от Atom EMSG ( #356 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Исправлена ​​ошибка, где некоторые воспроизведения терпят неудачу при включении туннелирования, а AudioProcessors активны, например, для обрезки без разрыв ( #10847 ).
    • Инкапсулируют рамки Opus в пакеты OGG в прямые воспроизведения (разгрузка).
    • Экстраполировать положение тока во время сна с расписанием разгрузки.
    • Добавить Renderer.release() и AudioSink.release() для выпуска ресурсов в конце жизненного цикла игрока.
    • Слушайте изменения в аудио -возможностях в DefaultAudioSink . Add a required parameter context in the constructor of DefaultAudioSink , with which the DefaultAudioSink will register as the listener to the AudioCapabilitiesReceiver and update its audioCapabilities property when informed with a capabilities change.
    • Propagate audio capabilities changes via a new event onAudioCapabilitiesChanged in AudioSink.Listener interface, and a new interface RendererCapabilities.Listener which triggers onRendererCapabilitiesChanged events.
    • Add ChannelMixingAudioProcessor for applying scaling/mixing to audio channels.
    • Add new int value DISCARD_REASON_AUDIO_BYPASS_POSSIBLE to DecoderDiscardReasons to discard audio decoder when bypass mode is possible after audio capabilities change.
    • Add direct playback support for DTS Express and DTS:X ( #335 ).
  • Видео:
    • Make MediaCodecVideoRenderer report a VideoSize with a width and height of 0 when the renderer is disabled. Player.Listener.onVideoSizeChanged is called accordingly when Player.getVideoSize() changes. With this change, ExoPlayer's video size with MediaCodecVideoRenderer has a width and height of 0 when Player.getCurrentTracks does not support video, or the size of the supported video track is not yet determined.
  • DRM:
    • Reduce the visibility of several internal-only methods on DefaultDrmSession that aren't expected to be called from outside the DRM package:
      • void onMediaDrmEvent(int)
      • void provision()
      • void onProvisionCompleted()
      • onProvisionError(Exception, boolean)
  • Muxer:
    • Add a new muxer library which can be used to create an MP4 container file.
  • IMA extension:
    • Enable multi-period live DASH streams for DAI. Please note that the current implementation does not yet support seeking in live streams ( #10912 ).
    • Fix a bug where a new ad group is inserted in live streams because the calculated content position in consecutive timelines varies slightly.
  • Session:
    • Add helper method MediaSession.getControllerForCurrentRequest to obtain information about the controller that is currently calling a Player method.
    • Add androidx.media3.session.MediaButtonReceiver to enable apps to implement playback resumption with media button events sent by, for example, a Bluetooth headset ( #167 ).
    • Add default implementation to MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems to allow requested MediaItems to be passed onto Player if they have LocalConfiguration (eg URI) ( #282 ).
    • Add "seek to previous" and "seek to next" command buttons on compact media notification view by default for Android 12 and below ( #410 ).
    • Add default implementation to MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems to allow requested MediaItems to be passed onto Player if they have LocalConfiguration (eg URI) ( #282 ).
    • Add "seek to previous" and "seek to next" command buttons on compact media notification view by default for Android 12 and below ( #410 ).
  • UI:
    • Add Util methods shouldShowPlayButton and handlePlayPauseButtonAction to write custom UI elements with a play/pause button.
  • RTSP Extension:
    • For MPEG4-LATM, use default profile-level-id value if absent in Describe Response SDP message ( #302 ).
    • Use base Uri for relative path resolution from the RTSP session if present in DESCRIBE response header ( #11160 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Remove the media time offset from MediaLoadData.startTimeMs and MediaLoadData.endTimeMs for multi period DASH streams.
    • Fix a bug where re-preparing a multi-period live Dash media source produced a IndexOutOfBoundsException ( #10838 ).
  • HLS Extension:
    • Add HlsMediaSource.Factory.setTimestampAdjusterInitializationTimeoutMs(long) to set a timeout for the loading thread to wait for the TimestampAdjuster to initialize. If the initialization doesn't complete before the timeout, a PlaybackException is thrown to avoid the playback endless stalling. The timeout is set to zero by default ( #323 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Check for URI scheme case insensitivity in DataSourceContractTest .
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove DefaultAudioSink constructors, use DefaultAudioSink.Builder instead.
    • Remove HlsMasterPlaylist , use HlsMultivariantPlaylist instead.
    • Remove Player.stop(boolean) . Use Player.stop() and Player.clearMediaItems() (if reset is true ) instead.
    • Remove two deprecated SimpleCache constructors, use a non-deprecated constructor that takes a DatabaseProvider instead for better performance.
    • Remove DefaultBandwidthMeter constructor, use DefaultBandwidthMeter.Builder instead.
    • Remove DefaultDrmSessionManager constructors, use DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder instead.
    • Remove two deprecated HttpDataSource.InvalidResponseCodeException constructors, use a non-deprecated constructor that accepts additional fields( cause , responseBody ) to enhance error logging.
    • Remove DownloadHelper.forProgressive , DownloadHelper.forHls , DownloadHelper.forDash , and DownloadHelper.forSmoothStreaming , use DownloadHelper.forMediaItem instead.
    • Remove deprecated DownloadService constructor, use a non deprecated constructor that includes the option to provide a channelDescriptionResourceId parameter.
    • Remove deprecated String constants for Charsets ( ASCII_NAME , UTF8_NAME , ISO88591_NAME , UTF16_NAME and UTF16LE_NAME ), use Kotlin Charsets from the kotlin.text package, the java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets or the com.google.common.base.Charsets instead.
    • Remove deprecated WorkManagerScheduler constructor, use a non deprecated constructor that includes the option to provide a Context parameter instead.
    • Remove the deprecated methods createVideoSampleFormat , createAudioSampleFormat , createContainerFormat , and createSampleFormat , which were used to instantiate the Format class. Instead use Format.Builder for creating instances of Format .
    • Remove the deprecated methods copyWithMaxInputSize , copyWithSubsampleOffsetUs , copyWithLabel , copyWithManifestFormatInfo , copyWithGaplessInfo , copyWithFrameRate , copyWithDrmInitData , copyWithMetadata , copyWithBitrate and copyWithVideoSize , use Format.buildUpon() and setter methods instead.
    • Remove deprecated ExoPlayer.retry() , use prepare() instead.
    • Remove deprecated zero-arg DefaultTrackSelector constructor, use DefaultTrackSelector(Context) instead.
    • Remove deprecated OfflineLicenseHelper constructor, use OfflineLicenseHelper(DefaultDrmSessionManager, DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher) instead.
    • Remove deprecated DownloadManager constructor, use the constructor that takes an Executor instead.
    • Remove deprecated Cue constructors, use Cue.Builder instead.
    • Remove deprecated OfflineLicenseHelper constructor, use OfflineLicenseHelper(DefaultDrmSessionManager, DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher) instead.
    • Remove four deprecated AnalyticsListener methods:
      • onDecoderEnabled , use onAudioEnabled and/or onVideoEnabled instead.
      • onDecoderInitialized , use onAudioDecoderInitialized and/or onVideoDecoderInitialized instead.
      • onDecoderInputFormatChanged , use onAudioInputFormatChanged and/or onVideoInputFormatChanged instead.
      • onDecoderDisabled , use onAudioDisabled and/or onVideoDisabled instead.
    • Remove the deprecated Player.Listener.onSeekProcessed and AnalyticsListener.onSeekProcessed , use onPositionDiscontinuity with DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK instead.
    • Remove ExoPlayer.setHandleWakeLock(boolean) , use setWakeMode(int) instead.
    • Remove deprecated DefaultLoadControl.Builder.createDefaultLoadControl() , use build() instead.
    • Remove deprecated MediaItem.PlaybackProperties , use MediaItem.LocalConfiguration instead. Deprecated field MediaItem.playbackProperties is now of type MediaItem.LocalConfiguration .

Version 1.1.0-rc01

21 июня 2023 г.

Use the 1.1.0 stable version .

Version 1.1.0-beta01

7 июня 2023 г.

Use the 1.1.0 stable version .

Version 1.1.0-alpha01

May 10, 2023

Use the 1.1.0 stable version .

Version 1.0.0

Версия 1.0.2

18 мая 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.2 is released. Version 1.0.2 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.7 release .

This release contains the following changes since the 1.0.1 release :

  • Core library:
    • Add Buffer.isLastSample() that denotes if Buffer contains flag C.BUFFER_FLAG_LAST_SAMPLE .
    • Fix issue where last frame may not be rendered if the last sample with frames is dequeued without reading the 'end of stream' sample. ( #11079 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix parsing of H.265 SPS in MPEG-TS files by re-using the parsing logic already used by RTSP and MP4 extractors ( #303 ).
  • Текст:
    • SSA: Add support for UTF-16 files if they start with a byte order mark ( #319 ).
  • Session:
    • Fix issue where MediaController doesn't update its available commands when connected to a legacy MediaSessionCompat that updates its actions.
    • Fix bug that prevented the MediaLibraryService from returning null for a call from System UI to Callback.onGetLibraryRoot with params.isRecent == true on API 30 ( #355 ).
    • Fix memory leak of MediaSessionService or MediaLibraryService ( #346 ).
    • Fix bug where a combined Timeline and position update in a MediaSession may cause a MediaController to throw an IllegalStateException .

Версия 1.0.1

18 апреля 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.1 is released. Version 1.0.1 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.6 release .

  • Core library:
    • Reset target live stream override when seeking to default position ( #11051 ).
    • Fix bug where empty sample streams in the media could cause playback to be stuck.
  • Session:
    • Fix bug where multiple identical queue items published by a legacy MediaSessionCompat result in an exception in MediaController ( #290 ).
    • Add missing forwarding of MediaSession.broadcastCustomCommand to the legacy MediaControllerCompat.Callback.onSessionEvent ( #293 ).
    • Fix bug where calling MediaSession.setPlayer doesn't update the available commands.
    • Fix issue that TrackSelectionOverride instances sent from a MediaController are ignored if they reference a group with Format.metadata ( #296 ).
    • Fix issue where Player.COMMAND_GET_CURRENT_MEDIA_ITEM needs to be available to access metadata via the legacy MediaSessionCompat .
    • Fix issue where MediaSession instances on a background thread cause crashes when used in MediaSessionService ( #318 ).
    • Fix issue where a media button receiver was declared by the library without the app having intended this ( #314 ).
    • Fix handling of empty segment timelines ( #11014 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Retry with TCP if RTSP Setup with UDP fails with RTSP Error 461 UnsupportedTransport ( #11069 ).

Version 1.0.0

22 марта 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0 is released. Version 1.0.0 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.5 release .

There are no changes since 1.0.0-rc02.

Version 1.0.0-rc02

2 марта 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-rc02 is released. Version 1.0.0-rc02 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.4 release .

  • Core library:
    • Fix network type detection on API 33 ( #10970 ).
    • Fix NullPointerException when calling ExoPlayer.isTunnelingEnabled ( #10977 ).
  • Загрузки:
    • Make the maximum difference of the start time of two segments to be merged configurable in SegmentDownloader and subclasses ( #248 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Fix broken gapless MP3 playback on Samsung devices ( #8594 ).
    • Fix bug where playback speeds set immediately after disabling audio may be overridden by a previous speed change ( #10882 ).
  • Видео:
    • Map HEVC HDR10 format to HEVCProfileMain10HDR10 instead of HEVCProfileMain10 .
    • Add workaround for a device issue on Chromecast with Google TV and Lenovo M10 FHD Plus that causes 60fps AVC streams to be marked as unsupported ( #10898 ).
    • Fix frame release performance issues when playing media with a frame rate far higher than the screen refresh rate.
  • Бросать:
    • Fix transient STATE_IDLE when transitioning between media items ( #245 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Catch the IllegalArgumentException thrown in parsing of invalid RTSP Describe response messages ( #10971 ).
  • Session:
    • Fix a bug where notification play/pause button doesn't update with player state ( #192 ).
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix a bug which prevented DAI streams without any ads from starting because the first (and in the case without ads the only) LOADED event wasn't received.

Version 1.0.0-rc01

February 16, 2023

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-rc01 is released. Version 1.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.3 release .

  • Core library:
    • Tweak the renderer's decoder ordering logic to uphold the MediaCodecSelector 's preferences, even if a decoder reports it may not be able to play the media performantly. For example with default selector, hardware decoder with only functional support will be preferred over software decoder that fully supports the format ( #10604 ).
    • Add ExoPlayer.Builder.setPlaybackLooper that sets a pre-existing playback thread for a new ExoPlayer instance.
    • Allow download manager helpers to be cleared ( #10776 ).
    • Add parameter to BasePlayer.seekTo to also indicate the command used for seeking.
    • Use theme when loading drawables on API 21+ ( #220 ).
    • Add ConcatenatingMediaSource2 that allows combining multiple media items into a single window ( #247 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Throw a ParserException instead of a NullPointerException if the sample table (stbl) is missing a required sample description (stsd) when parsing trak atoms.
    • Correctly skip samples when seeking directly to a sync frame in fMP4 ( #10941 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Use the compressed audio format bitrate to calculate the min buffer size for AudioTrack in direct playbacks (passthrough).
  • Текст:
    • Fix TextRenderer passing an invalid (negative) index to Subtitle.getEventTime if a subtitle file contains no cues.
    • SubRip: Add support for UTF-16 files if they start with a byte order mark.
  • Метаданные:
    • Parse multiple null-separated values from ID3 frames, as permitted by ID3 v2.4.
    • Add MediaMetadata.mediaType to denote the type of content or the type of folder described by the metadata.
    • Add MediaMetadata.isBrowsable as a replacement for MediaMetadata.folderType . The folder type will be deprecated in the next release.
    • Add full parsing for image adaptation sets, including tile counts ( #3752 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix the deprecated PlayerView.setControllerVisibilityListener(PlayerControlView.VisibilityListener) to ensure visibility changes are passed to the registered listener ( #229 ).
    • Fix the ordering of the center player controls in PlayerView when using a right-to-left (RTL) layout ( #227 ).
  • Session:
    • Add abstract SimpleBasePlayer to help implement the Player interface for custom players.
    • Add helper method to convert platform session token to Media3 SessionToken ( #171 ).
    • Use onMediaMetadataChanged to trigger updates of the platform media session ( #219 ).
    • Add the media session as an argument of getMediaButtons() of the DefaultMediaNotificationProvider and use immutable lists for clarity ( #216 ).
    • Add onSetMediaItems callback listener to provide means to modify/set MediaItem list, starting index and position by session before setting onto Player ( #156 ).
    • Avoid double tap detection for non-Bluetooth media button events ( #233 ).
    • Make QueueTimeline more robust in case of a shady legacy session state ( #241 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • Parse multiple null-separated values from ID3 frames, as permitted by ID3 v2.4.
    • Add MediaMetadata.mediaType to denote the type of content or the type of folder described by the metadata.
    • Add MediaMetadata.isBrowsable as a replacement for MediaMetadata.folderType . The folder type will be deprecated in the next release.
  • Cast extension:
    • Bump Cast SDK version to 21.2.0.
  • IMA extension:
    • Remove player listener of the ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource on the application thread to avoid threading issues.
    • Add a property focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable to the ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdsLoader.Builder to request focusing the skip button on TV devices and set it to true by default.
    • Add a method focusSkipButton() to the ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdsLoader to programmatically request to focus the skip button.
    • Bump IMA SDK version to 3.29.0.
  • Demo app:
    • Request notification permission for download notifications at runtime ( #10884 ).

Version 1.0.0-beta03

22 ноября 2022 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-beta03 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.2 release .

  • Core library:
    • Add ExoPlayer.isTunnelingEnabled to check if tunneling is enabled for the currently selected tracks ( #2518 ).
    • Add WrappingMediaSource to simplify wrapping a single MediaSource ( #7279 ).
    • Discard back buffer before playback gets stuck due to insufficient available memory.
    • Close the Tracing "doSomeWork" block when offload is enabled.
    • Fix session tracking problem with fast seeks in PlaybackStatsListener ( #180 ).
    • Send missing onMediaItemTransition callback when calling seekToNext or seekToPrevious in a single-item playlist ( #10667 ).
    • Add Player.getSurfaceSize that returns the size of the surface on which the video is rendered.
    • Fix bug where removing listeners during the player release can cause an IllegalStateException ( #10758 ).
  • Строить:
    • Enforce minimum compileSdkVersion to avoid compilation errors ( #10684 ).
    • Avoid publishing block when included in another gradle build.
  • Track selection:
    • Prefer other tracks to Dolby Vision if display does not support it. ( #8944 ).
  • Загрузки:
    • Fix potential infinite loop in ProgressiveDownloader caused by simultaneous download and playback with the same PriorityTaskManager ( #10570 ).
    • Make download notification appear immediately ( #183 ).
    • Limit parallel download removals to 1 to avoid excessive thread creation ( #10458 ).
  • Видео:
    • Try alternative decoder for Dolby Vision if display does not support it. ( #9794 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Use SingleThreadExecutor for releasing AudioTrack instances to avoid OutOfMemory errors when releasing multiple players at the same time ( #10057 ).
    • Adds AudioOffloadListener.onExperimentalOffloadedPlayback for the AudioTrack offload state. ( #134 ).
    • Make AudioTrackBufferSizeProvider a public interface.
    • Add ExoPlayer.setPreferredAudioDevice to set the preferred audio output device ( #135 ).
    • Rename androidx.media3.exoplayer.audio.AudioProcessor to androidx.media3.common.audio.AudioProcessor .
    • Map 8-channel and 12-channel audio to the 7.1 and 7.1.4 channel masks respectively on all Android versions ( #10701 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • MetadataRenderer can now be configured to render metadata as soon as they are available. Create an instance with MetadataRenderer(MetadataOutput, Looper, MetadataDecoderFactory, boolean) to specify whether the renderer will output metadata early or in sync with the player position.
  • DRM:
    • Work around a bug in the Android 13 ClearKey implementation that returns a non-empty but invalid license URL.
    • Fix setMediaDrmSession failed: session not opened error when switching between DRM schemes in a playlist (eg Widevine to ClearKey).
  • Текст:
    • CEA-608: Ensure service switch commands on field 2 are handled correctly ( #10666 ).
    • Parse EventStream.presentationTimeOffset from manifests ( #10460 ).
  • UI:
    • Use current overrides of the player as preset in TrackSelectionDialogBuilder ( #10429 ).
  • Session:
    • Ensure commands are always executed in the correct order even if some require asynchronous resolution ( #85 ).
    • Add DefaultMediaNotificationProvider.Builder to build DefaultMediaNotificationProvider instances. The builder can configure the notification ID, the notification channel ID and the notification channel name used by the provider. Also, add method DefaultMediaNotificationProvider.setSmallIcon(int) to set the notifications small icon. ( #104 ).
    • Ensure commands sent before MediaController.release() are not dropped ( #99 ).
    • SimpleBitmapLoader can load bitmap from file:// URIs ( #108 ).
    • Fix assertion that prevents MediaController to seek over an ad in a period ( #122 ).
    • When playback ends, the MediaSessionService is stopped from the foreground and a notification is shown to restart playback of the last played media item ( #112 ).
    • Don't start a foreground service with a pending intent for pause ( #167 ).
    • Manually hide the 'badge' associated with the notification created by DefaultNotificationProvider on API 26 and API 27 (the badge is automatically hidden on API 28+) ( #131 ).
    • Fix bug where a second binder connection from a legacy MediaSession to a Media3 MediaController causes IllegalStateExceptions ( #49 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Add H263 fragmented packet handling ( #119 ).
    • Add support for MP4A-LATM ( #162 ).
  • IMA:
    • Add timeout for loading ad information to handle cases where the IMA SDK gets stuck loading an ad ( #10510 ).
    • Prevent skipping mid-roll ads when seeking to the end of the content ( #10685 ).
    • Correctly calculate window duration for live streams with server-side inserted ads, for example IMA DAI ( #10764 ).
  • FFmpeg extension:
    • Add newly required flags to link FFmpeg libraries with NDK 23.1.7779620 and above ( #9933 ).
  • AV1 extension:
    • Update CMake version to avoid incompatibilities with the latest Android Studio releases ( #9933 ).
  • Cast extension:
    • Implement getDeviceInfo() to be able to identify CastPlayer when controlling playback with a MediaController ( #142 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Add muxer watchdog timer to detect when generating an output sample is too slow.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove Transformer.Builder.setOutputMimeType(String) . This feature has been removed. The MIME type will always be MP4 when the default muxer is used.

Version 1.0.0-beta02

July 21, 2022

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-beta02 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta02 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.1 release .

  • Core library:
    • Ensure that changing the ShuffleOrder with ExoPlayer.setShuffleOrder results in a call to Player.Listener#onTimelineChanged with reason=Player.TIMELINE_CHANGE_REASON_PLAYLIST_CHANGED ( #9889 ).
    • For progressive media, only include selected tracks in buffered position ( #10361 ).
    • Allow custom logger for all ExoPlayer log output ( #9752 ).
    • Fix implementation of setDataSourceFactory in DefaultMediaSourceFactory , which was non-functional in some cases ( #116 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix parsing of H265 short term reference picture sets ( #10316 ).
    • Fix parsing of bitrates from esds boxes ( #10381 ).
    • Parse ClearKey license URL from manifests ( #10246 ).
  • UI:
    • Ensure TalkBack announces the currently active speed option in the playback controls menu ( #10298 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Add VP8 fragmented packet handling ( #110 ).
  • Leanback extension:
    • Listen to playWhenReady changes in LeanbackAdapter ( 10420 ).
  • Бросать:
    • Use the MediaItem that has been passed to the playlist methods as Window.mediaItem in CastTimeline ( #25 , #8212 ).
    • Support Player.getMetadata() and Listener.onMediaMetadataChanged() with CastPlayer ( #25 ).

Version 1.0.0-beta01

June 16, 2022

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-beta01 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

This corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.0 release .

  • Core library:
    • Enable support for Android platform diagnostics via MediaMetricsManager . ExoPlayer will forward playback events and performance data to the platform, which helps to provide system performance and debugging information on the device. This data may also be collected by Google if sharing usage and diagnostics data is enabled by the user of the device. Apps can opt-out of contributing to platform diagnostics for ExoPlayer with ExoPlayer.Builder.setUsePlatformDiagnostics(false) .
    • Fix bug that tracks are reset too often when using MergingMediaSource , for example when side-loading subtitles and changing the selected subtitle mid-playback ( #10248 ).
    • Stop detecting 5G-NSA network type on API 29 and 30. These playbacks will assume a 4G network.
    • Disallow passing null to MediaSource.Factory.setDrmSessionManagerProvider and MediaSource.Factory.setLoadErrorHandlingPolicy . Instances of DefaultDrmSessionManagerProvider and DefaultLoadErrorHandlingPolicy can be passed explicitly if required.
    • Add MediaItem.RequestMetadata to represent metadata needed to play media when the exact LocalConfiguration is not known. Also remove MediaMetadata.mediaUrl as this is now included in RequestMetadata .
    • Add Player.Command.COMMAND_SET_MEDIA_ITEM to enable players to allow setting a single item.
  • Track selection:
    • Flatten TrackSelectionOverrides class into TrackSelectionParameters , and promote TrackSelectionOverride to a top level class.
    • Rename TracksInfo to Tracks and TracksInfo.TrackGroupInfo to Tracks.Group . Player.getCurrentTracksInfo and Player.Listener.onTracksInfoChanged have also been renamed to Player.getCurrentTracks and Player.Listener.onTracksChanged . This includes 'un-deprecating' the Player.Listener.onTracksChanged method name, but with different parameter types.
    • Change DefaultTrackSelector.buildUponParameters and DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.buildUpon to return DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.Builder instead of the deprecated DefaultTrackSelector.ParametersBuilder .
    • Add DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.constrainAudioChannelCountToDeviceCapabilities which is enabled by default. When enabled, the DefaultTrackSelector will prefer audio tracks whose channel count does not exceed the device output capabilities. On handheld devices, the DefaultTrackSelector will prefer stereo/mono over multichannel audio formats, unless the multichannel format can be Spatialized (Android 12L+) or is a Dolby surround sound format. In addition, on devices that support audio spatialization, the DefaultTrackSelector will monitor for changes in the Spatializer properties and trigger a new track selection upon these. Devices with a television UI mode are excluded from these constraints and the format with the highest channel count will be preferred. To enable this feature, the DefaultTrackSelector instance must be constructed with a Context .
  • Видео:
    • Rename DummySurface to PlaceholderSurface .
    • Add AV1 support to the MediaCodecVideoRenderer.getCodecMaxInputSize .
  • Аудио:
    • Use LG AC3 audio decoder advertising non-standard MIME type.
    • Change the return type of AudioAttributes.getAudioAttributesV21() from android.media.AudioAttributes to a new AudioAttributesV21 wrapper class, to prevent slow ART verification on API < 21.
    • Query the platform (API 29+) or assume the audio encoding channel count for audio passthrough when the format audio channel count is unset, which occurs with HLS chunkless preparation ( 10204 ).
    • Configure AudioTrack with channel mask AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_7POINT1POINT4 if the decoder outputs 12 channel PCM audio ( #10322 .
  • УЦП
    • Ensure the DRM session is always correctly updated when seeking immediately after a format change ( 10274 ).
  • Текст:
    • Change Player.getCurrentCues() to return CueGroup instead of List<Cue> .
    • SSA: Support OutlineColour style setting when BorderStyle == 3 (ie OutlineColour sets the background of the cue) ( #8435 ).
    • CEA-708: Parse data into multiple service blocks and ignore blocks not associated with the currently selected service number.
    • Remove RawCcExtractor , which was only used to handle a Google-internal subtitle format.
  • Extractors:
    • Add support for AVI ( #2092 ).
    • Matroska: Parse DiscardPadding for Opus tracks.
    • MP4: Parse bitrates from esds boxes.
    • Ogg: Allow duplicate Opus ID and comment headers ( #10038 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix delivery of events to OnClickListener s set on PlayerView in the case that useController=false ( #9605 ). Also fix delivery of events to OnLongClickListener for all view configurations.
    • Fix incorrectly treating a sequence of touch events that exit the bounds of PlayerView before ACTION_UP as a click ( #9861 ).
    • Fix PlayerView accessibility issue where tapping might toggle playback rather than hiding the controls ( #8627 ).
    • Rewrite TrackSelectionView and TrackSelectionDialogBuilder to work with the Player interface rather than ExoPlayer . This allows the views to be used with other Player implementations, and removes the dependency from the UI module to the ExoPlayer module. This is a breaking change.
    • Don't show forced text tracks in the PlayerView track selector, and keep a suitable forced text track selected if "None" is selected ( #9432 ).
    • Parse channel count from DTS AudioChannelConfiguration elements. This re-enables audio passthrough for DTS streams ( #10159 ).
    • Disallow passing null to DashMediaSource.Factory.setCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory . Instances of DefaultCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory can be passed explicitly if required.
  • HLS:
    • Fallback to chunkful preparation if the playlist CODECS attribute does not contain the audio codec ( #10065 ).
    • Disallow passing null to HlsMediaSource.Factory.setCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory , HlsMediaSource.Factory.setPlaylistParserFactory , and HlsMediaSource.Factory.setPlaylistTrackerFactory . Instances of DefaultCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory , DefaultHlsPlaylistParserFactory , or a reference to DefaultHlsPlaylistTracker.FACTORY can be passed explicitly if required.
  • Smooth Streaming:
    • Disallow passing null to SsMediaSource.Factory.setCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory . Instances of DefaultCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory can be passed explicitly if required.
  • RTSP:
    • Add RTP reader for H263 ( #63 ).
    • Add RTP reader for MPEG4 ( #35 ).
    • Add RTP reader for HEVC ( #36 ).
    • Add RTP reader for AMR. Currently only mono-channel, non-interleaved AMR streams are supported. Compound AMR RTP payload is not supported. ( #46 )
    • Add RTP reader for VP8 ( #47 ).
    • Add RTP reader for WAV ( #56 ).
    • Fix RTSP basic authorization header. ( #9544 ).
    • Stop checking mandatory SDP fields as ExoPlayer doesn't need them ( #10049 ).
    • Throw checked exception when parsing RTSP timing ( #10165 ).
    • Add RTP reader for VP9 ( #47 ).
    • Add RTP reader for OPUS ( #53 ).
  • Data sources:
    • Rename DummyDataSource to PlaceholderDataSource .
    • Workaround OkHttp interrupt handling.
  • Session:
    • Replace MediaSession.MediaItemFiller with MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems to allow asynchronous resolution of requests.
    • Support setMediaItems(s) methods when MediaController connects to a legacy media session.
    • Remove MediaController.setMediaUri and MediaSession.Callback.onSetMediaUri . The same functionality can be achieved by using MediaController.setMediaItem and MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems .
    • Forward legacy MediaController calls to play media to MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems instead of onSetMediaUri .
    • Add MediaNotification.Provider and DefaultMediaNotificationProvider to provide customization of the notification.
    • Add BitmapLoader and SimpleBitmapLoader for downloading artwork images.
    • Add MediaSession.setCustomLayout() to provide backwards compatibility with the legacy session.
    • Add MediaSession.setSessionExtras() to provide feature parity with legacy session.
    • Rename MediaSession.MediaSessionCallback to MediaSession.Callback , MediaLibrarySession.MediaLibrarySessionCallback to MediaLibrarySession.Callback and MediaSession.Builder.setSessionCallback to setCallback .
    • Fix NPE in MediaControllerImplLegacy ( #59 ).
    • Update session position info on timeline change( #51 ).
    • Fix NPE in MediaControllerImplBase after releasing controller ( #74 ).
  • Ad playback / IMA:
    • Decrease ad polling rate from every 100ms to every 200ms, to line up with Media Rating Council (MRC) recommendations.
  • FFmpeg extension:
    • Update CMake version to 3.21.0+ to avoid a CMake bug causing AndroidStudio's gradle sync to fail ( #9933 ).
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove Player.Listener.onTracksChanged(TrackGroupArray, TrackSelectionArray) . Use Player.Listener.onTracksChanged(Tracks) instead.
    • Remove Player.getCurrentTrackGroups and Player.getCurrentTrackSelections . Use Player.getCurrentTracks instead. You can also continue to use ExoPlayer.getCurrentTrackGroups and ExoPlayer.getCurrentTrackSelections , although these methods remain deprecated.
    • Remove DownloadHelper DEFAULT_TRACK_SELECTOR_PARAMETERS_WITHOUT_VIEWPORT and DEFAULT_TRACK_SELECTOR_PARAMETERS constants. Use getDefaultTrackSelectorParameters(Context) instead when possible, and DEFAULT_TRACK_SELECTOR_PARAMETERS_WITHOUT_CONTEXT otherwise.
    • Remove constructor DefaultTrackSelector(ExoTrackSelection.Factory) . Use DefaultTrackSelector(Context, ExoTrackSelection.Factory) instead.
    • Remove Transformer.Builder.setContext . The Context should be passed to the Transformer.Builder constructor instead.

Version 1.0.0-alpha03

March 14, 2022

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-alpha03 is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha03 contains these commits.

This corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.17.1 release .

  • Аудио:
    • Fix error checking audio capabilities for Dolby Atmos (E-AC3-JOC) in HLS.
  • Extractors:
    • FMP4: Fix issue where emsg sample metadata could be output in the wrong order for streams containing both v0 and v1 emsg atoms ( #9996 ).
  • Текст:
    • Fix the interaction of SingleSampleMediaSource.Factory.setTrackId and MediaItem.SubtitleConfiguration.Builder.setId to prioritise the SubtitleConfiguration field and fall back to the Factory value if it's not set ( #10016 ).
  • Ad playback:
    • Fix audio underruns between ad periods in live HLS SSAI streams.

Version 1.0.0-alpha02

2 марта 2022 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-alpha02 is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha02 contains these commits.

This corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.17.0 release .

  • Core Library:
    • Add protected method DefaultRenderersFactory.getCodecAdapterFactory() so that subclasses of DefaultRenderersFactory that override buildVideoRenderers() or buildAudioRenderers() can access the codec adapter factory and pass it to MediaCodecRenderer instances they create.
    • Propagate ICY header fields name and genre to MediaMetadata.station and MediaMetadata.genre respectively so that they reach the app via Player.Listener.onMediaMetadataChanged() ( #9677 ).
    • Remove null keys from DefaultHttpDataSource#getResponseHeaders .
    • Sleep and retry when creating a MediaCodec instance fails. This works around an issue that occurs on some devices when switching a surface from a secure codec to another codec ( #8696 ).
    • Add MediaCodecAdapter.getMetrics() to allow users obtain metrics data from MediaCodec . ( #9766 ).
    • Fix Maven dependency resolution ( #8353 ).
    • Disable automatic speed adjustment for live streams that neither have low-latency features nor a user request setting the speed ( #9329 ).
    • Rename DecoderCounters#inputBufferCount to queuedInputBufferCount .
    • Make SimpleExoPlayer.renderers private. Renderers can be accessed via ExoPlayer.getRenderer .
    • Updated some AnalyticsListener.EventFlags constant values to match values in Player.EventFlags .
    • Split AnalyticsCollector into an interface and default implementation to allow it to be stripped by R8 if an app doesn't need it.
  • Track selection:
    • Support preferred video role flags in track selection ( #9402 ).
    • Update video track selection logic to take preferred MIME types and role flags into account when selecting multiple video tracks for adaptation ( #9519 ).
    • Update video and audio track selection logic to only choose formats for adaptive selections that have the same level of decoder and hardware support ( #9565 ).
    • Update video track selection logic to prefer more efficient codecs if multiple codecs are supported by primary, hardware-accelerated decoders ( #4835 ).
    • Prefer audio content preferences (for example, the "default" audio track or a track matching the system locale language) over technical track selection constraints (for example, preferred MIME type, or maximum channel count).
    • Fix track selection issue where overriding one track group did not disable other track groups of the same type ( #9675 ).
    • Fix track selection issue where a mixture of non-empty and empty track overrides is not applied correctly ( #9649 ).
    • Prohibit duplicate TrackGroup s in a TrackGroupArray . TrackGroup s can always be made distinguishable by setting an id in the TrackGroup constructor. This fixes a crash when resuming playback after backgrounding the app with an active track override ( #9718 ).
    • Amend logic in AdaptiveTrackSelection to allow a quality increase under sufficient network bandwidth even if playback is very close to the live edge ( #9784 ).
  • Видео:
    • Fix decoder fallback logic for Dolby Vision to use a compatible H264/H265 decoder if needed.
  • Аудио:
    • Fix decoder fallback logic for Dolby Atmos (E-AC3-JOC) to use a compatible E-AC3 decoder if needed.
    • Change AudioCapabilities APIs to require passing explicitly AudioCapabilities.DEFAULT_AUDIO_CAPABILITIES instead of null .
    • Allow customization of the AudioTrack buffer size calculation by injecting an AudioTrackBufferSizeProvider to DefaultAudioSink . ( #8891 ).
    • Retry AudioTrack creation if the requested buffer size was > 1MB. ( #9712 ).
  • Extractors:
    • WAV: Add support for RF64 streams ( #9543 ).
    • Fix incorrect parsing of H.265 SPS NAL units ( #9719 ).
    • Parse Vorbis Comments (including METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE ) in Ogg Opus and Ogg Vorbis files.
  • Текст:
    • Add a MediaItem.SubtitleConfiguration.id field which is propagated to the Format.id field of the subtitle track created from the configuration ( #9673 ).
    • Add basic support for WebVTT subtitles in Matroska containers ( #9886 ).
    • Prevent Cea708Decoder from reading more than the declared size of a service block.
  • DRM:
    • Remove playbackLooper from DrmSessionManager.(pre)acquireSession . When a DrmSessionManager is used by an app in a custom MediaSource , the playbackLooper needs to be passed to DrmSessionManager.setPlayer instead.
  • Ad playback / IMA:
    • Add support for IMA Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) ( #8213 ).
    • Add a method to AdPlaybackState to allow resetting an ad group so that it can be played again ( #9615 ).
    • Enforce playback speed of 1.0 during ad playback ( #9018 ).
    • Fix issue where an ad group that failed to load caused an immediate playback reset ( #9929 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix the color of the numbers in StyledPlayerView rewind and fastforward buttons when using certain themes ( #9765 ).
    • Correctly translate playback speed strings ( #9811 ).
    • Add parsed essential and supplemental properties to the Representation ( #9579 ).
    • Support the forced-subtitle track role ( #9727 ).
    • Stop interpreting the main track role as C.SELECTION_FLAG_DEFAULT .
    • Fix base URL exclusion logic for manifests that do not declare the DVB namespace ( #9856 ).
    • Support relative MPD.Location URLs ( #9939 ).
  • HLS:
    • Correctly populate Format.label for audio only HLS streams ( #9608 ).
    • Use chunkless preparation by default to improve start up time. If your renditions contain muxed closed-caption tracks that are not declared in the master playlist, you should add them to the master playlist to be available for playback, or turn off chunkless preparation with HlsMediaSource.Factory.setAllowChunklessPreparation(false) .
    • Support key-frame accurate seeking in HLS ( #2882 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Provide a client API to override the SocketFactory used for any server connection ( #9606 ).
    • Prefer DIGEST authentication method over BASIC if both are present ( #9800 ).
    • Handle when RTSP track timing is not available ( #9775 ).
    • Ignore invalid RTP-Info header values ( #9619 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Increase required min API version to 21.
    • TransformationException is now used to describe errors that occur during a transformation.
    • Add TransformationRequest for specifying the transformation options.
    • Allow multiple listeners to be registered.
    • Fix Transformer being stuck when the codec output is partially read.
    • Fix potential NPE in Transformer.getProgress when releasing the muxer throws.
    • Add a demo app for applying transformations.
  • MediaSession extension:
    • By default, MediaSessionConnector now clears the playlist on stop. Apps that want the playlist to be retained can call setClearMediaItemsOnStop(false) on the connector.
  • Cast extension:
    • Fix bug that prevented CastPlayer from calling onIsPlayingChanged correctly ( #9792 ).
    • Support audio metadata including artwork with DefaultMediaItemConverter ( #9663 ).
  • FFmpeg extension:
    • Make build_ffmpeg.sh depend on LLVM's bin utils instead of GNU's ( #9933 ).
  • Android 12 compatibility:
    • Upgrade the Cast extension to depend on com.google.android.gms:play-services-cast-framework:20.1.0 . Earlier versions of play-services-cast-framework are not compatible with apps targeting Android 12, and will crash with an IllegalArgumentException when creating PendingIntent s ( #9528 ).
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove Player.EventListener . Use Player.Listener instead.
    • Remove MediaSourceFactory#setDrmSessionManager , MediaSourceFactory#setDrmHttpDataSourceFactory , and MediaSourceFactory#setDrmUserAgent . Use MediaSourceFactory#setDrmSessionManagerProvider instead.
    • Remove MediaSourceFactory#setStreamKeys . Use MediaItem.Builder#setStreamKeys instead.
    • Remove MediaSourceFactory#createMediaSource(Uri) . Use MediaSourceFactory#createMediaSource(MediaItem) instead.
    • Remove setTag from DashMediaSource , HlsMediaSource and SsMediaSource . Use MediaItem.Builder#setTag instead.
    • Remove DashMediaSource#setLivePresentationDelayMs(long, boolean) . Use MediaItem.Builder#setLiveConfiguration and MediaItem.LiveConfiguration.Builder#setTargetOffsetMs to override the manifest, or DashMediaSource#setFallbackTargetLiveOffsetMs to provide a fallback value.
    • Remove (Simple)ExoPlayer.setThrowsWhenUsingWrongThread . Opting out of the thread enforcement is no longer possible.
    • Remove ActionFile and ActionFileUpgradeUtil . Use ExoPlayer 2.16.1 or before to use ActionFileUpgradeUtil to merge legacy action files into DefaultDownloadIndex .
    • Remove ProgressiveMediaSource#setExtractorsFactory . Use ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(DataSource.Factory, ExtractorsFactory) constructor instead.
    • Remove ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory#setTag and, and ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory#setCustomCacheKey . Use MediaItem.Builder#setTag and MediaItem.Builder#setCustomCacheKey instead.
    • Remove DefaultRenderersFactory(Context, @ExtensionRendererMode int) and DefaultRenderersFactory(Context, @ExtensionRendererMode int, long) constructors. Use the DefaultRenderersFactory(Context) constructor, DefaultRenderersFactory#setExtensionRendererMode , and DefaultRenderersFactory#setAllowedVideoJoiningTimeMs instead.
    • Remove all public CronetDataSource constructors. Use CronetDataSource.Factory instead.
  • Change the following IntDefs to @Target(TYPE_USE) only. This may break the compilation of usages in Kotlin, which can be fixed by moving the annotation to annotate the type ( Int ).
    • @AacAudioObjectType
    • @Ac3Util.SyncFrameInfo.StreamType
    • @AdLoadException.Type
    • @AdtsExtractor.Flags
    • @AmrExtractor.Flags
    • @AspectRatioFrameLayout.ResizeMode
    • @AudioFocusManager.PlayerCommand
    • @AudioSink.SinkFormatSupport
    • @BinarySearchSeeker.TimestampSearchResult.Type
    • @BufferReplacementMode
    • @C.BufferFlags
    • @C.ColorRange
    • @C.ColorSpace
    • @C.ColorTransfer
    • @C.CryptoMode
    • @C.Encoding
    • @C.PcmEncoding
    • @C.Projection
    • @C.SelectionReason
    • @C.StereoMode
    • @C.VideoOutputMode
    • @CacheDataSource.Flags
    • @CaptionStyleCompat.EdgeType
    • @DataSpec.Flags
    • @DataSpec.HttpMethods
    • @DecoderDiscardReasons
    • @DecoderReuseResult
    • @DefaultAudioSink.OutputMode
    • @DefaultDrmSessionManager.Mode
    • @DefaultTrackSelector.SelectionEligibility
    • @DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.Flags
    • @EGLSurfaceTexture.SecureMode
    • @EbmlProcessor.ElementType
    • @ExoMediaDrm.KeyRequest.RequestType
    • @ExtensionRendererMode
    • @Extractor.ReadResult
    • @FileTypes.Type
    • @FlacExtractor.Flags (in com.google.android.exoplayer2.ext.flac package)
    • @FlacExtractor.Flags (in com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.flac package)
    • @FragmentedMp4Extractor.Flags
    • @HlsMediaPlaylist.PlaylistType
    • @HttpDataSourceException.Type
    • @IllegalClippingException.Reason
    • @IllegalMergeException.Reason
    • @LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackType
    • @MatroskaExtractor.Flags
    • @Mp3Extractor.Flags
    • @Mp4Extractor.Flags
    • @NotificationUtil.Importance
    • @PlaybackException.FieldNumber
    • @PlayerNotificationManager.Priority
    • @PlayerNotificationManager.Visibility
    • @PlayerView.ShowBuffering
    • @Renderer.State
    • @RendererCapabilities.AdaptiveSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.Capabilities
    • @RendererCapabilities.DecoderSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.FormatSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.HardwareAccelerationSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.TunnelingSupport
    • @SampleStream.ReadDataResult
    • @SampleStream.ReadFlags
    • @StyledPlayerView.ShowBuffering
    • @SubtitleView.ViewType
    • @TextAnnotation.Position
    • @TextEmphasisSpan.MarkFill
    • @TextEmphasisSpan.MarkShape
    • @Track.Transformation
    • @TrackOutput.SampleDataPart
    • @Transformer.ProgressState
    • @TsExtractor.Mode
    • @TsPayloadReader.Flags
    • @WebvttCssStyle.FontSizeUnit

Version 1.0.0-alpha01

27 октября 2021 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-alpha01 is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

Новые возможности

Media3 is the new home for media support libraries, including ExoPlayer. The first alpha contains early, functional implementations of libraries for implementing media use cases, including:

  • ExoPlayer, an application-level media player for Android that is easy to customize and extend.
  • Media session functionality, for exposing and controlling playbacks. This new session module uses the same Player interface as ExoPlayer.
  • UI components for building media playback user interfaces.
  • Modules wrapping functionality in other libraries for use with ExoPlayer, for example, ad insertion via the IMA SDK.

For more information, see the Media3 GitHub project .

ExoPlayer was previously hosted in a separate ExoPlayer GitHub project . In Media3 its package name is androidx.media3.exoplayer . We plan to continue to maintain and release the ExoPlayer GitHub project for a while to give apps time to migrate to Media3. Media3 has replacements for all the ExoPlayer modules, except for the legacy media2 and mediasession extensions, which are replaced by the new media3-session module. This provides direct integration between players and media sessions without needing to use an adapter/connector class.



Support libraries for media use cases.
Последнее обновление Стабильный выпуск Кандидат на выпуск Бета-версия Альфа-релиз
10 сентября 2024 г. 1.4.1 - - 1.5.0-альфа01

Declaring dependencies

To add a dependency on Media3, you must add the Google Maven repository to your project. Read Google's Maven repository for more information.

Add the dependencies for the artifacts you need in the build.gradle file for your app or module:


dependencies {
    def media3_version = "1.4.1"

    // For media playback using ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:$media3_version"

    // For DASH playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-dash:$media3_version"
    // For HLS playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-hls:$media3_version"
    // For SmoothStreaming playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-smoothstreaming:$media3_version"
    // For RTSP playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-rtsp:$media3_version"
    // For MIDI playback support with ExoPlayer (see additional dependency requirements in
    // https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/release/libraries/decoder_midi/README.md)
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-midi:$media3_version"
    // For ad insertion using the Interactive Media Ads SDK with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-ima:$media3_version"

    // For loading data using the Cronet network stack
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource-cronet:$media3_version"
    // For loading data using the OkHttp network stack
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource-okhttp:$media3_version"
    // For loading data using librtmp
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource-rtmp:$media3_version"

    // For building media playback UIs
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-ui:$media3_version"
    // For building media playback UIs for Android TV using the Jetpack Leanback library
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-ui-leanback:$media3_version"

    // For exposing and controlling media sessions
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-session:$media3_version"

    // For extracting data from media containers
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-extractor:$media3_version"

    // For integrating with Cast
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-cast:$media3_version"

    // For scheduling background operations using Jetpack Work's WorkManager with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-workmanager:$media3_version"

    // For transforming media files
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-transformer:$media3_version"

    // For applying effects on video frames
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-effect:$media3_version"

    // For muxing media files
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-muxer:$media3_version"

    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components)
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-test-utils:$media3_version"
    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components) via Robolectric
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-test-utils-robolectric:$media3_version"

    // Common functionality for reading and writing media containers
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-container:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality for media database components
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-database:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality for media decoders
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-decoder:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality for loading data
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality used across multiple media libraries
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-common:$media3_version"
    // Common Kotlin-specific functionality
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-common-ktx:$media3_version"


dependencies {
    val media3_version = "1.4.1"

    // For media playback using ExoPlayer

    // For DASH playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For HLS playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For SmoothStreaming playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For RTSP playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For MIDI playback support with ExoPlayer (see additional dependency requirements in
    // https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/release/libraries/decoder_midi/README.md)
    // For ad insertion using the Interactive Media Ads SDK with ExoPlayer

    // For loading data using the Cronet network stack
    // For loading data using the OkHttp network stack
    // For loading data using librtmp

    // For building media playback UIs
    // For building media playback UIs for Android TV using the Jetpack Leanback library

    // For exposing and controlling media sessions

    // For extracting data from media containers

    // For integrating with Cast

    // For scheduling background operations using Jetpack Work's WorkManager with ExoPlayer

    // For transforming media files

    // For applying effects on video frames

    // For muxing media files

    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components)
    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components) via Robolectric

    // Common functionality for reading and writing media containers
    // Common functionality for media database components
    // Common functionality for media decoders
    // Common functionality for loading data
    // Common functionality used across multiple media libraries
    // Common Kotlin-specific functionality

For more information about dependencies, see Add Build Dependencies .

Обратная связь

Your feedback helps make Jetpack better. You can use the Media3 issue tracker to find answers to questions, known issues and feature requests, and to file new issues.

Version 1.5

Version 1.5.0-alpha01

10 сентября 2024 г.

This release includes the following changes since the 1.4.1 release :

  • Common Library:
    • Add ForwardingSimpleBasePlayer that allows forwarding to another player with small adjustments while ensuring full consistency and listener handling ( #1183 ).
    • Replace SimpleBasePlayer.State.playlist by getPlaylist() method.
    • Add override for SimpleBasePlayer.State.Builder.setPlaylist() to directly specify a Timeline and current Tracks and Metadata instead of building a playlist structure.
    • Increase minSdk to 21 (Android Lollipop). This is aligned with all other AndroidX libraries.
    • Add androidx.media3:media3-common-ktx artifact which provides Kotlin-specific functionality built on top of the Common library
    • Add Player.listen suspending extension function to spin a coroutine to listen to Player.Events to the media3-common-ktx library.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • MediaCodecRenderer.onProcessedStreamChange() can now be called for every media item. Previously it was not called for the first one. Use MediaCodecRenderer.experimentalEnableProcessedStreamChangedAtStart() to enable this.
    • Add PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onPreloadError to allow PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl implementations to take actions when error occurs.
    • Add BasePreloadManager.Listener to propagate preload events to apps.
    • Allow changing SNTP client timeout and retry alternative addresses on timeout ( #1540 ).
    • Remove MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration.flags as the field was always zero.
    • Allow the user to select the built-in speaker for playback on Wear OS API 35+ (where the device advertises support for this).
    • Defer the blocking call to Context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) until audio focus handling is enabled. This ensures the blocking call isn't done if audio focus handling is not enabled ( #1616 ).
    • Allow playback regardless of buffered duration when loading fails ( #1571 ).
    • Add AnalyticsListener.onRendererReadyChanged() to signal when individual renderers allow playback to be ready.
  • Transformer:
    • Add SurfaceAssetLoader , which supports queueing video data to Transformer via a Surface .
    • ImageAssetLoader reports unsupported input via AssetLoader.onError instead of throwing an IllegalStateException .
  • Extractors:
    • Allow Mp4Extractor and FragmentedMp4Extractor to identify H264 samples that are not used as reference by subsequent samples.
    • Add option to enable index-based seeking in AmrExtractor .
    • Treat MP3 files with more than 128kB between valid frames as truncated (instead of invalid). This means files with non-MP3 data at the end, with no other metadata to indicate the length of the MP3 bytes, now stop playback at the end of the MP3 data instead of failing with ParserException: Searched too many bytes.{contentIsMalformed=true, dataType=1} ( #1563 ).
  • DataSource:
    • Update HttpEngineDataSource to allow use starting at version S extension 7 instead of API level 34 ( #1262 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Automatically configure CTA-2075 loudness metadata on the codec if present in the media.
    • Ensure smooth volume ramp down when seeking.
  • Видео:
    • MediaCodecVideoRenderer avoids decoding samples that are neither rendered nor used as reference by other samples.
    • On API 35 and above, MediaCodecAdapter may now receive a null Surface in configure and calls to a new method detachOutputSurface to remove a previously set Surface if the codec supports this ( MediaCodecInfo.detachedSurfaceSupported ).
    • Use MediaCodecAdapter supplied pixel aspect ratio values if provided when processing onOutputFormatChanged ( #1371 ).
  • Текст:
  • Изображение:
    • Add ExternallyLoadedImageDecoder for simplified integration with external image loading libraries like Glide or Coil.
  • DataSource:
    • Add FileDescriptorDataSource , a new DataSource that can be used to read from a FileDescriptor ( #3757 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Add DefaultVideoFrameProcessor workaround for minor SurfaceTexture scaling. SurfaceTexture may include a small scaling that cuts off a 1-texel border around the edge of a cropped buffer. This is now handled such that output is closer to expected.
    • Speed up DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.queueInputBitmap() . As a result, exporting images to videos with Transformer is faster.
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix bug where clearing the playlist may cause an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource .
  • Session:
    • Add MediaButtonReceiver.shouldStartForegroundService(Intent) to allow apps to suppress a play command coming in for playback resumption by overriding this method. By default, the service is always started and playback can't be suppressed without the system crashing the service with a ForegroundServiceDidNotStartInTimeException ( #1528 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Add support for periods starting in the middle of a segment ( #1440 ).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, etc.):
    • Add the IAMF decoder module, which provides support for playback of MP4 files containing IAMF tracks using the libiamf native library to synthesize audio.
      • Playback is enabled with a stereo layout as well as 5.1 with spatialization together with optional head tracking enabled, but binaural playback support is currently not available.
  • Cast Extension:
    • Stop clearning the timeline after the CastSession disconnects, which enables the sender app to resume playback locally after a disconnection.
    • Populate CastPlayer's DeviceInfo when a Context is provided. This enables linking the MediaSession to a RoutingSession , which is necessary for integrating Output Switcher ( #1056 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • DataSourceContractTest now includes tests to verify:
      • Input stream read position is updated.
      • Output buffer offset is applied correctly.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove deprecated Player.hasPrevious , Player.hasPreviousWindow() . Use Player.hasPreviousMediaItem() instead.
    • Remove deprecated Player.previous() method. Use Player.seekToPreviousMediaItem() instead.
    • Remove deprecated DrmSessionEventListener.onDrmSessionAcquired method.

Version 1.4.0

Version 1.4.1

27 августа 2024 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.4.1 is released. Version 1.4.1 contains these commits .

  • ExoPlayer:
    • Handle preload callbacks asynchronously in PreloadMediaSource ( #1568 ).
    • Allow playback regardless of buffered duration when loading fails ( #1571 ).
  • Extractors:
    • MP3: Fix Searched too many bytes error by correctly ignoring trailing non-MP3 data based on the length field in an Info frame ( #1480 ).
  • Текст:
    • TTML: Fix handling of percentage tts:fontSize values to ensure they are correctly inherited from parent nodes with percentage tts:fontSize values.
    • Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException in LegacySubtitleUtil due to incorrectly handling the case of the requested output start time being greater than or equal to the final event time in the Subtitle ( #1516 ).
  • DRM:
    • Fix android.media.MediaCodec$CryptoException: Operation not supported in this configuration: ERROR_DRM_CANNOT_HANDLE error on API 31+ devices playing L1 Widevine content. This error is caused by an incomplete implementation of the framework MediaDrm.requiresSecureDecoder method ( #1603 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Add a release() method to GlObjectsProvider .
  • Session:
    • Transform a double-tap of KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK into a 'seek to next' action, as documented ( #1493 ).
    • Handle KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK as a 'play' command in MediaButtonReceiver when deciding whether to ignore it to avoid a ForegroundServiceDidNotStartInTimeException ( #1581 ).
  • RTSP Extension:
    • Skip invalid Media Descriptions in SDP parsing ( #1087 ).

Version 1.4.0

25 июля 2024 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.4.0 is released. Version 1.4.0 contains these commits .

