Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.0 (October 2017)

Android Gradle plugin 3.0.0 includes a variety of changes that aim to address performance issues of large projects.

For example, on a sample skeleton project with ~130 modules and a large number of external dependencies (but no code or resources), you can experience performance improvements similar to the following:

Android plugin version + Gradle version Android plugin 2.2.0 + Gradle 2.14.1 Android plugin 2.3.0 + Gradle 3.3 Android plugin 3.0.0 + Gradle 4.1
Configuration (e.g. running ./gradlew --help) ~2 mins ~9 s ~2.5 s
1-line Java change (implementation change) ~2 mins 15 s ~29 s ~6.4 s

Some of these changes break existing builds. So, you should consider the
effort of migrating your project before using the new plugin.

If you don't experience the performance improvements described above, please file a bug and include a trace of your build using the Gradle Profiler.

This version of the Android plugin requires the following:

  • Gradle 4.1 or higher. To learn more, read the section about updating Gradle.
  • Build Tools 26.0.2 or higher. With this update, you no longer need to specify a version for the build tools—the plugin uses the minimum required version by default. So, you can now remove the android.buildToolsVersion property.

3.0.1 (November 2017)

This is a minor update to support Android Studio 3.0.1, and includes general bug fixes and performance improvements.


  • Better parallelism for multi-module projects through a fine grained task graph.
  • When making changes to dependency, Gradle performs faster builds by not re-compiling modules that do not have access to that dependency's API. You should restrict which dependencies leak their APIs to other modules by using Gradle's new dependency configurations: implementation, api, compileOnly, and runtimeOnly.
  • Faster incremental build speed due to per-class dexing. Each class is now compiled into separate DEX files, and only the classes that are modified are re-dexed. You should also expect improved build speeds for apps that set minSdkVersion to 20 or lower, and use legacy multi-dex.
  • Improved build speeds by optimizing certain tasks to use chached outputs. To benefit from this optimization, you need to first enable the Gradle build cache.
  • Improved incremental resource processing using AAPT2, which is now enabled by default. If you are experiencing issues while using AAPT2, please report a bug. You can also disable AAPT2 by setting android.enableAapt2=false in your file and restarting the Gradle daemon by running ./gradlew --stop from the command line.

New features

  • Variant-aware dependency management. When building a certain variant of a module, the plugin now automatically matches variants of local library module dependencies to the variant of the module you are building.
  • Includes a new Feature module plugin to support Android Instant Apps and the Android Instant Apps SDK (which you can download using the SDK manager). To learn more about creating Feature modules with the new plugin, read Structure of an instant app with multiple features.
  • Built-in support for using certain Java 8 language features and Java 8 libraries. Jack is now deprecated and no longer required, and you should first disable Jack to use the improved Java 8 support built into the default toolchain. For more information, read Use Java 8 language features.
  • Added support for running tests with Android Test Orchestrator, which allows you to run each of your app's tests within its own invocation of Instrumentation. Because each test runs in its own Instrumentation instance, any shared state between tests doesn't accumulate on your device's CPU or memory. And, even if one test crashes, it takes down only its own instance of Instrumentation, so your other tests still run.

    • Added testOptions.execution to determine whether to use on-device test orchestration. If you want to use Android Test Orchestrator, you need to specify ANDROID_TEST_ORCHESTRATOR, as shown below. By default, this property is set to HOST, which disables on-device orchestration and is the standard method of running tests.


            android {
              testOptions {
                execution 'ANDROID_TEST_ORCHESTRATOR'


            android {
              testOptions {
                execution = "ANDROID_TEST_ORCHESTRATOR"
  • New androidTestUtil dependency configuration allows you to install another test helper APK before running your instrumentation tests, such as Android Test Orchestrator:


            dependencies {
              androidTestUtil ''


            dependencies {
  • Added testOptions.unitTests.includeAndroidResources to support unit tests that require Android resources, such as Roboelectric. When you set this property to true, the plugin performs resource, asset, and manifest merging before running your unit tests. Your tests can then inspect com/android/tools/ on the classpath for the following keys:

    • android_merged_assets: the absolute path to the merged assets directory.

      Note: For library modules, the merged assets do not contain the assets of dependencies (see issue #65550419).

    • android_merged_manifest: the absolute path to the merged manifest file.

    • android_merged_resources: the absolute path to the merged resources directory, which contains all the resources from the module and all its dependencies.

    • android_custom_package: the package name of the final R class. If you dynamically modify the application ID, this package name may not match the package attribute in the app's manifest.

  • Support for fonts as resources (which is a new feature introduced in Android 8.0 (API level 26)).
  • Support for language-specific APKs with Android Instant Apps SDK 1.1 and higher.
  • You can now change the output directory for your external native build project, as shown below:


            android {
                externalNativeBuild {
                    // For ndk-build, instead use the ndkBuild block.
                    cmake {
                        // Specifies a relative path for outputs from external native
                        // builds. You can specify any path that's not a subdirectory
                        // of your project's temporary build/ directory.
                        buildStagingDirectory "./outputs/cmake"


            android {
                externalNativeBuild {
                    // For ndk-build, instead use the ndkBuild block.
                    cmake {
                        // Specifies a relative path for outputs from external native
                        // builds. You can specify any path that's not a subdirectory
                        // of your project's temporary build/ directory.
                        buildStagingDirectory = "./outputs/cmake"
  • You can now use CMake 3.7 or higher when building native projects from Android Studio.
  • New lintChecks dependency configuration allows you to build a JAR that defines custom lint rules, and package it into your AAR and APK projects.

    Your custom lint rules must belong to a separate project that outputs a single JAR and includes only compileOnly dependencies. Other app and library modules can then depend on your lint project using the lintChecks configuration:


            dependencies {
                // This tells the Gradle plugin to build ':lint-checks' into a lint.jar file
                // and package it with your module. If the module is an Android library,
                // other projects that depend on it automatically use the lint checks.
                // If the module is an app, lint includes these rules when analyzing the app.
                lintChecks project(':lint-checks')


            dependencies {
                // This tells the Gradle plugin to build ':lint-checks' into a lint.jar file
                // and package it with your module. If the module is an Android library,
                // other projects that depend on it automatically use the lint checks.
                // If the module is an app, lint includes these rules when analyzing the app.

Behavior changes

  • Android plugin 3.0.0 removes certain APIs, and your build will break if you use them. For example, you can no longer use the Variants API to access outputFile() objects or use processManifest.manifestOutputFile() to get the manifest file for each variant. To learn more, read API changes.
  • You no longer need to specify a version for the build tools (so, you can now remove the android.buildToolsVersion property). By default, the plugin automatically uses the minimum required build tools version for the version of Android plugin you're using.
  • You now enable/disable PNG crunching in the buildTypes block, as shown below. PNG crunching is enabled by default for all builds except debug builds because it increases build times for projects that include many PNG files. So, to improve build times for other build types, you should either disable PNG crunching or convert your images to WebP.


          android {
            buildTypes {
              release {
                // Disables PNG crunching for the release build type.
                crunchPngs false


          android {
            buildTypes {
              release {
                // Disables PNG crunching for the release build type.
                isCrunchPngs = false
  • The Android plugin now automatically builds executable targets that you configure in your external CMake projects.
  • You must now add annotation processors to the processor classpath using the annotationProcessor dependency configuration.
  • Using the deprecated ndkCompile is now more restricted. You should instead migrate to using either CMake or ndk-build to compile native code that you want to package into your APK. To learn more, read Migrate from ndkcompile.