Key attestation gives you more confidence that the keys you use in your app are stored in a device's hardware-backed keystore. The following sections describe how to verify the properties of hardware-backed keys and how to interpret the attestation certificates' extension data.
Note: Before you verify the properties of a device's
hardware-backed keys in a production-level environment, make sure
that the device supports hardware-level key attestation. To do so,
check that the attestation certificate chain contains a root certificate that
is signed with the Google attestation root key and that the
element within the key description data structure
is set to the TrustedEnvironment
security level or to the
security level.
In addition, it's important to verify the signatures in the certificate chain and to confirm that none of the keys in the chain have been revoked by checking the certificate revocation status list. Unless all are valid and the root is the Google root key, don't fully trust the attestation. Note, however, that devices containing revoked certificates are still at least as trustworthy as devices that only support software attestation. Having a fully valid attestation is a strong positive indicator. Not having one is a neutral—not negative—indicator.
Retrieve and verify a hardware-backed key pair
During key attestation, you specify the alias of a key pair and retrieve its certificate chain, which you can use to verify the properties of that key pair.
If the device supports hardware-level key attestation, the root certificate within this chain is signed using an attestation root key that is securely provisioned to the device's hardware-backed keystore.
Note: On devices that ship with hardware-level key attestation, Android 7.0 (API level 24) or higher, and Google Play services, the root certificate is signed with the Google attestation root key. Verify that this root certificate is among those listed in the section on root certificates.
To implement key attestation, complete the following steps:
Use a
method to get a reference to the chain of X.509 certificates associated with the hardware-backed keystore. -
Send the certificates to a separate server that you trust for validation.
Caution: Don't complete the following validation process on the same device as the KeyStore. If the Android system on that device is compromised, that could cause the validation process to trust something that is untrustworthy.
Obtain a reference to the X.509 certificate chain parsing and validation library that is most appropriate for your toolset. Verify that the root public certificate is trustworthy and that each certificate signs the next certificate in the chain.
Check each certificate's revocation status to ensure that none of the certificates have been revoked.
Optionally, inspect the provisioning information certificate extension that is only present in newer certificate chains.
Obtain a reference to the CBOR parser library that is most appropriate for your toolset. Find the nearest certificate to the root that contains the provisioning information certificate extension. Use the parser to extract the provisioning information certificate extension data from that certificate.
See the section about the provisioning information extension data schema for more details.
Obtain a reference to the ASN.1 parser library that is most appropriate for your toolset. Find the nearest certificate to the root that contains the key attestation certificate extension. If the provisioning information certificate extension was present, the key attestation certificate extension must be in the immediately subsequent certificate. Use the parser to extract the key attestation certificate extension data from that certificate.
Caution: Do not assume that the key attestation certificate extension is in the leaf certificate of the chain. Only the first occurrence of the extension in the chain can be trusted. Any further instances of the extension have not been issued by the secure hardware and might have been issued by an attacker extending the chain while attempting to create fake attestations for untrusted keys.
The Key Attestation sample uses the ASN.1 parser from Bouncy Castle to extract an attestation certificate's extension data. You can use this sample as a reference for creating your own parser.
See the section about the key attestation extension data schema for more details.
