Performance class

Performance class is a standard first introduced in Android 12. A performance class defines a set of device capabilities that goes beyond Android's baseline requirements.

Each version of Android has its own corresponding performance class, which is defined in that version's Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD). The Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) verifies the CDD requirements.

Each Android-powered device declares the performance class that it supports. Developers can find the device's performance class at runtime and provide upgraded experiences that take full advantage of the device's capabilities.

To find a device's performance class level, use the Jetpack Core Performance library. This library reports the device's media performance class as declared in the build version information or based on data from Google Play services.

Start by adding a dependency for the relevant modules in your gradle file:


// Implementation of Jetpack Core library.
// Enable APIs to query for device-reported performance class.
// Enable APIs to query Google Play Services for performance class.


// Implementation of Jetpack Core library.
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.12.0'
// Enable APIs to query for device-reported performance class.
implementation 'androidx.core:core-performance:1.0.0'
// Enable APIs to query Google Play Services for performance class.
implementation 'androidx.core:core-performance-play-services:1.0.0'

Then, create an instance of a DevicePerformance implementation, such as PlayServicesDevicePerformance, in the onCreate() lifecycle event of your Application. This should only be done once in your app.



class MyApplication : Application() {
  lateinit var devicePerformance: DevicePerformance

  override fun onCreate() {
    // Use a class derived from the DevicePerformance interface
    devicePerformance = PlayServicesDevicePerformance(applicationContext)



class MyApplication extends Application {
  DevicePerformance devicePerformance;

  public void onCreate() {
    // Use a class derived from the DevicePerformance interface
    devicePerformance = new PlayServicesDevicePerformance(applicationContext);

You can then retrieve the mediaPerformanceClass property to tailor your app's experience based on the device's capabilities:


class MyActivity : Activity() {
  private lateinit var devicePerformance: DevicePerformance
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    // Note: Good app architecture is to use a dependency framework. See
    // for more
    // information.
    devicePerformance = (application as MyApplication).devicePerformance

  override fun onResume() {
    when {
      devicePerformance.mediaPerformanceClass >= Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU -> {
        // Performance class level 13 and later.
        // Provide the most premium experience for the highest performing devices.
      devicePerformance.mediaPerformanceClass == Build.VERSION_CODES.S -> {
        // Performance class level 12.
        // Provide a high quality experience.
      else -> {
        // Performance class level 11 or undefined.
        // Remove extras to keep experience functional.


class MyActivity extends Activity {
  private DevicePerformance devicePerformance;
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Note: Good app architecture is to use a dependency framework. See
    // for more
    // information.
    devicePerformance = ((MyApplication) getApplication()).devicePerformance;

  public void onResume() {
    if (devicePerformance.getMediaPerformanceClass() >= Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU) {
      // Performance class level 13 and later.
      // Provide the most premium experience for the highest performing devices.
    } else if (devicePerformance.getMediaPerformanceClass() == Build.VERSION_CODES.S) {
      // Performance class level 12.
      // Provide a high quality experience.
    } else {
      // Performance class level 11 or undefined.
      // Remove extras to keep experience functional.

Performance classes are forward-compatible. A device can upgrade to a newer platform version without updating its performance class. For example, a device that initially supports performance class 12 can upgrade to Android 13 and continue to report it supports class 12 if it doesn't meet the class 13 requirements. This means that a performance class provides a way to group devices together without relying on a particular Android version.

Figure 1. Devices can upgrade Android versions and continue reporting that they support the class they originally support.

Performance class 14

Performance class 14 builds on requirements introduced in performance class 13. The specific performance class requirements are published in the Android CDD. In addition to increased requirements for items from performance class 13, the CDD specifies requirements in the following areas:


  • Film grain effect support in AV1 hardware decoders
  • AVIF Baseline Profile
  • AV1 encoder performance
  • HDR video codecs
  • RGBA_1010102 color format
  • YUV texture sampling
  • Video encoding quality
  • Multichannel audio mixing


  • Night mode extension
  • HDR-capable primary camera
  • Face detection scene mode


  • Hardware overlays
  • HDR display

Performance class 13

Performance class 13 builds on requirements introduced in performance class 12. The specific performance class requirements are published in the Android CDD. In addition to increased requirements for items from performance class 12, the CDD specifies requirements in the following areas:


  • AV1 hardware decoder
  • Secure hardware decoders
  • Decoder initialization latency
  • Round-trip audio latency
  • Wired headsets and USB audio devices
  • MIDI devices
  • Hardware-backed trusted execution environment


  • Preview stabilization
  • Slow-mo recording
  • Minimum zoom ratio for ultrawide cameras
  • Concurrent camera
  • Logical multi-camera
  • Stream use case

Performance class 12

Performance class 12 focuses on media use cases. The specific performance class requirements are published in the Android CDD. The CDD specifies requirements in the following areas:


  • Concurrent video codec sessions
  • Encoder initialization latency
  • Decoder frame drops
  • Encoding quality


  • Resolution and frame rate
  • Startup and capture latencies
  • FULL or better hardware level
  • Timestamp source is realtime
  • RAW capability


  • Memory
  • Read and write performance
  • Screen resolution
  • Screen density

Performance class 11

Performance class 11 includes a subset of the requirements for performance class 12, letting developers provide a tailored experience on earlier but still highly capable devices. The specific performance class requirements are published in the Android CDD.