  • Common Library:
    • Forward presumed no-op seek calls to the protected BasePlayer.seekTo() and SimpleBasePlayer.handleSeek() methods instead of ignoring them. If you are implementing these methods in a custom player, you may need to handle these additional calls with mediaItemIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET .
    • Remove compile dependency on enhanced Java 8 desugaring ( #1312 ).
    • Ensure the duration passed to MediaItem.Builder.setImageDurationMs() is ignored for a non-image MediaItem (as documented).
    • Add Format.customData to store app-provided custom information about Format instances.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add BasePreloadManager which coordinates the preloading for multiple sources based on the priorities defined by their rankingData . Customization is possible by extending this class. Add DefaultPreloadManager which uses PreloadMediaSource to preload media samples of the sources into memory, and uses an integer rankingData that indicates the index of an item on the UI.
    • Add PlayerId to most methods of LoadControl to enable LoadControl implementations to support multiple players.
    • Remove Buffer.isDecodeOnly() and C.BUFFER_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY . There is no need to set this flag as renderers and decoders will decide to skip buffers based on timestamp. Custom Renderer implementations should check if the buffer time is at least BaseRenderer.getLastResetPositionUs() to decide whether a sample should be shown. Custom SimpleDecoder implementations can check isAtLeastOutputStartTimeUs() if needed or mark other buffers with DecoderOutputBuffer.shouldBeSkipped to skip them.
    • Allow a null value to be returned by TargetPreloadStatusControl.getTargetPreloadStatus(T) to indicate not to preload a MediaSource with the given rankingData .
    • Add remove(MediaSource) to BasePreloadManager .
    • Add reset() to BasePreloadManager to release all the holding sources while keep the preload manager instance.
    • Add ExoPlayer.setPriority() (and Builder.setPriority() ) to define the priority value used in PriorityTaskManager and for MediaCodec importance from API 35.
    • Fix issue with updating the last rebuffer time which resulted in incorrect bs (buffer starvation) key in CMCD ( #1124 ).
    • Add PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onLoadedToTheEndOfSource(PreloadMediaSource) to indicate that the source has loaded to the end. This allows the DefaultPreloadManager and the custom PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl implementations to preload the next source or take other actions.
    • Fix bug where silence skipping at the end of items can trigger a playback exception.
    • Add clear to PreloadMediaSource to discard the preloading period.
    • Add new error code PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_DECODING_RESOURCES_RECLAIMED that is used when codec resources are reclaimed for higher priority tasks.
    • Let AdsMediaSource load preroll ads before initial content media preparation completes ( #1358 ).
    • Fix bug where playback moved to STATE_ENDED when re-preparing a multi-period DASH live stream after the original period was already removed from the manifest.
    • Rename onTimelineRefreshed() to onSourcePrepared() and onPrepared() to onTracksSelected() in PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl . Also rename the IntDefs in DefaultPreloadManager.Stage accordingly.
    • Add experimental support for dynamic scheduling to better align work with CPU wake-cycles and delay waking up to when renderers can progress. You can enable this using experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() when setting up your ExoPlayer instance.
    • Add Renderer.getDurationToProgressUs() . A Renderer can implement this method to return to ExoPlayer the duration that playback must advance for the renderer to progress. If ExoPlayer is set with experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() then ExoPlayer will call this method when calculating the time to schedule its work task.
    • Add MediaCodecAdapter#OnBufferAvailableListener to alert when input and output buffers are available for use by MediaCodecRenderer . MediaCodecRenderer will signal ExoPlayer when receiving these callbacks and if ExoPlayer is set with experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() , then ExoPlayer will schedule its work loop as renderers can make progress.
    • Use data class for LoadControl methods instead of individual parameters.
    • Add ExoPlayer.isReleased() to check whether Exoplayer.release() has been called.
    • Add ExoPlayer.Builder.setMaxSeekToPreviousPositionMs() to configure the maximum position for which seekToPrevious() seeks to the previous item ( #1425 ).
    • Fix some audio focus inconsistencies, eg not reporting full or transient focus loss while the player is paused ( #1436 ).
    • Fix potential IndexOutOfBoundsException caused by extractors reporting additional tracks after the initial preparation step ( #1476 ).
    • Effects in ExoPlayer.setVideoEffect() will receive the timestamps with the renderer offset removed ( #1098 ).
    • Fix potential IllegalArgumentException when handling player error that happened while reading ahead into another playlist item ( #1483 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Add audioConversionProcess and videoConversionProcess to ExportResult indicating how the respective track in the output file was made.
    • Relax trim optimization H.264 level checks.
    • Add support for changing between SDR and HDR input media in a sequence.
    • Add support for composition-level audio effects.
    • Add support for transcoding Ultra HDR images into HDR videos.
    • Fix issue where the DefaultAudioMixer does not output the correct amount of bytes after being reset and reused.
    • Work around a decoder bug where the number of audio channels was capped at stereo when handling PCM input.
    • When selecting tracks in ExoPlayerAssetLoader , ignore audio channel count constraints as they only apply for playback.
    • Replace androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer interface with androidx.media3.muxer.Muxer and remove androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer .
    • Fix HEIC image loading from content URI schemes. ( #1373 ).
    • Adjust audio track duration in AudioGraphInput to improve AV sync.
    • Remove ExportResult.processedInputs field. If you use this field for codec details, then use DefaultDecoderFactory.listener instead. In case of a codec exception, codec details will be available in the ExportException.codecInfo .
  • Extractors:
    • MPEG-TS: Roll forward the change ensuring the last frame is rendered by passing the last access unit of a stream to the sample queue ( #7909 ). Incorporating fixes to resolve the issues that emerged in I-frame only HLS streams( #1150 ) and H.262 HLS streams ( #1126 ).
    • MP3: Prefer the data size from an Info frame over the size reported by the underlying stream (eg file size, or HTTP Content-Length header). This helps to exclude non-playable trailer data (eg album artwork) from constant bitrate seeking calculations, making seeks more accurate ( #1376 ).
    • MP3: Use the frame count and other data in an Info frame (if present) to compute an average bitrate for constant bitrate seeking, rather than extrapolating from the bitrate of the frame after the Info frame, which may be artificially small, eg PCUT frame ( #1376 ).
    • Fix PCM audio format extraction in AVI containers.
  • Аудио:
    • Fix DTS:X Profile 2 encoding attributes for passthrough playback ( #1299 ).
    • For offloaded playback, reset the tracking field for stream completion in DefaultAudioSink prior to calling AudioTrack.stop() so that AudioTrack.StreamEventCallback#onPresentationEnded correctly identifies when all pending data has been played.
    • Fix bug in SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor where transitions between different audio formats (for example stereo to mono) can cause the processor to throw an exception ( #1352 ).
    • Implement MediaCodecAudioRenderer.getDurationToProgressUs() so that ExoPlayer will dynamically schedule its main work loop to when the MediaCodecAudioRenderer can make progress.
  • Видео:
    • Fix issue where Listener.onRenderedFirstFrame() arrives too early when switching surfaces mid-playback.
    • Fix decoder fallback logic for Dolby Vision to use a compatible AV1 decoder if needed ( #1389 ).
    • Fix codec exception that may be caused by enabling a video renderer mid-playback.
  • Текст:
    • Fix issue where subtitles starting before a seek position are skipped. This issue was only introduced in Media3 1.4.0-alpha01.
    • Change default subtitle parsing behavior so it happens during extraction instead of during rendering (see ExoPlayer's architecture diagram for the difference between extraction and rendering).
      • This change can be overridden by calling both MediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction(false) and TextRenderer.experimentalSetLegacyDecodingEnabled(true) . See the docs on customization for how to plumb these components into an ExoPlayer instance. These methods (and all support for legacy subtitle decoding) will be removed in a future release.
      • Apps with custom SubtitleDecoder implementations need to update them to implement SubtitleParser instead (and SubtitleParser.Factory instead of SubtitleDecoderFactory ).
    • PGS: Fix run-length decoding to resolve 0 as a color index, instead of a literal color value ( #1367 ).
    • CEA-708: Ignore rowLock value. The CEA-708-E S-2023 spec states that rowLock and columnLock should both be assumed to be true, regardless of the values present in the stream ( columnLock support is not implemented, so it's effectively assumed to always be false).
      • This was originally included in the 1.3.0-alpha01 release notes, but the change was accidentally reverted before the 1.3.0-rc01 release. This is now fixed, so the change is present again.
    • CEA-708: Avoid duplicate newlines being added by ExoPlayer's naive handling of the 'set pen location' command ( #1315 ).
    • Fix an IllegalArgumentException from LegacySubtitleUtil when a WebVTT subtitle sample contains no cues, eg as part of a DASH stream ( #1516 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • Fix mapping of MP4 to ID3 sort tags. Previously the 'album sort' ( soal ), 'artist sort' ( soar ) and 'album artist sort' ( soaa ) MP4 tags were wrongly mapped to the TSO2 , TSOA and TSOP ID3 tags ( #1302 ).
    • Fix reading of MP4 (/iTunes) numeric gnre (genre) and tmpo (tempo) tags when the value is more than one byte long.
    • Propagate ID3 TCON frame to MediaMetadata.genre ( #1305 ).
  • Изображение:
    • Add support for non-square DASH thumbnail grids ( #1300 ).
    • Add support for AVIF for API 34+.
    • Allow null as parameter for ExoPlayer.setImageOutput() to clear a previously set ImageOutput .
  • DataSource:
    • Implement support for android.resource://package/id raw resource URIs where package is different to the package of the current application. This wasn't previously documented to work, but is a more efficient way of accessing resources in another package than by name.
    • Eagerly check url is non-null in the DataSpec constructors. This parameter was already annotated to be non-null.
    • Allow ByteArrayDataSource to resolve a URI to a byte array during open() , instead of being hard-coded at construction ( #1405 ).
  • DRM:
    • Allow setting a LoadErrorHandlingPolicy on DefaultDrmSessionManagerProvider ( #1271 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Support multiple speed changes within the same EditedMediaItem or Composition in SpeedChangeEffect .
    • Support for HLG and PQ output from ultra HDR bitmap input.
    • Add support for EGL_GL_COLORSPACE_BT2020_HLG_EXT, which improves HLG surface output in ExoPlayer.setVideoEffect and Transformer's Debug SurfaceView.
    • Update Overlay matrix implementation to make it consistent with the documentation by flipping the x and y values applied in setOverlayFrameAnchor() . If using OverlaySettings.Builder.setOverlayFrameAnchor() , flip their x and y values by multiplying them by -1 .
    • Fix bug where TimestampWrapper crashes when used with ExoPlayer#setVideoEffects ( #821 ).
    • Change default SDR color working space from linear colors to electrical BT 709 SDR video. Also provide third option to retain the original colorspace.
    • Allow defining indeterminate z-order of EditedMediaItemSequences ( #1055 ).
    • Maintain a consistent luminance range across different pieces of HDR content (uses the HLG range).
    • Add support for Ultra HDR (bitmap) overlays on HDR content.
    • Allow SeparableConvolution effects to be used before API 26.
    • Remove unused OverlaySettings.useHdr since dynamic range of overlay and frame must match.
    • Add HDR support for TextOverlay . Luminance of the text overlay can be adjusted with OverlaySettings.Builder.setHdrLuminanceMultiplier() .
  • IMA extension:
    • Promote API that is required for apps to play DAI ad streams to stable.
    • Add replaceAdTagParameters(Map <String, String>) to ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdLoader that allows replacing ad tag parameters at runtime.
    • Fix bug where VideoAdPlayer.VideoAdPlayerCallback.onError() was not called when a player error happened during ad playback ( #1334 ).
    • Bump IMA SDK version to 3.33.0 to fix a NullPointerException when using data:// ad tag URIs ( #700 ).
  • Session:
    • Change default of CommandButton.enabled to true and ensure the value can stay false for controllers even if the associated command is available.
    • Add icon constants for CommandButton that should be used instead of custom icon resources.
    • Add MediaSessionService.isPlaybackOngoing() to let apps query whether the service needs to be stopped in onTaskRemoved() ( #1219 ).
    • Add MediaSessionService.pauseAllPlayersAndStopSelf() that conveniently allows to pause playback of all sessions and call stopSelf() to terminate the lifecycle of the MediaSessionService .
    • Override MediaSessionService.onTaskRemoved(Intent) to provide a safe default implementation that keeps the service running in the foreground if playback is ongoing or stops the service otherwise.
    • Hide seekbar in the media notification for live streams by not setting the duration into the platform session metadata ( #1256 ).
    • Align conversion of MediaMetadata to MediaDescriptionCompat , to use the same preferred order and logic when selecting metadata properties as in media1.
    • Add MediaSession.sendError() that allows sending non-fatal errors to Media3 controller. When using the notification controller (see MediaSession.getMediaNotificationControllerInfo() ), the custom error is used to update the PlaybackState of the platform session to an error state with the given error information ( #543 ).
    • Add MediaSession.Callback.onPlayerInteractionFinished() to inform sessions when a series of player interactions from a specific controller finished.
    • Add SessionError and use it in SessionResult and LibraryResult instead of the error code to provide more information about the error and how to resolve the error if possible.
    • Publish the code for the media3 controller test app that can be used to test interactions with apps publishing a media session.
    • Propagate extras passed to media3's MediaSession[Builder].setSessionExtras() to a media1 controller's PlaybackStateCompat.getExtras() .
    • Map fatal and non-fatal errors to and from the platform session. A PlaybackException is mapped to a fatal error state of the PlaybackStateCompat . A SessionError sent to the media notification controller with MediaSession.sendError(ControllerInfo, SessionError) is mapped to a non-fatal error in PlaybackStateCompat which means that error code and message are set but the state of the platform session remains different to STATE_ERROR .
    • Allow the session activity to be set per controller to override the global session activity. The session activity can be defined for a controller at connection time by creating a ConnectionResult with AcceptedResultBuilder.setSessionActivivty(PendingIntent) . Once connected, the session activity can be updated with MediaSession.setSessionActivity(ControllerInfo, PendingIntent) .
    • Improve error replication of calls to MediaLibrarySession.Callback . Error replication can now be configured by using MediaLibrarySession.Builder.setLibraryErrorReplicationMode() for choosing the error type or opt-ing out of error replication which is on by default.
  • UI:
    • Add image display support to PlayerView when connected to an ExoPlayer ( #1144 ).
    • Add customization of various icons in PlayerControlView through xml attributes to allow different drawables per PlayerView instance, rather than global overrides ( #1200 ).
    • Work around a platform bug causing stretched/cropped video when using SurfaceView inside a Compose AndroidView on API 34 ( #1237 ).
  • Загрузки:
    • Ensure that DownloadHelper does not leak unreleased Renderer instances, which can eventually result in an app crashing with IllegalStateException: Too many receivers, total of 1000, registered for pid ( #1224 ).
  • Cronet Extension:
    • Fix SocketTimeoutException in CronetDataSource . In some versions of Cronet, the request provided by the callback is not always the same. This leads to callback not completing and request timing out (https://issuetracker.google.com/328442628).
  • HLS Extension:
    • Fix bug where pending EMSG samples waiting for a discontinuity were delegated in HlsSampleStreamWrapper with an incorrect offset causing an IndexOutOfBoundsException or an IllegalArgumentException ( #1002 ).
    • Fix bug where non-primary playlists keep reloading for LL-HLS streams ( #1240 ).
    • Fix bug where enabling CMCD for HLS with initialization segments resulted in Source Error and IllegalArgumentException .
    • Fix bug where non-primary playing playlists are not refreshed during live playback ( #1240 ).
    • Fix bug where enabling CMCD for HLS live streams causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ( #1395 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Fix bug where re-preparing a multi-period live stream can throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException ( #1329 ).
    • Add support for dashif:Laurl license urls ( #1345 ).
  • Cast Extension:
    • Fix bug that converted the album title of the MediaQueueItem to the artist in the Media3 media item ( #1255 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Implement onInit() and onRelease() in FakeRenderer .
    • Change TestPlayerRunHelper.runUntil()/playUntil() methods to fail on nonfatal errors (eg those reported to AnalyticsListener.onVideoCodecError() ). Use the new TestPlayerRunHelper.run(player).ignoringNonFatalErrors().untilXXX() method chain to disable this behavior.
  • Demo app:
    • Use DefaultPreloadManager in the short form demo app.
    • Allow setting repeat mode with Intent arguments from command line ( #1266 ).
    • Use HttpEngineDataSource as the HttpDataSource when supported by the device.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove CronetDataSourceFactory . Use CronetDataSource.Factory instead.
    • Remove some DataSpec constructors. Use DataSpec.Builder instead.
    • Remove setContentTypePredicate(Predicate) method from DefaultHttpDataSource , OkHttpDataSource and CronetDataSource . Use the equivalent method on each XXXDataSource.Factory instead.
    • Remove OkHttpDataSource constructors and OkHttpDataSourceFactory . Use OkHttpDataSource.Factory instead.
    • Remove PlayerMessage.setHandler(Handler) . Use setLooper(Looper) instead.
    • Remove Timeline.Window.isLive field. Use the isLive() method instead.
    • Remove DefaultHttpDataSource constructors. Use DefaultHttpDataSource.Factory instead.
    • Remove MediaCodecInfo.isSeamlessAdaptationSupported(Format, Format, boolean) . Use MediaCodecInfo.canReuseCodec(Format, Format) instead.
    • Remove DrmSessionManager.DUMMY and getDummyDrmSessionManager() method. Use DrmSessionManager.DRM_UNSUPPORTED instead.
    • Remove AnalyticsListener.onAudioInputFormatChanged(EventTime, Format) , AnalyticsListener.onVideoInputFormatChanged(EventTime, Format) , AudioRendererEventListener.onAudioInputFormatChanged(Format) , VideoRendererEventListener.onVideoInputFormatChanged(Format) . Use the overloads that take a DecoderReuseEvaluation instead.
    • Remove RendererSupport.FormatSupport IntDef and FORMAT_HANDLED , FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES , FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_DRM , FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTYPE , FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE constants. Use the equivalent IntDef and constants in androidx.media3.common.C instead (eg C.FORMAT_HANDLED ).
    • Remove Bundleable interface. This includes removing all Bundleable.Creator<Foo> CREATOR constant fields. Callers should use the Bundle toBundle() and static Foo fromBundle(Bundle) methods on each type instead.

Version 1.4.0-rc01

10 июля 2024 г.

Use the 1.4.0 stable version .

Version 1.4.0-beta01

26 июня 2024 г.

Use the 1.4.0 stable version .

Version 1.4.0-alpha02

07 июня 2024 г.

Use the 1.4.0 stable version .

Version 1.4.0-alpha01

17 апреля 2024 г.

Use the 1.4.0 stable version .

Version 1.3.0

Version 1.3.1

11 апреля 2024 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.3.1 is released. Version 1.3.1 contains these commits .

  • Common Library:
    • Add Format.labels to allow localized or other alternative labels.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix issue where PreloadMediaPeriod cannot retain the streams when it is preloaded again.
    • Apply the correct corresponding TrackSelectionResult to the playing period in track reselection.
    • Start early-enabled renderers only after advancing the playing period when transitioning between media items ( #1017 ).
    • Add missing return type to proguard -keepclasseswithmembers rule for DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.Factory.Builder.build() ( #1187 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Add workaround for exception thrown due to MediaMuxer not supporting negative presentation timestamps before API 30.
  • Track Selection:
    • DefaultTrackSelector : Prefer video tracks with a 'reasonable' frame rate (>=10fps) over those with a lower or unset frame rate. This ensures the player selects the 'real' video track in MP4s extracted from motion photos that can contain two HEVC tracks where one has a higher resolution but a very small number of frames ( #1051 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix issue where padding was not skipped when reading odd-sized chunks from WAV files ( #1117 ).
    • MP3: Populate Format.averageBitrate from metadata frames such as XING and VBRI .
    • MPEG-TS: Revert a change that aimed to ensure the last frame is rendered by passing the last access unit of a stream to the sample queue ( #7909 ). This is due to the change causing new problems with I-frame only HLS streams ( #1150 ) and H.262 HLS streams ( #1126 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Allow renderer recovery by disabling offload if audio track fails to initialize in offload mode.
  • Видео:
    • Add workaround for a device issue on Galaxy Tab S7 FE, Chromecast with Google TV, and Lenovo M10 FHD Plus that causes 60fps H265 streams to be marked as unsupported
    • Add workaround that ensures the first frame is always rendered while tunneling even if the device does not do this automatically as required by the API ( #1169 ). ( #966 ).
    • Fix issue where HDR color info handling causes codec misbehavior and prevents adaptive format switches for SDR video tracks ( #1158 ).
  • Текст:
    • WebVTT: Prevent directly consecutive cues from creating spurious additional CuesWithTiming instances from WebvttParser.parse ( #1177 ).
  • DRM:
    • Work around a NoSuchMethodError which can be thrown by the MediaDrm framework instead of ResourceBusyException or NotProvisionedException on some Android 14 devices ( #1145 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Improved PQ to SDR tone-mapping by converting color spaces.
  • Session:
    • Fix issue where the current position jumps back when the controller replaces the current item ( #951 ).
    • Fix issue where MediaMetadata with just non-null extras is not transmitted between media controllers and sessions ( #1176 ).
  • UI:
    • Fallback to include audio track language name if Locale cannot identify a display name ( #988 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Populate all Label elements from the manifest into Format.labels ( #1054 ).
  • RTSP Extension:
    • Skip empty session information values (i-tags) in SDP parsing ( #1087 ).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, MIDI, etc.):
    • Disable the MIDI extension as a local dependency by default because it requires an additional Maven repository to be configured. Users who need this module from a local dependency can re-enable it .

Version 1.3.0

6 марта 2024 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.3.0 is released. Version 1.3.0 contains these commits .

  • Common Library:
    • Implement support for android.resource://package/[type/]name raw resource URIs where package is different to the package of the current application. This has always been documented to work, but wasn't correctly implemented until now.
    • Normalize MIME types set by app code or read from media to be fully lower-case.
    • Define ads with a full MediaItem instead of a single Uri in AdPlaybackState .
    • Increase minSdk to 19 (Android KitKat). This is aligned with all other AndroidX libraries , and is required for us to upgrade to the latest versions of our AndroidX dependencies.
    • Populate both artworkUri and artworkData in MediaMetadata.Builder.populate(MediaMetadata) when at least one of them is non-null ( #964 ).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add PreloadMediaSource and PreloadMediaPeriod that allows apps to preload a content media source at a specific start position before playback. PreloadMediaSource takes care of preparing the content media source to receive the Timeline , preparing and caching the period at the given start position, selecting tracks and loading media data for the period. Apps control the preload progress by implementing PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl and set the preloaded source to the player for playback.
    • Add ExoPlayer.setImageOutput that allows apps to set ImageRenderer.ImageOutput .
    • DefaultRenderersFactory now provides an ImageRenderer to the player by default with null ImageOutput and ImageDecoder.Factory.DEFAULT .
    • Emit Player.Listener.onPositionDiscontinuity event when silence is skipped ( #765 ).
    • Add experimental support for parsing subtitles during extraction. You can enable this using MediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction() .
    • Support adaptive media sources with PreloadMediaSource .
    • Implement HttpEngineDataSource , an HttpDataSource using the HttpEngine API.
    • Prevent subclassing CompositeSequenceableLoader . This component was previously made extensible but was never subclassed within the library. Customizations can be done by wrapping an instance using the decorator pattern and implementing a custom CompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory .
    • Fix issue where repeating the same time causes metadata from this item to be cleared ( #1007 ).
    • Rename experimentalSetSubtitleParserFactory methods on BundledChunkExtractor.Factory and DefaultHlsExtractorFactory to setSubtitleParserFactory and disallow passing null . Use the new experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction(boolean) methods to control parsing behaviour.
    • Add support for customising the SubtitleParser.Factory used during extraction. This can be achieved with MediaSource.Factory.setSubtitleParserFactory() .
    • Add source prefix to all Format.id fields generated from MergingMediaSource . This helps to identify which source produced a Format ( #883 ).
    • Fix the regex used for validating custom Common Media Client Data (CMCD) key names by modifying it to only check for hyphen ( #1028 ).
    • Stop double-encoding CMCD query parameters ( #1075 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Add support for flattening H.265/HEVC SEF slow motion videos.
    • Increase transmuxing speed, especially for 'remove video' edits.
    • Add API to ensure that the output file starts on a video frame. This can make the output of trimming operations more compatible with player implementations that don't show the first video frame until its presentation timestamp ( #829 ).
    • Add support for optimizing single asset MP4 trim operations.
    • Add support to ensure a video frame has the first timestamp in the output file. Fixes output files beginning with black frame on iOS based players ( #829 ).
  • Track Selection:
    • Add DefaultTrackSelector.selectImageTrack to enable image track selection.
    • Add TrackSelectionParameters.isPrioritizeImageOverVideoEnabled to determine whether to select an image track if both an image track and a video track are available. The default value is false which means selecting a video track is prioritized.
  • Extractors:
    • Add additional AV1C parsing to MP4 extractor to retrieve ColorInfo.colorSpace , ColorInfo.colorTransfer , and ColorInfo.colorRange values ( #692 ).
    • MP3: Use constant bitrate (CBR) seeking for files with an Info header (the CBR equivalent of the Xing header). Previously we used the seek table from the Info header, but this results in less precise seeking than if we ignore it and assume the file is CBR.
    • MPEG2-TS: Add DTS, DTS-LBR and DTS:X Profile2 support ( #275 ).
    • Extract audio types from TS descriptors and map them to role flags, allowing users to make better-informed audio track selections ( #973 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Improve silence skipping algorithm with smooth volume ramp; retained minimal silence and more natural silence durations ( #7423 ).
    • Report the skipped silence more deterministically ( #1035 ).
  • Видео:
    • Change the MediaCodecVideoRenderer constructor that takes a VideoFrameProcessor.Factory argument and replace it with a constructor that takes a VideoSinkProvider argument. Apps that want to inject a custom VideoFrameProcessor.Factory can instantiate a CompositingVideoSinkProvider that uses the custom VideoFrameProcessor.Factory and pass the video sink provider to MediaCodecVideoRenderer .
  • Текст:
    • Fix serialization of bitmap cues to resolve Tried to marshall a Parcel that contained Binder objects error when using DefaultExtractorsFactory.setTextTrackTranscodingEnabled ( #836 ).
    • CEA-708: Ignore rowLock value. The CEA-708-E S-2023 spec states that rowLock and columnLock should both be assumed to be true, regardless of the values present in the stream ( columnLock support is not implemented, so it's effectively assumed to always be false).
  • Изображение:
    • Add support for DASH thumbnails. Grid images are cropped and individual thumbnails are provided to ImageOutput close to their presentation times.
  • DRM:
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix issue where DASH and HLS ads without the appropriate file extension can't be played.
  • Session:
    • Disable double-click detection for TV apps ( #962 ).
    • Fix issue where MediaItem.RequestMetadata with just non-null extras is not transmitted between media controllers and sessions.
    • Add constructor to MediaLibrarySession.Builder that only takes a Context instead of a MediaLibraryService .
  • HLS Extension:
    • Reduce HlsMediaPeriod to package-private visibility. This type shouldn't be directly depended on from outside the HLS package.
    • Resolve seeks to beginning of a segment more efficiently ( #1031 ).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, MIDI, etc.):
    • MIDI decoder: Ignore SysEx event messages ( #710 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Don't pause playback in TestPlayerRunHelper.playUntilPosition . The test keeps the playback in a playing state, but suspends progress until the test is able to add assertions and further actions.
  • Demo app:
    • Add a shortform demo module to demo the usage of PreloadMediaSource with the short-form content use case.

Version 1.3.0-rc01

February 22, 2024

Use the 1.3.0 stable version .

Version 1.3.0-beta01

February 7, 2024

Use the 1.3.0 stable version .

Version 1.3.0-alpha01

15 января 2024 г.

Use the 1.3.0 stable version .

Version 1.2.0

Version 1.2.1

9 января 2024 г.

  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix issue where manual seeks outside of the LiveConfiguration.min/maxOffset range keep adjusting the offset back to min/maxOffset .
    • Fix issue that OPUS and VORBIS channel layouts are wrong for 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 channels ( #8396 ).
    • Fix issue where track selections after seek to zero in a live stream incorrectly let the stream start at its default position ( #9347 ).
    • Fix the issue where new instances of CmcdData.Factory were receiving negative values for bufferedDurationUs from chunk sources, resulting in an IllegalArgumentException ( #888 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Work around an issue where the encoder would throw at configuration time due to setting a high operating rate.
  • Extractors:
    • Mark secondary (unplayable) HEVC tracks in JPEG motion photos as ROLE_FLAG_ALTERNATE to prevent them being automatically selected for playback because of their higher resolution.
    • Fix wrong keyframe detection for TS H264 streams ( #864 ).
    • Fix duration estimation of TS streams that are longer than 47721 seconds ( #855 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Fix handling of EOS for SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor when called multiple times ( #712 ).
  • Видео:
    • Add workaround for a device issue on Galaxy Tab S7 FE, Chromecast with Google TV, and Lenovo M10 FHD Plus that causes 60fps AVC streams to be marked as unsupported ( #693 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • Fix bug where MediaMetadata was only populated from Vorbis comments with upper-case keys ( #876 ).
    • Catch OutOfMemoryError when parsing very large ID3 frames, meaning playback can continue without the tag info instead of playback failing completely.
  • DRM:
    • Extend workaround for spurious ClearKey https://default.url license URL to API 33+ (previously the workaround only applied on API 33 exactly) ( #837 ).
    • Fix ERROR_DRM_SESSION_NOT_OPENED when switching from encrypted to clear content without a surface attached to the player. The error was due to incorrectly using a secure decoder to play the clear content.
  • Session:
    • Put the custom keys and values in MediaMetadataCompat to MediaMetadata.extras and MediaMetadata.extras to MediaMetadataCompat ( #756 , #802 ).
    • Fix broadcasting notifyChildrenChanged for legacy controllers ( #644 ).
    • Fix a bug where setting a negative time for a disabled setWhen timer of the notification caused a crash on some devices ( #903 ).
    • Fix IllegalStateException when the media notification controller hasn't completed connecting when the first notification update is requested ( #917 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix issue where forward and rewind buttons are not visible when used with Material Design in a BottomSheetDialogFragment ( #511 ).
    • Fix issue where the numbers in the fast forward button of the PlayerControlView were misaligned ( #547 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Parse "f800" as channel count of 5 for Dolby in DASH manifest ( #688 ).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, MIDI, etc.):
    • MIDI: Fix issue where seeking forward skips the Program Change events ( #704 ).
    • Migrate to FFmpeg 6.0 and update supported NDK to r26b ( #707 , #867 ).
  • Cast Extension:
    • Sanitize creation of a Timeline to not crash the app when loading media fails on the cast device ( #708 ).

Version 1.2.0

15 ноября 2023 г.

  • Common Library:
    • Add a @Nullable Throwable parameter to the methods in the Log.Logger interface. The message parameter to these methods no longer contains any information about the Throwable passed to the Log.{d,i,w,e}() methods, so implementations will need to manually append this information if desired (possibly using Logger.appendThrowableString(String, Throwable) ).
    • Fix Kotlin compatibility issue where nullable generic type parameters and nullable array element types are not detected as nullable. Examples are TrackSelectorResult and SimpleDecoder method parameters ( #6792 ).
    • Change default UI and notification behavior in Util.shouldShowPlayButton to show a "play" button while playback is temporarily suppressed (eg due to transient audio focus loss). The legacy behavior can be maintained by using PlayerView.setShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed(false) or MediaSession.Builder.setShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed(false) ( #11213 ).
    • Upgrade androidx.annotation:annotation-experimental to 1.3.1 to fix https://issuetracker.google.com/251172715.
    • Move ExoPlayer.setAudioAttributes to the Player interface.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix seeking issues in AC4 streams caused by not identifying decode-only samples correctly ( #11000 ).
    • Add suppression of playback on unsuitable audio output devices (eg the built-in speaker on Wear OS devices) when this feature is enabled via ExoPlayer.Builder.setSuppressPlaybackOnUnsuitableOutput . The playback suppression reason will be updated as Player.PLAYBACK_SUPPRESSION_REASON_UNSUITABLE_AUDIO_OUTPUT if playback is attempted when no suitable audio outputs are available, or if all suitable outputs are disconnected during playback. The suppression reason will be removed when a suitable output is connected.
    • Add MediaSource.canUpdateMediaItem and MediaSource.updateMediaItem to accept MediaItem updates after creation via Player.replaceMediaItem(s) .
    • Allow MediaItem updates for all MediaSource classes provided by the library via Player.replaceMediaItem(s) ( #33 , #9978 ).
    • Add PngExtractor that sends and reads a whole PNG file into the TrackOutput as one sample.
    • Enhance SequenceableLoader.continueLoading(long) method in the SequenceableLoader interface to SequenceableLoader.continueLoading(LoadingInfo loadingInfo) . LoadingInfo contains additional parameters, including playbackSpeed and lastRebufferRealtimeMs in addition to the existing playbackPositionUs .
    • Enhance ChunkSource.getNextChunk(long, long, List, ChunkHolder) method in the ChunkSource interface to ChunkSource.getNextChunk(LoadingInfo, long, List, ChunkHolder) .
    • Add additional fields to Common Media Client Data (CMCD) logging: buffer starvation ( bs ), deadline ( dl ), playback rate ( pr ) and startup ( su ) ( #8699 ).
    • Add luma and chroma bitdepth to ColorInfo ( #491 ).
    • Add additional fields to Common Media Client Data (CMCD) logging: next object request ( nor ) and next range request ( nrr ) ( #8699 ).
    • Add functionality to transmit Common Media Client Data (CMCD) data using query parameters ( #553 ).
    • Fix ConcurrentModificationException in ExperimentalBandwidthMeter ( #612 ).
    • Add MediaPeriodId parameter to CompositeMediaSource.getMediaTimeForChildMediaTime .
    • Support ClippingMediaSource (and other sources with period/window time offsets) in ConcatenatingMediaSource2 ( #11226 ).
    • Change BaseRenderer.onStreamChanged() to also receive a MediaPeriodId argument.
  • Transformer:
    • Parse EXIF rotation data for image inputs.
    • Remove TransformationRequest.HdrMode annotation type and its associated constants. Use Composition.HdrMode and its associated constants instead.
    • Simplify the OverlaySettings to fix rotation issues.
    • Changed frameRate and durationUs parameters of SampleConsumer.queueInputBitmap to TimestampIterator .
  • Track Selection:
    • Add DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.allowAudioNonSeamlessAdaptiveness to explicitly allow or disallow non-seamless adaptation. The default stays at its current behavior of true .
  • Extractors:
    • MPEG-TS: Ensure the last frame is rendered by passing the last access unit of a stream to the sample queue ( #7909 ).
    • Fix typo when determining rotationDegrees . Changed projectionPosePitch to projectionPoseRoll ( #461 ).
    • Remove the assumption that Extractor instances can be directly inspected with instanceof . If you want runtime access to the implementation details of an Extractor you must first call Extractor.getUnderlyingInstance .
    • Add BmpExtractor .
    • Add WebpExtractor .
    • Add HeifExtractor .
    • Add QuickTime classic support to Mp4Extractor .
  • Аудио:
    • Add support for 24/32-bit big-endian PCM in MP4 and Matroska, and parse PCM encoding for lpcm in MP4.
    • Add support for extracting Vorbis audio in MP4.
    • Add AudioSink.getFormatOffloadSupport(Format) that retrieves level of offload support the sink can provide for the format through a DefaultAudioOffloadSupportProvider . It returns the new AudioOffloadSupport that contains isFormatSupported , isGaplessSupported , and isSpeedChangeSupported .
    • Add AudioSink.setOffloadMode() through which the offload configuration on the audio sink is configured. Default is AudioSink.OFFLOAD_MODE_DISABLED .
    • Offload can be enabled through setAudioOffloadPreference in TrackSelectionParameters . If the set preference is to enable, the device supports offload for the format, and the track selection is a single audio track, then audio offload will be enabled.
    • If audioOffloadModePreference is set to AUDIO_OFFLOAD_MODE_PREFERENCE_REQUIRED , then the DefaultTrackSelector will only select an audio track and only if that track's format is supported in offload. If no audio track is supported in offload, then no track will be selected.
    • Disabling gapless support for offload when pre-API level 33 due to playback position issue after track transition.
    • Remove parameter enableOffload from DefaultRenderersFactory.buildAudioSink method signature.
    • Remove method DefaultAudioSink.Builder.setOffloadMode .
    • Remove intdef value DefaultAudioSink.OffloadMode.OFFLOAD_MODE_ENABLED_GAPLESS_DISABLED .
    • Add support for Opus gapless metadata during offload playback.
    • Allow renderer recovery by disabling offload if failed at first write ( #627 ).
    • Enable Offload Scheduling by default for audio-only offloaded playback.
    • Delete ExoPlayer.experimentalSetOffloadSchedulingEnabled and AudioOffloadListener.onExperimentalOffloadSchedulingEnabledChanged .
    • Renamed onExperimentalSleepingForOffloadChanged as onSleepingForOffloadChanged and onExperimentalOffloadedPlayback as onOffloadedPlayback .
    • Move audio offload mode related TrackSelectionParameters interfaces and definitions to an inner AudioOffloadPreferences class.
    • Add onAudioTrackInitialized and onAudioTrackReleased callbacks to AnalyticsListener , AudioRendererEventListener and AudioSink.Listener .
    • Fix DTS Express audio buffer underflow issue ( #650 ).
    • Fix bug where the capabilities check for E-AC3-JOC throws an IllegalArgumentException ( #677 ).
  • Видео:
    • Allow MediaCodecVideoRenderer to use a custom VideoFrameProcessor.Factory .
    • Fix bug where the first frame couldn't be rendered if the audio stream starts with negative timestamps ( #291 ).
  • Текст:
    • Remove ExoplayerCuesDecoder . Text tracks with sampleMimeType = application/x-media3-cues are now directly handled by TextRenderer without needing a SubtitleDecoder instance.
  • Метаданные:
    • MetadataDecoder.decode will no longer be called for "decode-only" samples as the implementation must return null anyway.
  • Эффект:
    • Add VideoFrameProcessor.queueInputBitmap(Bitmap, Iterator<Long>) queuing bitmap input by timestamp.
    • Change VideoFrameProcessor.registerInputStream() to be non-blocking. Apps must implement VideoFrameProcessor.Listener#onInputStreamRegistered() .
    • Changed frameRate and durationUs parameters of VideoFrameProcessor.queueInputBitmap to TimestampIterator .
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix bug where a multi-period DASH live stream that is not the first item in a playlist can throw an exception ( #571 ).
    • Release StreamManager before calling AdsLoader.destroy()
    • Bump IMA SDK version to 3.31.0.
  • Session:
    • Set the notifications foreground service behavior to FOREGROUND_SERVICE_IMMEDIATE in DefaultMediaNotificationProvider ( #167 ).
    • Use only android.media.session.MediaSession.setMediaButtonBroadcastReceiver() above API 31 to avoid problems with deprecated API on Samsung devices ( #167 ).
    • Use the media notification controller as proxy to set available commands and custom layout used to populate the notification and the platform session.
    • Convert media button events that are received by MediaSessionService.onStartCommand() within Media3 instead of routing them to the platform session and back to Media3. With this, the caller controller is always the media notification controller and apps can easily recognize calls coming from the notification in the same way on all supported API levels.
    • Fix bug where MediaController.getCurrentPosition() is not advancing when connected to a legacy MediaSessionCompat .
    • Add MediaLibrarySession.getSubscribedControllers(mediaId) for convenience.
    • Override MediaLibrarySession.Callback.onSubscribe() to assert the availability of the parent ID for which the controller subscribes. If successful, the subscription is accepted and notifyChildrenChanged() is called immediately to inform the browser ( #561 ).
    • Add session demo module for Automotive OS and enable session demo for Android Auto.
    • Do not set the queue of the framework session when COMMAND_GET_TIMELINE is not available for the media notification controller. With Android Auto as the client controller reading from the framework session, this has the effect that the queue button in the UI of Android Auto is not displayed ( #339 ).
    • Use DataSourceBitmapLoader by default instead of SimpleBitmapLoader ( #271 , #327 ).
    • Add MediaSession.Callback.onMediaButtonEvent(Intent) that allows apps to override the default media button event handling.
  • UI:
    • Add a Player.Listener implementation for Wear OS devices that handles playback suppression due to Player.PLAYBACK_SUPPRESSION_REASON_UNSUITABLE_AUDIO_OUTPUT by launching a system dialog to allow a user to connect a suitable audio output (eg bluetooth headphones). The listener will auto-resume playback if a suitable device is connected within a configurable timeout (default is 5 minutes).
  • Загрузки:
    • Declare "data sync" foreground service type for DownloadService for Android 14 compatibility. When using this service, the app also needs to add dataSync as foregroundServiceType in the manifest and add the FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC permission ( #11239 ).
  • HLS Extension:
    • Refresh the HLS live playlist with an interval calculated from the last load start time rather than the last load completed time ( #663 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Allow multiple of the same DASH identifier in segment template URL.
    • Add experimental support for parsing subtitles during extraction. This has better support for merging overlapping subtitles, including resolving flickering when transitioning between subtitle segments. You can enable this using DashMediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction() ( #288 ).
  • RTSP Extension:
    • Fix a race condition that could lead to IndexOutOfBoundsException when falling back to TCP, or playback hanging in some situations.
    • Check state in RTSP setup when returning loading state of RtspMediaPeriod ( #577 ).
    • Ignore custom Rtsp request methods in Options response public header ( #613 ).
    • Use RTSP Setup Response timeout value in time interval of sending keep-alive RTSP Options requests ( #662 ).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, MIDI, etc.):
    • Release the MIDI decoder module, which provides support for playback of standard MIDI files using the Jsyn library to synthesize audio.
    • Add DecoderOutputBuffer.shouldBeSkipped to directly mark output buffers that don't need to be presented. This is preferred over C.BUFFER_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY that will be deprecated.
    • Add Decoder.setOutputStartTimeUs and SimpleDecoder.isAtLeastOutputStartTimeUs to allow decoders to drop decode-only samples before the start time. This should be preferred to Buffer.isDecodeOnly that will be deprecated.
    • Fix bug publishing MIDI decoder artifact to Maven repository. The artifact is renamed to media3-exoplayer-midi ( #734 ).
  • Leanback extension:
    • Fix bug where disabling a surface can cause an ArithmeticException in Leanback code ( #617 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Make TestExoPlayerBuilder and FakeClock compatible with Espresso UI tests and Compose UI tests. This fixes a bug where playback advances non-deterministically during Espresso or Compose view interactions.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove TransformationRequest.Builder.setEnableRequestSdrToneMapping(boolean) and TransformationRequest.Builder.experimental_setEnableHdrEditing(boolean) . Use Composition.Builder.setHdrMode(int) and pass the Composition to Transformer.start(Composition, String) instead.
    • Remove deprecated DownloadNotificationHelper.buildProgressNotification method, use a non deprecated method that takes a notMetRequirements parameter instead.