Check the extension data that you've retrieved in the previous steps for consistency and compare with the set of values that you expect the hardware-backed key to contain.
Root certificates
The trustworthiness of the attestation depends on the root certificate of the chain. Android devices that have passed the testing required to have the Google suite of apps, including Google Play, and which launched with Android 7.0 (API level 24) or higher should use attestation keys signed by the Google Hardware Attestation Root certificate. Note that attestation was not required until Android 8.0 (API level 26). The root public key is as follows:
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAr7bHgiuxpwHsK7Qui8xU FmOr75gvMsd/dTEDDJdSSxtf6An7xyqpRR90PL2abxM1dEqlXnf2tqw1Ne4Xwl5j lRfdnJLmN0pTy/4lj4/7tv0Sk3iiKkypnEUtR6WfMgH0QZfKHM1+di+y9TFRtv6y //0rb+T+W8a9nsNL/ggjnar86461qO0rOs2cXjp3kOG1FEJ5MVmFmBGtnrKpa73X pXyTqRxB/M0n1n/W9nGqC4FSYa04T6N5RIZGBN2z2MT5IKGbFlbC8UrW0DxW7AYI mQQcHtGl/m00QLVWutHQoVJYnFPlXTcHYvASLu+RhhsbDmxMgJJ0mcDpvsC4PjvB +TxywElgS70vE0XmLD+OJtvsBslHZvPBKCOdT0MS+tgSOIfga+z1Z1g7+DVagf7q uvmag8jfPioyKvxnK/EgsTUVi2ghzq8wm27ud/mIM7AY2qEORR8Go3TVB4HzWQgp Zrt3i5MIlCaY504LzSRiigHCzAPlHws+W0rB5N+er5/2pJKnfBSDiCiFAVtCLOZ7 gLiMm0jhO2B6tUXHI/+MRPjy02i59lINMRRev56GKtcd9qO/0kUJWdZTdA2XoS82 ixPvZtXQpUpuL12ab+9EaDK8Z4RHJYYfCT3Q5vNAXaiWQ+8PTWm2QgBR/bkwSWc+ NpUFgNPN9PvQi8WEg5UmAGMCAwEAAQ== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Previously Issued Root Certificates
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFYDCCA0igAwIBAgIJAOj6GWMU0voYMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMBsxGTAXBgNV BAUTEGY5MjAwOWU4NTNiNmIwNDUwHhcNMTYwNTI2MTYyODUyWhcNMjYwNTI0MTYy ODUyWjAbMRkwFwYDVQQFExBmOTIwMDllODUzYjZiMDQ1MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAr7bHgiuxpwHsK7Qui8xUFmOr75gvMsd/dTEDDJdS Sxtf6An7xyqpRR90PL2abxM1dEqlXnf2tqw1Ne4Xwl5jlRfdnJLmN0pTy/4lj4/7 tv0Sk3iiKkypnEUtR6WfMgH0QZfKHM1+di+y9TFRtv6y//0rb+T+W8a9nsNL/ggj nar86461qO0rOs2cXjp3kOG1FEJ5MVmFmBGtnrKpa73XpXyTqRxB/M0n1n/W9nGq C4FSYa04T6N5RIZGBN2z2MT5IKGbFlbC8UrW0DxW7AYImQQcHtGl/m00QLVWutHQ oVJYnFPlXTcHYvASLu+RhhsbDmxMgJJ0mcDpvsC4PjvB+TxywElgS70vE0XmLD+O JtvsBslHZvPBKCOdT0MS+tgSOIfga+z1Z1g7+DVagf7quvmag8jfPioyKvxnK/Eg sTUVi2ghzq8wm27ud/mIM7AY2qEORR8Go3TVB4HzWQgpZrt3i5MIlCaY504LzSRi igHCzAPlHws+W0rB5N+er5/2pJKnfBSDiCiFAVtCLOZ7gLiMm0jhO2B6tUXHI/+M RPjy02i59lINMRRev56GKtcd9qO/0kUJWdZTdA2XoS82ixPvZtXQpUpuL12ab+9E aDK8Z4RHJYYfCT3Q5vNAXaiWQ+8PTWm2QgBR/bkwSWc+NpUFgNPN9PvQi8WEg5Um AGMCAwEAAaOBpjCBozAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUNmHhAHyIBQlRi0RsR/8aTMnqTxIwHwYD VR0jBBgwFoAUNmHhAHyIBQlRi0RsR/8aTMnqTxIwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAO BgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAYYwQAYDVR0fBDkwNzA1oDOgMYYvaHR0cHM6Ly9hbmRyb2lk Lmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL2F0dGVzdGF0aW9uL2NybC8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAD ggIBACDIw41L3KlXG0aMiS//cqrG+EShHUGo8HNsw30W1kJtjn6UBwRM6jnmiwfB Pb8VA91chb2vssAtX2zbTvqBJ9+LBPGCdw/E53Rbf86qhxKaiAHOjpvAy5Y3m00m qC0w/Zwvju1twb4vhLaJ5NkUJYsUS7rmJKHHBnETLi8GFqiEsqTWpG/6ibYCv7rY DBJDcR9W62BW9jfIoBQcxUCUJouMPH25lLNcDc1ssqvC2v7iUgI9LeoM1sNovqPm QUiG9rHli1vXxzCyaMTjwftkJLkf6724DFhuKug2jITV0QkXvaJWF4nUaHOTNA4u JU9WDvZLI1j83A+/xnAJUucIv/zGJ1AMH2boHqF8CY16LpsYgBt6tKxxWH00XcyD CdW2KlBCeqbQPcsFmWyWugxdcekhYsAWyoSf818NUsZdBWBaR/OukXrNLfkQ79Iy ZohZbvabO/X+MVT3rriAoKc8oE2Uws6DF+60PV7/WIPjNvXySdqspImSN78mflxD qwLqRBYkA3I75qppLGG9rp7UCdRjxMl8ZDBld+7yvHVgt1cVzJx9xnyGCC23Uaic MDSXYrB4I4WHXPGjxhZuCuPBLTdOLU8YRvMYdEvYebWHMpvwGCF6bAx3JBpIeOQ1 wDB5y0USicV3YgYGmi+NZfhA4URSh77Yd6uuJOJENRaNVTzk -----END CERTIFICATE-----
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFHDCCAwSgAwIBAgIJANUP8luj8tazMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMBsxGTAXBgNV BAUTEGY5MjAwOWU4NTNiNmIwNDUwHhcNMTkxMTIyMjAzNzU4WhcNMzQxMTE4MjAz NzU4WjAbMRkwFwYDVQQFExBmOTIwMDllODUzYjZiMDQ1MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAr7bHgiuxpwHsK7Qui8xUFmOr75gvMsd/dTEDDJdS Sxtf6An7xyqpRR90PL2abxM1dEqlXnf2tqw1Ne4Xwl5jlRfdnJLmN0pTy/4lj4/7 tv0Sk3iiKkypnEUtR6WfMgH0QZfKHM1+di+y9TFRtv6y//0rb+T+W8a9nsNL/ggj nar86461qO0rOs2cXjp3kOG1FEJ5MVmFmBGtnrKpa73XpXyTqRxB/M0n1n/W9nGq C4FSYa04T6N5RIZGBN2z2MT5IKGbFlbC8UrW0DxW7AYImQQcHtGl/m00QLVWutHQ oVJYnFPlXTcHYvASLu+RhhsbDmxMgJJ0mcDpvsC4PjvB+TxywElgS70vE0XmLD+O JtvsBslHZvPBKCOdT0MS+tgSOIfga+z1Z1g7+DVagf7quvmag8jfPioyKvxnK/Eg sTUVi2ghzq8wm27ud/mIM7AY2qEORR8Go3TVB4HzWQgpZrt3i5MIlCaY504LzSRi igHCzAPlHws+W0rB5N+er5/2pJKnfBSDiCiFAVtCLOZ7gLiMm0jhO2B6tUXHI/+M RPjy02i59lINMRRev56GKtcd9qO/0kUJWdZTdA2XoS82ixPvZtXQpUpuL12ab+9E