
dmtracedump is a tool that generates graphical call-stack diagrams from trace log files. The tool uses the Graphviz Dot utility to create the graphical output, so you need to install Graphviz before running dmtracedump. If you haven't yet generated trace logs and saved them from your connected device to your local machine, go to Generate trace logs by instrumenting your app.

The dmtracedump tool generates the call stack data as a tree diagram, where each node represents a method call. It shows call flow (from parent node to child nodes) using arrows. The diagram below shows a sample output of dmtracedump.

The dmtracedump tool is provided in the Android SDK Tools package and is located in android-sdk/platform-tools/.


The usage for dmtracedump is:

dmtracedump [-ho] [-s sortable] [-d trace-base-name] [-g outfile] trace-base-name

The tool then loads trace log data from and trace-base-name.key.

Global options

Global options Description
-h Turn on HTML output
-o Dump the trace file instead of profiling

Commands and command options

Commands and options Description
-d trace-base-name Diff with this trace name
-g outfile Generate output to outfile
-s sortable URL base to the location of the sortable javascript file
-t percent Minimum threshold for including child nodes in the graph (child's inclusive time as a percentage of parent inclusive time). If this option is not used, the default threshold is 20%.


Figure 1. Screenshot of dmtracedump

For each node in the graph, dmtracedump shows the following information:

ref callname (inc-ms, exc-ms,numcalls)
  • ref — Call reference number, as used in trace logs
  • inc-ms — Inclusive elapsed time (milliseconds spent in method, including all child methods)
  • exc-ms — Exclusive elapsed time (milliseconds spent in method, not including any child methods)
  • numcalls — Number of calls