Version 1.2.0-rc01

1 ноября 2023 г.

Use the 1.2.0 stable version .

Version 1.2.0-beta01

19 октября 2023 г.

Use the 1.2.0 stable version .

Version 1.2.0-alpha02

29 сентября 2023 г.

Use the 1.2.0 stable version .

Version 1.2.0-alpha01

17 августа 2023 г.

Use the 1.2.0 stable version .

Version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.1

16 августа 2023 г.

  • Common Library:
    • Remove accidentally added multidex dependency from all modules ( #499 ).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix issue in PlaybackStatsListener where spurious PlaybackStats are created after the playlist is cleared.
    • Add additional fields to Common Media Client Data (CMCD) logging: streaming format (sf), stream type (st), version (v), top birate (tb), object duration (d), measured throughput (mtp) and object type (ot) ( #8699 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Fix a bug where Player.getState() never transitioned to STATE_ENDED when playing very short files ( #538 ).
  • Audio Offload:
    • Prepend Ogg ID Header and Comment Header Pages to bitstream for offloaded Opus playback in accordance with RFC 7845.
  • Видео:
    • H.265/HEVC: Fix parsing SPS short and long term reference picture info.
  • Текст:
    • CEA-608: Change cue truncation logic to only consider visible text. Previously indent and tab offset were included when limiting the cue length to 32 characters (which was technically correct by the spec) ( #11019 ).
  • IMA extension:
    • Bump IMA SDK version to 3.30.3.
  • Session:
    • Add custom layout to the state of the controller and provide a getter to access it. When the custom layout changes, MediaController.Listener.onCustomLayoutChanged is called. Apps that want to send different custom layouts to different Media3 controller can do this in MediaSession.Callback.onConnect by using an AcceptedResultBuilder to make sure the custom layout is available to the controller when connection completes.
    • Fix cases where MediaLibraryServiceLegacyStub sent an error to a Result that didn't support this which produced an UnsupportedOperationException ( #78 ).
    • Fix the way PlayerWrapper creates a VolumeProviderCompat by determining volumeControlType through both legacy commands ( COMMAND_ADJUST_DEVICE_VOLUME and COMMAND_SET_DEVICE_VOLUME ) and new commands ( COMMAND_ADJUST_DEVICE_VOLUME_WITH_FLAGS and COMMAND_SET_DEVICE_VOLUME_WITH_FLAGS ) ( #554 ).

Version 1.1.0

5 июля 2023 г.

  • Common Library:
    • Add suppression reason for unsuitable audio route and play when ready change reason for suppressed too long. ( #15 ).
    • Add commands to Player:
    • Add overloaded methods to Player which allow users to specify volume flags:
      • void setDeviceVolume(int, int)
      • void increaseDeviceVolume(int)
      • void decreaseDeviceVolume(int)
      • void setDeviceMuted(boolean, int)
    • Add Builder for DeviceInfo and deprecate existing constructor.
    • Add DeviceInfo.routingControllerId to specify the routing controller ID for remote playbacks.
    • Add Player.replaceMediaItem(s) as a shortcut to adding and removing items at the same position ( #8046 ).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Allow ExoPlayer to have control of device volume methods only if explicitly opted in. Use ExoPlayer.Builder.setDeviceVolumeControlEnabled to have access to:
      • getDeviceVolume()
      • isDeviceMuted()
      • setDeviceVolume(int) and setDeviceVolume(int, int)
      • increaseDeviceVolume(int) and increaseDeviceVolume(int, int)
      • decreaseDeviceVolume(int) and decreaseDeviceVolume(int, int)
    • Add FilteringMediaSource that allows to filter available track types from a MediaSource .
    • Add support for including Common Media Client Data (CMCD) in the outgoing requests of adaptive streaming formats DASH, HLS, and SmoothStreaming. The following fields, br , bl , cid , rtp , and sid , have been incorporated ( #8699 ). API structure and API methods:
      • CMCD logging is disabled by default, use MediaSource.Factory.setCmcdConfigurationFactory(CmcdConfiguration.Factory cmcdConfigurationFactory) to enable it.
      • All keys are enabled by default, override CmcdConfiguration.RequestConfig.isKeyAllowed(String key) to filter out which keys are logged.
      • Override CmcdConfiguration.RequestConfig.getCustomData() to enable custom key logging.
    • Add additional action to manifest of main demo to make it easier to start the demo app with a custom *.exolist.json file ( #439 ).
    • Add ExoPlayer.setVideoEffects() for using Effect during video playback.
    • Update SampleQueue to store sourceId as a long rather than an int . This changes the signatures of public methods SampleQueue.sourceId and SampleQueue.peekSourceId .
    • Add parameters to LoadControl methods shouldStartPlayback and onTracksSelected that allow associating these methods with the relevant MediaPeriod .
    • Change signature of ServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.setAdPlaybackStates(Map<Object, AdPlaybackState>) by adding a timeline parameter that contains the periods with the UIDs used as keys in the map. This is required to avoid concurrency issues with multi-period live streams.
    • Deprecate EventDispatcher.withParameters(int windowIndex, @Nullable MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId, long mediaTimeOffsetMs) and BaseMediaSource.createEventDispatcher(..., long mediaTimeOffsetMs) . The variant of the methods without the mediaTimeOffsetUs can be called instead. Note that even for the deprecated variants, the offset is not anymore added to startTimeUs and endTimeUs of the MediaLoadData objects that are dispatched by the dispatcher.
    • Rename ExoTrackSelection.blacklist to excludeTrack and isBlacklisted to isTrackExcluded .
    • Fix inconsistent behavior between ExoPlayer.setMediaItem(s) and addMediaItem(s) when called on an empty playlist.
  • Transformer:
    • Remove Transformer.Builder.setMediaSourceFactory(MediaSource.Factory) . Use ExoPlayerAssetLoader.Factory(MediaSource.Factory) and Transformer.Builder.setAssetLoaderFactory(AssetLoader.Factory) instead.
    • Remove Transformer.startTransformation(MediaItem, ParcelFileDescriptor) .
    • Fix a bug where transformation could get stuck (leading to muxer timeout) if the end of the video stream was signaled at the moment when an input frame was pending processing.
    • Query codecs via MediaCodecList instead of using findDecoder/EncoderForFormat utilities, to expand support.
    • Remove B-frame configuration in DefaultEncoderFactory because it doesn't work on some devices.
  • Track selection:
    • Add DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.allowInvalidateSelectionsForRendererCapabilitiesChange which is disabled by default. When enabled, the DefaultTrackSelector will trigger a new track selection when the renderer capabilities changed.
  • Extractors:
    • Ogg: Fix bug when seeking in files with a long duration ( #391 ).
    • FMP4: Fix issue where TimestampAdjuster initializes a wrong timestamp offset with metadata sample time from emsg atom ( #356 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Fix bug where some playbacks fail when tunneling is enabled and AudioProcessors are active, eg for gapless trimming ( #10847 ).
    • Encapsulate Opus frames in Ogg packets in direct playbacks (offload).
    • Extrapolate current position during sleep with offload scheduling.
    • Add Renderer.release() and AudioSink.release() for releasing the resources at the end of player's lifecycle.
    • Listen to audio capabilities changes in DefaultAudioSink . Add a required parameter context in the constructor of DefaultAudioSink , with which the DefaultAudioSink will register as the listener to the AudioCapabilitiesReceiver and update its audioCapabilities property when informed with a capabilities change.
    • Propagate audio capabilities changes via a new event onAudioCapabilitiesChanged in AudioSink.Listener interface, and a new interface RendererCapabilities.Listener which triggers onRendererCapabilitiesChanged events.
    • Add ChannelMixingAudioProcessor for applying scaling/mixing to audio channels.
    • Add new int value DISCARD_REASON_AUDIO_BYPASS_POSSIBLE to DecoderDiscardReasons to discard audio decoder when bypass mode is possible after audio capabilities change.
    • Add direct playback support for DTS Express and DTS:X ( #335 ).
  • Видео:
    • Make MediaCodecVideoRenderer report a VideoSize with a width and height of 0 when the renderer is disabled. Player.Listener.onVideoSizeChanged is called accordingly when Player.getVideoSize() changes. With this change, ExoPlayer's video size with MediaCodecVideoRenderer has a width and height of 0 when Player.getCurrentTracks does not support video, or the size of the supported video track is not yet determined.
  • DRM:
    • Reduce the visibility of several internal-only methods on DefaultDrmSession that aren't expected to be called from outside the DRM package:
      • void onMediaDrmEvent(int)
      • void provision()
      • void onProvisionCompleted()
      • onProvisionError(Exception, boolean)
  • Muxer:
    • Add a new muxer library which can be used to create an MP4 container file.
  • IMA extension:
    • Enable multi-period live DASH streams for DAI. Please note that the current implementation does not yet support seeking in live streams ( #10912 ).
    • Fix a bug where a new ad group is inserted in live streams because the calculated content position in consecutive timelines varies slightly.
  • Session:
    • Add helper method MediaSession.getControllerForCurrentRequest to obtain information about the controller that is currently calling a Player method.
    • Add androidx.media3.session.MediaButtonReceiver to enable apps to implement playback resumption with media button events sent by, for example, a Bluetooth headset ( #167 ).
    • Add default implementation to MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems to allow requested MediaItems to be passed onto Player if they have LocalConfiguration (eg URI) ( #282 ).
    • Add "seek to previous" and "seek to next" command buttons on compact media notification view by default for Android 12 and below ( #410 ).
    • Add default implementation to MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems to allow requested MediaItems to be passed onto Player if they have LocalConfiguration (eg URI) ( #282 ).
    • Add "seek to previous" and "seek to next" command buttons on compact media notification view by default for Android 12 and below ( #410 ).
  • UI:
    • Add Util methods shouldShowPlayButton and handlePlayPauseButtonAction to write custom UI elements with a play/pause button.
  • RTSP Extension:
    • For MPEG4-LATM, use default profile-level-id value if absent in Describe Response SDP message ( #302 ).
    • Use base Uri for relative path resolution from the RTSP session if present in DESCRIBE response header ( #11160 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Remove the media time offset from MediaLoadData.startTimeMs and MediaLoadData.endTimeMs for multi period DASH streams.
    • Fix a bug where re-preparing a multi-period live Dash media source produced a IndexOutOfBoundsException ( #10838 ).
  • HLS Extension:
    • Add HlsMediaSource.Factory.setTimestampAdjusterInitializationTimeoutMs(long) to set a timeout for the loading thread to wait for the TimestampAdjuster to initialize. If the initialization doesn't complete before the timeout, a PlaybackException is thrown to avoid the playback endless stalling. The timeout is set to zero by default ( #323 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Check for URI scheme case insensitivity in DataSourceContractTest .
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove DefaultAudioSink constructors, use DefaultAudioSink.Builder instead.
    • Remove HlsMasterPlaylist , use HlsMultivariantPlaylist instead.
    • Remove Player.stop(boolean) . Use Player.stop() and Player.clearMediaItems() (if reset is true ) instead.
    • Remove two deprecated SimpleCache constructors, use a non-deprecated constructor that takes a DatabaseProvider instead for better performance.
    • Remove DefaultBandwidthMeter constructor, use DefaultBandwidthMeter.Builder instead.
    • Remove DefaultDrmSessionManager constructors, use DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder instead.
    • Remove two deprecated HttpDataSource.InvalidResponseCodeException constructors, use a non-deprecated constructor that accepts additional fields( cause , responseBody ) to enhance error logging.
    • Remove DownloadHelper.forProgressive , DownloadHelper.forHls , DownloadHelper.forDash , and DownloadHelper.forSmoothStreaming , use DownloadHelper.forMediaItem instead.
    • Remove deprecated DownloadService constructor, use a non deprecated constructor that includes the option to provide a channelDescriptionResourceId parameter.
    • Remove deprecated String constants for Charsets ( ASCII_NAME , UTF8_NAME , ISO88591_NAME , UTF16_NAME and UTF16LE_NAME ), use Kotlin Charsets from the kotlin.text package, the java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets or the com.google.common.base.Charsets instead.
    • Remove deprecated WorkManagerScheduler constructor, use a non deprecated constructor that includes the option to provide a Context parameter instead.
    • Remove the deprecated methods createVideoSampleFormat , createAudioSampleFormat , createContainerFormat , and createSampleFormat , which were used to instantiate the Format class. Instead use Format.Builder for creating instances of Format .
    • Remove the deprecated methods copyWithMaxInputSize , copyWithSubsampleOffsetUs , copyWithLabel , copyWithManifestFormatInfo , copyWithGaplessInfo , copyWithFrameRate , copyWithDrmInitData , copyWithMetadata , copyWithBitrate and copyWithVideoSize , use Format.buildUpon() and setter methods instead.
    • Remove deprecated ExoPlayer.retry() , use prepare() instead.
    • Remove deprecated zero-arg DefaultTrackSelector constructor, use DefaultTrackSelector(Context) instead.
    • Remove deprecated OfflineLicenseHelper constructor, use OfflineLicenseHelper(DefaultDrmSessionManager, DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher) instead.
    • Remove deprecated DownloadManager constructor, use the constructor that takes an Executor instead.
    • Remove deprecated Cue constructors, use Cue.Builder instead.
    • Remove deprecated OfflineLicenseHelper constructor, use OfflineLicenseHelper(DefaultDrmSessionManager, DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher) instead.
    • Remove four deprecated AnalyticsListener methods:
      • onDecoderEnabled , use onAudioEnabled and/or onVideoEnabled instead.
      • onDecoderInitialized , use onAudioDecoderInitialized and/or onVideoDecoderInitialized instead.
      • onDecoderInputFormatChanged , use onAudioInputFormatChanged and/or onVideoInputFormatChanged instead.
      • onDecoderDisabled , use onAudioDisabled and/or onVideoDisabled instead.
    • Remove the deprecated Player.Listener.onSeekProcessed and AnalyticsListener.onSeekProcessed , use onPositionDiscontinuity with DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK instead.
    • Remove ExoPlayer.setHandleWakeLock(boolean) , use setWakeMode(int) instead.
    • Remove deprecated DefaultLoadControl.Builder.createDefaultLoadControl() , use build() instead.
    • Remove deprecated MediaItem.PlaybackProperties , use MediaItem.LocalConfiguration instead. Deprecated field MediaItem.playbackProperties is now of type MediaItem.LocalConfiguration .

Version 1.1.0-rc01

21 июня 2023 г.

Use the 1.1.0 stable version .

Version 1.1.0-beta01

7 июня 2023 г.

Use the 1.1.0 stable version .

Version 1.1.0-alpha01

May 10, 2023

Use the 1.1.0 stable version .

Version 1.0.0

Версия 1.0.2

18 мая 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.2 is released. Version 1.0.2 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.7 release .

This release contains the following changes since the 1.0.1 release :

  • Core library:
    • Add Buffer.isLastSample() that denotes if Buffer contains flag C.BUFFER_FLAG_LAST_SAMPLE .
    • Fix issue where last frame may not be rendered if the last sample with frames is dequeued without reading the 'end of stream' sample. ( #11079 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix parsing of H.265 SPS in MPEG-TS files by re-using the parsing logic already used by RTSP and MP4 extractors ( #303 ).
  • Текст:
    • SSA: Add support for UTF-16 files if they start with a byte order mark ( #319 ).
  • Session:
    • Fix issue where MediaController doesn't update its available commands when connected to a legacy MediaSessionCompat that updates its actions.
    • Fix bug that prevented the MediaLibraryService from returning null for a call from System UI to Callback.onGetLibraryRoot with params.isRecent == true on API 30 ( #355 ).
    • Fix memory leak of MediaSessionService or MediaLibraryService ( #346 ).
    • Fix bug where a combined Timeline and position update in a MediaSession may cause a MediaController to throw an IllegalStateException .

Версия 1.0.1

18 апреля 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.1 is released. Version 1.0.1 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.6 release .

  • Core library:
    • Reset target live stream override when seeking to default position ( #11051 ).
    • Fix bug where empty sample streams in the media could cause playback to be stuck.
  • Session:
    • Fix bug where multiple identical queue items published by a legacy MediaSessionCompat result in an exception in MediaController ( #290 ).
    • Add missing forwarding of MediaSession.broadcastCustomCommand to the legacy MediaControllerCompat.Callback.onSessionEvent ( #293 ).
    • Fix bug where calling MediaSession.setPlayer doesn't update the available commands.
    • Fix issue that TrackSelectionOverride instances sent from a MediaController are ignored if they reference a group with Format.metadata ( #296 ).
    • Fix issue where Player.COMMAND_GET_CURRENT_MEDIA_ITEM needs to be available to access metadata via the legacy MediaSessionCompat .
    • Fix issue where MediaSession instances on a background thread cause crashes when used in MediaSessionService ( #318 ).
    • Fix issue where a media button receiver was declared by the library without the app having intended this ( #314 ).
    • Fix handling of empty segment timelines ( #11014 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Retry with TCP if RTSP Setup with UDP fails with RTSP Error 461 UnsupportedTransport ( #11069 ).

Version 1.0.0

22 марта 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0 is released. Version 1.0.0 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.5 release .

There are no changes since 1.0.0-rc02.

Version 1.0.0-rc02

2 марта 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-rc02 is released. Version 1.0.0-rc02 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.4 release .

  • Core library:
    • Fix network type detection on API 33 ( #10970 ).
    • Fix NullPointerException when calling ExoPlayer.isTunnelingEnabled ( #10977 ).
  • Загрузки:
    • Make the maximum difference of the start time of two segments to be merged configurable in SegmentDownloader and subclasses ( #248 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Fix broken gapless MP3 playback on Samsung devices ( #8594 ).
    • Fix bug where playback speeds set immediately after disabling audio may be overridden by a previous speed change ( #10882 ).
  • Видео:
    • Map HEVC HDR10 format to HEVCProfileMain10HDR10 instead of HEVCProfileMain10 .
    • Add workaround for a device issue on Chromecast with Google TV and Lenovo M10 FHD Plus that causes 60fps AVC streams to be marked as unsupported ( #10898 ).
    • Fix frame release performance issues when playing media with a frame rate far higher than the screen refresh rate.
  • Бросать:
    • Fix transient STATE_IDLE when transitioning between media items ( #245 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Catch the IllegalArgumentException thrown in parsing of invalid RTSP Describe response messages ( #10971 ).
  • Session:
    • Fix a bug where notification play/pause button doesn't update with player state ( #192 ).
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix a bug which prevented DAI streams without any ads from starting because the first (and in the case without ads the only) LOADED event wasn't received.

Version 1.0.0-rc01

February 16, 2023

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-rc01 is released. Version 1.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.3 release .

  • Core library:
    • Tweak the renderer's decoder ordering logic to uphold the MediaCodecSelector 's preferences, even if a decoder reports it may not be able to play the media performantly. For example with default selector, hardware decoder with only functional support will be preferred over software decoder that fully supports the format ( #10604 ).
    • Add ExoPlayer.Builder.setPlaybackLooper that sets a pre-existing playback thread for a new ExoPlayer instance.
    • Allow download manager helpers to be cleared ( #10776 ).
    • Add parameter to BasePlayer.seekTo to also indicate the command used for seeking.
    • Use theme when loading drawables on API 21+ ( #220 ).
    • Add ConcatenatingMediaSource2 that allows combining multiple media items into a single window ( #247 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Throw a ParserException instead of a NullPointerException if the sample table (stbl) is missing a required sample description (stsd) when parsing trak atoms.
    • Correctly skip samples when seeking directly to a sync frame in fMP4 ( #10941 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Use the compressed audio format bitrate to calculate the min buffer size for AudioTrack in direct playbacks (passthrough).
  • Текст:
    • Fix TextRenderer passing an invalid (negative) index to Subtitle.getEventTime if a subtitle file contains no cues.
    • SubRip: Add support for UTF-16 files if they start with a byte order mark.
  • Метаданные:
    • Parse multiple null-separated values from ID3 frames, as permitted by ID3 v2.4.
    • Add MediaMetadata.mediaType to denote the type of content or the type of folder described by the metadata.
    • Add MediaMetadata.isBrowsable as a replacement for MediaMetadata.folderType . The folder type will be deprecated in the next release.
    • Add full parsing for image adaptation sets, including tile counts ( #3752 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix the deprecated PlayerView.setControllerVisibilityListener(PlayerControlView.VisibilityListener) to ensure visibility changes are passed to the registered listener ( #229 ).
    • Fix the ordering of the center player controls in PlayerView when using a right-to-left (RTL) layout ( #227 ).
  • Session:
    • Add abstract SimpleBasePlayer to help implement the Player interface for custom players.
    • Add helper method to convert platform session token to Media3 SessionToken ( #171 ).
    • Use onMediaMetadataChanged to trigger updates of the platform media session ( #219 ).
    • Add the media session as an argument of getMediaButtons() of the DefaultMediaNotificationProvider and use immutable lists for clarity ( #216 ).
    • Add onSetMediaItems callback listener to provide means to modify/set MediaItem list, starting index and position by session before setting onto Player ( #156 ).
    • Avoid double tap detection for non-Bluetooth media button events ( #233 ).
    • Make QueueTimeline more robust in case of a shady legacy session state ( #241 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • Parse multiple null-separated values from ID3 frames, as permitted by ID3 v2.4.
    • Add MediaMetadata.mediaType to denote the type of content or the type of folder described by the metadata.
    • Add MediaMetadata.isBrowsable as a replacement for MediaMetadata.folderType . The folder type will be deprecated in the next release.
  • Cast extension:
    • Bump Cast SDK version to 21.2.0.
  • IMA extension:
    • Remove player listener of the ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource on the application thread to avoid threading issues.
    • Add a property focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable to the ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdsLoader.Builder to request focusing the skip button on TV devices and set it to true by default.
    • Add a method focusSkipButton() to the ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdsLoader to programmatically request to focus the skip button.
    • Bump IMA SDK version to 3.29.0.
  • Demo app:
    • Request notification permission for download notifications at runtime ( #10884 ).

Version 1.0.0-beta03

22 ноября 2022 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-beta03 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.2 release .

  • Core library:
    • Add ExoPlayer.isTunnelingEnabled to check if tunneling is enabled for the currently selected tracks ( #2518 ).
    • Add WrappingMediaSource to simplify wrapping a single MediaSource ( #7279 ).
    • Discard back buffer before playback gets stuck due to insufficient available memory.
    • Close the Tracing "doSomeWork" block when offload is enabled.
    • Fix session tracking problem with fast seeks in PlaybackStatsListener ( #180 ).
    • Send missing onMediaItemTransition callback when calling seekToNext or seekToPrevious in a single-item playlist ( #10667 ).
    • Add Player.getSurfaceSize that returns the size of the surface on which the video is rendered.
    • Fix bug where removing listeners during the player release can cause an IllegalStateException ( #10758 ).
  • Строить:
    • Enforce minimum compileSdkVersion to avoid compilation errors ( #10684 ).
    • Avoid publishing block when included in another gradle build.
  • Track selection:
    • Prefer other tracks to Dolby Vision if display does not support it. ( #8944 ).
  • Загрузки:
    • Fix potential infinite loop in ProgressiveDownloader caused by simultaneous download and playback with the same PriorityTaskManager ( #10570 ).
    • Make download notification appear immediately ( #183 ).
    • Limit parallel download removals to 1 to avoid excessive thread creation ( #10458 ).
  • Видео:
    • Try alternative decoder for Dolby Vision if display does not support it. ( #9794 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Use SingleThreadExecutor for releasing AudioTrack instances to avoid OutOfMemory errors when releasing multiple players at the same time ( #10057 ).
    • Adds AudioOffloadListener.onExperimentalOffloadedPlayback for the AudioTrack offload state. ( #134 ).
    • Make AudioTrackBufferSizeProvider a public interface.
    • Add ExoPlayer.setPreferredAudioDevice to set the preferred audio output device ( #135 ).
    • Rename androidx.media3.exoplayer.audio.AudioProcessor to androidx.media3.common.audio.AudioProcessor .
    • Map 8-channel and 12-channel audio to the 7.1 and 7.1.4 channel masks respectively on all Android versions ( #10701 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • MetadataRenderer can now be configured to render metadata as soon as they are available. Create an instance with MetadataRenderer(MetadataOutput, Looper, MetadataDecoderFactory, boolean) to specify whether the renderer will output metadata early or in sync with the player position.
  • DRM:
    • Work around a bug in the Android 13 ClearKey implementation that returns a non-empty but invalid license URL.
    • Fix setMediaDrmSession failed: session not opened error when switching between DRM schemes in a playlist (eg Widevine to ClearKey).
  • Текст:
    • CEA-608: Ensure service switch commands on field 2 are handled correctly ( #10666 ).
    • Parse EventStream.presentationTimeOffset from manifests ( #10460 ).
  • UI:
    • Use current overrides of the player as preset in TrackSelectionDialogBuilder ( #10429 ).
  • Session:
    • Ensure commands are always executed in the correct order even if some require asynchronous resolution ( #85 ).
    • Add DefaultMediaNotificationProvider.Builder to build DefaultMediaNotificationProvider instances. The builder can configure the notification ID, the notification channel ID and the notification channel name used by the provider. Also, add method DefaultMediaNotificationProvider.setSmallIcon(int) to set the notifications small icon. ( #104 ).
    • Ensure commands sent before MediaController.release() are not dropped ( #99 ).
    • SimpleBitmapLoader can load bitmap from file:// URIs ( #108 ).
    • Fix assertion that prevents MediaController to seek over an ad in a period ( #122 ).
    • When playback ends, the MediaSessionService is stopped from the foreground and a notification is shown to restart playback of the last played media item ( #112 ).
    • Don't start a foreground service with a pending intent for pause ( #167 ).
    • Manually hide the 'badge' associated with the notification created by DefaultNotificationProvider on API 26 and API 27 (the badge is automatically hidden on API 28+) ( #131 ).
    • Fix bug where a second binder connection from a legacy MediaSession to a Media3 MediaController causes IllegalStateExceptions ( #49 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Add H263 fragmented packet handling ( #119 ).
    • Add support for MP4A-LATM ( #162 ).
  • IMA:
    • Add timeout for loading ad information to handle cases where the IMA SDK gets stuck loading an ad ( #10510 ).
    • Prevent skipping mid-roll ads when seeking to the end of the content ( #10685 ).
    • Correctly calculate window duration for live streams with server-side inserted ads, for example IMA DAI ( #10764 ).
  • FFmpeg extension:
    • Add newly required flags to link FFmpeg libraries with NDK 23.1.7779620 and above ( #9933 ).
  • AV1 extension:
    • Update CMake version to avoid incompatibilities with the latest Android Studio releases ( #9933 ).
  • Cast extension:
    • Implement getDeviceInfo() to be able to identify CastPlayer when controlling playback with a MediaController ( #142 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Add muxer watchdog timer to detect when generating an output sample is too slow.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove Transformer.Builder.setOutputMimeType(String) . This feature has been removed. The MIME type will always be MP4 when the default muxer is used.

Version 1.0.0-beta02

July 21, 2022

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-beta02 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta02 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.1 release .

  • Core library:
    • Ensure that changing the ShuffleOrder with ExoPlayer.setShuffleOrder results in a call to Player.Listener#onTimelineChanged with reason=Player.TIMELINE_CHANGE_REASON_PLAYLIST_CHANGED ( #9889 ).
    • For progressive media, only include selected tracks in buffered position ( #10361 ).
    • Allow custom logger for all ExoPlayer log output ( #9752 ).
    • Fix implementation of setDataSourceFactory in DefaultMediaSourceFactory , which was non-functional in some cases ( #116 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix parsing of H265 short term reference picture sets ( #10316 ).
    • Fix parsing of bitrates from esds boxes ( #10381 ).
    • Parse ClearKey license URL from manifests ( #10246 ).
  • UI:
    • Ensure TalkBack announces the currently active speed option in the playback controls menu ( #10298 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Add VP8 fragmented packet handling ( #110 ).
  • Leanback extension:
    • Listen to playWhenReady changes in LeanbackAdapter ( 10420 ).
  • Бросать:
    • Use the MediaItem that has been passed to the playlist methods as Window.mediaItem in CastTimeline ( #25 , #8212 ).
    • Support Player.getMetadata() and Listener.onMediaMetadataChanged() with CastPlayer ( #25 ).

Version 1.0.0-beta01

June 16, 2022

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-beta01 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

This corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.0 release .