aDK8Z4RHJYYfCT3Q5vNAXaiWQ+8PTWm2QgBR/bkwSWc+NpUFgNPN9PvQi8WEg5Um AGMCAwEAAaNjMGEwHQYDVR0OBBYEFDZh4QB8iAUJUYtEbEf/GkzJ6k8SMB8GA1Ud IwQYMBaAFDZh4QB8iAUJUYtEbEf/GkzJ6k8SMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDgYD VR0PAQH/BAQDAgIEMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQBOMaBc8oumXb2voc7XCWnu XKhBBK3e2KMGz39t7lA3XXRe2ZLLAkLM5y3J7tURkf5a1SutfdOyXAmeE6SRo83U h6WszodmMkxK5GM4JGrnt4pBisu5igXEydaW7qq2CdC6DOGjG+mEkN8/TA6p3cno L/sPyz6evdjLlSeJ8rFBH6xWyIZCbrcpYEJzXaUOEaxxXxgYz5/cTiVKN2M1G2ok QBUIYSY6bjEL4aUN5cfo7ogP3UvliEo3Eo0YgwuzR2v0KR6C1cZqZJSTnghIC/vA D32KdNQ+c3N+vl2OTsUVMC1GiWkngNx1OO1+kXW+YTnnTUOtOIswUP/Vqd5SYgAI mMAfY8U9/iIgkQj6T2W6FsScy94IN9fFhE1UtzmLoBIuUFsVXJMTz+Jucth+IqoW Fua9v1R93/k98p41pjtFX+H8DslVgfP097vju4KDlqN64xV1grw3ZLl4CiOe/A91 oeLm2UHOq6wn3esB4r2EIQKb6jTVGu5sYCcdWpXr0AUVqcABPdgL+H7qJguBw09o jm6xNIrw2OocrDKsudk/okr/AwqEyPKw9WnMlQgLIKw1rODG2NvU9oR3GVGdMkUB ZutL8VuFkERQGt6vQ2OCw0sV47VMkuYbacK/xyZFiRcrPJPb41zgbQj9XAEyLKCH ex0SdDrx+tWUDqG8At2JHA== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFHDCCAwSgAwIBAgIJAMNrfES5rhgxMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMBsxGTAXBgNV BAUTEGY5MjAwOWU4NTNiNmIwNDUwHhcNMjExMTE3MjMxMDQyWhcNMzYxMTEzMjMx MDQyWjAbMRkwFwYDVQQFExBmOTIwMDllODUzYjZiMDQ1MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAr7bHgiuxpwHsK7Qui8xUFmOr75gvMsd/dTEDDJdS Sxtf6An7xyqpRR90PL2abxM1dEqlXnf2tqw1Ne4Xwl5jlRfdnJLmN0pTy/4lj4/7 tv0Sk3iiKkypnEUtR6WfMgH0QZfKHM1+di+y9TFRtv6y//0rb+T+W8a9nsNL/ggj nar86461qO0rOs2cXjp3kOG1FEJ5MVmFmBGtnrKpa73XpXyTqRxB/M0n1n/W9nGq C4FSYa04T6N5RIZGBN2z2MT5IKGbFlbC8UrW0DxW7AYImQQcHtGl/m00QLVWutHQ oVJYnFPlXTcHYvASLu+RhhsbDmxMgJJ0mcDpvsC4PjvB+TxywElgS70vE0XmLD+O JtvsBslHZvPBKCOdT0MS+tgSOIfga+z1Z1g7+DVagf7quvmag8jfPioyKvxnK/Eg sTUVi2ghzq8wm27ud/mIM7AY2qEORR8Go3TVB4HzWQgpZrt3i5MIlCaY504LzSRi igHCzAPlHws+W0rB5N+er5/2pJKnfBSDiCiFAVtCLOZ7gLiMm0jhO2B6tUXHI/+M RPjy02i59lINMRRev56GKtcd9qO/0kUJWdZTdA2XoS82ixPvZtXQpUpuL12ab+9E aDK8Z4RHJYYfCT3Q5vNAXaiWQ+8PTWm2QgBR/bkwSWc+NpUFgNPN9PvQi8WEg5Um AGMCAwEAAaNjMGEwHQYDVR0OBBYEFDZh4QB8iAUJUYtEbEf/GkzJ6k8SMB8GA1Ud IwQYMBaAFDZh4QB8iAUJUYtEbEf/GkzJ6k8SMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDgYD VR0PAQH/BAQDAgIEMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQBTNNZe5cuf8oiq+jV0itTG zWVhSTjOBEk2FQvh11J3o3lna0o7rd8RFHnN00q4hi6TapFhh4qaw/iG6Xg+xOan 63niLWIC5GOPFgPeYXM9+nBb3zZzC8ABypYuCusWCmt6Tn3+Pjbz3MTVhRGXuT/T QH4KGFY4PhvzAyXwdjTOCXID+aHud4RLcSySr0Fq/L+R8TWalvM1wJJPhyRjqRCJ erGtfBagiALzvhnmY7U1qFcS0NCnKjoO7oFedKdWlZz0YAfu3aGCJd4KHT0MsGiL Zez9WP81xYSrKMNEsDK+zK5fVzw6jA7cxmpXcARTnmAuGUeI7VVDhDzKeVOctf3a 0qQLwC+d0+xrETZ4r2fRGNw2YEs2W8Qj6oDcfPvq9JySe7pJ6wcHnl5EZ0lwc4xH 7Y4Dx9RA1JlfooLMw3tOdJZH0enxPXaydfAD3YifeZpFaUzicHeLzVJLt9dvGB0b HQLE4+EqKFgOZv2EoP686DQqbVS1u+9k0p2xbMA105TBIk7npraa8VM0fnrRKi7w lZKwdH+aNAyhbXRW9xsnODJ+g8eF452zvbiKKngEKirK5LGieoXBX7tZ9D1GNBH2 Ob3bKOwwIWdEFle/YF/h6zWgdeoaNGDqVBrLr2+0DtWoiB1aDEjLWl9FmyIUyUm7 mD/vFDkzF+wm7cyWpQpCVQ== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFHDCCAwSgAwIBAgIJAPHBcqaZ6vUdMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMBsxGTAXBgNV BAUTEGY5MjAwOWU4NTNiNmIwNDUwHhcNMjIwMzIwMTgwNzQ4WhcNNDIwMzE1MTgw NzQ4WjAbMRkwFwYDVQQFExBmOTIwMDllODUzYjZiMDQ1MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAr7bHgiuxpwHsK7Qui8xUFmOr75gvMsd/dTEDDJdS Sxtf6An7xyqpRR90PL2abxM1dEqlXnf2tqw1Ne4Xwl5jlRfdnJLmN0pTy/4lj4/7 tv0Sk3iiKkypnEUtR6WfMgH0QZfKHM1+di+y9TFRtv6y//0rb+T+W8a9nsNL/ggj nar86461qO0rOs2cXjp3kOG1FEJ5MVmFmBGtnrKpa73XpXyTqRxB/M0n1n/W9nGq C4FSYa04T6N5RIZGBN2z2MT5IKGbFlbC8UrW0DxW7AYImQQcHtGl/m00QLVWutHQ oVJYnFPlXTcHYvASLu+RhhsbDmxMgJJ0mcDpvsC4PjvB+TxywElgS70vE0XmLD+O JtvsBslHZvPBKCOdT0MS+tgSOIfga+z1Z1g7+DVagf7quvmag8jfPioyKvxnK/Eg sTUVi2ghzq8wm27ud/mIM7AY2qEORR8Go3TVB4HzWQgpZrt3i5MIlCaY504LzSRi igHCzAPlHws+W0rB5N+er5/2pJKnfBSDiCiFAVtCLOZ7gLiMm0jhO2B6tUXHI/+M RPjy02i59lINMRRev56GKtcd9qO/0kUJWdZTdA2XoS82ixPvZtXQpUpuL12ab+9E aDK8Z4RHJYYfCT3Q5vNAXaiWQ+8PTWm2QgBR/bkwSWc+NpUFgNPN9PvQi8WEg5Um AGMCAwEAAaNjMGEwHQYDVR0OBBYEFDZh4QB8iAUJUYtEbEf/GkzJ6k8SMB8GA1Ud IwQYMBaAFDZh4QB8iAUJUYtEbEf/GkzJ6k8SMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDgYD VR0PAQH/BAQDAgIEMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQB8cMqTllHc8U+qCrOlg3H7 174lmaCsbo/bJ0C17JEgMLb4kvrqsXZs01U3mB/qABg/1t5Pd5AORHARs1hhqGIC W/nKMav574f9rZN4PC2ZlufGXb7sIdJpGiO9ctRhiLuYuly10JccUZGEHpHSYM2G tkgYbZba6lsCPYAAP83cyDV+1aOkTf1RCp/lM0PKvmxYN10RYsK631jrleGdcdkx oSK//mSQbgcWnmAEZrzHoF1/0gso1HZgIn0YLzVhLSA/iXCX4QT2h3J5z3znluKG 1nv8NQdxei2DIIhASWfu804CA96cQKTTlaae2fweqXjdN1/v2nqOhngNyz1361mF mr4XmaKH/ItTwOe72NI9ZcwS1lVaCvsIkTDCEXdm9rCNPAY10iTunIHFXRh+7KPz lHGewCq/8TOohBRn0/NNfh7uRslOSZ/xKbN9tMBtw37Z8d2vvnXq/YWdsm1+JLVw n6yYD/yacNJBlwpddla8eaVMjsF6nBnIgQOf9zKSe06nSTqvgwUHosgOECZJZ1Eu zbH4yswbt02tKtKEFhx+v+OTge/06V+jGsqTWLsfrOCNLuA8H++z+pUENmpqnnHo vaI47gC+TNpkgYGkkBT6B/m/U01BuOBBTzhIlMEZq9qkDWuM2cA5kW5V3FJUcfHn w1IdYIg2Wxg7yHcQZemFQg== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
