Android Gradle plugin API updates

This page tracks Android Gradle plugin (AGP) API deprecation and removals, and provides info on how to update your code accordingly.

API deprecations and removals tracker

The following table summarizes when AGP APIs are deprecated and removed, in terms of AGP version.

API Deprecated in AGP version Removed from AGP version
Component.setAsmFramesComputationMode 7.2
Component.transformClassesWith 7.2
RenderScript 7.2
Transform 7.2 8.0

AGP 8.0

The following are important API updates for AGP 8.0.

Transform API is removed

Starting with AGP 8.0, the Transform API is removed. This means that all classes in the package are removed.

The Transform API is being removed to improve build performance. Projects that use the Transform API force AGP to use a less optimized flow for the build that can result in large regressions in build times. It’s also difficult to use the Transform API and combine it with other Gradle features; the replacement APIs aim to make it easier to extend AGP without introducing performance or build correctness issues.

Replacement APIs

There is no single replacement for the Transform API—there are new, targeted APIs for each use case. All the replacement APIs are in the androidComponents {} block. These APIs are all available by AGP 7.2.

Support for transforming bytecode

To transform bytecode, use the Instrumentation API. For libraries, you can register an instrumentation for local project classes only; for apps and tests, you can choose to register an instrumentation for only local classes or all classes, including local and remote dependencies. To use this API, the instrumentation runs independently on each class, with limited access to other classes in the classpath (see createClassVisitor() for more information). This restriction improves the performance of both full and incremental builds, and keeps the API surface simple. Each library is instrumented in parallel as soon as it is ready, rather than after all compilation is complete. In addition, a change in a single class means that only affected classes have to be reinstrumented in an incremental build. For example of how to use the Instrumentation API, see the Transforming classes with ASM AGP recipe.

Support for adding generated classes to your app

To add additional generated classes to the app, use the Artifacts API with MultipleArtifact.ALL_CLASSES_DIRS. Specifically, use


with MultipleArtifact.ALL_CLASSES_DIRS to append additional generated directories to the project classes. The Artifacts API will automatically select a unique location for your custom task to output to. See the addToAllClasses recipe for an example of how to use this API.

Support for transformations based on whole program analysis

To implement transformations based on whole program analysis, all classes can be transformed together in a single task. This approach should be used with caution as it has a much higher build performance cost than using the Instrumentation API. If your plugin uses this API, it is recommended to have the transformation be opt-in per build type, so that the app developer can disable it for development builds.

To register a task that transforms all classes together, Android Gradle plugin 7.4 introduces the Artifacts.forScope API. To transform all classes in the current project, use Artifacts.forScope.PROJECT. To transform all classes in the current project, imported projects, and all external dependencies, use Artifacts.forScope.ALL. The following code shows how to use Artifacts.forScope.ALL to register a task that transforms all classes together:


See the modifyProjectClasses recipe for an example of how to use this API, and the customizeAgpDsl recipe for an example of how to register custom extensions to the Android build types.

If your use case is not covered by any of the AndroidComponents APIs, please file a bug.

Several commonly used plugins have already migrated to use these new APIs, including the Firebase performance monitoring plugin (1.4.1 is compatible with AGP 8.0) and the Hilt Gradle plugin (2.40.1 is compatible with AGP 8.0). The AGP Upgrade Assistant will also help project developers upgrade commonly used plugins as needed.

If you’re using the Transform API through a third-party plugin, please let the author know that their plugin will need to be updated to work with the new APIs for AGP 8.0.

AGP 7.2

The following are important API updates for AGP 7.2.

RenderScript is deprecated

Starting with AGP 7.2, the RenderScript APIs are deprecated. They will continue to function, but invoke warnings, and will be completely removed in future versions of AGP. For guidance on how to transition off of RenderScript, see Migrate from RenderScript.

Component.transformClassesWith and Component.setAsmFramesComputationMode are deprecated

Starting with AGP 7.2, the class bytecode instrumentation APIs Component.transformClassesWith and Component.setAsmFramesComputationMode are deprecated. They have moved to a new block, Component.instrumentation, which contains all APIs related to configuring the instrumentation process. To continue using these instrumentation features, use the corresponding APIs in the new block instead, as shown by the following code snippet:

androidComponents {
      onVariants(selector().all(), {
                                               InstrumentationScope.Project) { params ->
              params.x = "value"