  • Core library:
    • Enable support for Android platform diagnostics via MediaMetricsManager . ExoPlayer will forward playback events and performance data to the platform, which helps to provide system performance and debugging information on the device. This data may also be collected by Google if sharing usage and diagnostics data is enabled by the user of the device. Apps can opt-out of contributing to platform diagnostics for ExoPlayer with ExoPlayer.Builder.setUsePlatformDiagnostics(false) .
    • Fix bug that tracks are reset too often when using MergingMediaSource , for example when side-loading subtitles and changing the selected subtitle mid-playback ( #10248 ).
    • Stop detecting 5G-NSA network type on API 29 and 30. These playbacks will assume a 4G network.
    • Disallow passing null to MediaSource.Factory.setDrmSessionManagerProvider and MediaSource.Factory.setLoadErrorHandlingPolicy . Instances of DefaultDrmSessionManagerProvider and DefaultLoadErrorHandlingPolicy can be passed explicitly if required.
    • Add MediaItem.RequestMetadata to represent metadata needed to play media when the exact LocalConfiguration is not known. Also remove MediaMetadata.mediaUrl as this is now included in RequestMetadata .
    • Add Player.Command.COMMAND_SET_MEDIA_ITEM to enable players to allow setting a single item.
  • Track selection:
    • Flatten TrackSelectionOverrides class into TrackSelectionParameters , and promote TrackSelectionOverride to a top level class.
    • Rename TracksInfo to Tracks and TracksInfo.TrackGroupInfo to Tracks.Group . Player.getCurrentTracksInfo and Player.Listener.onTracksInfoChanged have also been renamed to Player.getCurrentTracks and Player.Listener.onTracksChanged . This includes 'un-deprecating' the Player.Listener.onTracksChanged method name, but with different parameter types.
    • Change DefaultTrackSelector.buildUponParameters and DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.buildUpon to return DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.Builder instead of the deprecated DefaultTrackSelector.ParametersBuilder .
    • Add DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.constrainAudioChannelCountToDeviceCapabilities which is enabled by default. When enabled, the DefaultTrackSelector will prefer audio tracks whose channel count does not exceed the device output capabilities. On handheld devices, the DefaultTrackSelector will prefer stereo/mono over multichannel audio formats, unless the multichannel format can be Spatialized (Android 12L+) or is a Dolby surround sound format. In addition, on devices that support audio spatialization, the DefaultTrackSelector will monitor for changes in the Spatializer properties and trigger a new track selection upon these. Devices with a television UI mode are excluded from these constraints and the format with the highest channel count will be preferred. To enable this feature, the DefaultTrackSelector instance must be constructed with a Context .
  • Видео:
    • Rename DummySurface to PlaceholderSurface .
    • Add AV1 support to the MediaCodecVideoRenderer.getCodecMaxInputSize .
  • Аудио:
    • Use LG AC3 audio decoder advertising non-standard MIME type.
    • Change the return type of AudioAttributes.getAudioAttributesV21() from android.media.AudioAttributes to a new AudioAttributesV21 wrapper class, to prevent slow ART verification on API < 21.
    • Query the platform (API 29+) or assume the audio encoding channel count for audio passthrough when the format audio channel count is unset, which occurs with HLS chunkless preparation ( 10204 ).
    • Configure AudioTrack with channel mask AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_7POINT1POINT4 if the decoder outputs 12 channel PCM audio ( #10322 .
  • УЦП
    • Ensure the DRM session is always correctly updated when seeking immediately after a format change ( 10274 ).
  • Текст:
    • Change Player.getCurrentCues() to return CueGroup instead of List<Cue> .
    • SSA: Support OutlineColour style setting when BorderStyle == 3 (ie OutlineColour sets the background of the cue) ( #8435 ).
    • CEA-708: Parse data into multiple service blocks and ignore blocks not associated with the currently selected service number.
    • Remove RawCcExtractor , which was only used to handle a Google-internal subtitle format.
  • Extractors:
    • Add support for AVI ( #2092 ).
    • Matroska: Parse DiscardPadding for Opus tracks.
    • MP4: Parse bitrates from esds boxes.
    • Ogg: Allow duplicate Opus ID and comment headers ( #10038 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix delivery of events to OnClickListener s set on PlayerView in the case that useController=false ( #9605 ). Also fix delivery of events to OnLongClickListener for all view configurations.
    • Fix incorrectly treating a sequence of touch events that exit the bounds of PlayerView before ACTION_UP as a click ( #9861 ).
    • Fix PlayerView accessibility issue where tapping might toggle playback rather than hiding the controls ( #8627 ).
    • Rewrite TrackSelectionView and TrackSelectionDialogBuilder to work with the Player interface rather than ExoPlayer . This allows the views to be used with other Player implementations, and removes the dependency from the UI module to the ExoPlayer module. This is a breaking change.
    • Don't show forced text tracks in the PlayerView track selector, and keep a suitable forced text track selected if "None" is selected ( #9432 ).
    • Parse channel count from DTS AudioChannelConfiguration elements. This re-enables audio passthrough for DTS streams ( #10159 ).
    • Disallow passing null to DashMediaSource.Factory.setCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory . Instances of DefaultCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory can be passed explicitly if required.
  • HLS:
    • Fallback to chunkful preparation if the playlist CODECS attribute does not contain the audio codec ( #10065 ).
    • Disallow passing null to HlsMediaSource.Factory.setCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory , HlsMediaSource.Factory.setPlaylistParserFactory , and HlsMediaSource.Factory.setPlaylistTrackerFactory . Instances of DefaultCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory , DefaultHlsPlaylistParserFactory , or a reference to DefaultHlsPlaylistTracker.FACTORY can be passed explicitly if required.
  • Smooth Streaming:
    • Disallow passing null to SsMediaSource.Factory.setCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory . Instances of DefaultCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory can be passed explicitly if required.
  • RTSP:
    • Add RTP reader for H263 ( #63 ).
    • Add RTP reader for MPEG4 ( #35 ).
    • Add RTP reader for HEVC ( #36 ).
    • Add RTP reader for AMR. Currently only mono-channel, non-interleaved AMR streams are supported. Compound AMR RTP payload is not supported. ( #46 )
    • Add RTP reader for VP8 ( #47 ).
    • Add RTP reader for WAV ( #56 ).
    • Fix RTSP basic authorization header. ( #9544 ).
    • Stop checking mandatory SDP fields as ExoPlayer doesn't need them ( #10049 ).
    • Throw checked exception when parsing RTSP timing ( #10165 ).
    • Add RTP reader for VP9 ( #47 ).
    • Add RTP reader for OPUS ( #53 ).
  • Data sources:
    • Rename DummyDataSource to PlaceholderDataSource .
    • Workaround OkHttp interrupt handling.
  • Session:
    • Replace MediaSession.MediaItemFiller with MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems to allow asynchronous resolution of requests.
    • Support setMediaItems(s) methods when MediaController connects to a legacy media session.
    • Remove MediaController.setMediaUri and MediaSession.Callback.onSetMediaUri . The same functionality can be achieved by using MediaController.setMediaItem and MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems .
    • Forward legacy MediaController calls to play media to MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems instead of onSetMediaUri .
    • Add MediaNotification.Provider and DefaultMediaNotificationProvider to provide customization of the notification.
    • Add BitmapLoader and SimpleBitmapLoader for downloading artwork images.
    • Add MediaSession.setCustomLayout() to provide backwards compatibility with the legacy session.
    • Add MediaSession.setSessionExtras() to provide feature parity with legacy session.
    • Rename MediaSession.MediaSessionCallback to MediaSession.Callback , MediaLibrarySession.MediaLibrarySessionCallback to MediaLibrarySession.Callback and MediaSession.Builder.setSessionCallback to setCallback .
    • Fix NPE in MediaControllerImplLegacy ( #59 ).
    • Update session position info on timeline change( #51 ).
    • Fix NPE in MediaControllerImplBase after releasing controller ( #74 ).
  • Ad playback / IMA:
    • Decrease ad polling rate from every 100ms to every 200ms, to line up with Media Rating Council (MRC) recommendations.
  • FFmpeg extension:
    • Update CMake version to 3.21.0+ to avoid a CMake bug causing AndroidStudio's gradle sync to fail ( #9933 ).
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove Player.Listener.onTracksChanged(TrackGroupArray, TrackSelectionArray) . Use Player.Listener.onTracksChanged(Tracks) instead.
    • Remove Player.getCurrentTrackGroups and Player.getCurrentTrackSelections . Use Player.getCurrentTracks instead. You can also continue to use ExoPlayer.getCurrentTrackGroups and ExoPlayer.getCurrentTrackSelections , although these methods remain deprecated.
    • Remove DownloadHelper DEFAULT_TRACK_SELECTOR_PARAMETERS_WITHOUT_VIEWPORT and DEFAULT_TRACK_SELECTOR_PARAMETERS constants. Use getDefaultTrackSelectorParameters(Context) instead when possible, and DEFAULT_TRACK_SELECTOR_PARAMETERS_WITHOUT_CONTEXT otherwise.
    • Remove constructor DefaultTrackSelector(ExoTrackSelection.Factory) . Use DefaultTrackSelector(Context, ExoTrackSelection.Factory) instead.
    • Remove Transformer.Builder.setContext . The Context should be passed to the Transformer.Builder constructor instead.

Version 1.0.0-alpha03

March 14, 2022

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-alpha03 is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha03 contains these commits.

This corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.17.1 release .

  • Аудио:
    • Fix error checking audio capabilities for Dolby Atmos (E-AC3-JOC) in HLS.
  • Extractors:
    • FMP4: Fix issue where emsg sample metadata could be output in the wrong order for streams containing both v0 and v1 emsg atoms ( #9996 ).
  • Текст:
    • Fix the interaction of SingleSampleMediaSource.Factory.setTrackId and MediaItem.SubtitleConfiguration.Builder.setId to prioritise the SubtitleConfiguration field and fall back to the Factory value if it's not set ( #10016 ).
  • Ad playback:
    • Fix audio underruns between ad periods in live HLS SSAI streams.

Version 1.0.0-alpha02

2 марта 2022 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-alpha02 is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha02 contains these commits.

This corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.17.0 release .

  • Core Library:
    • Add protected method DefaultRenderersFactory.getCodecAdapterFactory() so that subclasses of DefaultRenderersFactory that override buildVideoRenderers() or buildAudioRenderers() can access the codec adapter factory and pass it to MediaCodecRenderer instances they create.
    • Propagate ICY header fields name and genre to MediaMetadata.station and MediaMetadata.genre respectively so that they reach the app via Player.Listener.onMediaMetadataChanged() ( #9677 ).
    • Remove null keys from DefaultHttpDataSource#getResponseHeaders .
    • Sleep and retry when creating a MediaCodec instance fails. This works around an issue that occurs on some devices when switching a surface from a secure codec to another codec ( #8696 ).
    • Add MediaCodecAdapter.getMetrics() to allow users obtain metrics data from MediaCodec . ( #9766 ).
    • Fix Maven dependency resolution ( #8353 ).
    • Disable automatic speed adjustment for live streams that neither have low-latency features nor a user request setting the speed ( #9329 ).
    • Rename DecoderCounters#inputBufferCount to queuedInputBufferCount .
    • Make SimpleExoPlayer.renderers private. Renderers can be accessed via ExoPlayer.getRenderer .
    • Updated some AnalyticsListener.EventFlags constant values to match values in Player.EventFlags .
    • Split AnalyticsCollector into an interface and default implementation to allow it to be stripped by R8 if an app doesn't need it.
  • Track selection:
    • Support preferred video role flags in track selection ( #9402 ).
    • Update video track selection logic to take preferred MIME types and role flags into account when selecting multiple video tracks for adaptation ( #9519 ).
    • Update video and audio track selection logic to only choose formats for adaptive selections that have the same level of decoder and hardware support ( #9565 ).
    • Update video track selection logic to prefer more efficient codecs if multiple codecs are supported by primary, hardware-accelerated decoders ( #4835 ).
    • Prefer audio content preferences (for example, the "default" audio track or a track matching the system locale language) over technical track selection constraints (for example, preferred MIME type, or maximum channel count).
    • Fix track selection issue where overriding one track group did not disable other track groups of the same type ( #9675 ).
    • Fix track selection issue where a mixture of non-empty and empty track overrides is not applied correctly ( #9649 ).
    • Prohibit duplicate TrackGroup s in a TrackGroupArray . TrackGroup s can always be made distinguishable by setting an id in the TrackGroup constructor. This fixes a crash when resuming playback after backgrounding the app with an active track override ( #9718 ).
    • Amend logic in AdaptiveTrackSelection to allow a quality increase under sufficient network bandwidth even if playback is very close to the live edge ( #9784 ).
  • Видео:
    • Fix decoder fallback logic for Dolby Vision to use a compatible H264/H265 decoder if needed.
  • Аудио:
    • Fix decoder fallback logic for Dolby Atmos (E-AC3-JOC) to use a compatible E-AC3 decoder if needed.
    • Change AudioCapabilities APIs to require passing explicitly AudioCapabilities.DEFAULT_AUDIO_CAPABILITIES instead of null .
    • Allow customization of the AudioTrack buffer size calculation by injecting an AudioTrackBufferSizeProvider to DefaultAudioSink . ( #8891 ).
    • Retry AudioTrack creation if the requested buffer size was > 1MB. ( #9712 ).
  • Extractors:
    • WAV: Add support for RF64 streams ( #9543 ).
    • Fix incorrect parsing of H.265 SPS NAL units ( #9719 ).
    • Parse Vorbis Comments (including METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE ) in Ogg Opus and Ogg Vorbis files.
  • Текст:
    • Add a MediaItem.SubtitleConfiguration.id field which is propagated to the Format.id field of the subtitle track created from the configuration ( #9673 ).
    • Add basic support for WebVTT subtitles in Matroska containers ( #9886 ).
    • Prevent Cea708Decoder from reading more than the declared size of a service block.
  • DRM:
    • Remove playbackLooper from DrmSessionManager.(pre)acquireSession . When a DrmSessionManager is used by an app in a custom MediaSource , the playbackLooper needs to be passed to DrmSessionManager.setPlayer instead.
  • Ad playback / IMA:
    • Add support for IMA Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) ( #8213 ).
    • Add a method to AdPlaybackState to allow resetting an ad group so that it can be played again ( #9615 ).
    • Enforce playback speed of 1.0 during ad playback ( #9018 ).
    • Fix issue where an ad group that failed to load caused an immediate playback reset ( #9929 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix the color of the numbers in StyledPlayerView rewind and fastforward buttons when using certain themes ( #9765 ).
    • Correctly translate playback speed strings ( #9811 ).
    • Add parsed essential and supplemental properties to the Representation ( #9579 ).
    • Support the forced-subtitle track role ( #9727 ).
    • Stop interpreting the main track role as C.SELECTION_FLAG_DEFAULT .
    • Fix base URL exclusion logic for manifests that do not declare the DVB namespace ( #9856 ).
    • Support relative MPD.Location URLs ( #9939 ).
  • HLS:
    • Correctly populate Format.label for audio only HLS streams ( #9608 ).
    • Use chunkless preparation by default to improve start up time. If your renditions contain muxed closed-caption tracks that are not declared in the master playlist, you should add them to the master playlist to be available for playback, or turn off chunkless preparation with HlsMediaSource.Factory.setAllowChunklessPreparation(false) .
    • Support key-frame accurate seeking in HLS ( #2882 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Provide a client API to override the SocketFactory used for any server connection ( #9606 ).
    • Prefer DIGEST authentication method over BASIC if both are present ( #9800 ).
    • Handle when RTSP track timing is not available ( #9775 ).
    • Ignore invalid RTP-Info header values ( #9619 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Increase required min API version to 21.
    • TransformationException is now used to describe errors that occur during a transformation.
    • Add TransformationRequest for specifying the transformation options.
    • Allow multiple listeners to be registered.
    • Fix Transformer being stuck when the codec output is partially read.
    • Fix potential NPE in Transformer.getProgress when releasing the muxer throws.
    • Add a demo app for applying transformations.
  • MediaSession extension:
    • By default, MediaSessionConnector now clears the playlist on stop. Apps that want the playlist to be retained can call setClearMediaItemsOnStop(false) on the connector.
  • Cast extension:
    • Fix bug that prevented CastPlayer from calling onIsPlayingChanged correctly ( #9792 ).
    • Support audio metadata including artwork with DefaultMediaItemConverter ( #9663 ).
  • FFmpeg extension:
    • Make build_ffmpeg.sh depend on LLVM's bin utils instead of GNU's ( #9933 ).
  • Android 12 compatibility:
    • Upgrade the Cast extension to depend on com.google.android.gms:play-services-cast-framework:20.1.0 . Earlier versions of play-services-cast-framework are not compatible with apps targeting Android 12, and will crash with an IllegalArgumentException when creating PendingIntent s ( #9528 ).
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove Player.EventListener . Use Player.Listener instead.
    • Remove MediaSourceFactory#setDrmSessionManager , MediaSourceFactory#setDrmHttpDataSourceFactory , and MediaSourceFactory#setDrmUserAgent . Use MediaSourceFactory#setDrmSessionManagerProvider instead.
    • Remove MediaSourceFactory#setStreamKeys . Use MediaItem.Builder#setStreamKeys instead.
    • Remove MediaSourceFactory#createMediaSource(Uri) . Use MediaSourceFactory#createMediaSource(MediaItem) instead.
    • Remove setTag from DashMediaSource , HlsMediaSource and SsMediaSource . Use MediaItem.Builder#setTag instead.
    • Remove DashMediaSource#setLivePresentationDelayMs(long, boolean) . Use MediaItem.Builder#setLiveConfiguration and MediaItem.LiveConfiguration.Builder#setTargetOffsetMs to override the manifest, or DashMediaSource#setFallbackTargetLiveOffsetMs to provide a fallback value.
    • Remove (Simple)ExoPlayer.setThrowsWhenUsingWrongThread . Opting out of the thread enforcement is no longer possible.
    • Remove ActionFile and ActionFileUpgradeUtil . Use ExoPlayer 2.16.1 or before to use ActionFileUpgradeUtil to merge legacy action files into DefaultDownloadIndex .
    • Remove ProgressiveMediaSource#setExtractorsFactory . Use ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(DataSource.Factory, ExtractorsFactory) constructor instead.
    • Remove ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory#setTag and, and ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory#setCustomCacheKey . Use MediaItem.Builder#setTag and MediaItem.Builder#setCustomCacheKey instead.
    • Remove DefaultRenderersFactory(Context, @ExtensionRendererMode int) and DefaultRenderersFactory(Context, @ExtensionRendererMode int, long) constructors. Use the DefaultRenderersFactory(Context) constructor, DefaultRenderersFactory#setExtensionRendererMode , and DefaultRenderersFactory#setAllowedVideoJoiningTimeMs instead.
    • Remove all public CronetDataSource constructors. Use CronetDataSource.Factory instead.
  • Change the following IntDefs to @Target(TYPE_USE) only. This may break the compilation of usages in Kotlin, which can be fixed by moving the annotation to annotate the type ( Int ).
    • @AacAudioObjectType
    • @Ac3Util.SyncFrameInfo.StreamType
    • @AdLoadException.Type
    • @AdtsExtractor.Flags
    • @AmrExtractor.Flags
    • @AspectRatioFrameLayout.ResizeMode
    • @AudioFocusManager.PlayerCommand
    • @AudioSink.SinkFormatSupport
    • @BinarySearchSeeker.TimestampSearchResult.Type
    • @BufferReplacementMode
    • @C.BufferFlags
    • @C.ColorRange
    • @C.ColorSpace
    • @C.ColorTransfer
    • @C.CryptoMode
    • @C.Encoding
    • @C.PcmEncoding
    • @C.Projection
    • @C.SelectionReason
    • @C.StereoMode
    • @C.VideoOutputMode
    • @CacheDataSource.Flags
    • @CaptionStyleCompat.EdgeType
    • @DataSpec.Flags
    • @DataSpec.HttpMethods
    • @DecoderDiscardReasons
    • @DecoderReuseResult
    • @DefaultAudioSink.OutputMode
    • @DefaultDrmSessionManager.Mode
    • @DefaultTrackSelector.SelectionEligibility
    • @DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.Flags
    • @EGLSurfaceTexture.SecureMode
    • @EbmlProcessor.ElementType
    • @ExoMediaDrm.KeyRequest.RequestType
    • @ExtensionRendererMode
    • @Extractor.ReadResult
    • @FileTypes.Type
    • @FlacExtractor.Flags (in com.google.android.exoplayer2.ext.flac package)
    • @FlacExtractor.Flags (in com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.flac package)
    • @FragmentedMp4Extractor.Flags
    • @HlsMediaPlaylist.PlaylistType
    • @HttpDataSourceException.Type
    • @IllegalClippingException.Reason
    • @IllegalMergeException.Reason
    • @LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackType
    • @MatroskaExtractor.Flags
    • @Mp3Extractor.Flags
    • @Mp4Extractor.Flags
    • @NotificationUtil.Importance
    • @PlaybackException.FieldNumber
    • @PlayerNotificationManager.Priority
    • @PlayerNotificationManager.Visibility
    • @PlayerView.ShowBuffering
    • @Renderer.State
    • @RendererCapabilities.AdaptiveSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.Capabilities
    • @RendererCapabilities.DecoderSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.FormatSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.HardwareAccelerationSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.TunnelingSupport
    • @SampleStream.ReadDataResult
    • @SampleStream.ReadFlags
    • @StyledPlayerView.ShowBuffering
    • @SubtitleView.ViewType
    • @TextAnnotation.Position
    • @TextEmphasisSpan.MarkFill
    • @TextEmphasisSpan.MarkShape
    • @Track.Transformation
    • @TrackOutput.SampleDataPart
    • @Transformer.ProgressState
    • @TsExtractor.Mode
    • @TsPayloadReader.Flags
    • @WebvttCssStyle.FontSizeUnit

Version 1.0.0-alpha01

27 октября 2021 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-alpha01 is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

Новые возможности

Media3 is the new home for media support libraries, including ExoPlayer. The first alpha contains early, functional implementations of libraries for implementing media use cases, including:

  • ExoPlayer, an application-level media player for Android that is easy to customize and extend.
  • Media session functionality, for exposing and controlling playbacks. This new session module uses the same Player interface as ExoPlayer.
  • UI components for building media playback user interfaces.
  • Modules wrapping functionality in other libraries for use with ExoPlayer, for example, ad insertion via the IMA SDK.

For more information, see the Media3 GitHub project .

ExoPlayer was previously hosted in a separate ExoPlayer GitHub project . In Media3 its package name is androidx.media3.exoplayer . We plan to continue to maintain and release the ExoPlayer GitHub project for a while to give apps time to migrate to Media3. Media3 has replacements for all the ExoPlayer modules, except for the legacy media2 and mediasession extensions, which are replaced by the new media3-session module. This provides direct integration between players and media sessions without needing to use an adapter/connector class.



Support libraries for media use cases.
Последнее обновление Стабильный выпуск Кандидат на выпуск Бета-версия Альфа-релиз
10 сентября 2024 г. 1.4.1 - - 1.5.0-альфа01

Declaring dependencies

To add a dependency on Media3, you must add the Google Maven repository to your project. Read Google's Maven repository for more information.

Add the dependencies for the artifacts you need in the build.gradle file for your app or module:


dependencies {
    def media3_version = "1.4.1"

    // For media playback using ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:$media3_version"

    // For DASH playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-dash:$media3_version"
    // For HLS playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-hls:$media3_version"
    // For SmoothStreaming playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-smoothstreaming:$media3_version"
    // For RTSP playback support with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-rtsp:$media3_version"
    // For MIDI playback support with ExoPlayer (see additional dependency requirements in
    // https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/release/libraries/decoder_midi/README.md)
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-midi:$media3_version"
    // For ad insertion using the Interactive Media Ads SDK with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-ima:$media3_version"

    // For loading data using the Cronet network stack
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource-cronet:$media3_version"
    // For loading data using the OkHttp network stack
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource-okhttp:$media3_version"
    // For loading data using librtmp
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource-rtmp:$media3_version"

    // For building media playback UIs
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-ui:$media3_version"
    // For building media playback UIs for Android TV using the Jetpack Leanback library
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-ui-leanback:$media3_version"

    // For exposing and controlling media sessions
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-session:$media3_version"

    // For extracting data from media containers
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-extractor:$media3_version"

    // For integrating with Cast
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-cast:$media3_version"

    // For scheduling background operations using Jetpack Work's WorkManager with ExoPlayer
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-workmanager:$media3_version"

    // For transforming media files
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-transformer:$media3_version"

    // For applying effects on video frames
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-effect:$media3_version"

    // For muxing media files
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-muxer:$media3_version"

    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components)
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-test-utils:$media3_version"
    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components) via Robolectric
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-test-utils-robolectric:$media3_version"

    // Common functionality for reading and writing media containers
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-container:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality for media database components
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-database:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality for media decoders
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-decoder:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality for loading data
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-datasource:$media3_version"
    // Common functionality used across multiple media libraries
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-common:$media3_version"
    // Common Kotlin-specific functionality
    implementation "androidx.media3:media3-common-ktx:$media3_version"


dependencies {
    val media3_version = "1.4.1"

    // For media playback using ExoPlayer

    // For DASH playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For HLS playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For SmoothStreaming playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For RTSP playback support with ExoPlayer
    // For MIDI playback support with ExoPlayer (see additional dependency requirements in
    // https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/release/libraries/decoder_midi/README.md)
    // For ad insertion using the Interactive Media Ads SDK with ExoPlayer

    // For loading data using the Cronet network stack
    // For loading data using the OkHttp network stack
    // For loading data using librtmp

    // For building media playback UIs
    // For building media playback UIs for Android TV using the Jetpack Leanback library

    // For exposing and controlling media sessions

    // For extracting data from media containers

    // For integrating with Cast

    // For scheduling background operations using Jetpack Work's WorkManager with ExoPlayer

    // For transforming media files

    // For applying effects on video frames

    // For muxing media files

    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components)
    // Utilities for testing media components (including ExoPlayer components) via Robolectric

    // Common functionality for reading and writing media containers
    // Common functionality for media database components
    // Common functionality for media decoders
    // Common functionality for loading data
    // Common functionality used across multiple media libraries
    // Common Kotlin-specific functionality

For more information about dependencies, see Add Build Dependencies .

Обратная связь

Your feedback helps make Jetpack better. You can use the Media3 issue tracker to find answers to questions, known issues and feature requests, and to file new issues.

Version 1.5

Version 1.5.0-alpha01

10 сентября 2024 г.

This release includes the following changes since the 1.4.1 release :

  • Common Library:
    • Add ForwardingSimpleBasePlayer that allows forwarding to another player with small adjustments while ensuring full consistency and listener handling ( #1183 ).
    • Replace SimpleBasePlayer.State.playlist by getPlaylist() method.
    • Add override for SimpleBasePlayer.State.Builder.setPlaylist() to directly specify a Timeline and current Tracks and Metadata instead of building a playlist structure.
    • Increase minSdk to 21 (Android Lollipop). This is aligned with all other AndroidX libraries.
    • Add androidx.media3:media3-common-ktx artifact which provides Kotlin-specific functionality built on top of the Common library
    • Add Player.listen suspending extension function to spin a coroutine to listen to Player.Events to the media3-common-ktx library.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • MediaCodecRenderer.onProcessedStreamChange() can now be called for every media item. Previously it was not called for the first one. Use MediaCodecRenderer.experimentalEnableProcessedStreamChangedAtStart() to enable this.
    • Add PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onPreloadError to allow PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl implementations to take actions when error occurs.
    • Add BasePreloadManager.Listener to propagate preload events to apps.
    • Allow changing SNTP client timeout and retry alternative addresses on timeout ( #1540 ).
    • Remove MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration.flags as the field was always zero.
    • Allow the user to select the built-in speaker for playback on Wear OS API 35+ (where the device advertises support for this).
    • Defer the blocking call to Context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) until audio focus handling is enabled. This ensures the blocking call isn't done if audio focus handling is not enabled ( #1616 ).
    • Allow playback regardless of buffered duration when loading fails ( #1571 ).
    • Add AnalyticsListener.onRendererReadyChanged() to signal when individual renderers allow playback to be ready.
  • Transformer:
    • Add SurfaceAssetLoader , which supports queueing video data to Transformer via a Surface .
    • ImageAssetLoader reports unsupported input via AssetLoader.onError instead of throwing an IllegalStateException .
  • Extractors:
    • Allow Mp4Extractor and FragmentedMp4Extractor to identify H264 samples that are not used as reference by subsequent samples.
    • Add option to enable index-based seeking in AmrExtractor .
    • Treat MP3 files with more than 128kB between valid frames as truncated (instead of invalid). This means files with non-MP3 data at the end, with no other metadata to indicate the length of the MP3 bytes, now stop playback at the end of the MP3 data instead of failing with ParserException: Searched too many bytes.{contentIsMalformed=true, dataType=1} ( #1563 ).
  • DataSource:
    • Update HttpEngineDataSource to allow use starting at version S extension 7 instead of API level 34 ( #1262 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Automatically configure CTA-2075 loudness metadata on the codec if present in the media.
    • Ensure smooth volume ramp down when seeking.
  • Видео:
    • MediaCodecVideoRenderer avoids decoding samples that are neither rendered nor used as reference by other samples.
    • On API 35 and above, MediaCodecAdapter may now receive a null Surface in configure and calls to a new method detachOutputSurface to remove a previously set Surface if the codec supports this ( MediaCodecInfo.detachedSurfaceSupported ).
    • Use MediaCodecAdapter supplied pixel aspect ratio values if provided when processing onOutputFormatChanged ( #1371 ).
  • Текст:
  • Изображение:
    • Add ExternallyLoadedImageDecoder for simplified integration with external image loading libraries like Glide or Coil.
  • DataSource:
    • Add FileDescriptorDataSource , a new DataSource that can be used to read from a FileDescriptor ( #3757 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Add DefaultVideoFrameProcessor workaround for minor SurfaceTexture scaling. SurfaceTexture may include a small scaling that cuts off a 1-texel border around the edge of a cropped buffer. This is now handled such that output is closer to expected.
    • Speed up DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.queueInputBitmap() . As a result, exporting images to videos with Transformer is faster.
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix bug where clearing the playlist may cause an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource .
  • Session:
    • Add MediaButtonReceiver.shouldStartForegroundService(Intent) to allow apps to suppress a play command coming in for playback resumption by overriding this method. By default, the service is always started and playback can't be suppressed without the system crashing the service with a ForegroundServiceDidNotStartInTimeException ( #1528 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Add support for periods starting in the middle of a segment ( #1440 ).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, etc.):
    • Add the IAMF decoder module, which provides support for playback of MP4 files containing IAMF tracks using the libiamf native library to synthesize audio.
      • Playback is enabled with a stereo layout as well as 5.1 with spatialization together with optional head tracking enabled, but binaural playback support is currently not available.
  • Cast Extension:
    • Stop clearning the timeline after the CastSession disconnects, which enables the sender app to resume playback locally after a disconnection.
    • Populate CastPlayer's DeviceInfo when a Context is provided. This enables linking the MediaSession to a RoutingSession , which is necessary for integrating Output Switcher ( #1056 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • DataSourceContractTest now includes tests to verify:
      • Input stream read position is updated.
      • Output buffer offset is applied correctly.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove deprecated Player.hasPrevious , Player.hasPreviousWindow() . Use Player.hasPreviousMediaItem() instead.
    • Remove deprecated Player.previous() method. Use Player.seekToPreviousMediaItem() instead.
    • Remove deprecated DrmSessionEventListener.onDrmSessionAcquired method.

Version 1.4.0

Version 1.4.1

27 августа 2024 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.4.1 is released. Version 1.4.1 contains these commits .

  • ExoPlayer:
    • Handle preload callbacks asynchronously in PreloadMediaSource ( #1568 ).
    • Allow playback regardless of buffered duration when loading fails ( #1571 ).
  • Extractors:
    • MP3: Fix Searched too many bytes error by correctly ignoring trailing non-MP3 data based on the length field in an Info frame ( #1480 ).
  • Текст:
    • TTML: Fix handling of percentage tts:fontSize values to ensure they are correctly inherited from parent nodes with percentage tts:fontSize values.
    • Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException in LegacySubtitleUtil due to incorrectly handling the case of the requested output start time being greater than or equal to the final event time in the Subtitle ( #1516 ).
  • DRM:
    • Fix android.media.MediaCodec$CryptoException: Operation not supported in this configuration: ERROR_DRM_CANNOT_HANDLE error on API 31+ devices playing L1 Widevine content. This error is caused by an incomplete implementation of the framework MediaDrm.requiresSecureDecoder method ( #1603 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Add a release() method to GlObjectsProvider .
  • Session:
    • Transform a double-tap of KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK into a 'seek to next' action, as documented ( #1493 ).
    • Handle KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK as a 'play' command in MediaButtonReceiver when deciding whether to ignore it to avoid a ForegroundServiceDidNotStartInTimeException ( #1581 ).
  • RTSP Extension:
    • Skip invalid Media Descriptions in SDP parsing ( #1087 ).