If the root certificate in the attestation chain you receive contains this public key and none of the certificates in the chain have been revoked, you know that:
- Your key is in hardware that Google believes to be secure; and
- It has the properties described in the attestation certificate.
If the attestation chain has any other root public key, then Google does not make any claims about the security of the hardware. This doesn't mean that your key is compromised, only that the attestation doesn't prove that the key is in secure hardware. Adjust your security assumptions accordingly.
If the root certificate doesn't contain the public key on this page, there are two likely reasons:
- Most likely, the device launched with an Android version less than 7.0 and it doesn't support hardware attestation. In this case, Android has a software implementation of attestation that produces the same sort of attestation certificate, but signed with a key hardcoded in Android source code. Because this signing key isn't a secret, the attestation might have been created by an attacker pretending to provide secure hardware.
- The other likely reason is that the device isn't a Google Play device. In that case, the device maker is free to create their own root and to make whatever claims they like about what the attestation means. Refer to the device maker's documentation. Note that as of this writing Google isn't aware of any device makers who have done this.
Certificate revocation status list
Attestation keys can be revoked for a number of reasons, including mishandling or suspected
extraction by an attacker. Therefore, it's critical that the status of each certificate in
an attestation chain be checked against the official certificate revocation status list (CRL).
This list is maintained by Google and published at: The Cache-Control
header in
the HTTP response determines how often to check for updates so a network request is not required
for every certificate being verified.
This URL returns a JSON file containing the revocation status for any certificates that don't
have a normal valid status. The format of the JSON file adheres to the following JSON Schema
(draft 07) definition:
{ "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "entries": { "description" : "Each entry represents the status of an attestation key. The dictionary-key is the certificate serial number in lowercase hex.", "type": "object", "propertyNames": { "pattern": "^[a-f1-9][a-f0-9]*$" }, "additionalProperties": { "type": "object", "properties": { "status": { "description": "[REQUIRED] Current status of the key.", "type": "string", "enum": ["REVOKED", "SUSPENDED"] }, "expires": { "description": "[OPTIONAL] UTC date when certificate expires in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). Can be used to clear expired certificates from the status list.", "type": "string", "format": "date" }, "reason": { "description": "[OPTIONAL] Reason for the current status.", "type": "string", "enum": ["UNSPECIFIED", "KEY_COMPROMISE", "CA_COMPROMISE", "SUPERSEDED", "SOFTWARE_FLAW"] }, "comment": { "description": "[OPTIONAL] Free form comment about the key status.", "type": "string", "maxLength": 140 } }, "required": ["status"], "additionalProperties": false } } }, "required": ["entries"], "additionalProperties": false }
Example CRL:
{ "entries": { "2c8cdddfd5e03bfc": { "status": "REVOKED", "expires": "2020-11-13", "reason": "KEY_COMPROMISE", "comment": "Key stored on unsecure system" }, "c8966fcb2fbb0d7a": { "status": "SUSPENDED", "reason": "SOFTWARE_FLAW", "comment": "Bug in keystore causes this key malfunction b/555555" } } }
Legacy CRLs
The CRL URLs embedded in legacy attestation certificates continue to operate. New attestation certificates no longer contain a CRL URL extension. The status of legacy certificates is also included in the attestation status list, so developers can safely switch to using the attestation status list for both new and legacy certificates. An example of how to correctly verify Android attestation keys is included in the Key Attestation sample.
