Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0 (January 2022)

Android Gradle plugin 7.1.0 is a major release that includes a variety of new features and improvements.

7.1.3 (April 2022)

This minor update includes the following bug fixes:

  • Duplicate class issues reported by R8

To see a complete list of bug fixes included in this release, see the Android Studio Bumblebee Patch 3 blog post.

7.1.2 (February 2022)

This minor update includes the following bug fixes:

  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-rc01 fails to perform ASM bytecode transformation during unit tests
  • Gradle sync fails with "Unable to load class ''."
  • Some new DSL blocks can't be used from Groovy DSL in Android Gradle Plugin 7.0.0
  • AGP 7.1 new publishing API: created javadoc jar does not get signed
  • ClassesDataSourceCache should use latest Asm version
  • Android Studio BumbleBee does not always deploy latest changes

To see a complete list of bug fixes included in this release, see the Android Studio Bumblebee Patch 2 blog post.

7.1.1 (February 2022)

This minor update corresponds to the release of Android Studio Bumblebee Patch 1.

To see a list of bug fixes included in this release, see the Android Studio Bumblebee Patch 1 blog post.


Minimum version Default version
Gradle 7.2 7.2
SDK Build Tools 30.0.3 30.0.3
NDK N/A 21.4.7075529
JDK 11 11

Lint analysis task is now cacheable

The AndroidLintAnalysisTask is now compatible with the Gradle build cache. If you enable the build cache by setting org.gradle.caching=true in your file, the lint analysis task will get its output from the build cache when possible.

The lint analysis task is often the biggest bottleneck when running lint with the Android Gradle plugin, so enabling the build cache improves build speed when running lint in many situations. You should see a noticeable performance improvement, for example, if you have a multi-module project and clean your build directory before running lint on your CI server.

C/C++ modules may now reference other C/C++ modules in the same project

A Gradle Android module with C/C++ code may now be set up to reference header files and library code in another Gradle module. The Prefab protocol is used to communicate the headers and libraries between Gradle modules.


  • The consuming module must be CMake and not ndk-build. Support for ndk-build will require a future NDK update. The publishing module may be CMake or ndk-build.

  • The consuming module must enable prefab in the build.gradle file.

android {
  buildFeatures {
    prefab true
  • The publishing module must enable prefabPublishing in the build.gradle file.
android {
  buildFeatures {
    prefabPublishing true
  • The consuming module must reference the publishing module by adding a line in the build.gradle file dependencies block. For example:
dependencies {
  implementation project(':mylibrary')
  • The publishing module must expose a package using a prefab section. For example:
android {
  prefab {
    mylibrary {
      libraryName "libmylibrary"
      headers "src/main/cpp/include"
  • The consuming module's CMakeLists.txt file may use find_package() to locate the package published by the producing module. For example:
find_package(mylibrary REQUIRED CONFIG)
   android {
      defaultConfig {
        externalNativeBuild {
          cmake {
            arguments '-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared'

For further explanation of how to configure native AAR consumers and producers with AGP, see Native dependencies with AGP.

Repository settings in settings.gradle file

When a new project is created in Android Studio Bumblebee, the top-level build.gradle file contains the plugins block, followed by code to clean your build directory:

plugins {
    id '' version '7.1.0-beta02' apply false
    id '' version '7.1.0-beta02' apply false
    id '' version '1.5.30' apply false
task clean(type: Delete) {
  delete rootProject.buildDir

The repository settings that were previously in the top-level build.gradle file are now in the settings.gradle file:

pluginManagement {
  repositories {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
} = 'GradleManagedDeviceTestingNew'
include ':app'

The module-level build.gradle file has not changed. So, use the top-level build.gradle file and the settings.gradle file to define build configurations that apply to all modules in your project, or the repositories and dependencies that apply to Gradle itself; use the module-level build.gradle file to define build configurations that are specific to a given module within your project.

Improved resource shrinker

Android Studio Bumblebee includes an improved resource shrinker that helps reduce your app size.