Version 1.4.0

25 июля 2024 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.4.0 is released. Version 1.4.0 contains these commits .

  • Common Library:
    • Forward presumed no-op seek calls to the protected BasePlayer.seekTo() and SimpleBasePlayer.handleSeek() methods instead of ignoring them. If you are implementing these methods in a custom player, you may need to handle these additional calls with mediaItemIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET .
    • Remove compile dependency on enhanced Java 8 desugaring ( #1312 ).
    • Ensure the duration passed to MediaItem.Builder.setImageDurationMs() is ignored for a non-image MediaItem (as documented).
    • Add Format.customData to store app-provided custom information about Format instances.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add BasePreloadManager which coordinates the preloading for multiple sources based on the priorities defined by their rankingData . Customization is possible by extending this class. Add DefaultPreloadManager which uses PreloadMediaSource to preload media samples of the sources into memory, and uses an integer rankingData that indicates the index of an item on the UI.
    • Add PlayerId to most methods of LoadControl to enable LoadControl implementations to support multiple players.
    • Remove Buffer.isDecodeOnly() and C.BUFFER_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY . There is no need to set this flag as renderers and decoders will decide to skip buffers based on timestamp. Custom Renderer implementations should check if the buffer time is at least BaseRenderer.getLastResetPositionUs() to decide whether a sample should be shown. Custom SimpleDecoder implementations can check isAtLeastOutputStartTimeUs() if needed or mark other buffers with DecoderOutputBuffer.shouldBeSkipped to skip them.
    • Allow a null value to be returned by TargetPreloadStatusControl.getTargetPreloadStatus(T) to indicate not to preload a MediaSource with the given rankingData .
    • Add remove(MediaSource) to BasePreloadManager .
    • Add reset() to BasePreloadManager to release all the holding sources while keep the preload manager instance.
    • Add ExoPlayer.setPriority() (and Builder.setPriority() ) to define the priority value used in PriorityTaskManager and for MediaCodec importance from API 35.
    • Fix issue with updating the last rebuffer time which resulted in incorrect bs (buffer starvation) key in CMCD ( #1124 ).
    • Add PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onLoadedToTheEndOfSource(PreloadMediaSource) to indicate that the source has loaded to the end. This allows the DefaultPreloadManager and the custom PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl implementations to preload the next source or take other actions.
    • Fix bug where silence skipping at the end of items can trigger a playback exception.
    • Add clear to PreloadMediaSource to discard the preloading period.
    • Add new error code PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_DECODING_RESOURCES_RECLAIMED that is used when codec resources are reclaimed for higher priority tasks.
    • Let AdsMediaSource load preroll ads before initial content media preparation completes ( #1358 ).
    • Fix bug where playback moved to STATE_ENDED when re-preparing a multi-period DASH live stream after the original period was already removed from the manifest.
    • Rename onTimelineRefreshed() to onSourcePrepared() and onPrepared() to onTracksSelected() in PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl . Also rename the IntDefs in DefaultPreloadManager.Stage accordingly.
    • Add experimental support for dynamic scheduling to better align work with CPU wake-cycles and delay waking up to when renderers can progress. You can enable this using experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() when setting up your ExoPlayer instance.
    • Add Renderer.getDurationToProgressUs() . A Renderer can implement this method to return to ExoPlayer the duration that playback must advance for the renderer to progress. If ExoPlayer is set with experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() then ExoPlayer will call this method when calculating the time to schedule its work task.
    • Add MediaCodecAdapter#OnBufferAvailableListener to alert when input and output buffers are available for use by MediaCodecRenderer . MediaCodecRenderer will signal ExoPlayer when receiving these callbacks and if ExoPlayer is set with experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() , then ExoPlayer will schedule its work loop as renderers can make progress.
    • Use data class for LoadControl methods instead of individual parameters.
    • Add ExoPlayer.isReleased() to check whether Exoplayer.release() has been called.
    • Add ExoPlayer.Builder.setMaxSeekToPreviousPositionMs() to configure the maximum position for which seekToPrevious() seeks to the previous item ( #1425 ).
    • Fix some audio focus inconsistencies, eg not reporting full or transient focus loss while the player is paused ( #1436 ).
    • Fix potential IndexOutOfBoundsException caused by extractors reporting additional tracks after the initial preparation step ( #1476 ).
    • Effects in ExoPlayer.setVideoEffect() will receive the timestamps with the renderer offset removed ( #1098 ).
    • Fix potential IllegalArgumentException when handling player error that happened while reading ahead into another playlist item ( #1483 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Add audioConversionProcess and videoConversionProcess to ExportResult indicating how the respective track in the output file was made.
    • Relax trim optimization H.264 level checks.
    • Add support for changing between SDR and HDR input media in a sequence.
    • Add support for composition-level audio effects.
    • Add support for transcoding Ultra HDR images into HDR videos.
    • Fix issue where the DefaultAudioMixer does not output the correct amount of bytes after being reset and reused.
    • Work around a decoder bug where the number of audio channels was capped at stereo when handling PCM input.
    • When selecting tracks in ExoPlayerAssetLoader , ignore audio channel count constraints as they only apply for playback.
    • Replace androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer interface with androidx.media3.muxer.Muxer and remove androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer .
    • Fix HEIC image loading from content URI schemes. ( #1373 ).
    • Adjust audio track duration in AudioGraphInput to improve AV sync.
    • Remove ExportResult.processedInputs field. If you use this field for codec details, then use DefaultDecoderFactory.listener instead. In case of a codec exception, codec details will be available in the ExportException.codecInfo .
  • Extractors:
    • MPEG-TS: Roll forward the change ensuring the last frame is rendered by passing the last access unit of a stream to the sample queue ( #7909 ). Incorporating fixes to resolve the issues that emerged in I-frame only HLS streams( #1150 ) and H.262 HLS streams ( #1126 ).
    • MP3: Prefer the data size from an Info frame over the size reported by the underlying stream (eg file size, or HTTP Content-Length header). This helps to exclude non-playable trailer data (eg album artwork) from constant bitrate seeking calculations, making seeks more accurate ( #1376 ).
    • MP3: Use the frame count and other data in an Info frame (if present) to compute an average bitrate for constant bitrate seeking, rather than extrapolating from the bitrate of the frame after the Info frame, which may be artificially small, eg PCUT frame ( #1376 ).
    • Fix PCM audio format extraction in AVI containers.
  • Аудио:
    • Fix DTS:X Profile 2 encoding attributes for passthrough playback ( #1299 ).
    • For offloaded playback, reset the tracking field for stream completion in DefaultAudioSink prior to calling AudioTrack.stop() so that AudioTrack.StreamEventCallback#onPresentationEnded correctly identifies when all pending data has been played.
    • Fix bug in SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor where transitions between different audio formats (for example stereo to mono) can cause the processor to throw an exception ( #1352 ).
    • Implement MediaCodecAudioRenderer.getDurationToProgressUs() so that ExoPlayer will dynamically schedule its main work loop to when the MediaCodecAudioRenderer can make progress.
  • Видео:
    • Fix issue where Listener.onRenderedFirstFrame() arrives too early when switching surfaces mid-playback.
    • Fix decoder fallback logic for Dolby Vision to use a compatible AV1 decoder if needed ( #1389 ).
    • Fix codec exception that may be caused by enabling a video renderer mid-playback.
  • Текст:
    • Fix issue where subtitles starting before a seek position are skipped. This issue was only introduced in Media3 1.4.0-alpha01.
    • Change default subtitle parsing behavior so it happens during extraction instead of during rendering (see ExoPlayer's architecture diagram for the difference between extraction and rendering).
      • This change can be overridden by calling both MediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction(false) and TextRenderer.experimentalSetLegacyDecodingEnabled(true) . See the docs on customization for how to plumb these components into an ExoPlayer instance. These methods (and all support for legacy subtitle decoding) will be removed in a future release.
      • Apps with custom SubtitleDecoder implementations need to update them to implement SubtitleParser instead (and SubtitleParser.Factory instead of SubtitleDecoderFactory ).
    • PGS: Fix run-length decoding to resolve 0 as a color index, instead of a literal color value ( #1367 ).
    • CEA-708: Ignore rowLock value. The CEA-708-E S-2023 spec states that rowLock and columnLock should both be assumed to be true, regardless of the values present in the stream ( columnLock support is not implemented, so it's effectively assumed to always be false).
      • This was originally included in the 1.3.0-alpha01 release notes, but the change was accidentally reverted before the 1.3.0-rc01 release. This is now fixed, so the change is present again.
    • CEA-708: Avoid duplicate newlines being added by ExoPlayer's naive handling of the 'set pen location' command ( #1315 ).
    • Fix an IllegalArgumentException from LegacySubtitleUtil when a WebVTT subtitle sample contains no cues, eg as part of a DASH stream ( #1516 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • Fix mapping of MP4 to ID3 sort tags. Previously the 'album sort' ( soal ), 'artist sort' ( soar ) and 'album artist sort' ( soaa ) MP4 tags were wrongly mapped to the TSO2 , TSOA and TSOP ID3 tags ( #1302 ).
    • Fix reading of MP4 (/iTunes) numeric gnre (genre) and tmpo (tempo) tags when the value is more than one byte long.
    • Propagate ID3 TCON frame to MediaMetadata.genre ( #1305 ).
  • Изображение:
    • Add support for non-square DASH thumbnail grids ( #1300 ).
    • Add support for AVIF for API 34+.
    • Allow null as parameter for ExoPlayer.setImageOutput() to clear a previously set ImageOutput .
  • DataSource:
    • Implement support for android.resource://package/id raw resource URIs where package is different to the package of the current application. This wasn't previously documented to work, but is a more efficient way of accessing resources in another package than by name.
    • Eagerly check url is non-null in the DataSpec constructors. This parameter was already annotated to be non-null.
    • Allow ByteArrayDataSource to resolve a URI to a byte array during open() , instead of being hard-coded at construction ( #1405 ).
  • DRM:
    • Allow setting a LoadErrorHandlingPolicy on DefaultDrmSessionManagerProvider ( #1271 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Support multiple speed changes within the same EditedMediaItem or Composition in SpeedChangeEffect .
    • Support for HLG and PQ output from ultra HDR bitmap input.
    • Add support for EGL_GL_COLORSPACE_BT2020_HLG_EXT, which improves HLG surface output in ExoPlayer.setVideoEffect and Transformer's Debug SurfaceView.
    • Update Overlay matrix implementation to make it consistent with the documentation by flipping the x and y values applied in setOverlayFrameAnchor() . If using OverlaySettings.Builder.setOverlayFrameAnchor() , flip their x and y values by multiplying them by -1 .
    • Fix bug where TimestampWrapper crashes when used with ExoPlayer#setVideoEffects ( #821 ).
    • Change default SDR color working space from linear colors to electrical BT 709 SDR video. Also provide third option to retain the original colorspace.
    • Allow defining indeterminate z-order of EditedMediaItemSequences ( #1055 ).
    • Maintain a consistent luminance range across different pieces of HDR content (uses the HLG range).
    • Add support for Ultra HDR (bitmap) overlays on HDR content.
    • Allow SeparableConvolution effects to be used before API 26.
    • Remove unused OverlaySettings.useHdr since dynamic range of overlay and frame must match.
    • Add HDR support for TextOverlay . Luminance of the text overlay can be adjusted with OverlaySettings.Builder.setHdrLuminanceMultiplier() .
  • IMA extension:
    • Promote API that is required for apps to play DAI ad streams to stable.
    • Add replaceAdTagParameters(Map <String, String>) to ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdLoader that allows replacing ad tag parameters at runtime.
    • Fix bug where VideoAdPlayer.VideoAdPlayerCallback.onError() was not called when a player error happened during ad playback ( #1334 ).
    • Bump IMA SDK version to 3.33.0 to fix a NullPointerException when using data:// ad tag URIs ( #700 ).
  • Session:
    • Change default of CommandButton.enabled to true and ensure the value can stay false for controllers even if the associated command is available.
    • Add icon constants for CommandButton that should be used instead of custom icon resources.
    • Add MediaSessionService.isPlaybackOngoing() to let apps query whether the service needs to be stopped in onTaskRemoved() ( #1219 ).
    • Add MediaSessionService.pauseAllPlayersAndStopSelf() that conveniently allows to pause playback of all sessions and call stopSelf() to terminate the lifecycle of the MediaSessionService .
    • Override MediaSessionService.onTaskRemoved(Intent) to provide a safe default implementation that keeps the service running in the foreground if playback is ongoing or stops the service otherwise.
    • Hide seekbar in the media notification for live streams by not setting the duration into the platform session metadata ( #1256 ).
    • Align conversion of MediaMetadata to MediaDescriptionCompat , to use the same preferred order and logic when selecting metadata properties as in media1.
    • Add MediaSession.sendError() that allows sending non-fatal errors to Media3 controller. When using the notification controller (see MediaSession.getMediaNotificationControllerInfo() ), the custom error is used to update the PlaybackState of the platform session to an error state with the given error information ( #543 ).
    • Add MediaSession.Callback.onPlayerInteractionFinished() to inform sessions when a series of player interactions from a specific controller finished.
    • Add SessionError and use it in SessionResult and LibraryResult instead of the error code to provide more information about the error and how to resolve the error if possible.
    • Publish the code for the media3 controller test app that can be used to test interactions with apps publishing a media session.
    • Propagate extras passed to media3's MediaSession[Builder].setSessionExtras() to a media1 controller's PlaybackStateCompat.getExtras() .
    • Map fatal and non-fatal errors to and from the platform session. A PlaybackException is mapped to a fatal error state of the PlaybackStateCompat . A SessionError sent to the media notification controller with MediaSession.sendError(ControllerInfo, SessionError) is mapped to a non-fatal error in PlaybackStateCompat which means that error code and message are set but the state of the platform session remains different to STATE_ERROR .
    • Allow the session activity to be set per controller to override the global session activity. The session activity can be defined for a controller at connection time by creating a ConnectionResult with AcceptedResultBuilder.setSessionActivivty(PendingIntent) . Once connected, the session activity can be updated with MediaSession.setSessionActivity(ControllerInfo, PendingIntent) .
    • Improve error replication of calls to MediaLibrarySession.Callback . Error replication can now be configured by using MediaLibrarySession.Builder.setLibraryErrorReplicationMode() for choosing the error type or opt-ing out of error replication which is on by default.
  • UI:
    • Add image display support to PlayerView when connected to an ExoPlayer ( #1144 ).
    • Add customization of various icons in PlayerControlView through xml attributes to allow different drawables per PlayerView instance, rather than global overrides ( #1200 ).
    • Work around a platform bug causing stretched/cropped video when using SurfaceView inside a Compose AndroidView on API 34 ( #1237 ).
  • Загрузки:
    • Ensure that DownloadHelper does not leak unreleased Renderer instances, which can eventually result in an app crashing with IllegalStateException: Too many receivers, total of 1000, registered for pid ( #1224 ).
  • Cronet Extension:
    • Fix SocketTimeoutException in CronetDataSource . In some versions of Cronet, the request provided by the callback is not always the same. This leads to callback not completing and request timing out (https://issuetracker.google.com/328442628).
  • HLS Extension:
    • Fix bug where pending EMSG samples waiting for a discontinuity were delegated in HlsSampleStreamWrapper with an incorrect offset causing an IndexOutOfBoundsException or an IllegalArgumentException ( #1002 ).
    • Fix bug where non-primary playlists keep reloading for LL-HLS streams ( #1240 ).
    • Fix bug where enabling CMCD for HLS with initialization segments resulted in Source Error and IllegalArgumentException .
    • Fix bug where non-primary playing playlists are not refreshed during live playback ( #1240 ).
    • Fix bug where enabling CMCD for HLS live streams causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ( #1395 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Fix bug where re-preparing a multi-period live stream can throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException ( #1329 ).
    • Add support for dashif:Laurl license urls ( #1345 ).
  • Cast Extension:
    • Fix bug that converted the album title of the MediaQueueItem to the artist in the Media3 media item ( #1255 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Implement onInit() and onRelease() in FakeRenderer .
    • Change TestPlayerRunHelper.runUntil()/playUntil() methods to fail on nonfatal errors (eg those reported to AnalyticsListener.onVideoCodecError() ). Use the new TestPlayerRunHelper.run(player).ignoringNonFatalErrors().untilXXX() method chain to disable this behavior.
  • Demo app:
    • Use DefaultPreloadManager in the short form demo app.
    • Allow setting repeat mode with Intent arguments from command line ( #1266 ).
    • Use HttpEngineDataSource as the HttpDataSource when supported by the device.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove CronetDataSourceFactory . Use CronetDataSource.Factory instead.
    • Remove some DataSpec constructors. Use DataSpec.Builder instead.
    • Remove setContentTypePredicate(Predicate) method from DefaultHttpDataSource , OkHttpDataSource and CronetDataSource . Use the equivalent method on each XXXDataSource.Factory instead.
    • Remove OkHttpDataSource constructors and OkHttpDataSourceFactory . Use OkHttpDataSource.Factory instead.
    • Remove PlayerMessage.setHandler(Handler) . Use setLooper(Looper) instead.
    • Remove Timeline.Window.isLive field. Use the isLive() method instead.
    • Remove DefaultHttpDataSource constructors. Use DefaultHttpDataSource.Factory instead.
    • Remove MediaCodecInfo.isSeamlessAdaptationSupported(Format, Format, boolean) . Use MediaCodecInfo.canReuseCodec(Format, Format) instead.
    • Remove DrmSessionManager.DUMMY and getDummyDrmSessionManager() method. Use DrmSessionManager.DRM_UNSUPPORTED instead.
    • Remove AnalyticsListener.onAudioInputFormatChanged(EventTime, Format) , AnalyticsListener.onVideoInputFormatChanged(EventTime, Format) , AudioRendererEventListener.onAudioInputFormatChanged(Format) , VideoRendererEventListener.onVideoInputFormatChanged(Format) . Use the overloads that take a DecoderReuseEvaluation instead.
    • Remove RendererSupport.FormatSupport IntDef and FORMAT_HANDLED , FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES , FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_DRM , FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTYPE , FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE constants. Use the equivalent IntDef and constants in androidx.media3.common.C instead (eg C.FORMAT_HANDLED ).
    • Remove Bundleable interface. This includes removing all Bundleable.Creator<Foo> CREATOR constant fields. Callers should use the Bundle toBundle() and static Foo fromBundle(Bundle) methods on each type instead.

Version 1.4.0-rc01

10 июля 2024 г.

Use the 1.4.0 stable version .

Version 1.4.0-beta01

26 июня 2024 г.

Use the 1.4.0 stable version .

Version 1.4.0-alpha02

07 июня 2024 г.

Use the 1.4.0 stable version .

Version 1.4.0-alpha01

17 апреля 2024 г.

Use the 1.4.0 stable version .

Version 1.3.0

Version 1.3.1

11 апреля 2024 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.3.1 is released. Version 1.3.1 contains these commits .

  • Common Library:
    • Add Format.labels to allow localized or other alternative labels.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix issue where PreloadMediaPeriod cannot retain the streams when it is preloaded again.
    • Apply the correct corresponding TrackSelectionResult to the playing period in track reselection.
    • Start early-enabled renderers only after advancing the playing period when transitioning between media items ( #1017 ).
    • Add missing return type to proguard -keepclasseswithmembers rule for DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.Factory.Builder.build() ( #1187 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Add workaround for exception thrown due to MediaMuxer not supporting negative presentation timestamps before API 30.
  • Track Selection:
    • DefaultTrackSelector : Prefer video tracks with a 'reasonable' frame rate (>=10fps) over those with a lower or unset frame rate. This ensures the player selects the 'real' video track in MP4s extracted from motion photos that can contain two HEVC tracks where one has a higher resolution but a very small number of frames ( #1051 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix issue where padding was not skipped when reading odd-sized chunks from WAV files ( #1117 ).
    • MP3: Populate Format.averageBitrate from metadata frames such as XING and VBRI .
    • MPEG-TS: Revert a change that aimed to ensure the last frame is rendered by passing the last access unit of a stream to the sample queue ( #7909 ). This is due to the change causing new problems with I-frame only HLS streams ( #1150 ) and H.262 HLS streams ( #1126 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Allow renderer recovery by disabling offload if audio track fails to initialize in offload mode.
  • Видео:
    • Add workaround for a device issue on Galaxy Tab S7 FE, Chromecast with Google TV, and Lenovo M10 FHD Plus that causes 60fps H265 streams to be marked as unsupported
    • Add workaround that ensures the first frame is always rendered while tunneling even if the device does not do this automatically as required by the API ( #1169 ). ( #966 ).
    • Fix issue where HDR color info handling causes codec misbehavior and prevents adaptive format switches for SDR video tracks ( #1158 ).
  • Текст:
    • WebVTT: Prevent directly consecutive cues from creating spurious additional CuesWithTiming instances from WebvttParser.parse ( #1177 ).
  • DRM:
    • Work around a NoSuchMethodError which can be thrown by the MediaDrm framework instead of ResourceBusyException or NotProvisionedException on some Android 14 devices ( #1145 ).
  • Эффект:
    • Improved PQ to SDR tone-mapping by converting color spaces.
  • Session:
    • Fix issue where the current position jumps back when the controller replaces the current item ( #951 ).
    • Fix issue where MediaMetadata with just non-null extras is not transmitted between media controllers and sessions ( #1176 ).
  • UI:
    • Fallback to include audio track language name if Locale cannot identify a display name ( #988 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Populate all Label elements from the manifest into Format.labels ( #1054 ).
  • RTSP Extension:
    • Skip empty session information values (i-tags) in SDP parsing ( #1087 ).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, MIDI, etc.):
    • Disable the MIDI extension as a local dependency by default because it requires an additional Maven repository to be configured. Users who need this module from a local dependency can re-enable it .

Version 1.3.0

6 марта 2024 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.3.0 is released. Version 1.3.0 contains these commits .

  • Common Library:
    • Implement support for android.resource://package/[type/]name raw resource URIs where package is different to the package of the current application. This has always been documented to work, but wasn't correctly implemented until now.
    • Normalize MIME types set by app code or read from media to be fully lower-case.
    • Define ads with a full MediaItem instead of a single Uri in AdPlaybackState .
    • Increase minSdk to 19 (Android KitKat). This is aligned with all other AndroidX libraries , and is required for us to upgrade to the latest versions of our AndroidX dependencies.
    • Populate both artworkUri and artworkData in MediaMetadata.Builder.populate(MediaMetadata) when at least one of them is non-null ( #964 ).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add PreloadMediaSource and PreloadMediaPeriod that allows apps to preload a content media source at a specific start position before playback. PreloadMediaSource takes care of preparing the content media source to receive the Timeline , preparing and caching the period at the given start position, selecting tracks and loading media data for the period. Apps control the preload progress by implementing PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl and set the preloaded source to the player for playback.
    • Add ExoPlayer.setImageOutput that allows apps to set ImageRenderer.ImageOutput .
    • DefaultRenderersFactory now provides an ImageRenderer to the player by default with null ImageOutput and ImageDecoder.Factory.DEFAULT .
    • Emit Player.Listener.onPositionDiscontinuity event when silence is skipped ( #765 ).
    • Add experimental support for parsing subtitles during extraction. You can enable this using MediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction() .
    • Support adaptive media sources with PreloadMediaSource .
    • Implement HttpEngineDataSource , an HttpDataSource using the HttpEngine API.
    • Prevent subclassing CompositeSequenceableLoader . This component was previously made extensible but was never subclassed within the library. Customizations can be done by wrapping an instance using the decorator pattern and implementing a custom CompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory .
    • Fix issue where repeating the same time causes metadata from this item to be cleared ( #1007 ).
    • Rename experimentalSetSubtitleParserFactory methods on BundledChunkExtractor.Factory and DefaultHlsExtractorFactory to setSubtitleParserFactory and disallow passing null . Use the new experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction(boolean) methods to control parsing behaviour.
    • Add support for customising the SubtitleParser.Factory used during extraction. This can be achieved with MediaSource.Factory.setSubtitleParserFactory() .
    • Add source prefix to all Format.id fields generated from MergingMediaSource . This helps to identify which source produced a Format ( #883 ).
    • Fix the regex used for validating custom Common Media Client Data (CMCD) key names by modifying it to only check for hyphen ( #1028 ).
    • Stop double-encoding CMCD query parameters ( #1075 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Add support for flattening H.265/HEVC SEF slow motion videos.
    • Increase transmuxing speed, especially for 'remove video' edits.
    • Add API to ensure that the output file starts on a video frame. This can make the output of trimming operations more compatible with player implementations that don't show the first video frame until its presentation timestamp ( #829 ).
    • Add support for optimizing single asset MP4 trim operations.
    • Add support to ensure a video frame has the first timestamp in the output file. Fixes output files beginning with black frame on iOS based players ( #829 ).
  • Track Selection:
    • Add DefaultTrackSelector.selectImageTrack to enable image track selection.
    • Add TrackSelectionParameters.isPrioritizeImageOverVideoEnabled to determine whether to select an image track if both an image track and a video track are available. The default value is false which means selecting a video track is prioritized.
  • Extractors:
    • Add additional AV1C parsing to MP4 extractor to retrieve ColorInfo.colorSpace , ColorInfo.colorTransfer , and ColorInfo.colorRange values ( #692 ).
    • MP3: Use constant bitrate (CBR) seeking for files with an Info header (the CBR equivalent of the Xing header). Previously we used the seek table from the Info header, but this results in less precise seeking than if we ignore it and assume the file is CBR.
    • MPEG2-TS: Add DTS, DTS-LBR and DTS:X Profile2 support ( #275 ).
    • Extract audio types from TS descriptors and map them to role flags, allowing users to make better-informed audio track selections ( #973 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Improve silence skipping algorithm with smooth volume ramp; retained minimal silence and more natural silence durations ( #7423 ).
    • Report the skipped silence more deterministically ( #1035 ).
  • Видео:
    • Change the MediaCodecVideoRenderer constructor that takes a VideoFrameProcessor.Factory argument and replace it with a constructor that takes a VideoSinkProvider argument. Apps that want to inject a custom VideoFrameProcessor.Factory can instantiate a CompositingVideoSinkProvider that uses the custom VideoFrameProcessor.Factory and pass the video sink provider to MediaCodecVideoRenderer .
  • Текст:
    • Fix serialization of bitmap cues to resolve Tried to marshall a Parcel that contained Binder objects error when using DefaultExtractorsFactory.setTextTrackTranscodingEnabled ( #836 ).
    • CEA-708: Ignore rowLock value. The CEA-708-E S-2023 spec states that rowLock and columnLock should both be assumed to be true, regardless of the values present in the stream ( columnLock support is not implemented, so it's effectively assumed to always be false).
  • Изображение:
    • Add support for DASH thumbnails. Grid images are cropped and individual thumbnails are provided to ImageOutput close to their presentation times.
  • DRM:
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix issue where DASH and HLS ads without the appropriate file extension can't be played.
  • Session:
    • Disable double-click detection for TV apps ( #962 ).
    • Fix issue where MediaItem.RequestMetadata with just non-null extras is not transmitted between media controllers and sessions.
    • Add constructor to MediaLibrarySession.Builder that only takes a Context instead of a MediaLibraryService .
  • HLS Extension:
    • Reduce HlsMediaPeriod to package-private visibility. This type shouldn't be directly depended on from outside the HLS package.
    • Resolve seeks to beginning of a segment more efficiently ( #1031 ).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, MIDI, etc.):
    • MIDI decoder: Ignore SysEx event messages ( #710 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Don't pause playback in TestPlayerRunHelper.playUntilPosition . The test keeps the playback in a playing state, but suspends progress until the test is able to add assertions and further actions.
  • Demo app:
    • Add a shortform demo module to demo the usage of PreloadMediaSource with the short-form content use case.

Version 1.3.0-rc01

February 22, 2024

Use the 1.3.0 stable version .

Version 1.3.0-beta01

February 7, 2024

Use the 1.3.0 stable version .

Version 1.3.0-alpha01

15 января 2024 г.

Use the 1.3.0 stable version .

Version 1.2.0

Version 1.2.1

9 января 2024 г.

  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix issue where manual seeks outside of the LiveConfiguration.min/maxOffset range keep adjusting the offset back to min/maxOffset .
    • Fix issue that OPUS and VORBIS channel layouts are wrong for 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 channels ( #8396 ).
    • Fix issue where track selections after seek to zero in a live stream incorrectly let the stream start at its default position ( #9347 ).
    • Fix the issue where new instances of CmcdData.Factory were receiving negative values for bufferedDurationUs from chunk sources, resulting in an IllegalArgumentException ( #888 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Work around an issue where the encoder would throw at configuration time due to setting a high operating rate.
  • Extractors:
    • Mark secondary (unplayable) HEVC tracks in JPEG motion photos as ROLE_FLAG_ALTERNATE to prevent them being automatically selected for playback because of their higher resolution.
    • Fix wrong keyframe detection for TS H264 streams ( #864 ).
    • Fix duration estimation of TS streams that are longer than 47721 seconds ( #855 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Fix handling of EOS for SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor when called multiple times ( #712 ).
  • Видео:
    • Add workaround for a device issue on Galaxy Tab S7 FE, Chromecast with Google TV, and Lenovo M10 FHD Plus that causes 60fps AVC streams to be marked as unsupported ( #693 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • Fix bug where MediaMetadata was only populated from Vorbis comments with upper-case keys ( #876 ).
    • Catch OutOfMemoryError when parsing very large ID3 frames, meaning playback can continue without the tag info instead of playback failing completely.
  • DRM:
    • Extend workaround for spurious ClearKey https://default.url license URL to API 33+ (previously the workaround only applied on API 33 exactly) ( #837 ).
    • Fix ERROR_DRM_SESSION_NOT_OPENED when switching from encrypted to clear content without a surface attached to the player. The error was due to incorrectly using a secure decoder to play the clear content.
  • Session:
    • Put the custom keys and values in MediaMetadataCompat to MediaMetadata.extras and MediaMetadata.extras to MediaMetadataCompat ( #756 , #802 ).
    • Fix broadcasting notifyChildrenChanged for legacy controllers ( #644 ).
    • Fix a bug where setting a negative time for a disabled setWhen timer of the notification caused a crash on some devices ( #903 ).
    • Fix IllegalStateException when the media notification controller hasn't completed connecting when the first notification update is requested ( #917 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix issue where forward and rewind buttons are not visible when used with Material Design in a BottomSheetDialogFragment ( #511 ).
    • Fix issue where the numbers in the fast forward button of the PlayerControlView were misaligned ( #547 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Parse "f800" as channel count of 5 for Dolby in DASH manifest ( #688 ).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, MIDI, etc.):
    • MIDI: Fix issue where seeking forward skips the Program Change events ( #704 ).
    • Migrate to FFmpeg 6.0 and update supported NDK to r26b ( #707 , #867 ).
  • Cast Extension:
    • Sanitize creation of a Timeline to not crash the app when loading media fails on the cast device ( #708 ).

Version 1.2.0

15 ноября 2023 г.