Key attestation extension data schema
The key attestation extension has OID
. The
extension stores the information according to an ASN.1 schema. To view the
schema corresponding to the attestation version that you're using, select the
appropriate tab in the following schema listing:
Version 300
KeyDescription ::= SEQUENCE { attestationVersion 300, attestationSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, keyMintVersion INTEGER, keyMintSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, attestationChallenge OCTET_STRING, uniqueId OCTET_STRING, softwareEnforced AuthorizationList, hardwareEnforced AuthorizationList, } SecurityLevel ::= ENUMERATED { Software (0), TrustedEnvironment (1), StrongBox (2), } AuthorizationList ::= SEQUENCE { purpose [1] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, algorithm [2] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, keySize [3] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, digest [5] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, padding [6] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, ecCurve [10] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rsaPublicExponent [200] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, mgfDigest [203] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, rollbackResistance [303] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, earlyBootOnly [305] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, activeDateTime [400] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, originationExpireDateTime [401] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, usageExpireDateTime [402] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, usageCountLimit [405] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, noAuthRequired [503] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, userAuthType [504] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, authTimeout [505] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, allowWhileOnBody [506] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, trustedUserPresenceRequired [507] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, trustedConfirmationRequired [508] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, unlockedDeviceRequired [509] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, creationDateTime [701] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, origin [702] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rootOfTrust [704] EXPLICIT RootOfTrust OPTIONAL, osVersion [705] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, osPatchLevel [706] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, attestationApplicationId [709] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdBrand [710] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdDevice [711] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdProduct [712] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdSerial [713] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdImei [714] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdMeid [715] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdManufacturer [716] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdModel [717] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, vendorPatchLevel [718] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, bootPatchLevel [719] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, deviceUniqueAttestation [720] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, attestationIdSecondImei [723] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, } RootOfTrust ::= SEQUENCE { verifiedBootKey OCTET_STRING, deviceLocked BOOLEAN, verifiedBootState VerifiedBootState, verifiedBootHash OCTET_STRING, } VerifiedBootState ::= ENUMERATED { Verified (0), SelfSigned (1), Unverified (2), Failed (3), }
Version 200
KeyDescription ::= SEQUENCE { attestationVersion 200, attestationSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, keyMintVersion INTEGER, keyMintSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, attestationChallenge OCTET_STRING, uniqueId OCTET_STRING, softwareEnforced AuthorizationList, hardwareEnforced AuthorizationList, } SecurityLevel ::= ENUMERATED { Software (0), TrustedEnvironment (1), StrongBox (2), } AuthorizationList ::= SEQUENCE { purpose [1] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, algorithm [2] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, keySize [3] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, digest [5] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, padding [6] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, ecCurve [10] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rsaPublicExponent [200] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, mgfDigest [203] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, rollbackResistance [303] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, earlyBootOnly [305] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, activeDateTime [400] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, originationExpireDateTime [401] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, usageExpireDateTime [402] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, usageCountLimit [405] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, noAuthRequired [503] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, userAuthType [504] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, authTimeout [505] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, allowWhileOnBody [506] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, trustedUserPresenceRequired [507] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, trustedConfirmationRequired [508] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, unlockedDeviceRequired [509] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, creationDateTime [701] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, origin [702] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rootOfTrust [704] EXPLICIT RootOfTrust OPTIONAL, osVersion [705] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, osPatchLevel [706] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, attestationApplicationId [709] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdBrand [710] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdDevice [711] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdProduct [712] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdSerial [713] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdImei [714] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdMeid [715] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdManufacturer [716] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdModel [717] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, vendorPatchLevel [718] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, bootPatchLevel [719] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, deviceUniqueAttestation [720] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, } RootOfTrust ::= SEQUENCE { verifiedBootKey OCTET_STRING, deviceLocked BOOLEAN, verifiedBootState VerifiedBootState, verifiedBootHash OCTET_STRING, } VerifiedBootState ::= ENUMERATED { Verified (0), SelfSigned (1), Unverified (2), Failed (3), }
Version 100
KeyDescription ::= SEQUENCE { attestationVersion 100, attestationSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, keyMintVersion INTEGER, keyMintSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, attestationChallenge OCTET_STRING, uniqueId OCTET_STRING, softwareEnforced AuthorizationList, hardwareEnforced AuthorizationList, } SecurityLevel ::= ENUMERATED { Software (0), TrustedEnvironment (1), StrongBox (2), } AuthorizationList ::= SEQUENCE { purpose [1] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, algorithm [2] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, keySize [3] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, digest [5] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, padding [6] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, ecCurve [10] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rsaPublicExponent [200] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, mgfDigest [203] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, rollbackResistance [303] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, earlyBootOnly [305] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, activeDateTime [400] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, originationExpireDateTime [401] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, usageExpireDateTime [402] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, usageCountLimit [405] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, noAuthRequired [503] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, userAuthType [504] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, authTimeout [505] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, allowWhileOnBody [506] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, trustedUserPresenceRequired [507] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, trustedConfirmationRequired [508] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, unlockedDeviceRequired [509] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, creationDateTime [701] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, origin [702] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rootOfTrust [704] EXPLICIT RootOfTrust OPTIONAL, osVersion [705] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, osPatchLevel [706] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, attestationApplicationId [709] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdBrand [710] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdDevice [711] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdProduct [712] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdSerial [713] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdImei [714] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdMeid [715] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdManufacturer [716] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdModel [717] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, vendorPatchLevel [718] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, bootPatchLevel [719] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, deviceUniqueAttestation [720] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, } RootOfTrust ::= SEQUENCE { verifiedBootKey OCTET_STRING, deviceLocked BOOLEAN, verifiedBootState VerifiedBootState, verifiedBootHash OCTET_STRING, } VerifiedBootState ::= ENUMERATED { Verified (0), SelfSigned (1), Unverified (2), Failed (3), }
Version 4