Support for apps with dynamic features

The default implementation of the Android resource shrinker has been updated in Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0-alpha09. The new implementation supports shrinking apps with dynamic features.

Experimental further app size reductions

The new resource shrinker implementation can reduce the size of your shrunk app even more by modifying the resource table to remove unused value resources and references to unused file resources. The new resource shinker can delete unused file resources completely, reducing the size of your app more. This behavior is not enabled by default yet, but you can opt in to try it by adding the experimental option android.experimental.enableNewResourceShrinker.preciseShrinking=true to your project's file.

Please report any issues you find with the new resource shrinker or the experimental flag. To help diagnose issues, or as a temporary workaround, you can switch back to the previous implementation by adding android.enableNewResourceShrinker=false to your project's The new shrinker replaces unused file-based resources with slightly different minimal files than the previous resource shrinker, but this is not expected to have any runtime impact.

The old implementation is scheduled to be removed in Android Gradle plugin 8.0.0.

Build variant publishing

Android Gradle plugin 7.1.0 and higher allows you to configure which build variants to publish to an Apache Maven repository. AGP creates a component with a single or multiple build variants based on the new publishing DSL, which you can use to customize a publication to a Maven repository. Compared to previous versions, this also avoids unnecessary work, as no components will be created by default. To learn more, see the publishing code sample.

Publish Javadoc JAR

AGP 7.1.0 and higher allows you to generate Javadoc from Java and Kotlin sources and publish Javadoc JAR files in addition to AARs for library projects. The Javadoc is added to the POM and Gradle Module Metadata{:.external} files. Enable this feature by adding withJavadocJar() in the singleVariant or multipleVariants publishing block. To learn more, see the publishing options code sample.

Publish sources JAR

AGP 7.1.0 and higher allows you to publish Java and Kotlin source JAR files in addition to AARs for library projects. The sources are added to the POM and Gradle Module Metadata{:.external} files. You can enable this feature by adding withSourcesJar() in the singleVariant or multipleVariants publishing block. To learn more, see the publishing options code sample.

Lint block semantic change

All lint methods that override the given severity level of an issue—enable, disable/ignore, informational, warning, error, fatal—now respect the order of configuration. For example, setting an issue as fatal in finalizeDsl() now overrides disabling it in the main DSL. For more information, see the lint{} block reference docs and Android build flow and extension points.

AGP APIs that the Navigation Safe Args Gradle plugin depend on have been removed. AGP 7.1 does not work with Navigation Safe Args versions 2.4.0-rc1 or 2.4.0, but will work with versions 2.5.0-alpha01 and 2.4.1. In the meantime, as a workaround, you can use AGP 7.1 with a snapshot build of Navigation Safe Args, Navigation 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT. To use the snapshot build, follow the snapshot instructions with build id #8054565.

In addition, Navigation Safe Args versions 2.4.1 and 2.5.0 will no longer work with AGP 4.2; to use those versions of Safe Args, you must use AGP 7.0 and higher.

Disable automatic component creation

Starting AGP 8.0, automatic component creation will be disabled by default. Currently, AGP 7.1 automatically creates a component for each build variant, which has the same name as the build variant, and an an all component that contains all the build variants. This automatic component creation will be disabled. To transition to the new behavior, you should manually disable automatic component creation by setting android.disableAutomaticComponentCreation to true. For more information, see Use the Maven Publish plugin.

Firebase Performance Monitoring compatibility

AGP 7.1 is incompatible with the Firebase Performance Monitoring Gradle plugin version 1.4.0 and lower. The AGP Upgrade Assistant will not automatically update the plugin to version 1.4.1, so if you are using firebase-perf and wish to upgrade AGP to 7.1, you need to do this particular upgrade manually.

Known issues

This section describes known issues that exist in Android Gradle plugin 7.1.0.

Problems with unit testing an app project that uses the Hilt plugin

The unit test classpath contains the non-instrumented app classes, which means Hilt does not instrument the app classes to handle dependency injection when running unit tests.

This issue will be fixed with 7.1.1 release, see issue #213534628.