  • Common Library:
    • Add a @Nullable Throwable parameter to the methods in the Log.Logger interface. The message parameter to these methods no longer contains any information about the Throwable passed to the Log.{d,i,w,e}() methods, so implementations will need to manually append this information if desired (possibly using Logger.appendThrowableString(String, Throwable) ).
    • Fix Kotlin compatibility issue where nullable generic type parameters and nullable array element types are not detected as nullable. Examples are TrackSelectorResult and SimpleDecoder method parameters ( #6792 ).
    • Change default UI and notification behavior in Util.shouldShowPlayButton to show a "play" button while playback is temporarily suppressed (eg due to transient audio focus loss). The legacy behavior can be maintained by using PlayerView.setShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed(false) or MediaSession.Builder.setShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed(false) ( #11213 ).
    • Upgrade androidx.annotation:annotation-experimental to 1.3.1 to fix https://issuetracker.google.com/251172715.
    • Move ExoPlayer.setAudioAttributes to the Player interface.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix seeking issues in AC4 streams caused by not identifying decode-only samples correctly ( #11000 ).
    • Add suppression of playback on unsuitable audio output devices (eg the built-in speaker on Wear OS devices) when this feature is enabled via ExoPlayer.Builder.setSuppressPlaybackOnUnsuitableOutput . The playback suppression reason will be updated as Player.PLAYBACK_SUPPRESSION_REASON_UNSUITABLE_AUDIO_OUTPUT if playback is attempted when no suitable audio outputs are available, or if all suitable outputs are disconnected during playback. The suppression reason will be removed when a suitable output is connected.
    • Add MediaSource.canUpdateMediaItem and MediaSource.updateMediaItem to accept MediaItem updates after creation via Player.replaceMediaItem(s) .
    • Allow MediaItem updates for all MediaSource classes provided by the library via Player.replaceMediaItem(s) ( #33 , #9978 ).
    • Add PngExtractor that sends and reads a whole PNG file into the TrackOutput as one sample.
    • Enhance SequenceableLoader.continueLoading(long) method in the SequenceableLoader interface to SequenceableLoader.continueLoading(LoadingInfo loadingInfo) . LoadingInfo contains additional parameters, including playbackSpeed and lastRebufferRealtimeMs in addition to the existing playbackPositionUs .
    • Enhance ChunkSource.getNextChunk(long, long, List, ChunkHolder) method in the ChunkSource interface to ChunkSource.getNextChunk(LoadingInfo, long, List, ChunkHolder) .
    • Add additional fields to Common Media Client Data (CMCD) logging: buffer starvation ( bs ), deadline ( dl ), playback rate ( pr ) and startup ( su ) ( #8699 ).
    • Add luma and chroma bitdepth to ColorInfo ( #491 ).
    • Add additional fields to Common Media Client Data (CMCD) logging: next object request ( nor ) and next range request ( nrr ) ( #8699 ).
    • Add functionality to transmit Common Media Client Data (CMCD) data using query parameters ( #553 ).
    • Fix ConcurrentModificationException in ExperimentalBandwidthMeter ( #612 ).
    • Add MediaPeriodId parameter to CompositeMediaSource.getMediaTimeForChildMediaTime .
    • Support ClippingMediaSource (and other sources with period/window time offsets) in ConcatenatingMediaSource2 ( #11226 ).
    • Change BaseRenderer.onStreamChanged() to also receive a MediaPeriodId argument.
  • Transformer:
    • Parse EXIF rotation data for image inputs.
    • Remove TransformationRequest.HdrMode annotation type and its associated constants. Use Composition.HdrMode and its associated constants instead.
    • Simplify the OverlaySettings to fix rotation issues.
    • Changed frameRate and durationUs parameters of SampleConsumer.queueInputBitmap to TimestampIterator .
  • Track Selection:
    • Add DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.allowAudioNonSeamlessAdaptiveness to explicitly allow or disallow non-seamless adaptation. The default stays at its current behavior of true .
  • Extractors:
    • MPEG-TS: Ensure the last frame is rendered by passing the last access unit of a stream to the sample queue ( #7909 ).
    • Fix typo when determining rotationDegrees . Changed projectionPosePitch to projectionPoseRoll ( #461 ).
    • Remove the assumption that Extractor instances can be directly inspected with instanceof . If you want runtime access to the implementation details of an Extractor you must first call Extractor.getUnderlyingInstance .
    • Add BmpExtractor .
    • Add WebpExtractor .
    • Add HeifExtractor .
    • Add QuickTime classic support to Mp4Extractor .
  • Аудио:
    • Add support for 24/32-bit big-endian PCM in MP4 and Matroska, and parse PCM encoding for lpcm in MP4.
    • Add support for extracting Vorbis audio in MP4.
    • Add AudioSink.getFormatOffloadSupport(Format) that retrieves level of offload support the sink can provide for the format through a DefaultAudioOffloadSupportProvider . It returns the new AudioOffloadSupport that contains isFormatSupported , isGaplessSupported , and isSpeedChangeSupported .
    • Add AudioSink.setOffloadMode() through which the offload configuration on the audio sink is configured. Default is AudioSink.OFFLOAD_MODE_DISABLED .
    • Offload can be enabled through setAudioOffloadPreference in TrackSelectionParameters . If the set preference is to enable, the device supports offload for the format, and the track selection is a single audio track, then audio offload will be enabled.
    • If audioOffloadModePreference is set to AUDIO_OFFLOAD_MODE_PREFERENCE_REQUIRED , then the DefaultTrackSelector will only select an audio track and only if that track's format is supported in offload. If no audio track is supported in offload, then no track will be selected.
    • Disabling gapless support for offload when pre-API level 33 due to playback position issue after track transition.
    • Remove parameter enableOffload from DefaultRenderersFactory.buildAudioSink method signature.
    • Remove method DefaultAudioSink.Builder.setOffloadMode .
    • Remove intdef value DefaultAudioSink.OffloadMode.OFFLOAD_MODE_ENABLED_GAPLESS_DISABLED .
    • Add support for Opus gapless metadata during offload playback.
    • Allow renderer recovery by disabling offload if failed at first write ( #627 ).
    • Enable Offload Scheduling by default for audio-only offloaded playback.
    • Delete ExoPlayer.experimentalSetOffloadSchedulingEnabled and AudioOffloadListener.onExperimentalOffloadSchedulingEnabledChanged .
    • Renamed onExperimentalSleepingForOffloadChanged as onSleepingForOffloadChanged and onExperimentalOffloadedPlayback as onOffloadedPlayback .
    • Move audio offload mode related TrackSelectionParameters interfaces and definitions to an inner AudioOffloadPreferences class.
    • Add onAudioTrackInitialized and onAudioTrackReleased callbacks to AnalyticsListener , AudioRendererEventListener and AudioSink.Listener .
    • Fix DTS Express audio buffer underflow issue ( #650 ).
    • Fix bug where the capabilities check for E-AC3-JOC throws an IllegalArgumentException ( #677 ).
  • Видео:
    • Allow MediaCodecVideoRenderer to use a custom VideoFrameProcessor.Factory .
    • Fix bug where the first frame couldn't be rendered if the audio stream starts with negative timestamps ( #291 ).
  • Текст:
    • Remove ExoplayerCuesDecoder . Text tracks with sampleMimeType = application/x-media3-cues are now directly handled by TextRenderer without needing a SubtitleDecoder instance.
  • Метаданные:
    • MetadataDecoder.decode will no longer be called for "decode-only" samples as the implementation must return null anyway.
  • Эффект:
    • Add VideoFrameProcessor.queueInputBitmap(Bitmap, Iterator<Long>) queuing bitmap input by timestamp.
    • Change VideoFrameProcessor.registerInputStream() to be non-blocking. Apps must implement VideoFrameProcessor.Listener#onInputStreamRegistered() .
    • Changed frameRate and durationUs parameters of VideoFrameProcessor.queueInputBitmap to TimestampIterator .
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix bug where a multi-period DASH live stream that is not the first item in a playlist can throw an exception ( #571 ).
    • Release StreamManager before calling AdsLoader.destroy()
    • Bump IMA SDK version to 3.31.0.
  • Session:
    • Set the notifications foreground service behavior to FOREGROUND_SERVICE_IMMEDIATE in DefaultMediaNotificationProvider ( #167 ).
    • Use only android.media.session.MediaSession.setMediaButtonBroadcastReceiver() above API 31 to avoid problems with deprecated API on Samsung devices ( #167 ).
    • Use the media notification controller as proxy to set available commands and custom layout used to populate the notification and the platform session.
    • Convert media button events that are received by MediaSessionService.onStartCommand() within Media3 instead of routing them to the platform session and back to Media3. With this, the caller controller is always the media notification controller and apps can easily recognize calls coming from the notification in the same way on all supported API levels.
    • Fix bug where MediaController.getCurrentPosition() is not advancing when connected to a legacy MediaSessionCompat .
    • Add MediaLibrarySession.getSubscribedControllers(mediaId) for convenience.
    • Override MediaLibrarySession.Callback.onSubscribe() to assert the availability of the parent ID for which the controller subscribes. If successful, the subscription is accepted and notifyChildrenChanged() is called immediately to inform the browser ( #561 ).
    • Add session demo module for Automotive OS and enable session demo for Android Auto.
    • Do not set the queue of the framework session when COMMAND_GET_TIMELINE is not available for the media notification controller. With Android Auto as the client controller reading from the framework session, this has the effect that the queue button in the UI of Android Auto is not displayed ( #339 ).
    • Use DataSourceBitmapLoader by default instead of SimpleBitmapLoader ( #271 , #327 ).
    • Add MediaSession.Callback.onMediaButtonEvent(Intent) that allows apps to override the default media button event handling.
  • UI:
    • Add a Player.Listener implementation for Wear OS devices that handles playback suppression due to Player.PLAYBACK_SUPPRESSION_REASON_UNSUITABLE_AUDIO_OUTPUT by launching a system dialog to allow a user to connect a suitable audio output (eg bluetooth headphones). The listener will auto-resume playback if a suitable device is connected within a configurable timeout (default is 5 minutes).
  • Загрузки:
    • Declare "data sync" foreground service type for DownloadService for Android 14 compatibility. When using this service, the app also needs to add dataSync as foregroundServiceType in the manifest and add the FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC permission ( #11239 ).
  • HLS Extension:
    • Refresh the HLS live playlist with an interval calculated from the last load start time rather than the last load completed time ( #663 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Allow multiple of the same DASH identifier in segment template URL.
    • Add experimental support for parsing subtitles during extraction. This has better support for merging overlapping subtitles, including resolving flickering when transitioning between subtitle segments. You can enable this using DashMediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction() ( #288 ).
  • RTSP Extension:
    • Fix a race condition that could lead to IndexOutOfBoundsException when falling back to TCP, or playback hanging in some situations.
    • Check state in RTSP setup when returning loading state of RtspMediaPeriod ( #577 ).
    • Ignore custom Rtsp request methods in Options response public header ( #613 ).
    • Use RTSP Setup Response timeout value in time interval of sending keep-alive RTSP Options requests ( #662 ).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, MIDI, etc.):
    • Release the MIDI decoder module, which provides support for playback of standard MIDI files using the Jsyn library to synthesize audio.
    • Add DecoderOutputBuffer.shouldBeSkipped to directly mark output buffers that don't need to be presented. This is preferred over C.BUFFER_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY that will be deprecated.
    • Add Decoder.setOutputStartTimeUs and SimpleDecoder.isAtLeastOutputStartTimeUs to allow decoders to drop decode-only samples before the start time. This should be preferred to Buffer.isDecodeOnly that will be deprecated.
    • Fix bug publishing MIDI decoder artifact to Maven repository. The artifact is renamed to media3-exoplayer-midi ( #734 ).
  • Leanback extension:
    • Fix bug where disabling a surface can cause an ArithmeticException in Leanback code ( #617 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Make TestExoPlayerBuilder and FakeClock compatible with Espresso UI tests and Compose UI tests. This fixes a bug where playback advances non-deterministically during Espresso or Compose view interactions.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove TransformationRequest.Builder.setEnableRequestSdrToneMapping(boolean) and TransformationRequest.Builder.experimental_setEnableHdrEditing(boolean) . Use Composition.Builder.setHdrMode(int) and pass the Composition to Transformer.start(Composition, String) instead.
    • Remove deprecated DownloadNotificationHelper.buildProgressNotification method, use a non deprecated method that takes a notMetRequirements parameter instead.

Version 1.2.0-rc01

1 ноября 2023 г.

Use the 1.2.0 stable version .

Version 1.2.0-beta01

19 октября 2023 г.

Use the 1.2.0 stable version .

Version 1.2.0-alpha02

29 сентября 2023 г.

Use the 1.2.0 stable version .

Version 1.2.0-alpha01

17 августа 2023 г.

Use the 1.2.0 stable version .

Version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.1

16 августа 2023 г.

  • Common Library:
    • Remove accidentally added multidex dependency from all modules ( #499 ).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix issue in PlaybackStatsListener where spurious PlaybackStats are created after the playlist is cleared.
    • Add additional fields to Common Media Client Data (CMCD) logging: streaming format (sf), stream type (st), version (v), top birate (tb), object duration (d), measured throughput (mtp) and object type (ot) ( #8699 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Fix a bug where Player.getState() never transitioned to STATE_ENDED when playing very short files ( #538 ).
  • Audio Offload:
    • Prepend Ogg ID Header and Comment Header Pages to bitstream for offloaded Opus playback in accordance with RFC 7845.
  • Видео:
    • H.265/HEVC: Fix parsing SPS short and long term reference picture info.
  • Текст:
    • CEA-608: Change cue truncation logic to only consider visible text. Previously indent and tab offset were included when limiting the cue length to 32 characters (which was technically correct by the spec) ( #11019 ).
  • IMA extension:
    • Bump IMA SDK version to 3.30.3.
  • Session:
    • Add custom layout to the state of the controller and provide a getter to access it. When the custom layout changes, MediaController.Listener.onCustomLayoutChanged is called. Apps that want to send different custom layouts to different Media3 controller can do this in MediaSession.Callback.onConnect by using an AcceptedResultBuilder to make sure the custom layout is available to the controller when connection completes.
    • Fix cases where MediaLibraryServiceLegacyStub sent an error to a Result that didn't support this which produced an UnsupportedOperationException ( #78 ).
    • Fix the way PlayerWrapper creates a VolumeProviderCompat by determining volumeControlType through both legacy commands ( COMMAND_ADJUST_DEVICE_VOLUME and COMMAND_SET_DEVICE_VOLUME ) and new commands ( COMMAND_ADJUST_DEVICE_VOLUME_WITH_FLAGS and COMMAND_SET_DEVICE_VOLUME_WITH_FLAGS ) ( #554 ).

Version 1.1.0

5 июля 2023 г.

  • Common Library:
    • Add suppression reason for unsuitable audio route and play when ready change reason for suppressed too long. ( #15 ).
    • Add commands to Player:
    • Add overloaded methods to Player which allow users to specify volume flags:
      • void setDeviceVolume(int, int)
      • void increaseDeviceVolume(int)
      • void decreaseDeviceVolume(int)
      • void setDeviceMuted(boolean, int)
    • Add Builder for DeviceInfo and deprecate existing constructor.
    • Add DeviceInfo.routingControllerId to specify the routing controller ID for remote playbacks.
    • Add Player.replaceMediaItem(s) as a shortcut to adding and removing items at the same position ( #8046 ).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Allow ExoPlayer to have control of device volume methods only if explicitly opted in. Use ExoPlayer.Builder.setDeviceVolumeControlEnabled to have access to:
      • getDeviceVolume()
      • isDeviceMuted()
      • setDeviceVolume(int) and setDeviceVolume(int, int)
      • increaseDeviceVolume(int) and increaseDeviceVolume(int, int)
      • decreaseDeviceVolume(int) and decreaseDeviceVolume(int, int)
    • Add FilteringMediaSource that allows to filter available track types from a MediaSource .
    • Add support for including Common Media Client Data (CMCD) in the outgoing requests of adaptive streaming formats DASH, HLS, and SmoothStreaming. The following fields, br , bl , cid , rtp , and sid , have been incorporated ( #8699 ). API structure and API methods:
      • CMCD logging is disabled by default, use MediaSource.Factory.setCmcdConfigurationFactory(CmcdConfiguration.Factory cmcdConfigurationFactory) to enable it.
      • All keys are enabled by default, override CmcdConfiguration.RequestConfig.isKeyAllowed(String key) to filter out which keys are logged.
      • Override CmcdConfiguration.RequestConfig.getCustomData() to enable custom key logging.
    • Add additional action to manifest of main demo to make it easier to start the demo app with a custom *.exolist.json file ( #439 ).
    • Add ExoPlayer.setVideoEffects() for using Effect during video playback.
    • Update SampleQueue to store sourceId as a long rather than an int . This changes the signatures of public methods SampleQueue.sourceId and SampleQueue.peekSourceId .
    • Add parameters to LoadControl methods shouldStartPlayback and onTracksSelected that allow associating these methods with the relevant MediaPeriod .
    • Change signature of ServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.setAdPlaybackStates(Map<Object, AdPlaybackState>) by adding a timeline parameter that contains the periods with the UIDs used as keys in the map. This is required to avoid concurrency issues with multi-period live streams.
    • Deprecate EventDispatcher.withParameters(int windowIndex, @Nullable MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId, long mediaTimeOffsetMs) and BaseMediaSource.createEventDispatcher(..., long mediaTimeOffsetMs) . The variant of the methods without the mediaTimeOffsetUs can be called instead. Note that even for the deprecated variants, the offset is not anymore added to startTimeUs and endTimeUs of the MediaLoadData objects that are dispatched by the dispatcher.
    • Rename ExoTrackSelection.blacklist to excludeTrack and isBlacklisted to isTrackExcluded .
    • Fix inconsistent behavior between ExoPlayer.setMediaItem(s) and addMediaItem(s) when called on an empty playlist.
  • Transformer:
    • Remove Transformer.Builder.setMediaSourceFactory(MediaSource.Factory) . Use ExoPlayerAssetLoader.Factory(MediaSource.Factory) and Transformer.Builder.setAssetLoaderFactory(AssetLoader.Factory) instead.
    • Remove Transformer.startTransformation(MediaItem, ParcelFileDescriptor) .
    • Fix a bug where transformation could get stuck (leading to muxer timeout) if the end of the video stream was signaled at the moment when an input frame was pending processing.
    • Query codecs via MediaCodecList instead of using findDecoder/EncoderForFormat utilities, to expand support.
    • Remove B-frame configuration in DefaultEncoderFactory because it doesn't work on some devices.
  • Track selection:
    • Add DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.allowInvalidateSelectionsForRendererCapabilitiesChange which is disabled by default. When enabled, the DefaultTrackSelector will trigger a new track selection when the renderer capabilities changed.
  • Extractors:
    • Ogg: Fix bug when seeking in files with a long duration ( #391 ).
    • FMP4: Fix issue where TimestampAdjuster initializes a wrong timestamp offset with metadata sample time from emsg atom ( #356 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Fix bug where some playbacks fail when tunneling is enabled and AudioProcessors are active, eg for gapless trimming ( #10847 ).
    • Encapsulate Opus frames in Ogg packets in direct playbacks (offload).
    • Extrapolate current position during sleep with offload scheduling.
    • Add Renderer.release() and AudioSink.release() for releasing the resources at the end of player's lifecycle.
    • Listen to audio capabilities changes in DefaultAudioSink . Add a required parameter context in the constructor of DefaultAudioSink , with which the DefaultAudioSink will register as the listener to the AudioCapabilitiesReceiver and update its audioCapabilities property when informed with a capabilities change.
    • Propagate audio capabilities changes via a new event onAudioCapabilitiesChanged in AudioSink.Listener interface, and a new interface RendererCapabilities.Listener which triggers onRendererCapabilitiesChanged events.
    • Add ChannelMixingAudioProcessor for applying scaling/mixing to audio channels.
    • Add new int value DISCARD_REASON_AUDIO_BYPASS_POSSIBLE to DecoderDiscardReasons to discard audio decoder when bypass mode is possible after audio capabilities change.
    • Add direct playback support for DTS Express and DTS:X ( #335 ).
  • Видео:
    • Make MediaCodecVideoRenderer report a VideoSize with a width and height of 0 when the renderer is disabled. Player.Listener.onVideoSizeChanged is called accordingly when Player.getVideoSize() changes. With this change, ExoPlayer's video size with MediaCodecVideoRenderer has a width and height of 0 when Player.getCurrentTracks does not support video, or the size of the supported video track is not yet determined.
  • DRM:
    • Reduce the visibility of several internal-only methods on DefaultDrmSession that aren't expected to be called from outside the DRM package:
      • void onMediaDrmEvent(int)
      • void provision()
      • void onProvisionCompleted()
      • onProvisionError(Exception, boolean)
  • Muxer:
    • Add a new muxer library which can be used to create an MP4 container file.
  • IMA extension:
    • Enable multi-period live DASH streams for DAI. Please note that the current implementation does not yet support seeking in live streams ( #10912 ).
    • Fix a bug where a new ad group is inserted in live streams because the calculated content position in consecutive timelines varies slightly.
  • Session:
    • Add helper method MediaSession.getControllerForCurrentRequest to obtain information about the controller that is currently calling a Player method.
    • Add androidx.media3.session.MediaButtonReceiver to enable apps to implement playback resumption with media button events sent by, for example, a Bluetooth headset ( #167 ).
    • Add default implementation to MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems to allow requested MediaItems to be passed onto Player if they have LocalConfiguration (eg URI) ( #282 ).
    • Add "seek to previous" and "seek to next" command buttons on compact media notification view by default for Android 12 and below ( #410 ).
    • Add default implementation to MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems to allow requested MediaItems to be passed onto Player if they have LocalConfiguration (eg URI) ( #282 ).
    • Add "seek to previous" and "seek to next" command buttons on compact media notification view by default for Android 12 and below ( #410 ).
  • UI:
    • Add Util methods shouldShowPlayButton and handlePlayPauseButtonAction to write custom UI elements with a play/pause button.
  • RTSP Extension:
    • For MPEG4-LATM, use default profile-level-id value if absent in Describe Response SDP message ( #302 ).
    • Use base Uri for relative path resolution from the RTSP session if present in DESCRIBE response header ( #11160 ).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Remove the media time offset from MediaLoadData.startTimeMs and MediaLoadData.endTimeMs for multi period DASH streams.
    • Fix a bug where re-preparing a multi-period live Dash media source produced a IndexOutOfBoundsException ( #10838 ).
  • HLS Extension:
    • Add HlsMediaSource.Factory.setTimestampAdjusterInitializationTimeoutMs(long) to set a timeout for the loading thread to wait for the TimestampAdjuster to initialize. If the initialization doesn't complete before the timeout, a PlaybackException is thrown to avoid the playback endless stalling. The timeout is set to zero by default ( #323 ).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Check for URI scheme case insensitivity in DataSourceContractTest .
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove DefaultAudioSink constructors, use DefaultAudioSink.Builder instead.
    • Remove HlsMasterPlaylist , use HlsMultivariantPlaylist instead.
    • Remove Player.stop(boolean) . Use Player.stop() and Player.clearMediaItems() (if reset is true ) instead.
    • Remove two deprecated SimpleCache constructors, use a non-deprecated constructor that takes a DatabaseProvider instead for better performance.
    • Remove DefaultBandwidthMeter constructor, use DefaultBandwidthMeter.Builder instead.
    • Remove DefaultDrmSessionManager constructors, use DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder instead.
    • Remove two deprecated HttpDataSource.InvalidResponseCodeException constructors, use a non-deprecated constructor that accepts additional fields( cause , responseBody ) to enhance error logging.
    • Remove DownloadHelper.forProgressive , DownloadHelper.forHls , DownloadHelper.forDash , and DownloadHelper.forSmoothStreaming , use DownloadHelper.forMediaItem instead.
    • Remove deprecated DownloadService constructor, use a non deprecated constructor that includes the option to provide a channelDescriptionResourceId parameter.
    • Remove deprecated String constants for Charsets ( ASCII_NAME , UTF8_NAME , ISO88591_NAME , UTF16_NAME and UTF16LE_NAME ), use Kotlin Charsets from the kotlin.text package, the java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets or the com.google.common.base.Charsets instead.
    • Remove deprecated WorkManagerScheduler constructor, use a non deprecated constructor that includes the option to provide a Context parameter instead.
    • Remove the deprecated methods createVideoSampleFormat , createAudioSampleFormat , createContainerFormat , and createSampleFormat , which were used to instantiate the Format class. Instead use Format.Builder for creating instances of Format .
    • Remove the deprecated methods copyWithMaxInputSize , copyWithSubsampleOffsetUs , copyWithLabel , copyWithManifestFormatInfo , copyWithGaplessInfo , copyWithFrameRate , copyWithDrmInitData , copyWithMetadata , copyWithBitrate and copyWithVideoSize , use Format.buildUpon() and setter methods instead.
    • Remove deprecated ExoPlayer.retry() , use prepare() instead.
    • Remove deprecated zero-arg DefaultTrackSelector constructor, use DefaultTrackSelector(Context) instead.
    • Remove deprecated OfflineLicenseHelper constructor, use OfflineLicenseHelper(DefaultDrmSessionManager, DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher) instead.
    • Remove deprecated DownloadManager constructor, use the constructor that takes an Executor instead.
    • Remove deprecated Cue constructors, use Cue.Builder instead.
    • Remove deprecated OfflineLicenseHelper constructor, use OfflineLicenseHelper(DefaultDrmSessionManager, DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher) instead.
    • Remove four deprecated AnalyticsListener methods:
      • onDecoderEnabled , use onAudioEnabled and/or onVideoEnabled instead.
      • onDecoderInitialized , use onAudioDecoderInitialized and/or onVideoDecoderInitialized instead.
      • onDecoderInputFormatChanged , use onAudioInputFormatChanged and/or onVideoInputFormatChanged instead.
      • onDecoderDisabled , use onAudioDisabled and/or onVideoDisabled instead.
    • Remove the deprecated Player.Listener.onSeekProcessed and AnalyticsListener.onSeekProcessed , use onPositionDiscontinuity with DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK instead.
    • Remove ExoPlayer.setHandleWakeLock(boolean) , use setWakeMode(int) instead.
    • Remove deprecated DefaultLoadControl.Builder.createDefaultLoadControl() , use build() instead.
    • Remove deprecated MediaItem.PlaybackProperties , use MediaItem.LocalConfiguration instead. Deprecated field MediaItem.playbackProperties is now of type MediaItem.LocalConfiguration .

Version 1.1.0-rc01

21 июня 2023 г.

Use the 1.1.0 stable version .

Version 1.1.0-beta01

7 июня 2023 г.

Use the 1.1.0 stable version .

Version 1.1.0-alpha01

May 10, 2023

Use the 1.1.0 stable version .

Version 1.0.0

Версия 1.0.2

18 мая 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.2 is released. Version 1.0.2 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.7 release .

This release contains the following changes since the 1.0.1 release :

  • Core library:
    • Add Buffer.isLastSample() that denotes if Buffer contains flag C.BUFFER_FLAG_LAST_SAMPLE .
    • Fix issue where last frame may not be rendered if the last sample with frames is dequeued without reading the 'end of stream' sample. ( #11079 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix parsing of H.265 SPS in MPEG-TS files by re-using the parsing logic already used by RTSP and MP4 extractors ( #303 ).
  • Текст:
    • SSA: Add support for UTF-16 files if they start with a byte order mark ( #319 ).
  • Session:
    • Fix issue where MediaController doesn't update its available commands when connected to a legacy MediaSessionCompat that updates its actions.
    • Fix bug that prevented the MediaLibraryService from returning null for a call from System UI to Callback.onGetLibraryRoot with params.isRecent == true on API 30 ( #355 ).
    • Fix memory leak of MediaSessionService or MediaLibraryService ( #346 ).
    • Fix bug where a combined Timeline and position update in a MediaSession may cause a MediaController to throw an IllegalStateException .

Версия 1.0.1

18 апреля 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.1 is released. Version 1.0.1 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.6 release .

  • Core library:
    • Reset target live stream override when seeking to default position ( #11051 ).
    • Fix bug where empty sample streams in the media could cause playback to be stuck.
  • Session:
    • Fix bug where multiple identical queue items published by a legacy MediaSessionCompat result in an exception in MediaController ( #290 ).
    • Add missing forwarding of MediaSession.broadcastCustomCommand to the legacy MediaControllerCompat.Callback.onSessionEvent ( #293 ).
    • Fix bug where calling MediaSession.setPlayer doesn't update the available commands.
    • Fix issue that TrackSelectionOverride instances sent from a MediaController are ignored if they reference a group with Format.metadata ( #296 ).
    • Fix issue where Player.COMMAND_GET_CURRENT_MEDIA_ITEM needs to be available to access metadata via the legacy MediaSessionCompat .
    • Fix issue where MediaSession instances on a background thread cause crashes when used in MediaSessionService ( #318 ).
    • Fix issue where a media button receiver was declared by the library without the app having intended this ( #314 ).
    • Fix handling of empty segment timelines ( #11014 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Retry with TCP if RTSP Setup with UDP fails with RTSP Error 461 UnsupportedTransport ( #11069 ).

Version 1.0.0

22 марта 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0 is released. Version 1.0.0 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.5 release .

There are no changes since 1.0.0-rc02.

Version 1.0.0-rc02

2 марта 2023 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-rc02 is released. Version 1.0.0-rc02 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.4 release .

  • Core library:
    • Fix network type detection on API 33 ( #10970 ).
    • Fix NullPointerException when calling ExoPlayer.isTunnelingEnabled ( #10977 ).
  • Загрузки:
    • Make the maximum difference of the start time of two segments to be merged configurable in SegmentDownloader and subclasses ( #248 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Fix broken gapless MP3 playback on Samsung devices ( #8594 ).
    • Fix bug where playback speeds set immediately after disabling audio may be overridden by a previous speed change ( #10882 ).
  • Видео:
    • Map HEVC HDR10 format to HEVCProfileMain10HDR10 instead of HEVCProfileMain10 .
    • Add workaround for a device issue on Chromecast with Google TV and Lenovo M10 FHD Plus that causes 60fps AVC streams to be marked as unsupported ( #10898 ).
    • Fix frame release performance issues when playing media with a frame rate far higher than the screen refresh rate.
  • Бросать:
    • Fix transient STATE_IDLE when transitioning between media items ( #245 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Catch the IllegalArgumentException thrown in parsing of invalid RTSP Describe response messages ( #10971 ).
  • Session:
    • Fix a bug where notification play/pause button doesn't update with player state ( #192 ).
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix a bug which prevented DAI streams without any ads from starting because the first (and in the case without ads the only) LOADED event wasn't received.

Version 1.0.0-rc01

February 16, 2023

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-rc01 is released. Version 1.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.3 release .