KeyDescription ::= SEQUENCE { attestationVersion 4, attestationSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, keymasterVersion INTEGER, keymasterSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, attestationChallenge OCTET_STRING, uniqueId OCTET_STRING, softwareEnforced AuthorizationList, hardwareEnforced AuthorizationList, } SecurityLevel ::= ENUMERATED { Software (0), TrustedEnvironment (1), StrongBox (2), } AuthorizationList ::= SEQUENCE { purpose [1] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, algorithm [2] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, keySize [3] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, digest [5] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, padding [6] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, ecCurve [10] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rsaPublicExponent [200] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rollbackResistance [303] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, earlyBootOnly [305] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, activeDateTime [400] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, originationExpireDateTime [401] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, usageExpireDateTime [402] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, noAuthRequired [503] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, userAuthType [504] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, authTimeout [505] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, allowWhileOnBody [506] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, trustedUserPresenceRequired [507] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, trustedConfirmationRequired [508] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, unlockedDeviceRequired [509] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, allApplications [600] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, creationDateTime [701] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, origin [702] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rootOfTrust [704] EXPLICIT RootOfTrust OPTIONAL, osVersion [705] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, osPatchLevel [706] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, attestationApplicationId [709] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdBrand [710] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdDevice [711] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdProduct [712] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdSerial [713] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdImei [714] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdMeid [715] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdManufacturer [716] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdModel [717] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, vendorPatchLevel [718] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, bootPatchLevel [719] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, deviceUniqueAttestation [720] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, } RootOfTrust ::= SEQUENCE { verifiedBootKey OCTET_STRING, deviceLocked BOOLEAN, verifiedBootState VerifiedBootState, verifiedBootHash OCTET_STRING, } VerifiedBootState ::= ENUMERATED { Verified (0), SelfSigned (1), Unverified (2), Failed (3), }
Version 3
KeyDescription ::= SEQUENCE { attestationVersion 3, attestationSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, keymasterVersion INTEGER, keymasterSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, attestationChallenge OCTET_STRING, uniqueId OCTET_STRING, softwareEnforced AuthorizationList, hardwareEnforced AuthorizationList, } SecurityLevel ::= ENUMERATED { Software (0), TrustedEnvironment (1), StrongBox (2), } AuthorizationList ::= SEQUENCE { purpose [1] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, algorithm [2] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, keySize [3] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, digest [5] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, padding [6] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, ecCurve [10] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rsaPublicExponent [200] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rollbackResistance [303] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, activeDateTime [400] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, originationExpireDateTime [401] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, usageExpireDateTime [402] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, noAuthRequired [503] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, userAuthType [504] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, authTimeout [505] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, allowWhileOnBody [506] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, trustedUserPresenceRequired [507] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, trustedConfirmationRequired [508] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, unlockedDeviceRequired [509] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, allApplications [600] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, creationDateTime [701] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, origin [702] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rootOfTrust [704] EXPLICIT RootOfTrust OPTIONAL, osVersion [705] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, osPatchLevel [706] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, attestationApplicationId [709] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdBrand [710] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdDevice [711] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdProduct [712] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdSerial [713] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdImei [714] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdMeid [715] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdManufacturer [716] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdModel [717] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, vendorPatchLevel [718] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, bootPatchLevel [719] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, } RootOfTrust ::= SEQUENCE { verifiedBootKey OCTET_STRING, deviceLocked BOOLEAN, verifiedBootState VerifiedBootState, verifiedBootHash OCTET_STRING, } VerifiedBootState ::= ENUMERATED { Verified (0), SelfSigned (1), Unverified (2), Failed (3), }
Version 2
KeyDescription ::= SEQUENCE { attestationVersion 2, attestationSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, keymasterVersion INTEGER, keymasterSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, attestationChallenge OCTET_STRING, uniqueId OCTET_STRING, softwareEnforced AuthorizationList, hardwareEnforced AuthorizationList, } SecurityLevel ::= ENUMERATED { Software (0), TrustedEnvironment (1), } AuthorizationList ::= SEQUENCE { purpose [1] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, algorithm [2] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, keySize [3] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, digest [5] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, padding [6] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, ecCurve [10] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rsaPublicExponent [200] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, activeDateTime [400] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, originationExpireDateTime [401] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, usageExpireDateTime [402] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, noAuthRequired [503] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, userAuthType [504] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, authTimeout [505] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, allowWhileOnBody [506] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, allApplications [600] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, creationDateTime [701] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, origin [702] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rollbackResistant [703] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, rootOfTrust [704] EXPLICIT RootOfTrust OPTIONAL, osVersion [705] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, osPatchLevel [706] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, attestationApplicationId [709] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdBrand [710] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdDevice [711] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdProduct [712] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdSerial [713] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdImei [714] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdMeid [715] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdManufacturer [716] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, attestationIdModel [717] EXPLICIT OCTET_STRING OPTIONAL, } RootOfTrust ::= SEQUENCE { verifiedBootKey OCTET_STRING, deviceLocked BOOLEAN, verifiedBootState VerifiedBootState, } VerifiedBootState ::= ENUMERATED { Verified (0), SelfSigned (1), Unverified (2), Failed (3), }
Version 1
KeyDescription ::= SEQUENCE { attestationVersion 1, attestationSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, keymasterVersion INTEGER, keymasterSecurityLevel SecurityLevel, attestationChallenge OCTET_STRING, uniqueId OCTET_STRING, softwareEnforced AuthorizationList, hardwareEnforced AuthorizationList, } SecurityLevel ::= ENUMERATED { Software (0), TrustedEnvironment (1), } AuthorizationList ::= SEQUENCE { purpose [1] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, algorithm [2] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, keySize [3] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, digest [5] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, padding [6] EXPLICIT SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, ecCurve [10] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rsaPublicExponent [200] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, activeDateTime [400] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, originationExpireDateTime [401] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, usageExpireDateTime [402] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, noAuthRequired [503] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, userAuthType [504] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, authTimeout [505] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, allowWhileOnBody [506] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, allApplications [600] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, creationDateTime [701] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, origin [702] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, rollbackResistant [703] EXPLICIT NULL OPTIONAL, rootOfTrust [704] EXPLICIT RootOfTrust OPTIONAL, osVersion [705] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, osPatchLevel [706] EXPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, } RootOfTrust ::= SEQUENCE { verifiedBootKey OCTET_STRING, deviceLocked BOOLEAN, verifiedBootState VerifiedBootState, } VerifiedBootState ::= ENUMERATED { Verified (0), SelfSigned (1), Unverified (2), Failed (3), }
The following list presents a description of each element within the schema:
This sequence of values presents general information about the key pair being verified through key attestation and provides easy access to additional details.