  • Core library:
    • Tweak the renderer's decoder ordering logic to uphold the MediaCodecSelector 's preferences, even if a decoder reports it may not be able to play the media performantly. For example with default selector, hardware decoder with only functional support will be preferred over software decoder that fully supports the format ( #10604 ).
    • Add ExoPlayer.Builder.setPlaybackLooper that sets a pre-existing playback thread for a new ExoPlayer instance.
    • Allow download manager helpers to be cleared ( #10776 ).
    • Add parameter to BasePlayer.seekTo to also indicate the command used for seeking.
    • Use theme when loading drawables on API 21+ ( #220 ).
    • Add ConcatenatingMediaSource2 that allows combining multiple media items into a single window ( #247 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Throw a ParserException instead of a NullPointerException if the sample table (stbl) is missing a required sample description (stsd) when parsing trak atoms.
    • Correctly skip samples when seeking directly to a sync frame in fMP4 ( #10941 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Use the compressed audio format bitrate to calculate the min buffer size for AudioTrack in direct playbacks (passthrough).
  • Текст:
    • Fix TextRenderer passing an invalid (negative) index to Subtitle.getEventTime if a subtitle file contains no cues.
    • SubRip: Add support for UTF-16 files if they start with a byte order mark.
  • Метаданные:
    • Parse multiple null-separated values from ID3 frames, as permitted by ID3 v2.4.
    • Add MediaMetadata.mediaType to denote the type of content or the type of folder described by the metadata.
    • Add MediaMetadata.isBrowsable as a replacement for MediaMetadata.folderType . The folder type will be deprecated in the next release.
    • Add full parsing for image adaptation sets, including tile counts ( #3752 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix the deprecated PlayerView.setControllerVisibilityListener(PlayerControlView.VisibilityListener) to ensure visibility changes are passed to the registered listener ( #229 ).
    • Fix the ordering of the center player controls in PlayerView when using a right-to-left (RTL) layout ( #227 ).
  • Session:
    • Add abstract SimpleBasePlayer to help implement the Player interface for custom players.
    • Add helper method to convert platform session token to Media3 SessionToken ( #171 ).
    • Use onMediaMetadataChanged to trigger updates of the platform media session ( #219 ).
    • Add the media session as an argument of getMediaButtons() of the DefaultMediaNotificationProvider and use immutable lists for clarity ( #216 ).
    • Add onSetMediaItems callback listener to provide means to modify/set MediaItem list, starting index and position by session before setting onto Player ( #156 ).
    • Avoid double tap detection for non-Bluetooth media button events ( #233 ).
    • Make QueueTimeline more robust in case of a shady legacy session state ( #241 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • Parse multiple null-separated values from ID3 frames, as permitted by ID3 v2.4.
    • Add MediaMetadata.mediaType to denote the type of content or the type of folder described by the metadata.
    • Add MediaMetadata.isBrowsable as a replacement for MediaMetadata.folderType . The folder type will be deprecated in the next release.
  • Cast extension:
    • Bump Cast SDK version to 21.2.0.
  • IMA extension:
    • Remove player listener of the ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource on the application thread to avoid threading issues.
    • Add a property focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable to the ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdsLoader.Builder to request focusing the skip button on TV devices and set it to true by default.
    • Add a method focusSkipButton() to the ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdsLoader to programmatically request to focus the skip button.
    • Bump IMA SDK version to 3.29.0.
  • Demo app:
    • Request notification permission for download notifications at runtime ( #10884 ).

Version 1.0.0-beta03

22 ноября 2022 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-beta03 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.2 release .

  • Core library:
    • Add ExoPlayer.isTunnelingEnabled to check if tunneling is enabled for the currently selected tracks ( #2518 ).
    • Add WrappingMediaSource to simplify wrapping a single MediaSource ( #7279 ).
    • Discard back buffer before playback gets stuck due to insufficient available memory.
    • Close the Tracing "doSomeWork" block when offload is enabled.
    • Fix session tracking problem with fast seeks in PlaybackStatsListener ( #180 ).
    • Send missing onMediaItemTransition callback when calling seekToNext or seekToPrevious in a single-item playlist ( #10667 ).
    • Add Player.getSurfaceSize that returns the size of the surface on which the video is rendered.
    • Fix bug where removing listeners during the player release can cause an IllegalStateException ( #10758 ).
  • Строить:
    • Enforce minimum compileSdkVersion to avoid compilation errors ( #10684 ).
    • Avoid publishing block when included in another gradle build.
  • Track selection:
    • Prefer other tracks to Dolby Vision if display does not support it. ( #8944 ).
  • Загрузки:
    • Fix potential infinite loop in ProgressiveDownloader caused by simultaneous download and playback with the same PriorityTaskManager ( #10570 ).
    • Make download notification appear immediately ( #183 ).
    • Limit parallel download removals to 1 to avoid excessive thread creation ( #10458 ).
  • Видео:
    • Try alternative decoder for Dolby Vision if display does not support it. ( #9794 ).
  • Аудио:
    • Use SingleThreadExecutor for releasing AudioTrack instances to avoid OutOfMemory errors when releasing multiple players at the same time ( #10057 ).
    • Adds AudioOffloadListener.onExperimentalOffloadedPlayback for the AudioTrack offload state. ( #134 ).
    • Make AudioTrackBufferSizeProvider a public interface.
    • Add ExoPlayer.setPreferredAudioDevice to set the preferred audio output device ( #135 ).
    • Rename androidx.media3.exoplayer.audio.AudioProcessor to androidx.media3.common.audio.AudioProcessor .
    • Map 8-channel and 12-channel audio to the 7.1 and 7.1.4 channel masks respectively on all Android versions ( #10701 ).
  • Метаданные:
    • MetadataRenderer can now be configured to render metadata as soon as they are available. Create an instance with MetadataRenderer(MetadataOutput, Looper, MetadataDecoderFactory, boolean) to specify whether the renderer will output metadata early or in sync with the player position.
  • DRM:
    • Work around a bug in the Android 13 ClearKey implementation that returns a non-empty but invalid license URL.
    • Fix setMediaDrmSession failed: session not opened error when switching between DRM schemes in a playlist (eg Widevine to ClearKey).
  • Текст:
    • CEA-608: Ensure service switch commands on field 2 are handled correctly ( #10666 ).
    • Parse EventStream.presentationTimeOffset from manifests ( #10460 ).
  • UI:
    • Use current overrides of the player as preset in TrackSelectionDialogBuilder ( #10429 ).
  • Session:
    • Ensure commands are always executed in the correct order even if some require asynchronous resolution ( #85 ).
    • Add DefaultMediaNotificationProvider.Builder to build DefaultMediaNotificationProvider instances. The builder can configure the notification ID, the notification channel ID and the notification channel name used by the provider. Also, add method DefaultMediaNotificationProvider.setSmallIcon(int) to set the notifications small icon. ( #104 ).
    • Ensure commands sent before MediaController.release() are not dropped ( #99 ).
    • SimpleBitmapLoader can load bitmap from file:// URIs ( #108 ).
    • Fix assertion that prevents MediaController to seek over an ad in a period ( #122 ).
    • When playback ends, the MediaSessionService is stopped from the foreground and a notification is shown to restart playback of the last played media item ( #112 ).
    • Don't start a foreground service with a pending intent for pause ( #167 ).
    • Manually hide the 'badge' associated with the notification created by DefaultNotificationProvider on API 26 and API 27 (the badge is automatically hidden on API 28+) ( #131 ).
    • Fix bug where a second binder connection from a legacy MediaSession to a Media3 MediaController causes IllegalStateExceptions ( #49 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Add H263 fragmented packet handling ( #119 ).
    • Add support for MP4A-LATM ( #162 ).
  • IMA:
    • Add timeout for loading ad information to handle cases where the IMA SDK gets stuck loading an ad ( #10510 ).
    • Prevent skipping mid-roll ads when seeking to the end of the content ( #10685 ).
    • Correctly calculate window duration for live streams with server-side inserted ads, for example IMA DAI ( #10764 ).
  • FFmpeg extension:
    • Add newly required flags to link FFmpeg libraries with NDK 23.1.7779620 and above ( #9933 ).
  • AV1 extension:
    • Update CMake version to avoid incompatibilities with the latest Android Studio releases ( #9933 ).
  • Cast extension:
    • Implement getDeviceInfo() to be able to identify CastPlayer when controlling playback with a MediaController ( #142 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Add muxer watchdog timer to detect when generating an output sample is too slow.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove Transformer.Builder.setOutputMimeType(String) . This feature has been removed. The MIME type will always be MP4 when the default muxer is used.

Version 1.0.0-beta02

July 21, 2022

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-beta02 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta02 contains these commits.

This release corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.1 release .

  • Core library:
    • Ensure that changing the ShuffleOrder with ExoPlayer.setShuffleOrder results in a call to Player.Listener#onTimelineChanged with reason=Player.TIMELINE_CHANGE_REASON_PLAYLIST_CHANGED ( #9889 ).
    • For progressive media, only include selected tracks in buffered position ( #10361 ).
    • Allow custom logger for all ExoPlayer log output ( #9752 ).
    • Fix implementation of setDataSourceFactory in DefaultMediaSourceFactory , which was non-functional in some cases ( #116 ).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix parsing of H265 short term reference picture sets ( #10316 ).
    • Fix parsing of bitrates from esds boxes ( #10381 ).
    • Parse ClearKey license URL from manifests ( #10246 ).
  • UI:
    • Ensure TalkBack announces the currently active speed option in the playback controls menu ( #10298 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Add VP8 fragmented packet handling ( #110 ).
  • Leanback extension:
    • Listen to playWhenReady changes in LeanbackAdapter ( 10420 ).
  • Бросать:
    • Use the MediaItem that has been passed to the playlist methods as Window.mediaItem in CastTimeline ( #25 , #8212 ).
    • Support Player.getMetadata() and Listener.onMediaMetadataChanged() with CastPlayer ( #25 ).

Version 1.0.0-beta01

June 16, 2022

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-beta01 is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.

This corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.18.0 release .

  • Core library:
    • Enable support for Android platform diagnostics via MediaMetricsManager . ExoPlayer will forward playback events and performance data to the platform, which helps to provide system performance and debugging information on the device. This data may also be collected by Google if sharing usage and diagnostics data is enabled by the user of the device. Apps can opt-out of contributing to platform diagnostics for ExoPlayer with ExoPlayer.Builder.setUsePlatformDiagnostics(false) .
    • Fix bug that tracks are reset too often when using MergingMediaSource , for example when side-loading subtitles and changing the selected subtitle mid-playback ( #10248 ).
    • Stop detecting 5G-NSA network type on API 29 and 30. These playbacks will assume a 4G network.
    • Disallow passing null to MediaSource.Factory.setDrmSessionManagerProvider and MediaSource.Factory.setLoadErrorHandlingPolicy . Instances of DefaultDrmSessionManagerProvider and DefaultLoadErrorHandlingPolicy can be passed explicitly if required.
    • Add MediaItem.RequestMetadata to represent metadata needed to play media when the exact LocalConfiguration is not known. Also remove MediaMetadata.mediaUrl as this is now included in RequestMetadata .
    • Add Player.Command.COMMAND_SET_MEDIA_ITEM to enable players to allow setting a single item.
  • Track selection:
    • Flatten TrackSelectionOverrides class into TrackSelectionParameters , and promote TrackSelectionOverride to a top level class.
    • Rename TracksInfo to Tracks and TracksInfo.TrackGroupInfo to Tracks.Group . Player.getCurrentTracksInfo and Player.Listener.onTracksInfoChanged have also been renamed to Player.getCurrentTracks and Player.Listener.onTracksChanged . This includes 'un-deprecating' the Player.Listener.onTracksChanged method name, but with different parameter types.
    • Change DefaultTrackSelector.buildUponParameters and DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.buildUpon to return DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.Builder instead of the deprecated DefaultTrackSelector.ParametersBuilder .
    • Add DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.constrainAudioChannelCountToDeviceCapabilities which is enabled by default. When enabled, the DefaultTrackSelector will prefer audio tracks whose channel count does not exceed the device output capabilities. On handheld devices, the DefaultTrackSelector will prefer stereo/mono over multichannel audio formats, unless the multichannel format can be Spatialized (Android 12L+) or is a Dolby surround sound format. In addition, on devices that support audio spatialization, the DefaultTrackSelector will monitor for changes in the Spatializer properties and trigger a new track selection upon these. Devices with a television UI mode are excluded from these constraints and the format with the highest channel count will be preferred. To enable this feature, the DefaultTrackSelector instance must be constructed with a Context .
  • Видео:
    • Rename DummySurface to PlaceholderSurface .
    • Add AV1 support to the MediaCodecVideoRenderer.getCodecMaxInputSize .
  • Аудио:
    • Use LG AC3 audio decoder advertising non-standard MIME type.
    • Change the return type of AudioAttributes.getAudioAttributesV21() from android.media.AudioAttributes to a new AudioAttributesV21 wrapper class, to prevent slow ART verification on API < 21.
    • Query the platform (API 29+) or assume the audio encoding channel count for audio passthrough when the format audio channel count is unset, which occurs with HLS chunkless preparation ( 10204 ).
    • Configure AudioTrack with channel mask AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_7POINT1POINT4 if the decoder outputs 12 channel PCM audio ( #10322 .
  • УЦП
    • Ensure the DRM session is always correctly updated when seeking immediately after a format change ( 10274 ).
  • Текст:
    • Change Player.getCurrentCues() to return CueGroup instead of List<Cue> .
    • SSA: Support OutlineColour style setting when BorderStyle == 3 (ie OutlineColour sets the background of the cue) ( #8435 ).
    • CEA-708: Parse data into multiple service blocks and ignore blocks not associated with the currently selected service number.
    • Remove RawCcExtractor , which was only used to handle a Google-internal subtitle format.
  • Extractors:
    • Add support for AVI ( #2092 ).
    • Matroska: Parse DiscardPadding for Opus tracks.
    • MP4: Parse bitrates from esds boxes.
    • Ogg: Allow duplicate Opus ID and comment headers ( #10038 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix delivery of events to OnClickListener s set on PlayerView in the case that useController=false ( #9605 ). Also fix delivery of events to OnLongClickListener for all view configurations.
    • Fix incorrectly treating a sequence of touch events that exit the bounds of PlayerView before ACTION_UP as a click ( #9861 ).
    • Fix PlayerView accessibility issue where tapping might toggle playback rather than hiding the controls ( #8627 ).
    • Rewrite TrackSelectionView and TrackSelectionDialogBuilder to work with the Player interface rather than ExoPlayer . This allows the views to be used with other Player implementations, and removes the dependency from the UI module to the ExoPlayer module. This is a breaking change.
    • Don't show forced text tracks in the PlayerView track selector, and keep a suitable forced text track selected if "None" is selected ( #9432 ).
    • Parse channel count from DTS AudioChannelConfiguration elements. This re-enables audio passthrough for DTS streams ( #10159 ).
    • Disallow passing null to DashMediaSource.Factory.setCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory . Instances of DefaultCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory can be passed explicitly if required.
  • HLS:
    • Fallback to chunkful preparation if the playlist CODECS attribute does not contain the audio codec ( #10065 ).
    • Disallow passing null to HlsMediaSource.Factory.setCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory , HlsMediaSource.Factory.setPlaylistParserFactory , and HlsMediaSource.Factory.setPlaylistTrackerFactory . Instances of DefaultCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory , DefaultHlsPlaylistParserFactory , or a reference to DefaultHlsPlaylistTracker.FACTORY can be passed explicitly if required.
  • Smooth Streaming:
    • Disallow passing null to SsMediaSource.Factory.setCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory . Instances of DefaultCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory can be passed explicitly if required.
  • RTSP:
    • Add RTP reader for H263 ( #63 ).
    • Add RTP reader for MPEG4 ( #35 ).
    • Add RTP reader for HEVC ( #36 ).
    • Add RTP reader for AMR. Currently only mono-channel, non-interleaved AMR streams are supported. Compound AMR RTP payload is not supported. ( #46 )
    • Add RTP reader for VP8 ( #47 ).
    • Add RTP reader for WAV ( #56 ).
    • Fix RTSP basic authorization header. ( #9544 ).
    • Stop checking mandatory SDP fields as ExoPlayer doesn't need them ( #10049 ).
    • Throw checked exception when parsing RTSP timing ( #10165 ).
    • Add RTP reader for VP9 ( #47 ).
    • Add RTP reader for OPUS ( #53 ).
  • Data sources:
    • Rename DummyDataSource to PlaceholderDataSource .
    • Workaround OkHttp interrupt handling.
  • Session:
    • Replace MediaSession.MediaItemFiller with MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems to allow asynchronous resolution of requests.
    • Support setMediaItems(s) methods when MediaController connects to a legacy media session.
    • Remove MediaController.setMediaUri and MediaSession.Callback.onSetMediaUri . The same functionality can be achieved by using MediaController.setMediaItem and MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems .
    • Forward legacy MediaController calls to play media to MediaSession.Callback.onAddMediaItems instead of onSetMediaUri .
    • Add MediaNotification.Provider and DefaultMediaNotificationProvider to provide customization of the notification.
    • Add BitmapLoader and SimpleBitmapLoader for downloading artwork images.
    • Add MediaSession.setCustomLayout() to provide backwards compatibility with the legacy session.
    • Add MediaSession.setSessionExtras() to provide feature parity with legacy session.
    • Rename MediaSession.MediaSessionCallback to MediaSession.Callback , MediaLibrarySession.MediaLibrarySessionCallback to MediaLibrarySession.Callback and MediaSession.Builder.setSessionCallback to setCallback .
    • Fix NPE in MediaControllerImplLegacy ( #59 ).
    • Update session position info on timeline change( #51 ).
    • Fix NPE in MediaControllerImplBase after releasing controller ( #74 ).
  • Ad playback / IMA:
    • Decrease ad polling rate from every 100ms to every 200ms, to line up with Media Rating Council (MRC) recommendations.
  • FFmpeg extension:
    • Update CMake version to 3.21.0+ to avoid a CMake bug causing AndroidStudio's gradle sync to fail ( #9933 ).
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove Player.Listener.onTracksChanged(TrackGroupArray, TrackSelectionArray) . Use Player.Listener.onTracksChanged(Tracks) instead.
    • Remove Player.getCurrentTrackGroups and Player.getCurrentTrackSelections . Use Player.getCurrentTracks instead. You can also continue to use ExoPlayer.getCurrentTrackGroups and ExoPlayer.getCurrentTrackSelections , although these methods remain deprecated.
    • Remove DownloadHelper DEFAULT_TRACK_SELECTOR_PARAMETERS_WITHOUT_VIEWPORT and DEFAULT_TRACK_SELECTOR_PARAMETERS constants. Use getDefaultTrackSelectorParameters(Context) instead when possible, and DEFAULT_TRACK_SELECTOR_PARAMETERS_WITHOUT_CONTEXT otherwise.
    • Remove constructor DefaultTrackSelector(ExoTrackSelection.Factory) . Use DefaultTrackSelector(Context, ExoTrackSelection.Factory) instead.
    • Remove Transformer.Builder.setContext . The Context should be passed to the Transformer.Builder constructor instead.

Version 1.0.0-alpha03

March 14, 2022

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-alpha03 is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha03 contains these commits.

This corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.17.1 release .

  • Аудио:
    • Fix error checking audio capabilities for Dolby Atmos (E-AC3-JOC) in HLS.
  • Extractors:
    • FMP4: Fix issue where emsg sample metadata could be output in the wrong order for streams containing both v0 and v1 emsg atoms ( #9996 ).
  • Текст:
    • Fix the interaction of SingleSampleMediaSource.Factory.setTrackId and MediaItem.SubtitleConfiguration.Builder.setId to prioritise the SubtitleConfiguration field and fall back to the Factory value if it's not set ( #10016 ).
  • Ad playback:
    • Fix audio underruns between ad periods in live HLS SSAI streams.

Version 1.0.0-alpha02

2 марта 2022 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-alpha02 is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha02 contains these commits.

This corresponds to the ExoPlayer 2.17.0 release .

  • Core Library:
    • Add protected method DefaultRenderersFactory.getCodecAdapterFactory() so that subclasses of DefaultRenderersFactory that override buildVideoRenderers() or buildAudioRenderers() can access the codec adapter factory and pass it to MediaCodecRenderer instances they create.
    • Propagate ICY header fields name and genre to MediaMetadata.station and MediaMetadata.genre respectively so that they reach the app via Player.Listener.onMediaMetadataChanged() ( #9677 ).
    • Remove null keys from DefaultHttpDataSource#getResponseHeaders .
    • Sleep and retry when creating a MediaCodec instance fails. This works around an issue that occurs on some devices when switching a surface from a secure codec to another codec ( #8696 ).
    • Add MediaCodecAdapter.getMetrics() to allow users obtain metrics data from MediaCodec . ( #9766 ).
    • Fix Maven dependency resolution ( #8353 ).
    • Disable automatic speed adjustment for live streams that neither have low-latency features nor a user request setting the speed ( #9329 ).
    • Rename DecoderCounters#inputBufferCount to queuedInputBufferCount .
    • Make SimpleExoPlayer.renderers private. Renderers can be accessed via ExoPlayer.getRenderer .
    • Updated some AnalyticsListener.EventFlags constant values to match values in Player.EventFlags .
    • Split AnalyticsCollector into an interface and default implementation to allow it to be stripped by R8 if an app doesn't need it.
  • Track selection:
    • Support preferred video role flags in track selection ( #9402 ).
    • Update video track selection logic to take preferred MIME types and role flags into account when selecting multiple video tracks for adaptation ( #9519 ).
    • Update video and audio track selection logic to only choose formats for adaptive selections that have the same level of decoder and hardware support ( #9565 ).
    • Update video track selection logic to prefer more efficient codecs if multiple codecs are supported by primary, hardware-accelerated decoders ( #4835 ).
    • Prefer audio content preferences (for example, the "default" audio track or a track matching the system locale language) over technical track selection constraints (for example, preferred MIME type, or maximum channel count).
    • Fix track selection issue where overriding one track group did not disable other track groups of the same type ( #9675 ).
    • Fix track selection issue where a mixture of non-empty and empty track overrides is not applied correctly ( #9649 ).
    • Prohibit duplicate TrackGroup s in a TrackGroupArray . TrackGroup s can always be made distinguishable by setting an id in the TrackGroup constructor. This fixes a crash when resuming playback after backgrounding the app with an active track override ( #9718 ).
    • Amend logic in AdaptiveTrackSelection to allow a quality increase under sufficient network bandwidth even if playback is very close to the live edge ( #9784 ).
  • Видео:
    • Fix decoder fallback logic for Dolby Vision to use a compatible H264/H265 decoder if needed.
  • Аудио:
    • Fix decoder fallback logic for Dolby Atmos (E-AC3-JOC) to use a compatible E-AC3 decoder if needed.
    • Change AudioCapabilities APIs to require passing explicitly AudioCapabilities.DEFAULT_AUDIO_CAPABILITIES instead of null .
    • Allow customization of the AudioTrack buffer size calculation by injecting an AudioTrackBufferSizeProvider to DefaultAudioSink . ( #8891 ).
    • Retry AudioTrack creation if the requested buffer size was > 1MB. ( #9712 ).
  • Extractors:
    • WAV: Add support for RF64 streams ( #9543 ).
    • Fix incorrect parsing of H.265 SPS NAL units ( #9719 ).
    • Parse Vorbis Comments (including METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE ) in Ogg Opus and Ogg Vorbis files.
  • Текст:
    • Add a MediaItem.SubtitleConfiguration.id field which is propagated to the Format.id field of the subtitle track created from the configuration ( #9673 ).
    • Add basic support for WebVTT subtitles in Matroska containers ( #9886 ).
    • Prevent Cea708Decoder from reading more than the declared size of a service block.
  • DRM:
    • Remove playbackLooper from DrmSessionManager.(pre)acquireSession . When a DrmSessionManager is used by an app in a custom MediaSource , the playbackLooper needs to be passed to DrmSessionManager.setPlayer instead.
  • Ad playback / IMA:
    • Add support for IMA Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) ( #8213 ).
    • Add a method to AdPlaybackState to allow resetting an ad group so that it can be played again ( #9615 ).
    • Enforce playback speed of 1.0 during ad playback ( #9018 ).
    • Fix issue where an ad group that failed to load caused an immediate playback reset ( #9929 ).
  • UI:
    • Fix the color of the numbers in StyledPlayerView rewind and fastforward buttons when using certain themes ( #9765 ).
    • Correctly translate playback speed strings ( #9811 ).
    • Add parsed essential and supplemental properties to the Representation ( #9579 ).
    • Support the forced-subtitle track role ( #9727 ).
    • Stop interpreting the main track role as C.SELECTION_FLAG_DEFAULT .
    • Fix base URL exclusion logic for manifests that do not declare the DVB namespace ( #9856 ).
    • Support relative MPD.Location URLs ( #9939 ).
  • HLS:
    • Correctly populate Format.label for audio only HLS streams ( #9608 ).
    • Use chunkless preparation by default to improve start up time. If your renditions contain muxed closed-caption tracks that are not declared in the master playlist, you should add them to the master playlist to be available for playback, or turn off chunkless preparation with HlsMediaSource.Factory.setAllowChunklessPreparation(false) .
    • Support key-frame accurate seeking in HLS ( #2882 ).
  • RTSP:
    • Provide a client API to override the SocketFactory used for any server connection ( #9606 ).
    • Prefer DIGEST authentication method over BASIC if both are present ( #9800 ).
    • Handle when RTSP track timing is not available ( #9775 ).
    • Ignore invalid RTP-Info header values ( #9619 ).
  • Transformer:
    • Increase required min API version to 21.
    • TransformationException is now used to describe errors that occur during a transformation.
    • Add TransformationRequest for specifying the transformation options.
    • Allow multiple listeners to be registered.
    • Fix Transformer being stuck when the codec output is partially read.
    • Fix potential NPE in Transformer.getProgress when releasing the muxer throws.
    • Add a demo app for applying transformations.
  • MediaSession extension:
    • By default, MediaSessionConnector now clears the playlist on stop. Apps that want the playlist to be retained can call setClearMediaItemsOnStop(false) on the connector.
  • Cast extension:
    • Fix bug that prevented CastPlayer from calling onIsPlayingChanged correctly ( #9792 ).
    • Support audio metadata including artwork with DefaultMediaItemConverter ( #9663 ).
  • FFmpeg extension:
    • Make build_ffmpeg.sh depend on LLVM's bin utils instead of GNU's ( #9933 ).
  • Android 12 compatibility:
    • Upgrade the Cast extension to depend on com.google.android.gms:play-services-cast-framework:20.1.0 . Earlier versions of play-services-cast-framework are not compatible with apps targeting Android 12, and will crash with an IllegalArgumentException when creating PendingIntent s ( #9528 ).
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove Player.EventListener . Use Player.Listener instead.
    • Remove MediaSourceFactory#setDrmSessionManager , MediaSourceFactory#setDrmHttpDataSourceFactory , and MediaSourceFactory#setDrmUserAgent . Use MediaSourceFactory#setDrmSessionManagerProvider instead.
    • Remove MediaSourceFactory#setStreamKeys . Use MediaItem.Builder#setStreamKeys instead.
    • Remove MediaSourceFactory#createMediaSource(Uri) . Use MediaSourceFactory#createMediaSource(MediaItem) instead.
    • Remove setTag from DashMediaSource , HlsMediaSource and SsMediaSource . Use MediaItem.Builder#setTag instead.
    • Remove DashMediaSource#setLivePresentationDelayMs(long, boolean) . Use MediaItem.Builder#setLiveConfiguration and MediaItem.LiveConfiguration.Builder#setTargetOffsetMs to override the manifest, or DashMediaSource#setFallbackTargetLiveOffsetMs to provide a fallback value.
    • Remove (Simple)ExoPlayer.setThrowsWhenUsingWrongThread . Opting out of the thread enforcement is no longer possible.
    • Remove ActionFile and ActionFileUpgradeUtil . Use ExoPlayer 2.16.1 or before to use ActionFileUpgradeUtil to merge legacy action files into DefaultDownloadIndex .
    • Remove ProgressiveMediaSource#setExtractorsFactory . Use ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(DataSource.Factory, ExtractorsFactory) constructor instead.
    • Remove ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory#setTag and, and ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory#setCustomCacheKey . Use MediaItem.Builder#setTag and MediaItem.Builder#setCustomCacheKey instead.
    • Remove DefaultRenderersFactory(Context, @ExtensionRendererMode int) and DefaultRenderersFactory(Context, @ExtensionRendererMode int, long) constructors. Use the DefaultRenderersFactory(Context) constructor, DefaultRenderersFactory#setExtensionRendererMode , and DefaultRenderersFactory#setAllowedVideoJoiningTimeMs instead.
    • Remove all public CronetDataSource constructors. Use CronetDataSource.Factory instead.
  • Change the following IntDefs to @Target(TYPE_USE) only. This may break the compilation of usages in Kotlin, which can be fixed by moving the annotation to annotate the type ( Int ).
    • @AacAudioObjectType
    • @Ac3Util.SyncFrameInfo.StreamType
    • @AdLoadException.Type
    • @AdtsExtractor.Flags
    • @AmrExtractor.Flags
    • @AspectRatioFrameLayout.ResizeMode
    • @AudioFocusManager.PlayerCommand
    • @AudioSink.SinkFormatSupport
    • @BinarySearchSeeker.TimestampSearchResult.Type
    • @BufferReplacementMode
    • @C.BufferFlags
    • @C.ColorRange
    • @C.ColorSpace
    • @C.ColorTransfer
    • @C.CryptoMode
    • @C.Encoding
    • @C.PcmEncoding
    • @C.Projection
    • @C.SelectionReason
    • @C.StereoMode
    • @C.VideoOutputMode
    • @CacheDataSource.Flags
    • @CaptionStyleCompat.EdgeType
    • @DataSpec.Flags
    • @DataSpec.HttpMethods
    • @DecoderDiscardReasons
    • @DecoderReuseResult
    • @DefaultAudioSink.OutputMode
    • @DefaultDrmSessionManager.Mode
    • @DefaultTrackSelector.SelectionEligibility
    • @DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.Flags
    • @EGLSurfaceTexture.SecureMode
    • @EbmlProcessor.ElementType
    • @ExoMediaDrm.KeyRequest.RequestType
    • @ExtensionRendererMode
    • @Extractor.ReadResult
    • @FileTypes.Type
    • @FlacExtractor.Flags (in com.google.android.exoplayer2.ext.flac package)
    • @FlacExtractor.Flags (in com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.flac package)
    • @FragmentedMp4Extractor.Flags
    • @HlsMediaPlaylist.PlaylistType
    • @HttpDataSourceException.Type
    • @IllegalClippingException.Reason
    • @IllegalMergeException.Reason
    • @LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackType
    • @MatroskaExtractor.Flags
    • @Mp3Extractor.Flags
    • @Mp4Extractor.Flags
    • @NotificationUtil.Importance
    • @PlaybackException.FieldNumber
    • @PlayerNotificationManager.Priority
    • @PlayerNotificationManager.Visibility
    • @PlayerView.ShowBuffering
    • @Renderer.State
    • @RendererCapabilities.AdaptiveSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.Capabilities
    • @RendererCapabilities.DecoderSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.FormatSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.HardwareAccelerationSupport
    • @RendererCapabilities.TunnelingSupport
    • @SampleStream.ReadDataResult
    • @SampleStream.ReadFlags
    • @StyledPlayerView.ShowBuffering
    • @SubtitleView.ViewType
    • @TextAnnotation.Position
    • @TextEmphasisSpan.MarkFill
    • @TextEmphasisSpan.MarkShape
    • @Track.Transformation
    • @TrackOutput.SampleDataPart
    • @Transformer.ProgressState
    • @TsExtractor.Mode
    • @TsPayloadReader.Flags
    • @WebvttCssStyle.FontSizeUnit

Version 1.0.0-alpha01

27 октября 2021 г.

androidx.media3:media3-*:1.0.0-alpha01 is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

Новые возможности

Media3 is the new home for media support libraries, including ExoPlayer. The first alpha contains early, functional implementations of libraries for implementing media use cases, including:

  • ExoPlayer, an application-level media player for Android that is easy to customize and extend.
  • Media session functionality, for exposing and controlling playbacks. This new session module uses the same Player interface as ExoPlayer.
  • UI components for building media playback user interfaces.
  • Modules wrapping functionality in other libraries for use with ExoPlayer, for example, ad insertion via the IMA SDK.

For more information, see the Media3 GitHub project .

ExoPlayer was previously hosted in a separate ExoPlayer GitHub project . In Media3 its package name is androidx.media3.exoplayer . We plan to continue to maintain and release the ExoPlayer GitHub project for a while to give apps time to migrate to Media3. Media3 has replacements for all the ExoPlayer modules, except for the legacy media2 and mediasession extensions, which are replaced by the new media3-session module. This provides direct integration between players and media sessions without needing to use an adapter/connector class.