The version of the key attestation feature.
Value Version 1 Keymaster version 2.0 2 Keymaster version 3.0 3 Keymaster version 4.0 4 Keymaster version 4.1 100 KeyMint version 1.0 200 KeyMint version 2.0 300 KeyMint version 3.0 -
The security level of the attestation.
Warning: Although it is possible to attest keys that are stored in the Android system—that is, if the value of
is set to Software—you can't trust these attestations if the Android system becomes compromised. -
The version of the Keymaster or KeyMint hardware abstraction layer (HAL).
Value Version 0 Keymaster version 0.2 or 0.3 1 Keymaster version 1.0 2 Keymaster version 2.0 3 Keymaster version 3.0 4 Keymaster version 4.0 41 Keymaster version 4.1 100 KeyMint version 1.0 200 KeyMint version 2.0 300 KeyMint version 3.0 -
- The security level of the Keymaster/KeyMint implementation.
Contains the challenge that was provided at key creation time. Check whether this value matches
the value your server provided, as stored in the
authorization tag. Otherwise, your service might be vulnerable to replaying of old attestation certificates. -
This value identifies the device—but only for a limited period of time. It is
computed and
is only used by system apps. In all other apps,
is empty. -
Optional. The Keymaster / KeyMint
authorization list that
is enforced by the Android system, not by the device's Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).
Information in this authorization list is collected or generated by code that is part of the
platform and is stored in the system partition of the device.
The contents of this authorization list can be trusted as long as the device is running
an operating system that is compliant with the Android Platform Security Model.
All certified Android devices comply with this security model, so if the device is locked
and the verified boot state is
, then the values here should be reliable. On a modified device, where the bootloader is unlocked, the user can install an operating system that is not compliant with the Android Platform Security Model, so the values in this field might be arbitrarily chosen by the user. -
- Optional. The Keymaster / KeyMint authorization list that is enforced by the device's Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). Information in this authorization list is collected or generated by code that is a part of the secure hardware and is not controlled by the platform. For example, information in this authorization list comes from the device's bootloader or the TEE running on the device. Fields in this authorization list that are not directly set by KeyMint are provided by other parts of the secure hardware (for example, the bootloader) through secure communication channels that do not involve trusting the platform. The distinction between the secure hardware and the Android system is that the user cannot modify the code running in the secure hardware (the firmware) so the user cannot subvert the values in this authorization list.
This data structure indicates the extent to which a software feature, such as a key pair, is protected based on its location within the device.
Because the data structure is an enumeration, it takes on exactly one of the following values:
- Keystore
- The logic for creating and managing the feature is implemented in the Android system. For the purposes of creating and storing key pairs, this location is less secure than the TEE but is more secure than your app's process space.
- TrustedEnvironment
- The logic for creating and managing the feature is implemented in secure hardware, such as a TEE. For the purposes of creating and storing key pairs, this location is more secure because secure hardware is highly resistant to remote compromise.
- StrongBox
- The logic for creating and managing the feature is implemented in a dedicated hardware security module. For the purposes of creating and storing key pairs, this location is more secure because it is highly resistant to remote compromise and hardware attacks against the module.
- Software
- The logic for creating and managing the feature is implemented in a KeyMint or Keymaster implementation that does not run in a secure environment. For the purposes of creating and storing key pairs, this location is less secure than the TEE but is more secure than your app's process space.
This data structure contains the key pair's properties themselves, as defined in the Keymaster or KeyMint hardware abstraction layer (HAL). You compare these values to the device's current state or to a set of expected values to verify that a key pair is still valid for use in your app.
Each field name corresponds to a similarly named Keymaster / KeyMint authorization tag.
For example, the keySize
field in an authorization list
corresponds to the
authorization tag.
interface specification holds the definitive information about authorization tags.
This defines the ID value and type of each tag, and also indicates whether each tag is
expected to be present in the hardwareEnforced
authorization list
(indicating that the tag is enforced in the secure environment), or in
the softwareEnforced
authorization list (indicating that the tag is
enforced by Android, typically by Keystore).
Each field in the following list is optional:
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 1. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 2.In an attestation
object, the algorithm value is alwaysRSA
. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 3. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 5. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 6. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 10.The set of parameters used to generate an elliptic curve (EC) key pair, which uses ECDSA for signing and verification, within the Android system keystore.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 200. -
Present only in key attestation version >= 100.
Corresponds to theTag::RSA_OAEP_MGF_DIGEST
KeyMint authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 203. -
Present only in key attestation version >= 3.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 303. -
Present only in key attestation version >= 4.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 305. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 400. -
Corresponds to the
Keymaster authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 401. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 402. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 405. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 503. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 504. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 505. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 506.Allows the key to be used after its authentication timeout period if the user is still wearing the device on their body. Note that a secure on-body sensor determines whether the device is being worn on the user's body.
Present only in key attestation version >= 3.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 507.Specifies that this key is usable only if the user has provided proof of physical presence. Several examples include the following:
- For a StrongBox key, a hardware button hardwired to a pin on the StrongBox device.
- For a TEE key, fingerprint authentication provides proof of presence as long as the TEE has exclusive control of the scanner and performs the fingerprint matching process.
Present only in key attestation version >= 3.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 508.Specifies that the key is usable only if the user provides confirmation of the data to be signed using an approval token. For more information about how to obtain user confirmation, see Android Protected Confirmation.
Note: This tag is only applicable to keys that use the
purpose. -
Present only in key attestation version >= 3.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 509. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 600.Indicates whether all apps on a device can access the key pair.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 601. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 701. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 702. -
Present only in key attestation versions 1 and 2.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 703. -
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 704.For more details, see the section describing the RootOfTrust data structure.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 705.The version of the Android operating system associated with the Keymaster, specified as a six-digit integer. For example, version 8.1.0 is represented as 080100.
Only Keymaster version 1.0 or higher includes this value in the authorization list.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 706.The month and year associated with the security patch that is being used within the Keymaster, specified as a six-digit integer. For example, the August 2018 patch is represented as 201808.
Only Keymaster version 1.0 or higher includes this value in the authorization list.
Present only in key attestation versions >= 2.
Corresponds to the
Keymaster authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 709.For more details, see the section describing the AttestationApplicationId data structure.
Present only in key attestation versions >= 2.
Corresponds to the
Keymaster tag, which uses a tag ID value of 710. -
Present only in key attestation versions >= 2.
Corresponds to the
Keymaster tag, which uses a tag ID value of 711. -
Present only in key attestation versions >= 2.
Corresponds to the
Keymaster tag, which uses a tag ID value of 712. -
Present only in key attestation versions >= 2.
Corresponds to the
Keymaster tag, which uses a tag ID value of 713. -
Present only in key attestation versions >= 2.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 714. -
Present only in key attestation versions >= 2.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 715. -
Present only in key attestation versions >= 2.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 716. -
Present only in key attestation versions >= 2.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 717. -
Present only in key attestation versions >= 3.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 718.Specifies the vendor image security patch level that must be installed on the device for this key to be used. The value appears in the form YYYYMMDD, representing the date of the vendor security patch. For example, if a key were generated on an Android device with the vendor's August 1, 2018 security patch installed, this value would be 20180801.
Present only in key attestation versions >= 3.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 719.Specifies the kernel image security patch level that must be installed on the device for this key to be used. The value appears in the form YYYYMMDD, representing the date of the system security patch. For example, if a key were generated on an Android device with the system's August 5, 2018 security patch installed, this value would be 20180805.
Present only in key attestation versions >= 4.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 720. -
Present only in key attestation versions >= 300.
Corresponds to the
authorization tag, which uses a tag ID value of 723.
This collection of values defines key information about the device's status.
Each field in the following list is required:
A secure hash of the key that verifies the system image. It is recommended that you use the SHA-256 algorithm for this hash.
- True if the device's bootloader is locked, which enables Verified Boot checking and prevents an unsigned device image from being flashed onto the device. For more information about this feature, see the Verifying Boot documentation.
- The boot state of the device, according to the Verified Boot feature.
Present only in key attestation versions >= 3.
A digest of all data protected by Verified Boot. For devices that use the Android Verified Boot implementation of Verified Boot, this value contains the digest of the VBMeta struct, or the Verified Boot metadata structure.
To learn more about how to calculate this value, see The VBMeta Digest.
This data structure provides the device's current boot state, which represents the level of protection provided to the user and to apps after the device finishes booting. For more information about this feature, see the Boot State section within the Verifying Boot documentation.
This data structure is an enumeration, so it takes on exactly one of the following values:
- Verified
Indicates a full chain of trust, which includes the bootloader, the boot partition, and all verified partitions.
When the device is in this boot state, the
is the hash of the device-embedded certificate, which the device manufacturer adds to the device's ROM at the factory. - SelfSigned
Indicates that the device-embedded certificate has verified the device's boot partition and that the signature is valid.
When the device is in this boot state, the
is the hash of a user-installed certificate, which signs a boot partition that the user adds to the device in place of the original, manufacturer-provided boot partition. - Unverified
- Indicates that the user can modify the device freely. Therefore, the user is responsible for verifying the device's integrity.
- Failed
Indicates that the device has failed verification. The attestation
certificate should never use this value for
This data structure reflects the Android platform's belief as to which apps are allowed to use the secret key material under attestation. The ID can comprise multiple packages if and only if multiple packages share the same UID. The octet string is itself formatted according to the following ASN.1 schema:
AttestationApplicationId ::= SEQUENCE { package_infos SET OF AttestationPackageInfo, signature_digests SET OF OCTET_STRING, } AttestationPackageInfo ::= SEQUENCE { package_name OCTET_STRING, version INTEGER, }
- package_infos
A set of
objects, each providing a package's name and version number. - signature_digests
A set of SHA-256 digests of the app's signing certificates. An app can have multiple signing key certificate chains. For each, the "leaf" certificate is digested and placed in the
field. The field name is misleading, since the digested data is the app's signing certificates, not the app signatures, because it is named for theSignature
class returned by a call togetPackageInfo()
. The following code snippet shows an example set:{SHA256(PackageInfo.signature[0]), SHA256(PackageInfo.signature[1]), ...}
Provisioning information extension data schema
The provisioning information extension has OID
. The extension provides information
that's known about the device by the provisioning server. This extension
follows a CDDL schema.
{ 1 : int, ; certificates issued }
The map is unversioned and new optional fields may be added.
An approximate number of certificates issued to the device in the last 30 days. This value can be used as a signal for potential abuse if the value is greater than average by some orders of magnitude.